
Circulation | 2012

Influence of mitral regurgitation repair on survival in the surgical treatment for ischemic heart failure trial.

Marek A. Deja; Paul A. Grayburn; Benjamin Sun; Vivek Rao; Lilin She; Michał Krejca; Anil R. Jain; Yeow Leng Chua; Richard C. Daly; Michele Senni; Krzysztof Mokrzycki; Lorenzo Menicanti; Jae K. Oh; Robert E. Michler; Krzysztof Wrobel; Andre Lamy; Eric J. Velazquez; Kerry L. Lee; Roger Jones

Background— Whether mitral valve repair during coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) improves survival in patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation (MR) remains unknown. Methods and Results— Patients with ejection fraction ⩽35% and coronary artery disease amenable to CABG were randomized at 99 sites worldwide to medical therapy with or without CABG. The decision to treat the mitral valve during CABG was left to the surgeon. The primary end point was mortality. Of 1212 randomized patients, 435 (36%) had none/trace MR, 554 (46%) had mild MR, 181 (15%) had moderate MR, and 39 (3%) had severe MR. In the medical arm, 70 deaths (32%) occurred in patients with none/trace MR, 114 (44%) in those with mild MR, and 58 (50%) in those with moderate to severe MR. In patients with moderate to severe MR, there were 29 deaths (53%) among 55 patients randomized to CABG who did not receive mitral surgery (hazard ratio versus medical therapy, 1.20; 95% confidence interval, 0.77–1.87) and 21 deaths (43%) among 49 patients who received mitral surgery (hazard ratio versus medical therapy, 0.62; 95% confidence interval, 0.35–1.08). After adjustment for baseline prognostic variables, the hazard ratio for CABG with mitral surgery versus CABG alone was 0.41 (95% confidence interval, 0.22–0.77; P=0.006). Conclusion— Although these observational data suggest that adding mitral valve repair to CABG in patients with left ventricular dysfunction and moderate to severe MR may improve survival compared with CABG alone or medical therapy alone, a prospective randomized trial is necessary to confirm the validity of these observations. Clinical Trial Registration— URL: Unique identifier: NCT00023595.

American Journal of Cardiology | 2013

Mechanisms of Functional Mitral Regurgitation in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Determined by Transesophageal Echocardiography (from the Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure Trial)

Krzysztof S. Golba; Krzysztof Mokrzycki; Jarosław Drożdż; Alexander Cherniavsky; Krzysztof Wrobel; Bradley J. Roberts; Haissam Haddad; Gerald Maurer; Michael Yii; Federico M. Asch; Mark D. Handschumacher; Thomas A. Holly; Roman Przybylski; Irving L. Kron; Hartzell V. Schaff; Susan Aston; John Horton; Kerry L. Lee; Eric J. Velazquez; Paul A. Grayburn

The mechanisms underlying functional mitral regurgitation (MR) and the relation between mechanism and severity of MR have not been evaluated in a large, multicenter, randomized controlled trial. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) was performed in 215 patients at 17 centers in the Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure (STICH) trial. Both 2-dimensional (n = 215) and 3-dimensional (n = 81) TEEs were used to assess multiple quantitative measurements of the mechanism and severity of MR. By 2-dimensional TEE, leaflet tenting area, anterior and posterior leaflet angles, mitral annulus diameter, left ventricular (LV) end-systolic volume index, LV ejection fraction (LVEF), and sphericity index (p <0.05 for all) were significantly different across MR grades. By 3-dimensional TEE, mitral annulus area, leaflet tenting area, LV end-systolic volume index, LVEF, and sphericity index (p <0.05 for all) were significantly different across MR grades. A multivariate analysis showed a trend for annulus area (p = 0.069) and LV end-systolic volume index (p = 0.071) to predict effective regurgitant orifice area and for annulus area (p = 0.018) and LV end-systolic volume index (p = 0.073) to predict vena contracta area. In the STICH trial, multiple quantitative parameters of the mechanism of functional MR are related to MR severity. The mechanism of functional MR in ischemic cardiomyopathy is heterogeneous, but no single variable stands out as a strong predictor of quantitative severity of MR.

American Journal of Cardiology | 2015

Comparison of Transesophageal and Transthoracic Echocardiographic Measurements of Mechanism and Severity of Mitral Regurgitation in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy (from the Surgical Treatment of Ischemic Heart Failure Trial)

Paul A. Grayburn; Lilin She; Brad J. Roberts; Krzysztof S. Golba; Krzysztof Mokrzycki; Jarosław Drożdż; Alexander Cherniavsky; Roman Przybylski; Krzysztof Wrobel; Federico M. Asch; Thomas A. Holly; Haissam Haddad; Michael Yii; Gerald Maurer; Irving L. Kron; Hartzell V. Schaff; Eric J. Velazquez; Jae K. Oh

Mitral regurgitation (MR) is common in ischemic heart disease and contributes to symptoms and mortality. This report compares the results of baseline transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) imaging of the mechanism and severity of functional MR in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy in the Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure (STICH) trial. Independent core laboratories measured both TTE and TEE images on 196 STICH participants. Common measurements to both models included MR grade, mitral valve tenting height and tenting area, and mitral annular diameter. For each parameter, correlations were assessed using Spearman rank correlation coefficients. A modest correlation was present between TEE and TTE for overall MR grade (n = 176, r = 0.52). For mechanism of MR, modest correlations were present for long-axis tenting height (n = 152, r = 0.35), tenting area (n = 128, r = 0.27), and long-axis mitral annulus diameter (n = 123, r = 0.41). For each measurement, there was significant scatter. Potential explanations for the scatter include different orientation of the imaging planes between TEE and TTE, a mean temporal delay of 6 days between TEE and TTE, and statistically significant differences in heart rate and blood pressure and weight between studies. In conclusion, TEE and TTE measurements of MR mechanism and severity correlate only modestly with enough scatter in the data that they are not interchangeable.

Archives of Medical Science | 2010

Evaluation of the level of antibodies against Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae in post-surgery heart ischaemia patients and their clinical conditions – a six-year study

Mirosław Brykczyński; Andrzej Żych; Iwona Gorący; Iwona Mączyńska; Iwona Wojciechowska-Koszko; Krzysztof Mokrzycki; Stefania Giedrys-Kalemba; Piotr Sielicki

Introduction Inflammatory conditions modulated by Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae are considered to play an important role in the onset of atherosclerosis. In this paper we present the results of progressive observation of C. pneumoniae antibody titres in patients who underwent coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Material and methods The objective of our research was a prospective observation of antibody titres in IgA and IgG class antibodies against C. pneumoniae using indirect immunofluorescence in a group of 155 post-surgery CABG patients suffering from heart ischaemia. The microbiological test results were compared with patients’ present coronary complaints evaluated on the CCS scale during a six-year period. Results Six years after CABG, 128 patients (82.6%) are still alive. During the study a positive serological conversion of antibody titres was observed in 36 patients in the IgA class antibodies, and in 26 patients in the IgG class. The group of patients with no antibodies against C. pneumoniae decreased from 23.2 to 3.4%, while the group of patients with antibodies in both IgG and IgA classes increased from 52.3 to 83.9%. The average CCS degree decreased from 3.18 before CABG to 1.65 in the present study. Conclusions These results show no connection between the serological symptoms of chronic C. pneumoniae infection and coronary complaints evaluated on the CCS scale during a six-year study on post-CABG patients suffering from heart ischaemia. The surgical treatment of heart ischaemia brought about long-term improvement in the coronary condition of the observed group of patients.

European Heart Journal | 2018

The association between blood pressure and long-term outcomes of patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy with and without surgical revascularization: an analysis of the STICH trial

Bert Andersson; Lilin She; Ru-San Tan; Panniyammakal Jeemon; Krzysztof Mokrzycki; Matthias Siepe; Alexander Romanov; Liliana E. Favaloro; Ljubomir T. Djokovic; P. Krishnam Raju; Piotr Betlejewski; Normand Racine; Adam Ostrzycki; Weerachai Nawarawong; Siuli Das; Jean L. Rouleau; George Sopko; Kerry L. Lee; Eric J Velazquez; Julio A. Panza

Aims Hypertension (HTN) is a well-known contributor to cardiovascular disease, including heart failure (HF) and coronary artery disease, and is the leading risk factor for premature death world-wide. A J- or U-shaped relationship has been suggested between blood pressure (BP) and clinical outcomes in different studies. However, there is little information about the significance of BP on the outcomes of patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction. This study aimed to determine the relationship between BP and mortality outcomes in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy. Methods and results The influence of BP during a median follow-up of 9.8 years was studied in a total of 1212 patients with ejection fraction ≤35% and coronary disease amenable to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) who were randomized to CABG or medical therapy alone (MED) in the STICH (Surgical Treatment for Ischaemic Heart Failure) trial. Landmark analyses were performed starting at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years after randomization, in which previous systolic BP values were averaged and related to subsequent mortality through the end of follow-up with a median of 9.8 years. Neither a previous history of HTN nor baseline BP had any significant influence on long-term mortality outcomes, nor did they have a significant interaction with MED or CABG treatment. The landmark analyses showed a progressive U-shaped relationship that became strongest at 5 years (χ2 and P-values: 7.08, P = 0.069; 8.72, P = 0.033; 9.86; P = 0.020; 8.31, P = 0.040; 14.52, P = 0.002; at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5-year landmark analyses, respectively). The relationship between diastolic BP (DBP) and outcomes was similar. The most favourable outcomes were observed in the SBP range 120-130, and DBP 75-85 mmHg, whereas lower and higher BP were associated with worse outcomes. There were no differences in BP-lowering medications between groups. Conclusion A strong U-shaped relationship between BP and mortality outcomes was evident in ischaemic HF patients. The results imply that the optimal SBP might be in the range 120-130 mmHg after intervention, and possibly be subject to pharmacologic action regarding high BP. Further, low BP was a marker of poor outcomes that might require other interactions and treatment strategies. Clinical Trial Registration URL: Unique identifier: NCT00023595.

Kardiochirurgia i Torakochirurgia Polska/Polish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | 2014

Thoracic aorta aneurysm successfully operated on during pregnancy

Krzysztof Mokrzycki; Andrzej Biskupski; Ewelina Kuligowska; Mariusz Listewnik; Mirosław Brykczyński

We present the case of an asymptomatic 26-year-old female patient with a huge thoracic aneurysm discovered at a routine echo screening. The patient had previously been operated on for coarctation of the aorta in childhood and also had diagnosed bicuspid aortic valve. The operation was carried out in extracorporeal circulation at the 22nd week of gestation without any complications. A few months later in the 38th week of pregnancy a baby girl was delivered by cesarean section with an Apgar score of 10. The patient is scheduled for implantation of a stent graft to the descending aorta, because the CT of the chest done a few months after delivery confirmed presence of a significant aneurysm located just below the left subclavian artery.

Kardiochirurgia i Torakochirurgia Polska/Polish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | 2016

Postponed surgery of an acute aortic dissection (type A) in a Jehovah’s Witness with significant hemostatic disorders

Andrzej Biskupski; Szymon Waligórski; Krzysztof Mokrzycki; Mirosław Brykczyński

In this case report, we present the treatment of an acute type A aortic dissection in a Jehovahs Witness patient. In accordance with the will of the patient, blood products were not used. Additionally, the patient had significant hemostatic disorders due to the use of antiplatelet drugs.

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 2013

Cardiac Lymphangioma in the Right Atrium

Andrzej Biskupski; Szymon Waligórski; Krzysztof Mokrzycki; Klaudia Biskupska; Mirosław Brykczyński

A 66-year-old woman was admitted for heart failure. The patient complained of exertional dyspnea that had worsened over the past 3 months. Transthoracic echocardiography showed a turbulent blood flow to the right ventricle and a mild tricuspid regurgitation, caused by an almost transparent mass in the right atrium. A peduncle through which the mass was attached to the middle part of the interatrial septum was more visible. Transesophageal echocardiography confirmed the presence of a weakly echogenic tumor measuring 4.5 5.7 cm. The tumor was protruding into the tricuspid outlet, but the interatrial septum was not disrupted and no thrombi were seen in the left chambers of the heart (Fig 1). The patient underwent surgery. The right atrium was opened, and the cystlike mass and peduncle, which was fastened to the atrial septum at the area of the foramen

Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine | 2015

The Use of Vacuum-Assisted Closure in Purulent Complications and Difficult-To-Heal Wounds in Cardiac Surgery.

Mariusz Listewnik; Piotr Sielicki; Krzysztof Mokrzycki; Andrzej Biskupski; Mirosław Brykczyński

Pomeranian journal of life sciences | 2018

Powikłania w kardiochirurgii: rozejścia mostka po pośrodkowej sternotomii. Analiza wyników 14 171 operacji kardiochirurgicznych wykonanych w latach 1990–2009

Mariusz Listewnik; Arkadiusz Kazimierczak; Krzysztof Mokrzycki

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