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Journal of Weed Science and Technology | 1988

Seed dormancy and germination of Echinochloa oryzicola Vasing.: Dormancy-breaking mechanism of potassium cyanide.

Yuji Yamasue; Ryo Hasegawa; Kunikazu Ueki

Dormancy-breaking mechanism of KCN in Echinochloa oryzicola seeds was studied by determining activities of respiration and redox enzymes in the seeds treated for 48hrs at the optimum concentration for breaking dormancy. KCN remarkably promoted germination of the seeds with primary dormancy. Any visible signs of germination were not observed during treatment, but started soon after seeds were transfered to the subsequent incubation without cyanide, indicating that the germination-induction was present during the 48hr treatment period. The KCN concentration causing the maximum germination at 100mM greatly inhibited both O2 consumption and cytochrome c oxidase activity. ADH activity of treated seeds initially decreased for 24hr, but thereafter increased. The RQ value increased to 3.6 during the germination-induction period, whereas fluctuations in neither ADH activity nor RQ value were observed in nontreated seeds. There was little difference in G6PDH activity between treated and nontreated seeds during treatment, but the treated seeds increased in activity as germination began. During the germination-induction period, catalase activity was remarkably inhibited by KCN, while, on the contrary, peroxidase was stimulated to activity two-folds higher than that of nontreated seeds. The amount of NAD (P) H in treated seeds significantly decreased soon after the subsequent incubation, suggesting the increased activities of NAD (P) H oxidases. The alternations observed in enzyme activities pointed out that the scheme HENDRICKS and TAYLORSON (1975) proposed for the mechanism of germination promotion for thiourea, nitrite and hydroxylamine was also applicable for KCN action in the seeds of E. oryzicola. The shift of aerobic respiration to alcohol fermentation by KCN was worthy of note since the latter is, as we previously reported, the main energy-yielding pathway of the rice paddy weed seed at early imbibition.

Natural Products#R##N#Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan, 29 August – 4 September 1982 | 1983


Kunikazu Ueki

Abstract In an attempt to determine weed floral changes affected by the long-term application of herbicides in transplanted rice in Japan, a survey was made of weed specialists in 53 prefectural agricultural experiment stations throughout the country. Ninety percent of the questionnaires were returned. The majority of prefectures began herbicide application with 2, 4-D or MCPA in the period between 1950 and 1959. From then until 1975, PCP, nitrofen, thiobencarb and many other herbicides were introduced on rice. Sixty-one percent of the respondents indicated a trend of weed shift to perennials in their prefectures during this period. Scirpus juncoides (probably subs. juncoides ) and Sagittaria pygmaea are the perennials indicated to have been most dominant by 44 and 27% of the respondents, respectively. This weed floral change has resulted not only from the long-term application of herbicides, but also from the changes of paddy management for rice, such as abandonment of intercultivation and hand-weeding, pre-plant soil preparation with rotary tillage, and shallower flooding level of the water. Many rice growers do not cultivate fields after harvesting, and the rest do so with rotary tillage.

Journal of Weed Science and Technology | 1980


Sayyed Ashour Ahmed; Misako Ito; Kunikazu Ueki

Waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) is a perennial, free-floating aquatic weed. Within a hundred years the plant has spread from its home base in South America to at least fifty countries around the globe. It is particularly abundant in the basins of the Amazon, Nile and Congo rivers, and infests large areas in India, Burma, Sri Lanka, Japan, Australia, South-east Asia, the United States, Sudan and many other warm regions of the world4,5). Economic losses caused by this weed result from transpirative water losses, blockage of drainage canals, interference with navigation, prevention of fishing and other recreational activities and lowering of real-estate values. Much attention has been centered on the control of waterhyacinth by chemical methods. However, the use of herbicides to control such an aquatic weed has always been regarded with suspicion because of the possibilities of danger to man, livestock, irrigated crops, wildlife and aquatic organisms. In addition to possible direct toxicity, indirect hazards may result from the decomposition of plant material. The herbicide 2, 4-D is one of the most widely recommended chemicals against waterhyacinth all over the world. However, PETTET9) suggests that its large scale application in Sudan provides favourable conditions for seed germination and seedling development through decaying vegetation along the banks of the White Nile. The decaying process after herbicide application leads to decomposition of plant material which, in turn, is supposed to affect water quality in the waterhyacinth habitat. In spite of the fact that there is a vast amount of information available on the characteristics of aquatic plants and their potential to alter water quality, little quantitative research has been done concerning the effect of decayed plants on the physico-chemical properties of water. The purpose of this work is to present analyses of several of the physico-chemical parameters of ecological interest in water after application of 2, 4-D dimethylamine and ametryne on waterhyacinth.

Journal of Weed Science and Technology | 1978

Geographically Variation of Essential Oils in Tubers of Purple Nutsedge

Koichiro Komai; Kazuhiko Osaki; Kunikazu Ueki

(1) 主として日本各地より採集したハマスゲ塊茎の精油成分の差異から, ハマスゲを次の3タイプに大別した。H型; 双環性セスキテルペンのα-cyperone とβ-selinene を主成分とするもの。O型; 三環性セスキテルペンの cyperenone と cyperene を主成分とするもの。M型;α-cyperone, β-selinene, cyperene および cyperenone の4成分を主成分とするもの。(2) H型は本州, 四国, 九州など比較的高緯度地域を中心に分布する。O型は沖縄諸島を中心に分布するが, 種子島以北の九州, 四国, 本州では認められなかった。またM型は九州の一部と沖縄, 西表島でわずかに認められるだけであった。(3) 精油組成から大別されたH型とO型の両タイプのハマスゲは, 痩果重, 痩果数, 小穂長あるいは塊茎生産数などの形質に差異が観察された。

Journal of Weed Science and Technology | 1977

Physiological Functions of Polyphenolic Substances in Germination of Purple Nutsedge Tubers

Koichiro Komai; Kunikazu Ueki

ハマスゲ塊茎の発芽におけるポリフェノール成分の役割について, 主として塊茎の形質を中心に検討した。(1) 5連塊茎の発芽率は置床後21日目で62%と単一塊茎の93%に比較してかなり低く, rhizome から塊茎を切断分離することはその発芽を促進させた。(2) 5連塊茎の発芽試験のあと未発芽の塊茎を単一状態に分離して発芽させた場合, その大半が発芽した。(3) ポリフェノール成分量は若い未熟塊茎に多く, より熟度の進んだ塊茎の場合は減少した。また未熟塊茎は, 熟度の進んだ塊茎に比較して, 5連塊茎および単一塊茎の両条件で発芽率が低く, しかも発芽が遅延する傾向を示し, ポリフェノール成分の発芽抑制作用が推察された。(4) 塊茎の発芽性とポリフェノール成分の間には, 5連塊茎では, カテキン性タンニン: r=-0.756, フラバノール型タンニン: r=-0.708, クロロゲン酸: r=-0.673とかなり高い負の相関関係が認められるが, 塊茎を rhizome から分離して単一塊茎とした場合, ポリフェノール成分含量には変化は認められないものの, 発芽との相関関係は著しく低下した。

Journal of Weed Science and Technology | 1969

Basic Studies on Control of the Perennial Weed,Kuroguwai(Eleocharis kuroguwai)

Kunikazu Ueki; Yasuo Nakamura; Seiichi Ono

本研究は多年生雑草クログワイの防除を, その生物学的特徴を利用して行なうための基礎として, 萌芽の法則性および初期生育に関与する諸要因について検討したものである。1) クログワイtuber上部の3~6枚の包皮に覆われた4~6個の芽は, その着生部位により明確に区分され, 各芽の間に萌芽における競合関係が存在した。 すなわち, 最頂部にある芽と他芽の間に頂芽優勢的現象がみられた。 また包皮の枚数と萌芽との間には相関が認められ, 包皮の枚数の増加にともなって萌芽が遅延した。2) 萌芽につづく初期生育において, 背地性rhizomeの伸長は水中置床深度が深く, 暗黒において促進さおたが, 発根は光に関係なく, 置床深度の浅くなることが大きな促進要因であった。3) 背地性rhizomeの伸長は, 1mg/l以下の低水中溶存酸素濃度および暗条件で促進され, 2~6mg/lで抑制された。さらに, 根および茎の分化は6~7.5mg/lの高溶存酸素濃度で促進され, 1mg/lで完全に抑制された。4) 土壌中のクログワイの初期生育において, 間歓灌水条件下では, いわゆる多段式分化が発現した。 この多段式分化における各ステージの分化基部には約3~7本の根と0~1本の茎が発生した。 さらに, 新規の分化基部は置床後5~7日目に生起しはじめたが, 発根は分化基部形成より数日遅れた。

Journal of Weed Science and Technology | 1963

Effect of Combined ATA Herbicides on Weeds in Orchard, Shoot of Orchard Crop, and the Succeeding Crops

Kunikazu Ueki; Masaru Kuretani; Katsura Manabe

1. 本研究は, 果樹園における除草剤利用に関する研究の一部として, ATA関係混合除草剤の下草抑制効果, 果樹の枝葉ならびに薬剤の残効が跡作に及ぼす影響について検討したものである。2. 下草抑制効果については, 広葉雑草の発生の多い園においてはATA・2,4-Dソーダ塩混合剤ならびにATA・TPAソーダ塩混用剤が効果的である。 一方, 禾本科雑草が主体を占める園においてはATA単剤またはATA・2,4-DおよびDPA混合剤がすぐれている。 また, ネザサ, ヨモギなどの発生の多い園ではATA・TPAソーダ塩混用剤, weedazol-TL剤, またはATA・2,4-DおよびDPA混合剤が有効である。なお, 抑制程度は, 薬量, 散布時期または下草の生育程度, 種類などによつても違いがある。3. 果樹の枝葉に薬液を散布した場合, 各果樹とも枝梢ならびに葉に反応が現われ, 枝は先端部より枯死し, 葉は徐々に落下するが, その程度は薬剤により各樹種間に差異が認められる場合もある。4. 跡作に及ぼす影響については, 本実験程度の薬量 (10a当り2kg) であれば, ATA・2,4-Dソーダ塩混合剤は約1ヵ月の効力持続期間があり, 一部逆立発根も認められる。 一方, ATA・2,4-DおよびDPA混合剤においては, その混合割合により残効程度が異なるようである。5. ATA関係混合除草剤は, 果樹に直接散布しなければ, 果樹園下草抑制にかなり効果的と思われるが, 薬剤の混合, 組合わせ, あるいは果樹園主要雑草の生理・生態的特性などについて, さらに深く究明する必要がある。

Breeding Science | 1989

Anaerobic Seed Germination for the Habitat Segregation in Echinochloa Weeds

Yuji Yamasue; Yoshiharu Asai; Kunikazu Ueki; Tokuichi Kusanagi

Japanese Journal of Grassland Science | 1997

Variation in Seed Germination and Dormancy of Poa annua L. in Golf Course

Matsuo Itoh; Hisao Kobayashi; Kunikazu Ueki

Journal of Weed Science and Technology | 1987

Seed dormancy and germination of Echinochloa oryzicola VASING. An observation through respiration and several enzyme activities.

Yuji Yamasue; Kunikazu Ueki; Hideo Chisaka


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Matsuo Itoh

Shikoku Gakuin University

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Norio Shirakawa

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.

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