Klaus Lorenz
Ohio State University
Advances in Agronomy | 2005
Klaus Lorenz; Rattan Lal
Routine soil surveys for estimating the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool account for a soil depth of about 1 m. Deeper soil horizons, however, may have a high capacity to sequester significant amounts of SOC as the turnover time and chemical recalcitrance of soil organic matter (SOM) increases with depth. The subsoil carbon (C) sequestration may be achieved by higher inputs of fairly stable organic matter to deeper soil horizons. This can be achieved directly by selecting plants/cultivars with deeper and thicker root systems that are high in chemical recalcitrant compounds like suberin. Furthermore, recalcitrant compounds could be a target for plant breeding/biotechnology to promote C sequestration. A high surface input of organic matter favors the production of dissolved organic carbon that can be transported to deeper soil horizons and thus contribute to the subsoil C storage. By promoting the activity of the soil fauna, organic matter can be transferred to deeper soil layers and stabilized (e.g., in earthworm casts). Manipulating the subsoil microorganisms may result in higher amounts of fairly stable aliphatic compounds. The subsoil below 1‐m depth may have the potential to sequester between 760 and 1520 Pg C. These estimates are, however, highly uncertain and more studies on C storage in subsoil horizons and the assessment of the chemical nature of subsoil organic C are needed.
Environment International | 2009
Klaus Lorenz; Rattan Lal
The percentage of urban population is projected to increase drastically. In 2030, 50.7 to 86.7% of the total population in Africa and Northern America may live in urban areas, respectively. The effects of the attendant increases in urban land uses on biogeochemical C and N cycles are, however, largely unknown. Biogeochemical cycles in urban ecosystems are altered directly and indirectly by human activities. Direct effects include changes in the biological, chemical and physical soil properties and processes in urban soils. Indirect effects of urban environments on biogeochemical cycles may be attributed to the introductions of exotic plant and animal species and atmospheric deposition of pollutants. Urbanization may also affect the regional and global atmospheric climate by the urban heat island and pollution island effect. On the other hand, urban soils have the potential to store large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC) and, thus, contribute to mitigating increases in atmospheric CO(2) concentrations. However, the amount of SOC stored in urban soils is highly variable in space and time, and depends among others on soil parent material and land use. The SOC pool in 0.3-m depth may range between 16 and 232 Mg ha(-1), and between 15 and 285 Mg ha(-1) in 1-m depth. Thus, depending on the soil replaced or disturbed, urban soils may have higher or lower SOC pools, but very little is known. This review provides an overview of the biogeochemical cycling of C and N in urban soils, with a focus on the effects of urban land use and management on soil organic matter (SOM). In view of the increase in atmospheric CO(2) and reactive N concentrations as a result of urbanization, urban land use planning must also include strategies to sequester C in soil, and also enhance the N sink in urban soils and vegetation. This will strengthen soil ecological functions such as retention of nutrients, hazardous compounds and water, and also improve urban ecosystem services by promoting soil fertility.
Archive | 2010
Klaus Lorenz; Rattan Lal
Carbon Sequestration in Forest Ecosystems is a comprehensive book describing the basic processes of carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems, their contribution to carbon sequestration and implications for mitigating abrupt climate change. This book provides the information on processes, factors and causes influencing carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems. Drawing upon most up-to-date references, this book summarizes the current understanding of carbon sequestration processes in forest ecosystems while identifying knowledge gaps for future research, Thus, this book is a valuable knowledge source for students, scientists, forest managers and policy makers.
Global Policy | 2013
Andrea Koch; Alex B. McBratney; Mark Adams; Damien J. Field; Robert Hill; John W. Crawford; Budiman Minasny; Rattan Lal; Lynette Abbott; Anthony G. O'Donnell; Denis A. Angers; Jeffrey A. Baldock; Edward B. Barbier; Dan Binkley; William J. Parton; Diana H. Wall; Michael I. Bird; Johan Bouma; Claire Chenu; Cornelia Butler Flora; Keith Goulding; Sabine Grunwald; Jon Hempel; Julie D. Jastrow; Johannes Lehmann; Klaus Lorenz; Cristine L. S. Morgan; Charles W. Rice; David Whitehead; Iain M. Young
Soil degradation is a critical and growing global problem. As the world population increases, pressure on soil also increases and the natural capital of soil faces continuing decline. International policy makers have recognized this and a range of initiatives to address it have emerged over recent years. However, a gap remains between what the science tells us about soil and its role in underpinning ecological and human sustainable development, and existing policy instruments for sustainable development. Functioning soil is necessary for ecosystem service delivery, climate change abatement, food and fiber production and fresh water storage. Yet key policy instruments and initiatives for sustainable development have under-recognized the role of soil in addressing major challenges including food and water security, biodiversity loss, climate change and energy sustainability. Soil science has not been sufficiently translated to policy for sustainable development. Two underlying reasons for this are explored and the new concept of soil security is proposed to bridge the science–policy divide. Soil security is explored as a conceptual framework that could be used as the basis for a soil policy framework with soil carbon as an exemplar indicator.
Journal of Soils and Sediments | 2015
Jean Louis Morel; Claire Chenu; Klaus Lorenz
PurposeThe sustainable use and management of global soils is one of the greatest challenges for the future. In the urban ecosystem, soils play an essential role with their functions and ecosystem services. However, they are still poorly taken into consideration to enhance the sustainable development of urban ecosystems. This paper proposes a categorization of soils of urbanized areas, i.e., areas strongly affected by human activities, according to their ecosystem services.Materials and methodsFocus is put first on ecosystem services provided by non-urban soils. Then, the characteristics and number of services provided by soil groups of urbanized areas and their importance are given for each soil group.Results and discussionSoils of urbanized areas are here defined as SUITMAs, because they include soils of urban, sensu stricto, industrial, traffic, mining, and military areas. This definition refers to a large number of soil types of strongly anthropized areas. SUITMAs were organized in four soil groups, i.e., (1) pseudo-natural soils, (2) vegetated engineered soils, (3) dumping site soils, and (4) sealed soils. For each soil group, examples for ecosystem services were given, evaluated, and ranked.ConclusionsThis proposal contributes to foster the dialogue between urban spatial planning and soil scientists to improve both soil science in the city and recognition of SUITMAs regarding their role for the sustainable development of urban ecosystems and, in particular, to enhance multifunctional soils in urban areas.
Environment International | 2017
João Carlos de Moraes Sá; Rattan Lal; Carlos Clemente Cerri; Klaus Lorenz; Mariangela Hungria; Paulo César de Faccio Carvalho
The worldwide historical carbon (C) losses due to Land Use and Land-Use Change between 1870 and 2014 are estimated at 148 Pg C (1 Pg=1billionton). South America is chosen for this study because its soils contain 10.3% (160 Pg C to 1-m depth) of the soil organic carbon stock of the world soils, it is home to 5.7% (0.419 billion people) of the world population, and accounts for 8.6% of the world food (491milliontons) and 21.0% of meat production (355milliontons of cattle and buffalo). The annual C emissions from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in South America represent only 2.5% (0.25 Pg C) of the total global emissions (9.8 Pg C). However, South America contributes 31.3% (0.34 Pg C) of global annual greenhouse gas emissions (1.1 Pg C) through Land Use and Land Use Change. The potential of South America as a terrestrial C sink for mitigating climate change with adoption of Low-Carbon Agriculture (LCA) strategies based on scenario analysis method is 8.24 Pg C between 2016 and 2050. The annual C offset for 2016 to 2020, 2021 to 2035, and 2036 to 2050 is estimated at 0.08, 0.25, and 0.28 Pg C, respectively, equivalent to offsetting 7.5, 22.2 and 25.2% of the global annual greenhouse gas emissions by Land Use and Land Use Change for each period. Emission offset for LCA activities is estimated at 31.0% by restoration of degraded pasturelands, 25.6% by integrated crop-livestock-forestry-systems, 24.3% by no-till cropping systems, 12.8% by planted commercial forest and forestation, 4.2% by biological N fixation and 2.0% by recycling the industrial organic wastes. The ecosystem carbon payback time for historical C losses from South America through LCA strategies may be 56 to 188years, and the adoption of LCA can also increase food and meat production by 615Mton or 17.6Mtonyear-1 and 56Mton or 1.6Mtonyear-1, respectively, between 2016 and 2050.
Archive | 2013
Rattan Lal; Klaus Lorenz; Reinhard F. Hüttl; Bernd Uwe Schneider; Joachim von Braun
Foreword K. Topfer 1 Societal Dependence on Soils Ecosystem Services R. Lal, K. Lorenz, R.F. Huttl, B.U. Schneider, and J. von Braun 2 Soils and Ecosystem Services R. Lal 3 Ecosystem Carbon Sequestration K. Lorenz 4 Food Security Through Better Soil Carbon Management K. Goulding, D. Powslon, A. Whitmore, and A. Macdonald 5 Soil Carbon and Water Security K.H. Feger and D. Hawtree 6 Forests, Carbon Pool and Timber Production R. Jandl, S. Schuler, A. Schindlbacher, and C. Tomiczek 7 Ecosystem Carbon and Soil Biodiversity G. De Deyn 8 Ecosystem Services and the Global Carbon Cycle M.R. Raupach 9 Losses of Soil Carbon to the Atmosphere via Inland Surface Waters J.J.C. Dawson 10 Why Pests and Disease Regulation Should Concern Mankind W.A. Oluoch-Kosura A.W. Muriuki, F.M. Olubayo, and D. Kilalo 11 Natural Hazards Mitigation Services of Carbon-Rich Ecosystems R. Cochard 12 Safeguarding Regulating and Cultural Ecosystem Services: Degradation and Conservation Status B. Egoh 13 Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production, Stocks and Flows of Carbon, and Biodiversity H. Haberl, K.-H. Erb, S. Gingrich, T. Kastner, and F. Krausmann 14 Soil Carbon and Biofuels I. Lewandowski 15 Land Degradation and Ecosystem Services Z. Bai, D. Dent, Y. Wu, and R. de Jong 16 The Human Dimensions of Environmental Degradation and Ecosystem Services: Understanding and Solving the Commons Dilemma A. Singh, R. Wilson, J. Bruskotter, J. Brooks, A. Zwickle, and E. Toman 17 Soil Organic Carbon, Soil Formation and Soil Fertility T. Gaiser, K. Stahr 18 Managing Soil Organic Carbon for Advancing Food Security and Strengthening Ecosystem Services in China M. Fan, J. Cao, W. Wei, F. Zhang, and Y. Su 19 Research and Development Priorities for Global Soil-related Policies and Programs R. Lal, K. Lorenz, R.F. Huttl, B.U. Schneider, and J. von Braun Index
Archive | 2012
Rattan Lal; Klaus Lorenz; Reinhard F. Hüttl; Bernd Uwe Schneider; Joachim von Braun
Foreword (K. Topfer, R. Hill) 1. Terrestrial Biosphere as a Source and Sink of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (R. Lal, K. Lorenz, R. F. J. Huttl, B. U. Schneider, J. von Braun) 2. Climate Change Mitigation by Managing the Terrestrial Biosphere (R. Lal) 3. Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate in the Anthropocene (P. J. Crutzen, K. Lorenz, R. Lal, K. Topfer) 4. Historic Changes in Terrestrial Carbon Storage (R. A. Houghton) 5. Soil Erosion and Soil Organic Carbon Storage on the Chinese Loess Plateau (C. Dahlke, H. R. Bork) 6. Methane Emissions from Chinas Natural Wetlands: Measurements, Temporal Variance and Influencing Factors (X. Wang, F. Lu, L. Yang) 7. Accounting more precisely for peat and other soil carbon resources (Hermann F. Jungkunst, Jan Paul Kruger, Felix Heitkamp, Stefan Erasmi, Stephan Glatzel Sabine Fiedler, and Rattan Lal) 8. Permafrost - Physical Aspects, Carbon Cycling, Databases and Uncertainties (J. Boike, M. Langer, H. Lantuit, S. Muster, T. Sachs, P. Overduin, S. Westermann, D. McGuire) 9. Carbon Sequestration in Temperate Forests (R. Lal, K. Lorenz) 10. Decarbonization of the Atmosphere: Role of the Boreal Forest under Changing Climate (J. S. Bhatti, R. Jassal) 11. Recarbonization of the Humid Tropics (M. Venter, O. Venter, S. Laurance, M. F. Bird) 12. Carbon Cycling in the Amazon (C. C. Cerri, M. Bernoux, B. J. Feigl, C. E. P. Cerri) 13. Grassland Soil Carbon Stocks: Status, Opportunities, Vulnerability (R. T. Conant) 14. Cropland Soil Carbon Dynamics (K. Lorenz, R. Lal) 15. The Carbon Cycle in Drylands (P. Serrano-Ortiz, E. P. Sanchez-Canete, C. Oyonarte) 16. Carbonization of Urban Areas (G. Churkina) 17. Potential Carbon Emission Trajectories of Shanghai, China from 2007 to 2050 (R. Guo, X. Cao, J. Zhang, F. Li, H. Wang) 18. Processes of Soil Carbon Dynamics and Ecosystem Carbon Cycling in a Changing World (F. Heitkamp, A. Jacobs, H. F. Jungkunst, S. Heinze, M. Wendland, Y. Kuzyakov) 19. Terrestrial Carbon Management in Urban Ecosystems and Water (K. Butterbach-Bahl, M. Dannenmann) 20. Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Subsoil Horizons: Knowledge, Gaps and Potentials (C. Rumpel, A. Chabbi, B. Marschner) 21. Transforming Carbon Dioxide from a Liability into an Asset (C. Rubbia) 22. Bioenergy and Biospheric Carbon (T. Beringer, W. Lucht) 23. The Economics of Land and Soil Degradation - Toward an Assessment of the Costs of Inaction (J. v. Braun, N. Gerber) 24. Assessment of Carbon Sequestration Potential in Coastal Wetlands (J. T. Morris, J. Edwards, S. Crooks, E. Reyes) 25. Research and Development Priorities Towards Recarbonization of the Biosphere (R. Lal, K. Lorenz, R. F. J. Huttl, B. U. Schneider, J. von Braun)
Carbon Management | 2015
Klaus Lorenz; Rattan Lal
Abstract Land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) by urbanization will likely replace agricultural expansion as the dominant source of transformation of the terrestrial biosphere. Properly managed urban soils can offset some of the associated carbon (C) losses from urban soils and vegetation by retaining stabilized soil organic carbon (SOC) or soil inorganic carbon (SIC) such as mineral-associated C, black carbon (BC), and stable carbonate minerals. For example, SOC stocks of up to 810 Mg C ha–1 to 1.5 m depth (Serebryanye Prudy, Russia) and SIC stocks of up to 300 Mg C ha–1 to 2.5 m depth (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) have been reported, but data on urban soil C storage are scanty. Aside from contributing to climate change mitigation, protecting and increasing SOC stocks support critically important soil-derived ecosystem services. Thus, C-friendly soil and land-use management practices must be developed and implemented to enhance soil-derived ecosystem services in urban areas, and the resilience of urban ecosystems to climate change. A collective management approach for urban soil C is needed. The principal actors involved should be urban land users (e.g., urban dwellers, property owners, developers) as the immediate users and managers of soil C, local professionals, local government and NGOs.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science | 2001
Klaus Lorenz; Caroline M. Preston; Karl-Heinz Feger
Long-term effects of liming on microbial biomass and activity and soil organic matter (SOM) were investigated in samples from organic horizons (Of/Oh) in spruce forests at Adenau, Hoglwald, Idar-Oberstein, and Schluchsee (Southern Germany) where plots have been manually treated 7 to 13 years ago with dolomitic limestone. At all sites, pH values were markedly increased after liming. The contents of C and N in the organic horizons of the limed plots appeared to be lower with the greatest decrease at Hoglwald (Dystric Luvisol) where liming has affected the soil properties for the longest time of all sites. Catalase activity was promoted after liming at Adenau (Cambic Podzol). This was also the case for the Dystric Luvisol where liming resulted also in higher basal respiration. Biomass-C was higher in samples from the limed plot at Idar-Oberstein (Dystric Cambisol). The 13 C CPMAS NMR spectra of organic horizons from the control plots indicate no differences in the gross carbon composition of SOM. Furthermore, spectra from the limed Cambic Podzol, Dystric Cambisol, and Haplic Podzol (Schluchsee) were remarkably similar. However, for the Dystric Luvisol, the lime-induced promotion of microbial activity resulted in lower O-alkyl-C intensity. The observed patterns of microbial biomass and activity were site-dependent rather than a result of liming. Obviously liming had only small long-term effects on the humus quality in the organic horizons, as far as detectable by CPMAS NMR spectroscopy. More sensitive techniques like pyrolysis-GC/MS should be applied to analyze differences in C composition.