Kristen M. Guglielmi
Vanderbilt University
PLOS Pathogens | 2008
Eva Kirchner; Kristen M. Guglielmi; Holger M. Strauss; Terence S. Dermody; Thilo Stehle
Viral attachment to specific host receptors is the first step in viral infection and serves an essential function in the selection of target cells. Mammalian reoviruses are highly useful experimental models for studies of viral pathogenesis and show promise as vectors for oncolytics and vaccines. Reoviruses engage cells by binding to carbohydrates and the immunoglobulin superfamily member, junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A). JAM-A exists at the cell surface as a homodimer formed by extensive contacts between its N-terminal immunoglobulin-like domains. We report the crystal structure of reovirus attachment protein σ1 in complex with a soluble form of JAM-A. The σ1 protein disrupts the JAM-A dimer, engaging a single JAM-A molecule via virtually the same interface that is used for JAM-A homodimerization. Thus, reovirus takes advantage of the adhesive nature of an immunoglobulin-superfamily receptor by usurping the ligand-binding site of this molecule to attach to the cell surface. The dissociation constant (KD) of the interaction between σ1 and JAM-A is 1,000-fold lower than that of the homophilic interaction between JAM-A molecules, indicating that JAM-A strongly prefers σ1 as a ligand. Analysis of reovirus mutants engineered by plasmid-based reverse genetics revealed residues in σ1 required for binding to JAM-A and infectivity of cultured cells. These studies define biophysical mechanisms of reovirus cell attachment and provide a platform for manipulating reovirus tropism to enhance vector targeting.
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology | 2010
Pranav Danthi; Kristen M. Guglielmi; Eva Kirchner; Bernardo A. Mainou; Thilo Stehle; Terence S. Dermody
Mammalian orthoreoviruses (reoviruses) are prototype members of the Reoviridae family of nonenveloped viruses. Reoviruses contain ten double-stranded RNA gene segments enclosed in two concentric protein shells, outer capsid and core. These viruses serve as a versatile experimental system for studies of virus cell entry, innate immunity, and organ-specific disease. Reoviruses engage cells by binding to cell-surface carbohydrates and the immunoglobulin superfamily member, junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A). JAM-A is a homodimer formed by extensive contacts between its N-terminal immunoglobulin-like domains. Reovirus attachment protein σ1 disrupts the JAM-A dimer, engaging a single JAM-A molecule by virtually the same interface used for JAM-A homodimerization. Following attachment to JAM-A and carbohydrate, reovirus internalization is promoted by β1 integrins, most likely via clathrin-dependent endocytosis. In the endocytic compartment, reovirus outer-capsid protein σ3 is removed by cathepsin proteases, which exposes the viral membrane-penetration protein, μ1. Proteolytic processing and conformational rearrangements of μ1 mediate endosomal membrane rupture and delivery of transcriptionally active reovirus core particles into the host cell cytoplasm. These events also allow the φ cleavage fragment of μ1 to escape into the cytoplasm where it activates NF-κB and elicits apoptosis. This review will focus on mechanisms of reovirus cell entry and activation of innate immune response signaling pathways.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2007
Kristen M. Guglielmi; Eva Kirchner; Geoffrey H. Holm; Thilo Stehle; Terence S. Dermody
Junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A) serves as a serotype-independent receptor for mammalian orthoreoviruses (reoviruses). The membrane-distal immunoglobulin-like D1 domain of JAM-A is required for homodimerization and binding to reovirus attachment protein σ1. We employed a structure-guided mutational analysis of the JAM-A dimer interface to identify determinants of reovirus binding. We purified mutant JAM-A ectodomains for solution-phase and surface plasmon resonance binding studies and expressed mutant forms of full-length JAM-A in Chinese hamster ovary cells to assess reovirus binding and infectivity. Mutation of residues in the JAM-A dimer interface that participate in salt-bridge or hydrogen-bond interactions with apposing JAM-A monomers abolishes the capacity of JAM-A to form dimers. JAM-A mutants incapable of dimer formation form complexes with the σ1 head that are indistinguishable from wild-type JAM-A-σ1 head complexes, indicating that σ1 binds to JAM-A monomers. Residues Glu61 and Lys63 of β-strand C and Leu72 of β-strand C′ in the dimer interface are required for efficient JAM-A engagement of strain type 3 Dearing σ1. Mutation of neighboring residues alters the kinetics of the σ1-JAM-A binding interaction. Prototype reovirus strains type 1 Lang and type 2 Jones share similar, although not identical, binding requirements with type 3 Dearing. These results indicate that reovirus engages JAM-A monomers via residues found mainly on β-strands C and C′ of the dimer interface and raise the possibility that the distinct disease phenotypes produced in mice following infection with different strains of reovirus are in part attributable to differences in contacts with JAM-A.
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology | 2006
Kristen M. Guglielmi; Elizabeth M. Johnson; Thilo Stehle; Terence S. Dermody
Mammalian orthoreoviruses (reoviruses) serve as a tractable model system for studies of viral pathogenesis. Reoviruses infect virtually all mammals, but cause disease only in the very young. Prototype strains of the three reovirus serotypes differ in pathogenesis following infection of newborn mice. Reoviruses are nonenveloped, icosahedral particles that consist of ten segments of double-stranded RNA encapsidated within two protein shells, the inner core and outer capsid. High-resolution structures of individual components of the reovirus outer capsid and a single viral receptor have been solved and provide insight into the functions of these molecules in viral attachment, entry, and pathogenesis. Attachment of reovirus to target cells is mediated by the reovirus sigma1 protein, a filamentous trimer that projects from the outer capsid. Junctional adhesion molecule-A is a serotype-independent receptor for reovirus, and sialic acid is a coreceptor for serotype 3 strains. After binding to receptors on the cell surface, reovirus is internalized via receptor-mediated endocytosis. Internalization is followed by stepwise disassembly of the viral outer capsid in the endocytic compartment. Uncoating events, which require acidic pH and endocytic proteases, lead to removal of major outer-capsid protein sigma3, resulting in exposure of membrane-penetration mediator micro1 and a conformational change in attachment protein sigma1. After penetration of endosomes by uncoated particles, the transcriptionally active viral core is released into the cytoplasm, where replication proceeds. Despite major advances in defining reovirus attachment and entry mechanisms, many questions remain. Ongoing research is aimed at understanding serotype-dependent differences in reovirus tropism, viral cell-entry pathways, the individual and corporate roles of acidic pH and proteases in viral entry, and micro1 function in membrane penetration.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009
Karl W. Boehme; Kristen M. Guglielmi; Terence S. Dermody
Serotype-specific patterns of reovirus disease in the CNS of newborn mice segregate with the viral S1 gene segment, which encodes attachment protein σ1 and nonstructural protein σ1s. The importance of receptor recognition in target cell selection by reovirus implicates the σ1 protein as the primary effector of disease outcome. However, the contribution of σ1s to reovirus disease is unknown. To define the function of σ1s in reovirus pathogenesis, we generated a σ1s-deficient virus by altering a single nucleotide to disrupt the σ1s translational start site. Viruses were recovered that contain nine gene segments from strain type 3 Dearing and either the wild-type or σ1s-null S1 gene segment from strain type 1 Lang. Following peroral inoculation of newborn mice, both viruses replicated in the intestine, although the wild-type virus achieved higher yields than the σ1s-null virus. However, unlike the wild-type virus, the σ1s-deficient virus failed to disseminate to sites of secondary viral replication, including the brain, heart, and liver. Within the small intestine, both viruses were detected in Peyers patches, but only the wild-type virus reached the mesenteric lymph node. Concordantly, wild-type virus, but not σ1s-deficient virus, was detected in the blood of infected animals. Wild-type and σ1s-null viruses produced equivalent titers following intracranial inoculation, indicating that σ1s is dispensable for viral growth in the murine CNS. These results suggest a key role for σ1s in virus spread from intestinal lymphatics to the bloodstream, thereby allowing the establishment of viremia and dissemination to sites of secondary replication within the infected host.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2010
Kristen M. Guglielmi; Sarah M. McDonald; John T. Patton
Rotaviruses perform the remarkable tasks of transcribing and replicating 11 distinct double-stranded RNA genome segments within the confines of a subviral particle. Multiple viral polymerases are tethered to the interior of a particle, each dedicated to a solitary genome segment but acting in synchrony to synthesize RNA. Although the rotavirus polymerase specifically recognizes RNA templates in the absence of other proteins, its enzymatic activity is contingent upon interaction with the viral capsid. This intraparticle strategy of RNA synthesis helps orchestrate the concerted packaging and replication of the viral genome. Here, we review our current understanding of rotavirus RNA synthetic mechanisms.
The Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2008
Katherine J. D. A. Excoffon; Kristen M. Guglielmi; J. Denise Wetzel; Nicholas D. Gansemer; Jacquelyn A. Campbell; Terence S. Dermody; Joseph Zabner
Mammalian reoviruses infect respiratory and gastrointestinal epithelia and cause disease in neonates. Junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A) is a serotype-independent receptor for reovirus. JAM-A localizes to tight junctions and contributes to paracellular permeability in polarized epithelia. To investigate the mechanisms of reovirus infection of polarized epithelial cells, we assessed reovirus replication, release, and spread after apical and basolateral adsorption to primary human airway epithelial cultures. Reovirus infection of human airway epithelia was more efficient after adsorption to the basolateral surface than after adsorption to the apical surface, and it was dependent on JAM-A. Reovirus binding to carbohydrate coreceptor sialic acid inhibited apical infection, which was partially ameliorated by treatment of the cultures with neuraminidase. Despite the preference for basolateral infection, reovirus was released from the apical surface of respiratory epithelia and did not disrupt tight junctions. These results establish the existence of an infectious circuit for reovirus in polarized human respiratory epithelial cells.
PLOS Pathogens | 2009
Terence S. Dermody; Eva Kirchner; Kristen M. Guglielmi; Thilo Stehle
Obligate intracellular pathogens depend on cell-surface molecules to attach and enter into host cells. Pathogen receptors may be highly specialized proteins, such as complement receptors or neurotransmitter receptors, or more ubiquitous components of cell membranes, such as integrins or sialic acid–containing oligosaccharides. The immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) of molecules contains several members that are expressed at the cell surface, bind diverse ligands, and contribute to a variety of cellular activities, including adhesion and immune responses. Many viruses have usurped the adhesive properties of IgSF proteins to mediate attachment (Table 1). Strategies used by viruses to engage IgSF receptors provide clues to general mechanisms by which IgSF proteins bind different types of ligands, including antigens.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2007
Pierre Schelling; Kristen M. Guglielmi; Eva Kirchner; Bernhard Paetzold; Terence S. Dermody; Thilo Stehle
Reovirus attachment protein σ1 mediates engagement of receptors on the surface of target cells and undergoes dramatic conformational rearrangements during viral disassembly in the endocytic pathway. The σ1 protein is a filamentous, trimeric molecule with a globular β-barrel head domain. An unusual cluster of aspartic acid residues sandwiched between hydrophobic tyrosines is located at the σ1 subunit interface. A 1.75-Å structure of the σ1 head domain now reveals two water molecules at the subunit interface that are held strictly in position and interact with neighboring residues. Structural and biochemical analyses of mutants affecting the aspartic acid sandwich indicate that these residues and the corresponding chelated water molecules act as a plug to block the free flow of solvent and stabilize the trimer. This arrangement of residues at the σ1 head trimer interface illustrates a new protein design motif that may confer conformational mobility during cell entry.
Journal of Molecular Recognition | 2008
Sri Ram Krishna Vedula; Tong Seng Lim; Eva Kirchner; Kristen M. Guglielmi; Terence S. Dermody; Thilo Stehle; Walter Hunziker; Chwee Teck Lim
JAM‐A belongs to a family of immunoglobulin‐like proteins called junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs) that localize at epithelial and endothelial intercellular tight junctions. JAM‐A is also expressed on dendritic cells, neutrophils, and platelets. Homophilic JAM‐A interactions play an important role in regulating paracellular permeability and leukocyte transmigration across epithelial monolayers and endothelial cell junctions, respectively. In addition, JAM‐A is a receptor for the reovirus attachment protein, σ1. In this study, we used single molecular force spectroscopy to compare the kinetics of JAM‐A interactions with itself and σ1. A chimeric murine JAM‐A/Fc fusion protein and the purified σ1 head domain were used to probe murine L929 cells, which express JAM‐A and are susceptible to reovirus infection. The bond half‐life (t1/2) of homophilic JAM‐A interactions was found to be shorter (