
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2008

Insights into the Mode of Action of Chitosan as an Antibacterial Compound

Dina Raafat; Kristine von Bargen; Albert Haas; Hans-Georg Sahl

ABSTRACT Chitosan is a polysaccharide biopolymer that combines a unique set of versatile physicochemical and biological characteristics which allow for a wide range of applications. Although its antimicrobial activity is well documented, its mode of action has hitherto remained only vaguely defined. In this work we investigated the antimicrobial mode of action of chitosan using a combination of approaches, including in vitro assays, killing kinetics, cellular leakage measurements, membrane potential estimations, and electron microscopy, in addition to transcriptional response analysis. Chitosan, whose antimicrobial activity was influenced by several factors, exhibited a dose-dependent growth-inhibitory effect. A simultaneous permeabilization of the cell membrane to small cellular components, coupled to a significant membrane depolarization, was detected. A concomitant interference with cell wall biosynthesis was not observed. Chitosan treatment of Staphylococcus simulans 22 cells did not give rise to cell wall lysis; the cell membrane also remained intact. Analysis of transcriptional response data revealed that chitosan treatment leads to multiple changes in the expression profiles of Staphylococcus aureus SG511 genes involved in the regulation of stress and autolysis, as well as genes associated with energy metabolism. Finally, a possible mechanism for chitosans activity is postulated. Although we contend that there might not be a single classical target that would explain chitosans antimicrobial action, we speculate that binding of chitosan to teichoic acids, coupled with a potential extraction of membrane lipids (predominantly lipoteichoic acid) results in a sequence of events, ultimately leading to bacterial death.

Fems Microbiology Reviews | 2009

Molecular and infection biology of the horse pathogen Rhodococcus equi

Kristine von Bargen; Albert Haas

The soil actinomycete Rhodococcus equi is a pulmonary pathogen of young horses and AIDS patients. As a facultative intracellular bacterium, R. equi survives and multiplies in macrophages and establishes its specific niche inside the host cell. Recent research into chromosomal virulence factors and into the role of virulence plasmids in infection and host tropism has presented novel aspects of R. equi infection biology and pathogenicity. This review will focus on new findings in R. equi biology, the trafficking of R. equi-containing vacuoles inside host cells, factors involved in virulence and host resistance and on host-pathogen interaction on organismal and cellular levels.

Infection and Immunity | 2009

Rhodococcus equi Virulence-Associated Protein A Is Required for Diversion of Phagosome Biogenesis but Not for Cytotoxicity

Kristine von Bargen; Marco Polidori; Ulrike Becken; Gitta Huth; John F. Prescott; Albert Haas

ABSTRACT Rhodococcus equi is a gram-positive facultative intracellular pathogen that can cause severe bronchopneumonia in foals and AIDS patients. Virulence is plasmid regulated and is accompanied by phagosome maturation arrest and host cell necrosis. A replacement mutant in the gene for VapA (virulence-associated protein A), a major virulence factor of R. equi, was tested for its activities during macrophage infection. Early in infection, phagosomes containing the vapA mutant did not fuse with lysosomes and did not stain with the acidotropic fluor LysoTracker similar to those containing virulent wild-type R. equi. However, vapA mutant phagosomes had a lower average pH. Late in infection, phagosomes containing the vapA mutant were as frequently positive for LysoTracker as phagosomes containing plasmid-cured, avirulent bacteria, whereas those with virulent wild-type R. equi were still negative for the fluor. Macrophage necrosis after prolonged infection with virulent bacteria was accompanied by a loss of organelle staining with LysoTracker, suggesting that lysosome proton gradients had collapsed. The vapA mutant still killed the macrophages and yet did not affect the pH of host cell lysosomes. Hence, VapA is not required for host cell necrosis but is required for neutralization of phagosomes and lysosomes or their disruption. This is the first report of an R. equi mutant with altered phagosome biogenesis.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2015

Vacuolar ATPase in Phagosome-Lysosome Fusion

Sandra Kissing; Christina Hermsen; Urska Repnik; Cecilie Kåsi Nesset; Kristine von Bargen; Gareth Griffiths; Atsuhiro Ichihara; Beth S. Lee; Michael Schwake; Jef K. De Brabander; Albert Haas; Paul Saftig

Background: The vacuolar H+-ATPase complex is thought to contribute to membrane fusion. Results: v-ATPase complex knock-out experiments in mice revealed that its absence does not affect phagosome-lysosome fusion. Conclusion: Participation of v-ATPase in phagosome-lysosome fusion is unlikely. Significance: Fusion between lysosomes/late endosomes and phagosomes is not controlled by the v-ATPase. The vacuolar H+-ATPase (v-ATPase) complex is instrumental in establishing and maintaining acidification of some cellular compartments, thereby ensuring their functionality. Recently it has been proposed that the transmembrane V0 sector of v-ATPase and its a-subunits promote membrane fusion in the endocytic and exocytic pathways independent of their acidification functions. Here, we tested if such a proton-pumping independent role of v-ATPase also applies to phagosome-lysosome fusion. Surprisingly, endo(lyso)somes in mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking the V0 a3 subunit of the v-ATPase acidified normally, and endosome and lysosome marker proteins were recruited to phagosomes with similar kinetics in the presence or absence of the a3 subunit. Further experiments used macrophages with a knockdown of v-ATPase accessory protein 2 (ATP6AP2) expression, resulting in a strongly reduced level of the V0 sector of the v-ATPase. However, acidification appeared undisturbed, and fusion between latex bead-containing phagosomes and lysosomes, as analyzed by electron microscopy, was even slightly enhanced, as was killing of non-pathogenic bacteria by V0 mutant macrophages. Pharmacologically neutralized lysosome pH did not affect maturation of phagosomes in mouse embryonic cells or macrophages. Finally, locking the two large parts of the v-ATPase complex together by the drug saliphenylhalamide A did not inhibit in vitro and in cellulo fusion of phagosomes with lysosomes. Hence, our data do not suggest a fusion-promoting role of the v-ATPase in the formation of phagolysosomes.

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 2016

H-NS Nucleoid Protein Controls Virulence Features of Klebsiella pneumoniae by Regulating the Expression of Type 3 Pili and the Capsule Polysaccharide.

Miguel A. Ares; José Luis Fernández-Vázquez; Roberto Rosales-Reyes; Ma. Dolores Jarillo-Quijada; Kristine von Bargen; Javier Torres; Jorge A. Gonzalez-y-Merchand; María Dolores Alcántar-Curiel; Miguel Cruz

Klebsiella pneumoniae is an opportunistic pathogen causing nosocomial infections. Main virulence determinants of K. pneumoniae are pili, capsular polysaccharide, lipopolysaccharide, and siderophores. The histone-like nucleoid-structuring protein (H-NS) is a pleiotropic regulator found in several gram-negative pathogens. It has functions both as an architectural component of the nucleoid and as a global regulator of gene expression. We generated a Δhns mutant and evaluated the role of the H-NS nucleoid protein on the virulence features of K. pneumoniae. A Δhns mutant down-regulated the mrkA pilin gene and biofilm formation was affected. In contrast, capsule expression was derepressed in the absence of H-NS conferring a hypermucoviscous phenotype. Moreover, H-NS deficiency affected the K. pneumoniae adherence to epithelial cells such as A549 and HeLa cells. In infection experiments using RAW264.7 and THP-1 differentiated macrophages, the Δhns mutant was less phagocytized than the wild-type strain. This phenotype was likely due to the low adherence to these phagocytic cells. Taken together, our data indicate that H-NS nucleoid protein is a crucial regulator of both T3P and CPS of K. pneumoniae.

Infection and Immunity | 2011

Nitric Oxide-Mediated Intracellular Growth Restriction of Pathogenic Rhodococcus equi Can Be Prevented by Iron

Kristine von Bargen; Jens Wohlmann; Gregory A. Taylor; Olaf Utermöhlen; Albert Haas

ABSTRACT Rhodococcus equi is an intracellular pathogen which causes pneumonia in young horses and in immunocompromised humans. R. equi arrests phagosome maturation in macrophages at a prephagolysosome stage and grows inside a privileged compartment. Here, we show that, in murine macrophages activated with gamma interferon and lipopolysaccharide, R. equi does not multiply but stays viable for at least 24 h. Whereas infection control of other intracellular pathogens by activated macrophages is executed by enhanced phagosome acidification or phagolysosome formation, by autophagy or by the interferon-inducible GTPase Irgm1, none of these mechanisms seems to control R. equi infection. Growth control by macrophage activation is fully mimicked by treatment of resting macrophages with nitric oxide donors, and inhibition of bacterial multiplication by either activation or nitric oxide donors is annihilated by cotreatment of infected macrophages with ferrous sulfate. Transcriptional analysis of the R. equi iron-regulated gene iupT demonstrates that intracellular R. equi encounters iron stress in activated, but not in resting, macrophages and that this stress is relieved by extracellular addition of ferrous sulfate. Our results suggest that nitric oxide is central to the restriction of bacterial access to iron in activated macrophages.

Cellular Microbiology | 2013

Diversion of phagosome trafficking by pathogenic Rhodococcus equi depends on mycolic acid chain length

Tobias Sydor; Kristine von Bargen; Fong-Fu Hsu; Gitta Huth; Otto Holst; Jens Wohlmann; Ulrike Becken; Tobias Dykstra; Kristina Söhl; Buko Lindner; John F. Prescott; Ulrich E. Schaible; Olaf Utermöhlen; Albert Haas

Rhodococcus equi is a close relative of Mycobacterium spp. and a facultative intracellular pathogen which arrests phagosome maturation in macrophages before the late endocytic stage. We have screened a transposon mutant library of R. equi for mutants with decreased capability to prevent phagolysosome formation. This screen yielded a mutant in the gene for β‐ketoacyl‐(acyl carrier protein)‐synthase A (KasA), a key enzyme of the long‐chain mycolic acid synthesizing FAS‐II system. The longest kasA mutant mycolic acid chains were 10 carbon units shorter than those of wild‐type bacteria. Coating of non‐pathogenic E. coli with purified wild‐type trehalose dimycolate reduced phagolysosome formation substantially which was not the case with shorter kasA mutant‐derived trehalose dimycolate. The mutant was moderately attenuated in macrophages and in a mouse infection model, but was fully cytotoxic.Whereas loss of KasA is lethal in mycobacteria, R. equi kasA mutant multiplication in broth was normal proving that long‐chain mycolic acid compounds are not necessarily required for cellular integrity and viability of the bacteria that typically produce them. This study demonstrates a central role of mycolic acid chain length in diversion of trafficking by R. equi.

Frontiers in Microbiology | 2017

Gene Expression Profiling of Transcription Factors of Helicobacter pylori under Different Environmental Conditions

Miguel Cruz; Miguel A. Ares; Kristine von Bargen; Leonardo G. Panunzi; Jessica Martínez-Cruz; Hilda Valdez-Salazar; César Jiménez-Galicia; Javier Torres

Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that colonizes the human gastric mucosa and causes peptic ulcers and gastric carcinoma. H. pylori strain 26695 has a small genome (1.67 Mb), which codes for few known transcriptional regulators that control bacterial metabolism and virulence. We analyzed by qRT-PCR the expression of 16 transcriptional regulators in H. pylori 26695, including the three sigma factors under different environmental conditions. When bacteria were exposed to acidic pH, urea, nickel, or iron, the sigma factors were differentially expressed with a particularly strong induction of fliA. The regulatory genes hrcA, hup, and crdR were highly induced in the presence of urea, nickel, and iron. In terms of biofilm formation fliA, flgR, hp1021, fur, nikR, and crdR were induced in sessile bacteria. Transcriptional expression levels of rpoD, flgR, hspR, hp1043, and cheY were increased in contact with AGS epithelial cells. Kanamycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline increased or decreased expression of regulatory genes, showing that these antibiotics affect the transcription of H. pylori. Our data indicate that environmental cues which may be present in the human stomach modulate H. pylori transcription.

Cellular Microbiology | 2018

VapA from Rhodococcus equi is an inter-compartmental pH-neutralising virulence factor

Kristine von Bargen; Mirella Scraba; Ina Krämer; Maren Ketterer; Christian Nehls; Sina Krokowski; Urska Repnik; Michaela Wittlich; Anna Maaser; Pia Zapka; Madeleine Bunge; Martin Schlesinger; Gitta Huth; Annette Klees; Philipp Hansen; Andreas Jeschke; Gerd Bendas; Olaf Utermöhlen; Gareth Griffiths; Thomas Gutsmann; Jens Wohlmann; Albert Haas

Professional phagocytic cells such as macrophages are a central part of innate immune defence. They ingest microorganisms into membrane‐bound compartments (phagosomes), which acidify and eventually fuse with lysosomes, exposing their contents to a microbicidal environment. Gram‐positive Rhodococcus equi can cause pneumonia in young foals and in immunocompromised humans. The possession of a virulence plasmid allows them to subvert host defence mechanisms and to multiply in macrophages. Here, we show that the plasmid‐encoded and secreted virulence‐associated protein A (VapA) participates in exclusion of the proton‐pumping vacuolar‐ATPase complex from phagosomes and causes membrane permeabilisation, thus contributing to a pH‐neutral phagosome lumen. Using fluorescence and electron microscopy, we show that VapA is also transferred from phagosomes to lysosomes where it permeabilises the limiting membranes for small ions such as protons. This permeabilisation process is different from that of known membrane pore formers as revealed by experiments with artificial lipid bilayers. We demonstrate that, at 24 hr of infection, virulent R. equi is contained in a vacuole, which is enriched in lysosome material, yet possesses a pH of 7.2 whereas phagosomes containing a vapA deletion mutant have a pH of 5.8 and those with virulence plasmid‐less sister strains have a pH of 5.2. Experimentally neutralising the macrophage endocytic system allows avirulent R. equi to multiply. This observation is mirrored in the fact that virulent and avirulent R. equi multiply well in extracts of purified lysosomes at pH 7.2 but not at pH 5.1. Together these data indicate that the major function of VapA is to generate a pH‐neutral and hence growth‐promoting intracellular niche. VapA represents a new type of Gram‐positive virulence factor by trafficking from one subcellular compartment to another, affecting membrane permeability, excluding proton‐pumping ATPase, and consequently disarming host defences.

Veterinary Microbiology | 2008

A mycolyl transferase mutant of Rhodococcus equi lacking capsule integrity is fully virulent

Tobias Sydor; Kristine von Bargen; Ulrike Becken; Sabine Spuerck; Vivian M. Nicholson; John F. Prescott; Albert Haas

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