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Featured researches published by Krisztina Mayer.

Pediatric Diabetes | 2012

Reduced physical fitness in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

Andrea Lukács; Krisztina Mayer; Eleonóra Juhász; Beatrix Varga; Bertalan Fodor; László Barkai

To evaluate motor performance and cardiorespiratory function in youths with type 1 diabetes in comparison with age‐matched control groups and to analyze the influence of physical activity level, anthropometric and physical fitness parameters on long‐term metabolic control.

Pediatric Diabetes | 2018

Health-related quality of life of adolescents with type 1 diabetes in the context of resilience

Andrea Lukács; Krisztina Mayer; Péter László Sasvári; László Barkai

Adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) can be faced with deterioration in glycemic control (GC), reduced health‐related quality of life (HRQoL), and other psychosocial problems. It is important to understand how the disease and its clinical conditions influence HRQoL and how adolescents are able to overcome the life adjustment difficulties.

The publications of the MultiScience - XXX. MicroCAD International Scientific Conference | 2016

Elkülöníthetőek-e egymástól az eltérő kockázatkereső magatartásformák, a szenzoros élménykeresés, rezíliencia, teljesítménymotiváció valamint a temperamentum- és karakterfaktorok alapján?

Krisztina Mayer; Emőke Kiss-Tóth; Andrea Lukács

The purpose of our study was to find out whether groups of people with different forms of risk-seeking behavior can be clearly differentiated from each other on the basis of sensation seeking, resilience, performance motivation, and temperament and character factors. Altogether 435 subjects participated in our research; 170 pro-social risk-takers (firemen), 194 anti-social risk-takers (perpetrators of violent crime) and 71 people exercising extreme sports. We assessed sensation seeking with the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS-8). For the assessment of resilience we used Neill and Dias’ (2001) 15-item version of the originally 25item self-administered questionnaire, Resilience Scale (RS) by Wagnild and Young. We used the Achievement Motives Scale (AMS-R), developed by Jonas W.B Lang and Stefan Fries in 2006, to assess performance motivation. Measuring temperament and character factors took place with the Hungarian adapted version (Rózsa and co, 2005) of Cloninger’s Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). Our results point out that although showing major differences, groups with different forms of risk-seeking behavior can not be clearly differentiated from each other with all of the scales used in this research.

Acta Physiologica Hungarica | 2013

Better cardiorespiratory fitness associated with favourable metabolic control and health-related quality of life in youths with type 1 diabetes mellitus

Andrea Lukács; Krisztina Mayer; András Török; Emőke Kiss-Tóth; László Barkai

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika | 2012

Hungarian adaptation of the 8-item Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS-8)

Krisztina Mayer; Andrea Lukács; Gábor Pauler

Archive | 2013

Drog vagy sport? : Szenzoros élménykeresés drogfogyasztóknál és sportolóknál

Krisztina Mayer; Andrea Lukács; László Barkai

The publications of the MultiScience - XXIX. MicroCAD International Scientific Conference | 2015

A szenzoros élménykeresés, rezíliencia és a teljesítménymotiváció összefüggése a kockázatkereső magatartásformákkal

Krisztina Mayer; Andrea Lukács; Emőke Kiss-Tóth

European Journal of Public Health | 2015

Benefits of regular exercise on quality of life and coping skills in adolescents

Emőke Kiss-Tóth; A Orosz; Krisztina Mayer; Andrea Lukács

Archive | 2014

How resilient are the pro- and anti-social risk-takers and extreme sportsmen?

Krisztina Mayer; Andrea Lukács

Archive | 2013

Temperamentum- és karaktertípusok összefüggése kockázatkereső magatartásformákkal

Krisztina Mayer; Andrea Lukács; László Barkai


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A Orosz

University of Miskolc

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