
Hydrobiologia | 2017

Defining centric diatoms of most relevant phytoplankton functional groups in deep karst lakes

Marija Gligora Udovič; Aleksandra Cvetkoska; Petar Žutinić; Sunčica Bosak; Igor Stanković; Igor Špoljarić; Gordan Mršić; Koraljka Kralj Borojević; Anamarija Ćukurin; Anđelka Plenković-Moraj

Phytoplankton in karst lakes is characterized by co-occurrence of chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae), dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae), and diatoms (Bacillariophyta) as the most diverse and abundant group. Using Reynolds functional approach in ecological phytoplankton investigations makes karstic lakes comparable and facilitates interpretation of their responses to changing environmental conditions. Accurate taxonomic identification to species level, based on precise resolution of specific characteristics by electron microscopy, is essential in order to correctly associate species into coda. This paper defines the most abundant centric diatoms and coexisting species in the phytoplankton of karst lakes in Croatia as a contribution to better description of phytoplankton functional groups dominated by centric diatoms. Several representatives for diatom-based Reynolds functional groups of four lakes in Croatia were described in this paper: Pantocsekiella costei and Stephanocostis chantaica for group A, Pantocsekiella ocellata and Cyclotella distinguenda for group B, and Stephanodiscus neoastraea for group C, together with their ecological preferences which clearly correspond to pertaining functional classification. Selected and coexisting functional groups define natural, oligo- to mesotrophic karst deep lake systems.

Diatom Research | 2015

Morphological and genetic variability of assemblages of Cyclotella ocellata Pantocsek/C. comensis Grunow complex (Bacillariophyta, Thalassiosirales)

Mónika Duleba; Keve Tihamér Kiss; Angéla Földi; József Kovács; Koraljka Kralj Borojević; Levente Molnár; Andjelka Plenković-Moraj; Zsuzsanna Pohner; Cüneyt Nadir Solak; Bence Tóth; Éva Ács

Centric diatom taxa in the Cyclotella ocellata and C. comensis complexes show high morphological variability and often apparently continuous morphological transitions. In this study, we investigated natural assemblages of the C. ocellata/C. comensis complex from Hungarian and Croatian lakes and from Turkish streams using morphological and molecular methods. The studied assemblages contained cells with morphologies resembling C. ocellata as well as other, closely related, species: C. comensis, C. pseudocomensis, C. costei, and C. trichnoidea. The goal of our paper was to assess whether the observed morphological differences were due to intraspecific variability or suggest the existence of several, putatively distinct species. Ten morphometric characters were measured, which, either individually, or in pairs, did not differentiate the nominal taxa in our assemblages. However, multivariate discriminant analysis has revealed a group including C. ocellata and C. trichonidea morphologies could be separated from another containing C. comensis, C. pseudocomensis and C. costei. A nuclear (18S rDNA) and a chloroplast (rbcL) gene were amplified and partially sequenced from environmental DNA or from isolated cells. The sequences showed little variability among the assemblages and nominal species. Although general congruence of molecular and morphometric separation supports the species level separation of C. ocellata/trichonidea from the probably conspecific C. comensis/pseudocomensis/costei, sequence divergences between the groups are in the same range as within them, so that a conspecificity of all four taxa cannot be unequivocally excluded.

Acta Botanica Croatica | 2015

The first report on periphytic diatoms on artificial and natural substrate in the karstic spring Bunica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Anita Dedić; Andjelka Plenković-Moraj; Koraljka Kralj Borojević; Dubravka Hafner

Abstract This study presents investigations of the periphytic diatoms on artificial (glass slides) and natural substrates in the karstic, limnocrene spring of Bunica situated in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Investigations were performed in summer 2010. Samples were collected every seven days for eight weeks. Physical and chemical characteristics of water, temperature, oxygen saturation, dissolved oxygen, electric conductivity and nutrients as well as fl ow velocity at sample site, were measured simultaneously with each sampling. Physical and chemical characteristics showed low temperature oscillations, good aeration and oligotrophic conditions. In general, greater diatom diversity was noted on natural substrate. A total of 104 diatom species were found on natural substrate and 82 on glass slides. The best represented genera on both types of substrate were Gomphonema and Navicula (each with eight species), Nitzschia (with six species), and Cocconeis (with five species). Achnanthidium exiguum, Achnanthidium minutissimum, Amphora pediculus, Cymbopleura amphicephala and Surirella minuta were recorded in all samples of natural substrate and Gomphonema minutum in artificial substrate samples.

Acta Botanica Croatica | 2017

Do benthic diatom assemblages reflect abiotic typology: a case study of Croatian streams and rivers

Koraljka Kralj Borojević; Marija Gligora Udovič; Petar Žutinić; Gábor Várbíró; Anđelka Plenković-Moraj

Abstract Benthic diatoms are widely used in Europe and worldwide to access ecological status of running waters. One of key goals of Water Framework Directive is to classify rivers and streams using biological quality elements and type specific reference conditions. According to system B which incorporates additional abiotic descriptors, there are 24 water types in Croatia. For biological analyses 92 rivers and streams with 140 sampling points were chosen and sampled for benthic diatoms and water chemistry simultaneously. Self organizing map (SOM) analysis was used to define biotypes from species composition and abundance of benthic diatoms. Grouping of samples in SOM resulted in 10 distinctive groups. Based on their geographical position and site characteristics, groups represent sites with similar properties (as waterbed, catchment size, altitude, size of stream) belonging to different ecoregions in Croatia. Analysis of variance revealed statistically significant differences (p<0.05) among SOM groups concerning ammonia, nitrates and total phosphorus. Indicator species analysis (IndVal) singled out species that were significantly characteristic (p<0.05) for SOM and abiotic types. Compared to abiotic groups, in which 7 out of 24 have no indicator species, all SOM groups have one or several characteristic diatom species, thus indicating diatom assemblages as valuable site descriptors. Canonical analysis of principal coordinates analysis also indicated that SOM grouping of samples is statistically reliable. Grouping of similar sites, although placed into different abiotic types, makes SOM groups with its corresponding representative species an easy tool for water quality assessment and description of reference assemblage.

Hydrobiologia | 2015

Erratum to: Morpho-functional classifications of phytoplankton assemblages of two deep karstic lakes

Petar Žutinić; Marija Gligora Udovič; Koraljka Kralj Borojević; Anđelka Plenković-Moraj; Judit Padisák

Due to an unfortunate turn of events, the first-and surnames of all authors were transposed in the original publication. The correct representation of the authors and their affiliations are listed above and below and should be treated as definitive by the reader.

Annales De Limnologie-international Journal of Limnology | 2012

Submerged macrophytes as a habitat for zooplankton development in two reservoirs of a flow-through system (Papuk Nature Park, Croatia)

Maria Špoljar; Tvrtko Dražina; Jasmina Šargač; Koraljka Kralj Borojević; Petar Žutinić

Harmful Algae | 2011

Ecology and taxonomy of potentially toxic Pseudo-nitzschia species in Lim Bay (north-eastern Adriatic Sea)

Zrinka Ljubešić; Sunčica Bosak; Damir Viličić; Koraljka Kralj Borojević; Daniela Marić; Jelena Godrijan; Ivana Ujević; Petra Peharec; Tamara Đakovac

Fundamental and Applied Limnology | 2015

Co-occurrence of functional groups in phytoplankton assemblages dominated by diatoms, chrysophytes and dinoflagellates

Marija Gligora Udovič; Petar Žutinić; Koraljka Kralj Borojević; Anđelka Plenković-Moraj

Natura Croatica : Periodicum Musei Historiae Naturalis Croatici | 2011

Net-phytoplankton species dominance in a travertine riverine Lake Visovac, NP Krka

Marija Gligora Udovič; Koraljka Kralj Borojević; Petar Žutinić; Laszlo Sipos; Anđelka Plenković-Moraj

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems | 2018

Microbial mats as shelter microhabitat for amphipods in an intermittent karstic spring

Petar Žutinić; Ines Petrić; Sanja Gottstein; Marija Gligora Udovič; Koraljka Kralj Borojević; Jasmina Kamberović; Anamarija Kolda; Anđelka Plenković-Moraj; Ivančica Ternjej

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