Kiyoka Okada
Hiroshima University
Featured researches published by Kiyoka Okada.
Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B | 2003
Masamichi Hikosaka; Shinichi Yamazaki; Isao Wataoka; Narayan Ch. Das; Kiyoka Okada; Akihiko Toda; Katsuaki Inoue
Direct evidence that nuclei are formed during the induction period of crystallization is obtained for the first time by means of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Polyethylene (PE) was used as a model crystalline polymer. The nucleating agent was mixed with PE in order to increase the scattering intensity I x from nuclei as large as 104 times bigger than usual. I x increased soon after quenching to the crystallization temperature from the melt and saturated after some time. A new theory is proposed to estimate the size of the nuclei N, the number density distribution of nuclei with N at time t, f(t,N), and the induction time τ i, by analyzing the SAXS scattering intensity. The volume-averaged size of the nuclei was nearly the same as that of critical nuclei and does not change so much with time during the induction period. Lamellae start stacking much later than nuclei start forming.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2009
Y. Tamenori; Osamu Takahashi; K. Yamashita; T. Yamaguchi; Kiyoka Okada; Kiyohiko Tabayashi; T. Gejo; Kenji Honma
Hydrogen bonding in acetone clusters was investigated using near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations in the carbon and oxygen K-edge regions. The partial-ion-yield (PIY) curves of the cluster ions were measured as the NEXAFS spectra of acetone clusters. In the carbon K-edge region, the first resonance peak, which was assigned to the C(CO) 1s-->pi( *)(C=O) resonance transition, showed no substantial change in the PIY curves of the acetone clusters, while the C(CH3) 1s-->3ppi(CH(3)) excitation feature was found to be strongly suppressed. The selective suppression of the C(CH3) 1s-->3ppi(CH(3)) resonance transition can be explained by the change in the character of the 3ppi(CH(3)) orbital due to the C=O...H-C type of hydrogen-bonding interaction. On the other hand, the NEXAFS spectra of the acetone molecule and clusters were almost identical in the oxygen K-edge region, except for a small shift in the pi( *)(C=O) resonance of 0.13 eV, because the character of the pi( *)(C=O) orbital remained, regardless of the C=O...H-C hydrogen bonding interaction.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2008
R. Feifel; Y. Velkov; V. Carravetta; Celestino Angeli; R. Cimiraglia; Paweł Sałek; F. Gel’mukhanov; S. L. Sorensen; M. N. Piancaśtelli; A. De Fanis; Kiyoka Okada; M. Kitajima; T. Tanaka; H. Tanaka; K. Ueda
We report on an experimental and theoretical investigation of x-ray absorption and resonant Auger electron spectra of gas phase O(2) recorded in the vicinity of the O 1s-->sigma(*) excitation region. Our investigation shows that core excitation takes place in a region with multiple crossings of potential energy curves of the excited states. We find a complete breakdown of the diabatic picture for this part of the x-ray absorption spectrum, which allows us to assign an hitherto unexplained fine structure in this spectral region. The experimental Auger data reveal an extended vibrational progression, for the outermost singly ionized X (2)Pi(g) final state, which exhibits strong changes in spectral shape within a short range of photon energy detuning (0 eV>Omega>-0.7 eV). To explain the experimental resonant Auger electron spectra, we use a mixed adiabatic/diabatic picture selecting crossing points according to the strength of the electronic coupling. Reasonable agreement is found between experiment and theory even though the nonadiabatic couplings are neglected. The resonant Auger electron scattering, which is essentially due to decay from dissociative core-excited states, is accompanied by strong lifetime-vibrational and intermediate electronic state interferences as well as an interference with the direct photoionization channel. The overall agreement between the experimental Auger spectra and the calculated spectra supports the mixed diabatic/adiabatic picture.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2005
Narayan Chandra Das; Masamichi Hikosaka; Kiyoka Okada; Akihiko Toda; Katsuaki Inoue
The crystallization process from supercooled melt results in the formation of nanosize nuclei in the earlier stage (induction period) through subsequent attachment or detachment of repeating unit to nuclei. The size distribution of nucleus f(N(j),t) in the induction period of nucleation process from the melts has not been experimentally confirmed yet by direct observation. The reason is that the number density of nuclei nu is too small to be detected experimentally. In our previous work, we showed the direct evidence of nucleation experimentally by means of small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) technique. Further we have succeeded to observe the nucleation and f(N(j),t) of polymer crystallization from the melts by SAXS using synchrotron radiation. We increased nu by adding a nucleating agent to a polymer (polyethylene). The time evolution of f(N(j),t) was observed for the first time.
Chemical Physics Letters | 1997
T. Gejo; Kiyoka Okada; Toshio Ibuki
Abstract The K-shell (1s) photoabsorption spectrum of ozone has been studied for the first time by using synchrotron radiation as a light source. The total photoabsorption cross section exhibits two distinct peaks at 529.1 and 535.4 eV attributed to the π ∗ ← O (1 s ) transitions of the terminal and the central oxygen atoms in ozone, respectively. The σ ∗ ← O (1 s ) transition bands were also observed.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2012
Zdeněk Kožíšek; Masamichi Hikosaka; Kiyoka Okada; Pavel Demo
Kinetic equations describing nucleation on active centers are solved numerically to determine the number of supercritical nuclei, nucleation rate, and the number density of nuclei for formation both of droplets from vapor and also crystalline phase from vapor, solution, and melt. Our approach follows standard nucleation model, when the exhaustion of active centers is taken into account via the boundary condition, and thus no additional equation (expressing exhaustion of active centers) is needed. Moreover, we have included into our model lowering of supersaturation of a mother phase as a consequence of the phase transition process within a confined volume. It is shown that the standard model of nucleation on active centers (Avrami approach) gives faster exhaustion of active centers as compared with our model in all systems under consideration. Nucleation rate (in difference to standard approach based on Avrami model) is equal to the time derivative of the total number of nuclei and reaches some maximum with time. At lower nucleation barrier (corresponding to higher initial supersaturation or lower wetting angle of nucleus on the surface of active center) the exhaustion of active centers is faster. Decrease in supersaturation of the mother phase is faster at higher number of active centers.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011
Zdeněk Kožíšek; Masamichi Hikosaka; Kiyoka Okada; Pavel Demo
Kinetic equations describing temporal evolution of the size distribution of crystalline nuclei of folded chain polyethylene on active centers are solved numerically. Basic characteristics of nucleation processes (the total number of supercritical nuclei and the size distribution of nuclei) are determined and compared with the experimental data. It is shown that even though the total number of supercritical nuclei coincides with the experimental data, the size distribution prediction fails. This is caused by the fact that the total number of nuclei (usually used in analysis of the experimental data), in contrast to the size distribution of nuclei, represents an integral quantity. Using the experimental data of the steady state size distribution of nuclei enables us to determine thermodynamic parameters (especially interfacial energies) of the studied system more precisely and consequently to correct kinetic parameters to get coincidence of kinetic model with the experimental data in both, the total number of supercritical nuclei and also the size distribution of nuclei.
Journal of Physics B | 2006
Y. Morishita; Y. Tamenori; Kiyoka Okada; T. Oyama; Keisuke Yamamoto; Kiyohiko Tabayashi; Toshio Ibuki; Kengo Moribayashi; Isao H. Suzuki
Multiply charged Kr ions have been measured using monochromatized undulator radiation combined with a coincidence technique. Above the L3 ionization threshold, photoionization has yielded multi-charged ions in a variety of charge states, which range mainly 3+ through 7+. The charge state distribution obtained using a pulse field technique is close to the spectra previously measured with different techniques, and is slightly different from that obtained by calculation. The coincidence measurements between multi-charged ions and energy-selected Auger electrons have disentangled complex decay processes. The Auger final states formed through L3M45M45 decays turn significantly into Kr4+ and those through L3M23M45 decays generate Kr5+ mainly. The Auger decays of L3M23M23 types yield Kr6+ dominantly. These findings are consistent with the consideration of energy levels of Kr ions; higher energy states turn into more highly-charged ions.
SYNCHROTRON RADIATION INSTRUMENTATION: Ninth International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation | 2007
Masahiro Kato; Y. Morishita; M. Oura; H. Yamaoka; Y. Tamenori; Kiyoka Okada; T. Matsudo; T. Gejo; Isao H. Suzuki; Norio Saito
The high‐resolution absolute photoabsorption cross section with an absolute photon energy scale for Ne in the energy region of 864–872 eV (1s−1np Rydberg states) has been measured using a multi‐electrode ionization chamber and monochromatized synchrotron radiation. The natural lifetime width of Ne 1s−13p resonance state has been obtained to be 252 ± 5 meV. The Ne+ (1s−1) ionization potential is determined to be 870.16 ± 0.04 eV by using the Rydberg formula. These absolute values are supposed to be more reliable than those previously reported.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011
Y. Tamenori; Kiyoka Okada; Kiyohiko Tabayashi; Atsunari Hiraya; T. Gejo; Kenji Honma
Fragmentation of doubly charged ethanol clusters [(C(2)H(5)OH)(n)] following the O 1s ionization has been investigated by means of the photoelectron-photoion-photoion coincidence (PEPIPICO) method. The dominant fission channel of (C(2)H(5)OH)(n)(2+) was the formation of protonated cluster ion pairs [H(C(2)H(5)OH)(l)(+)/H(C(2)H(5)OH)(m)(+)]. The fragmentation mechanisms of these ion pairs were discussed based on the analysis of the PEPIPICO contour shape. It was clarified that the prominent fragmentation channel was a secondary decay mechanism, where neutral evaporation occurs after charge separation. On the other hand, the formation of small fragment ions was suppressed, excluding the formation of certain specific fragments (H(3)O(+), C(2)H(5)(+)/COH(+), and C(2)H(4)OH(+)). The formation of small fragment ions was suppressed due to the cooling effect caused by the neutral evaporation and the decrease in the electrostatic repulsive force caused by charge separation.