Kirsten Sucker
Ruhr University Bochum
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Featured researches published by Kirsten Sucker.
Archives of Toxicology | 2014
Thomas Brüning; Rüdiger Bartsch; H. M. Bolt; Herbert Desel; Hans Drexler; Ursula Gundert-Remy; Andrea Hartwig; Rudolf Jäckh; Edgar Leibold; Dirk Pallapies; Albert W. Rettenmeier; Gerhard Schlüter; Gisela Stropp; Kirsten Sucker; Gerhard Triebig; Götz Westphal; Christoph van Thriel
There is a need of guidance on how local irritancy data should be incorporated into risk assessment procedures, particularly with respect to the derivation of occupational exposure limits (OELs). Therefore, a board of experts from German committees in charge of the derivation of OELs discussed the major challenges of this particular end point for regulatory toxicology. As a result, this overview deals with the question of integrating results of local toxicity at the eyes and the upper respiratory tract (URT). Part 1 describes the morphology and physiology of the relevant target sites, i.e., the outer eye, nasal cavity, and larynx/pharynx in humans. Special emphasis is placed on sensory innervation, species differences between humans and rodents, and possible effects of obnoxious odor in humans. Based on this physiological basis, Part 2 describes a conceptual model for the causation of adverse health effects at these targets that is composed of two pathways. The first, “sensory irritation” pathway is initiated by the interaction of local irritants with receptors of the nervous system (e.g., trigeminal nerve endings) and a downstream cascade of reflexes and defense mechanisms (e.g., eyeblinks, coughing). While the first stages of this pathway are thought to be completely reversible, high or prolonged exposure can lead to neurogenic inflammation and subsequently tissue damage. The second, “tissue irritation” pathway starts with the interaction of the local irritant with the epithelial cell layers of the eyes and the URT. Adaptive changes are the first response on that pathway followed by inflammation and irreversible damages. Regardless of these initial steps, at high concentrations and prolonged exposures, the two pathways converge to the adverse effect of morphologically and biochemically ascertainable changes. Experimental exposure studies with human volunteers provide the empirical basis for effects along the sensory irritation pathway and thus, “sensory NOAEChuman” can be derived. In contrast, inhalation studies with rodents investigate the second pathway that yields an “irritative NOAECanimal.” Usually the data for both pathways is not available and extrapolation across species is necessary. Part 3 comprises an empirical approach for the derivation of a default factor for interspecies differences. Therefore, from those substances under discussion in German scientific and regulatory bodies, 19 substances were identified known to be human irritants with available human and animal data. The evaluation started with three substances: ethyl acrylate, formaldehyde, and methyl methacrylate. For these substances, appropriate chronic animal and a controlled human exposure studies were available. The comparison of the sensory NOAEChuman with the irritative NOAECanimal (chronic) resulted in an interspecies extrapolation factor (iEF) of 3 for extrapolating animal data concerning local sensory irritating effects. The adequacy of this iEF was confirmed by its application to additional substances with lower data density (acetaldehyde, ammonia, n-butyl acetate, hydrogen sulfide, and 2-ethylhexanol). Thus, extrapolating from animal studies, an iEF of 3 should be applied for local sensory irritants without reliable human data, unless individual data argue for a substance-specific approach.
Water Science and Technology | 2009
Kirsten Sucker; R. Both; Gerhard Winneke
UNLABELLED Exposure to environmental odours from industrial and agricultural premises, in addition to inducing annoyance responses in a dose-dependent manner, have been shown to be either directly associated with gastric symptoms as well as general health-related complaints under extreme exposure conditions, or indirectly mediated through odour annoyance under moderate odour exposure conditions. OBJECTIVE In order to examine the influence of hedonic tone (pleasantness-unpleasantness) and perceived odour strength (intensity) on symptom reporting the results of two pertinent field studies were analysed. METHODS In the vicinity of six industrial plants (sweets, rusk, textile, seed-oil, fat, cast iron) and eleven livestock operations (poultry, pig, cattle) assessment of odour exposure was done by means of systematic field inspections. Effect assessment was done by means of direct interviews (industrial: N=1456, agricultural: N=1053) using questionnaires covering odour annoyance, symptom reporting and relevant covariates. DATA ANALYSIS Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to establish dose-response associations between odour frequency, intensity and hedonic tone as independent variables and symptom reporting as dependent variable. RESULTS Exposure-symptom associations are strongly influenced by hedonic tone, whereas intensity has no additional predictive value. Adding odour annoyance to the regression model shows that symptom reporting is exclusively mediated by annoyance.
Inhalation Toxicology | 2012
Christian Monsé; Kirsten Sucker; Christoph van Thriel; Horst Christoph Broding; Birger Jettkant; Hans Berresheim; Thorsten Wiethege; Heiko U. Käfferlein; R. Merget; Jürgen Bünger; Thomas Brüning
Exposures to air contaminants, such as chemical vapors and particulate matter, pose important health hazards at workplaces. Short-term experimental exposures to chemical vapors and particles in humans are a promising attempt to investigate acute effects of such hazards. However, a significant challenge in this field is the determination of effects of co-exposures to more than one chemical or mixtures of chemical vapors and/or particles. To overcome such a challenge, studies have to be conducted under standardized exposure characterization and real time measurements, if possible. A new exposure laboratory (ExpoLab) was installed at IPA, combining sophisticated engineering designs with new analytical techniques, to fulfill these requirements. Low-dose as well as high-dose exposure scenarios are achieved by means of a calibration-gas-generator. Exposure monitoring can be carried out with a high performance real time mass spectrometer and other suitable analyzers (e.g. gas chromatograph). Numerous automated security facilities guarantee the physical integrity of the volunteers, and the waste atmosphere is removed using either charcoal filtration or catalytic post-combustion. Measurements of sulfur hexafluoride, carbon dioxide, aniline and carbon black are presented to demonstrate the performance of the exposure unit with respect to the temporal and spatial stability of generated atmospheres. The variations of generated contents in the atmospheres at steady state are slightly higher than the measurement precision of the analyzers (the typical standard deviation of generated atmospheres is < 2%). The technical components of ExpoLab and its monitoring systems ensure high quality standards in validity and reliability of generating and measuring exposure atmospheres.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology | 2014
Frank Hoffmeyer; Kirsten Sucker; Christian Monsé; Hans Berresheim; Birger Jettkant; Nina Rosenkranz; Thomas Brüning; Jürgen Bünger
Study objective was the evaluation of pH in exhaled breath condensate (EBC-pH) and nitric oxide in exhaled breath (FeNO) as biomarkers of ozone induced inflammation. We recently demonstrated that an ozone exposure of 240 ppb is sufficient to reduce lung function indices. We enrolled ten healthy subjects exposed in an intermittent exercise protocol to ozone concentrations of 240 ppb and 40 ppb (sham exposure). EBC-pH and FeNO were assessed before (pre), immediately post (post), and 16 h after exposure (16 h). Findings are that compared to baseline, EBC-pH was significantly higher immediately after sham and ozone exposures, but not 16 h later. There was a negative net change in EBC-pH after adjusting for effects after sham exposure (net-ΔpHpost -0.38%, net-ΔpH16h -0.23%). Concerning FeNO, we observed no changes of values after sham exposure compared to baseline, but measured a significant lower net response at the end of exposure (net-ΔFeNOpost -17.5%) which was transient within 16 h (net-ΔFeNO16h -9.4%). We conclude that exercise known to enhance EBC-pH may compensate for EBC acidification associated with inflammation resulting in diminished change of this biomarker. Ozone imposes an oxidative burden and reactions between reactive oxygen species and NO might be an explanation for reduced FeNO levels.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology | 2013
Frank Hoffmeyer; Kirsten Sucker; Nina Rosenkranz; Hans Berresheim; Christian Monsé; Thomas Brüning; Jürgen Bünger
The hallmark of sensory hyperreactivity is an enhanced capsaicin induced cough reflex. The cough reflex can be modified by activation of nociceptive (capsaicin-sensitive) nerve terminals. The aim of our study was to assess the influence of exposure to CO(2) concentrations up to 2.0 vol% on capsaicin induced cough reflex on four different occasions. Sixteen healthy volunteers were exposed to CO(2) concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 vol% for 4 h and to clean air in a repeated measures cross-over design. After exposure the capsaicin induced cough reflex was assessed by the single breath dose-response method according to ERS 2007 guidelines. After blank solutions, capsaicin doses (n=12, range 0.49 to 1000 μM) were administrated from a nebulizer combined with a provocation system (Masterscope, software APS version 5.02). Doses were doubled every minute and the concentration causing five or more coughs (C5) was fixed as the end point. The inter-individual C5 capsaicin responsiveness reflected a representative range (0.95-1000 μM). On an intra-individual basis, a good reproducibility could be demonstrated for four tests within 3 weeks. There was no influence of CO(2) challenge on the cough reflex. The first capsaicin test demonstrated a lower C5 threshold independent of the CO(2) concentration applied. In conclusion, assessing the capsaicin cough reflex by single breath inhalation is reliable. However, the at cough sensitivity might be overestimated at the first test occasion. Exposure to CO(2) in concentrations of up to 2.0 vol% has no effect on sensory reactivity.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 2016
Anne-Kathrin Bestgen; Patrick Schulze; Lars Kuchinke; Boris Suchan; Thilo Derdak; Tobias Otto; Birger Jettkant; Kirsten Sucker
BACKGROUND fMRI experiments on olfaction offer new insights into the complex, but in contrast to other sensory systems, less studied cognition of odors. To perform these experiments is still a challenge. NEW METHOD To address the challenge posed by MR settings, an olfactometer design is presented including specific improvements to the limited number of already existing olfactometers. Innovative features such as pneumatically controlled pinch valves, useable in the scanner and providing exact stimulus timing as well as a 3D-printed nasal mask inlet for common sleep laboratory masks that can be used for lateral divided stimulus presentation are introduced. To ensure a fully automated and mobile system, the use of a flexible and easily-adapted Matlab-Code and a portable adaptable container system are presented. RESULTS The functional efficiency of these features are proven by results of an fMRI study as well as testing temporal resolution and concentration stability with a mass spectrometer. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS The 24-channel olfactometer design presented here provides an inexpensive alternative to the currently available olfactometers including the achievement of fast onset times, lateral divided stimulus presentation and high flexibility and adaptability to different scientific questions. CONCLUSION The olfactometer design presented in this paper can be seen as a realistic and feasible solution to overcome the challenges of presenting olfactory stimuli within the MR setting.
Inhalation Toxicology | 2013
Frank Hoffmeyer; Kirsten Sucker; Christian Monsé; Hans Berresheim; Nina Rosenkranz; Birger Jettkant; A. Beine; Thomas Brüning; Jürgen Bünger
Abstract Context: Challenge studies in humans have shown considerable interindividual variability in pulmonary impairment across ozone exposure. Objective: Since previous results suggested effect modulation by neural mechanism, we investigated sensory C-fiber reactivity in relationship to ozone-triggered response pattern. Methods: Cough reflex thresholds reflecting C-fiber sensitivity were evaluated by capsaicin single breath dose–response method. Capsaicin concentrations triggering, respectively, two and five or more coughs (C2, C5) were recorded. Sixteen healthy subjects were randomly exposed in an intermittent exercise protocol to ozone concentrations of 240 and 40 ppb (sham exposure). Ozone responsiveness was defined by a decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) of more than 5%. Results: Based on a dichotomous classification, subjects with enhanced reactivity to ozone had lower cough thresholds than non-responders (C2, p = 0.035; C5, p = 0.086). Over all, we could demonstrate relationships between capsaicin sensitivity and ozone-triggered changes in FEV1, peak expiratory flow and maximal expiratory flow at 50% vital capacity but not in specific airway resistance. Conclusion: Our results suggest that capsaicin challenge tests might be useful to characterize subjects with enhanced pulmonary function response towards inhalant irritants.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology | 2013
L. Scheidler; Kirsten Sucker; Dirk Taeger; V. van Kampen; Evelyn Heinze; Boleslaw Marczynski; Christian Monsé; Thomas Brüning; R. Merget
Inhalative challenges are important in the diagnosis of occupational asthma due to diisocyanates. As existing protocols are time-consuming and costly, it was the aim of this study to develop a short duration whole body exposure protocol. Ninety three subjects with suspected occupational diisocyanate-induced asthma and verified current or previous occupational exposure to diisocyanates and ten control subjects without diisocyanate exposure but with bronchial hyperresponsiveness were investigated. After baseline examination on the first day, subjects underwent a standardized whole body multiple-steps-1-day challenge with exposures of up to four times 30 min to concentrations of 5, 10, 20, and 30 ppb of the dominant diisocyanate used at work on the second day. Common spirometric and body plethysmographic parameters were used as positivity criteria. Overall, 14 subjects demonstrated a positive diisocyanate challenge, 19 were considered doubtful, and 60 were negative. All controls had negative challenges. Positive reactions occurred during the challenge (n = 10) or during follow-up (n = 4). Eight subjects showed >40 % fall of FEV1. These severe reactions occurred after 5 ppb (n = 2) or 10 ppb (n = 3), while isolated late reactions after 2 h of follow-up were not observed. Multivariate analysis showed an association between a positive challenge and both the degree of previous occupational exposure and the presence of baseline bronchial hyperresponsiveness. In summary, the proposed 4-steps-1-day diisocyanate challenge protocol induced pronounced bronchial reactions in a small number of subjects. As these reactions were more likely to occur after low concentrations, it is recommended to shift the initial concentration/dose step to lower exposures.
BioMed Research International | 2016
Christian Monsé; Kirsten Sucker; Frank Hoffmeyer; Birger Jettkant; Hans Berresheim; Jürgen Bünger; Thomas Brüning
A large number of occupational exposure limit values (OELs) are based on avoiding of sensory irritation of the eyes and the upper respiratory tract. In order to investigate the chemosensory effect range of a chemical, odor and sensory irritation thresholds (lateralization thresholds, LTs) can be assessed. Humidity affects olfactory function and thus influences odor thresholds; however, a similar effect has not been shown for sensory irritation thresholds. The purpose of the present study was to explore whether LTs for ammonia vapor vary depending on the water vapor content of the inspired stimulus. Eight healthy nonsmoking volunteers were simultaneously exposed to ammonia vapor through one nostril and clean air through the other and were asked to determine which nostril received the chemical. Within experimental runs, ascending ammonia concentrations (60–350 ppm) that were either dry or humidified were administered at fixed time intervals. Geometric mean LTs obtained at wet (181 ppm) or dry (172 ppm) conditions did not differ significantly (P = 0.19) and were within the range of those reported by previous studies. These results suggest that humidity is not a critical factor in determining sensory irritation thresholds for ammonia, and future studies will examine if these findings are transferable to sensory irritation thresholds for other chemicals.
Archive | 2017
Frank Hoffmeyer; Kirsten Sucker; Hans Berresheim; Christian Monsé; Birger Jettkant; A. Beine; Monika Raulf; Jürgen Bünger; Thomas Brüning
Acute effects of ethyl acrylate exposure at 5 ppm for 4 h include changes of pH in exhaled breath condensate (EBC-pH) and exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO). So far, few data have been reported for atopic persons or the impact of the exposure conditions on biomarkers, e.g., constant versus variable application of irritants. Nine atopic and eighteen healthy volunteers without bronchial hyperresponsiveness were exposed for 4 h to ethyl acrylate concentrations of 0.05 ppm (sham), 5 ppm (constant concentration), and 0-10 ppm (variable, mean concentration of 5 ppm) in an exposure laboratory. A positive atopic status was defined according to specific IgE concentrations to common inhalant allergens (sx1 ≥ 0.35 kU/L). Biomarker levels were assessed before and after challenge and adjusted for levels after sham exposure (net response). Ethyl acrylate at constant, but not at variable concentrations induced a significant change in the net responses of EBC-pH and FeNO. Concerning FeNO, this could be observed only for atopic persons. The changes of biomarker levels were related to their baseline values. Biomarker responses to challenge with ethyl acrylate may be influenced by the patterns of application as well as baseline airway inflammation and atopic status of the volunteers.