Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis
Imperial College London
Nature | 2007
Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis; Allan D. Boardman; Ortwin Hess
Light usually propagates inside transparent materials in well known ways. However, recent research has examined the possibility of modifying the way the light travels by taking a normal transparent dielectric and inserting tiny metallic inclusions of various shapes and arrangements. As light passes through these structures, oscillating electric currents are set up that generate electromagnetic field moments; these can lead to dramatic effects on the light propagation, such as negative refraction. Possible applications include lenses that break traditional diffraction limits and ‘invisibility cloaks’ (refs 5, 6). Significantly less research has focused on the potential of such structures for slowing, trapping and releasing light signals. Here we demonstrate theoretically that an axially varying heterostructure with a metamaterial core of negative refractive index can be used to efficiently and coherently bring light to a complete standstill. In contrast to previous approaches for decelerating and storing light, the present scheme simultaneously allows for high in-coupling efficiencies and broadband, room-temperature operation. Surprisingly, our analysis reveals a critical point at which the effective thickness of the waveguide is reduced to zero, preventing the light wave from propagating further. At this point, the light ray is permanently trapped, its trajectory forming a double light-cone that we call an ‘optical clepsydra’. Each frequency component of the wave packet is stopped at a different guide thickness, leading to the spatial separation of its spectrum and the formation of a ‘trapped rainbow’. Our results bridge the gap between two important contemporary realms of science—metamaterials and slow light. Combined investigations may lead to applications in optical data processing and storage or the realization of quantum optical memories.
Nature Materials | 2012
Ortwin Hess; J. B. Pendry; Stefan A. Maier; Rupert F. Oulton; Joachim M. Hamm; Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis
Optical metamaterials and nanoplasmonics bridge the gap between conventional optics and the nanoworld. Exciting and technologically important capabilities range from subwavelength focusing and stopped light to invisibility cloaking, with applications across science and engineering from biophotonics to nanocircuitry. A problem that has hampered practical implementations have been dissipative metal losses, but the efficient use of optical gain has been shown to compensate these and to allow for loss-free operation, amplification and nanoscopic lasing. Here, we review recent and ongoing progress in the realm of active, gain-enhanced nanoplasmonic metamaterials. On introducing and expounding the underlying theoretical concepts of the complex interaction between plasmons and gain media, we examine the experimental efforts in areas such as nanoplasmonic and metamaterial lasers. We underscore important current trends that may lead to improved active imaging, ultrafast nonlinearities on the nanoscale or cavity-free lasing in the stopped-light regime.
Physical Review Letters | 2010
Sebastian Wuestner; Andreas Pusch; Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis; Joachim M. Hamm; Ortwin Hess
On the basis of a full-vectorial three-dimensional Maxwell-Bloch approach we investigate the possibility of using gain to overcome losses in a negative refractive index fishnet metamaterial. We show that appropriate placing of optically pumped laser dyes (gain) into the metamaterial structure results in a frequency band where the nonbianisotropic metamaterial becomes amplifying. In that region both the real and the imaginary part of the effective refractive index become simultaneously negative and the figure of merit diverges at two distinct frequency points.
Applied Physics Letters | 2006
Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis; Andreas Klaedtke; Durga P. Aryal; Cécile Jamois; Ortwin Hess
The authors present an exact, analytic study of oscillatory modes guided by generalized asymmetric two-dimensional planar heterostructures with negative refractive index in either the core or the cladding. It is shown that, in sharp contrast to normal dielectric configurations, these waveguides always possess a frequency region where the second-order oscillatory mode may exist alone and allow for attaining zero group velocity under weak guidance conditions. In addition the mode has a field distribution that renders it excitable with an end-fire approach, making such structures attractive for applications requiring slow light. Advantages compared to previous methods of slowing or stopping light are discussed.
Science | 2013
Ortwin Hess; Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis
Integrating amplifying media with metamaterials allows loss-free plasmonic operation and opens a route for controlling nanoscale quantum emitters. Optical metamaterials and nanoplasmonics offer extreme control and localization of light within volumes that can be smaller than a cubic light wavelength by more than three orders of magnitude, but they suffer from appreciable dissipative losses. This weakness is thought to constitute the prime impediment before many of the envisaged applications can succeed in practice. However, recent breakthroughs in the theoretical understanding and experimental fabrication of gain-enhanced metamaterials and nanoplasmonic heterostructures promise to overcome these hindrances, while allowing for new ways to control spontaneous and stimulated emission of light on the nanoscale (1, 2).
ACS Nano | 2012
Andreas Pusch; Sebastian Wuestner; Joachim M. Hamm; Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis; Ortwin Hess
Nanoplasmonic metamaterials are an exciting new class of engineered media that promise a range of important applications, such as subwavelength focusing, cloaking, and slowing/stopping of light. At optical frequencies, using gain to overcome potentially not insignificant losses has recently emerged as a viable solution to ultra-low-loss operation that may lead to next-generation active metamaterials. Maxwell-Bloch models for active nanoplasmonic metamaterials are able to describe the coherent spatiotemporal and nonlinear gain-plasmon dynamics. Here, we extend the Maxwell-Bloch theory to a Maxwell-Bloch Langevin approach-a spatially resolved model that describes the light field and noise dynamics in gain-enhanced nanoplasmonic structures. Using the example of an optically pumped nanofishnet metamaterial with an embedded laser dye (four-level) medium exhibiting a negative refractive index, we demonstrate the transition from loss-compensation to amplification and to nanolasing. We observe ultrafast relaxation oscillations of the bright negative-index mode with frequencies just below the THz regime. The influence of noise on mode competition and the onset and magnitude of the relaxation oscillations is elucidated, and the dynamics and spectra of the emitted light indicate that coherent amplification and lasing are maintained even in the presence of noise and amplified spontaneous emission.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A | 2011
Sebastian Wuestner; Andreas Pusch; Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis; Joachim M. Hamm; Ortwin Hess
Photonic metamaterials allow for a range of exciting applications unattainable with ordinary dielectrics. However, the metallic nature of their meta-atoms may result in increased optical losses. Gain-enhanced metamaterials are a potential solution to this problem, but the conception of realistic, three-dimensional designs is a challenging task. Starting from fundamental electrodynamic and quantum mechanical equations, we establish and deploy a rigorous theoretical model for the spatial and temporal interaction of lightwaves with free and bound electrons inside and around metallic (nano-) structures and gain media. The derived numerical framework allows us to self-consistently study the dynamics and impact of the coherent plasmon–gain interaction, nonlinear saturation, field enhancement, radiative damping and spatial dispersion. Using numerical pump–probe experiments on a double-fishnet metamaterial structure with dye molecule inclusions, we investigate the build-up of the inversion profile and the formation of the plasmonic modes in a low-Q cavity. We find that full loss compensation occurs in a regime where the real part of the effective refractive index of the metamaterial becomes more negative compared to the passive case. Our results provide a deep insight into how internal processes affect the overall optical properties of active photonic metamaterials fostering new approaches to the design of practical, loss-compensated plasmonic nanostructures.
Physical Review Letters | 2011
Joachim M. Hamm; Sebastian Wuestner; Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis; Ortwin Hess
We establish a theory that traces light amplification in an active double-fishnet metamaterial back to its microscopic origins. Based on ab initio calculations of the light and plasmon fields we extract energy rates and conversion efficiencies associated with gain and loss channels directly from Poyntings theorem. We find that for the negative refractive index mode both radiative loss and gain outweigh resistive loss by more than a factor of 2, opening a broad window of steady-state amplification (free of instabilities) accessible even when a gain reduction close to the metal is taken into account.
Journal of Optics | 2009
Edmund I. Kirby; Joachim M. Hamm; Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis; Ortwin Hess
Using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations we investigate the propagation of light pulses in waveguides having a core made of a negative-refractive-index metamaterial. In order to validate our model we carry out separate simulations for a variety of waveguide core thickness. The numerical results not only qualitatively confirm that light pulses travel slower in waveguides with thinner cores, but further they reveal that the effective refractive indices experienced by the propagating pulses compare favourably with exact theoretical predictions. We also examine the propagation of light pulses in waveguides with adiabatically, longitudinally varying core refractive index. The effective refractive indices extracted from these simulations confirm previous theoretical predictions while, both a slowing and an increase in the amplitude of the pulses are observed.
Physical Review B | 2012
Sebastian Wuestner; Joachim M. Hamm; Andreas Pusch; Fabian Renn; Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis; Ortwin Hess
Active nanoplasmonic metamaterials support bright and dark modes that compete for gain. Using a Maxwell-Bloch approach incorporating Langevin noise we study the lasing dynamics in an active nanofishnet structure. We report that lasing of the bright negative-index mode is possible if the higher-