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Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 1987

A case of IgGλ-type solitary plasmacytoma in the maxilla associated with amyloidosis

Koichi Saito; Kenji Mogi; Noboru Matsuda

The plasmacytoma, also called myeloma, is composed of plasma-like cells with varying degrees of differentiation. In most cases multiple lesions develop in the bone marrow, but a solitary tumor may develop in a single bone. 1-3 To establish a diagnosis of a solitary plasmacytoma it is necessary to have the following four findings: normal bone marrow except for the single affected bone, a single radiographic lesion in the bone, a biopsy of the bone lesion showing the presence of plasma cells, and no evidence of dissemination as revealed by clinical tests and radiographs made at least three years after the established diagnosis.4-6 The case presented developed in the maxillary region-a rare site to find a solitary plasmacytoma. It was also unusual because, instead of showing multiple osteolytic “punched-out” radiolucencies which is typical for this tumor, the lesion had a myxomatous-like appearance. It is known that amyloid is deposited in the oral mucosa in multiple myeloma.7-9

Archive | 1978

Catalyst for purifying exhaust and waste gases

Akira Inoue; T. Suzuki; Koichi Saito; Yukio Aoki; Tetsuji Ono; Takashi Ohara

Archive | 1986

Exhaust gas cleaning catalyst and process for production thereof

Koichi Saito; Kenji Ueda; Yasuo Ikeda

Archive | 1990

Catalyst for purification of exhaust gas from diesel engine

Makoto Horiuchi; Koichi Saito

Archive | 1985

Catalyst for purifying diesel engine exhaust gases

Koichi Saito; Kenji Ueda; Yasuo Ikeda; Tetsuji Ono

Archive | 1991

Diesel engine exhaust gas-purifying catalyst

Makoto Horiuchi; Koichi Saito

Archive | 1991

Use of a specific catalyst for purifying exhaust gases from Diesel engines

Makoto Horiuchi; Satoshi Inui; Koichi Saito

Archive | 1988

Diesel engine exhaust gas purification catalyst

Makoto Horiuchi; Yasuo Ikeda; Koichi Saito

Archive | 1994

Method for purifying exhaust gas from a diesel engine

Makoto Horiuchi; Noboru Miyake; Toshimasa Kushihara; Koichi Saito

Archive | 1991

Catalyst for purifying exhaust gas from diesel engines

Makoto Horiuchi; Satoshi Inui; Koichi Saito


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