
PLOS ONE | 2014

Underlying Mechanism of Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan Microparticles and Implications for the Treatment of Infectious Diseases

Soo Jin Jeon; Manhwan Oh; Won-Sik Yeo; K.N. Galvão; Kwang Cheol Jeong

The emergence of antibiotic resistant microorganisms is a great public health concern and has triggered an urgent need to develop alternative antibiotics. Chitosan microparticles (CM), derived from chitosan, have been shown to reduce E. coli O157:H7 shedding in a cattle model, indicating potential use as an alternative antimicrobial agent. However, the underlying mechanism of CM on reducing the shedding of this pathogen remains unclear. To understand the mode of action, we studied molecular mechanisms of antimicrobial activity of CM using in vitro and in vivo methods. We report that CM are an effective bactericidal agent with capability to disrupt cell membranes. Binding assays and genetic studies with an ompA mutant strain demonstrated that outer membrane protein OmpA of E. coli O157:H7 is critical for CM binding, and this binding activity is coupled with a bactericidal effect of CM. This activity was also demonstrated in an animal model using cows with uterine diseases. CM treatment effectively reduced shedding of intrauterine pathogenic E. coli (IUPEC) in the uterus compared to antibiotic treatment. Since Shiga-toxins encoded in the genome of bacteriophage is often overexpressed during antibiotic treatment, antibiotic therapy is generally not recommended because of high risk of hemolytic uremic syndrome. However, CM treatment did not induce bacteriophage or Shiga-toxins in E. coli O157:H7; suggesting that CM can be a potential candidate to treat infections caused by this pathogen. This work establishes an underlying mechanism whereby CM exert antimicrobial activity in vitro and in vivo, providing significant insight for the treatment of diseases caused by a broad spectrum of pathogens including antibiotic resistant microorganisms.

PLOS Pathogens | 2015

Spatiotemporal Regulation of a Legionella pneumophila T4SS Substrate by the Metaeffector SidJ

Kwang Cheol Jeong; Jessica A. Sexton; Joseph P. Vogel

Modulation of host cell function is vital for intracellular pathogens to survive and replicate within host cells. Most commonly, these pathogens utilize specialized secretion systems to inject substrates (also called effector proteins) that function as toxins within host cells. Since it would be detrimental for an intracellular pathogen to immediately kill its host cell, it is essential that secreted toxins be inactivated or degraded after they have served their purpose. The pathogen Legionella pneumophila represents an ideal system to study interactions between toxins as it survives within host cells for approximately a day and its Dot/Icm type IVB secretion system (T4SS) injects a vast number of toxins. Previously we reported that the Dot/Icm substrates SidE, SdeA, SdeB, and SdeC (known as the SidE family of effectors) are secreted into host cells, where they localize to the cytoplasmic face of the Legionella containing vacuole (LCV) in the early stages of infection. SidJ, another effector that is unrelated to the SidE family, is also encoded in the sdeC-sdeA locus. Interestingly, while over-expression of SidE family proteins in a wild type Legionella strain has no effect, we found that their over-expression in a ∆sidJ mutant completely inhibits intracellular growth of the strain. In addition, we found expression of SidE proteins is toxic in both yeast and mammalian HEK293 cells, but this toxicity can be suppressed by co-expression of SidJ, suggesting that SidJ may modulate the function of SidE family proteins. Finally, we were able to demonstrate both in vivo and in vitro that SidJ acts on SidE proteins to mediate their disappearance from the LCV, thereby preventing lethal intoxication of host cells. Based on these findings, we propose that SidJ acts as a metaeffector to control the activity of other Legionella effectors.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Evaluation of Animal Genetic and Physiological Factors That Affect the Prevalence of Escherichia coli O157 in Cattle

Soo Jin Jeon; Mauricio A. Elzo; N. DiLorenzo; G. Cliff Lamb; Kwang Cheol Jeong

Controlling the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157 in cattle at the pre-harvest level is critical to reduce outbreaks of this pathogen in humans. Multilayers of factors including the environmental and bacterial factors modulate the colonization and persistence of E. coli O157 in cattle that serve as a reservoir of this pathogen. Here, we report animal factors contributing to the prevalence of E. coli O157 in cattle. We observe the lowest number of E. coli O157 in Brahman breed when compared with other crosses in an Angus-Brahman multibreed herd, and bulls excrete more E. coli O157 than steers in the pens where cattle were housed together. The presence of super-shedders, cattle excreting >105 CFU/rectal anal swab, increases the concentration of E. coli O157 in the pens; thereby super-shedders enhance transmission of this pathogen among cattle. Molecular subtyping analysis reveal only one subtype of E. coli O157 in the multibreed herd, indicating the variance in the levels of E. coli O157 in cattle is influenced by animal factors. Furthermore, strain tracking after relocation of the cattle to a commercial feedlot reveals farm-to-farm transmission of E. coli O157, likely via super-shedders. Our results reveal high risk factors in the prevalence of E. coli O157 in cattle whereby animal genetic and physiological factors influence whether this pathogen can persist in cattle at high concentration, providing insights to intervene this pathogen at the pre-harvest level.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2013

Evolution of the Stx2-Encoding Prophage in Persistent Bovine Escherichia coli O157:H7 Strains

Dongjin Park; Eliot Stanton; Kristin Ciezki; Daniel Parrell; Matthew Bozile; Daniel Pike; Steven Forst; Kwang Cheol Jeong; Renata Ivanek; Dörte Döpfer; Charles W. Kaspar

ABSTRACT Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a human pathogen that resides asymptomatically in its bovine host. The level of Shiga toxin (Stx) produced is variable in bovine-derived strains in contrast to human isolates that mostly produce high levels of Stx. To understand the genetic basis for varied Stx production, chronological collections of bovine isolates from Wisconsin dairy farms, R and X, were analyzed for multilocus prophage polymorphisms, stx 2 subtypes, and the levels of stx 2 transcript and toxin. The E. coli O157:H7 that persisted on both farms were phylogenetically distinct and yet produced little to no Stx2 due to gene deletions in Stx2c-encoding prophage (farm R) or insertional inactivation of stx 2a by IS1203v (farm X). Loss of key regulatory and lysis genes in Stx2c-encoding prophage abolished stx 2c transcription and induction of the prophage and stx 2a::IS1203v in Stx2a-encoding prophage generated a truncated stx 2a mRNA without affecting phage production. Stx2-producing strains were transiently present (farm R) and became Stx2 negative on farm X (i.e., stx 2a::IS1203v). To our knowledge, this is the first study that details the evolution of E. coli O157:H7 and its Stx2-encoding prophage in a chronological collection of natural isolates. The data suggest the bovine and farm environments can be niches where Stx2-negative E. coli O157:H7 emerge and persist, which explains the Stx variability in bovine isolates and may be part of an evolutionary step toward becoming bovine specialists.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2016

Control of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in contaminated alfalfa silage: Effects of silage additives

I. M. Ogunade; Dong Hyeon Kim; Y. Jiang; Z.G. Weinberg; Kwang Cheol Jeong; A.T. Adesogan

This study was conducted to examine if adding microbial inoculants or propionic acid to alfalfa silages contaminated with Escherichia coli O157:H7 would inhibit the growth of the pathogen during or after ensiling. Alfalfa forage was harvested at the early bloom stage, wilted to a dry matter concentration of 54%, chopped to 19-mm lengths, and ensiled after treatment with one of the following: (1) distilled water (control); (2) 1×10(5) cfu/g of E. coli O157:H7 (EC); (3) EC and 1×10(6) cfu/g of Lactobacillus plantarum (EC+LP); (4) EC and 1×10(6) cfu/g of Lactobacillus buchneri (EC+LB); and (5) EC and 2.2g/kg of propionic acid (EC+PA). Each treatment was ensiled in quadruplicate in laboratory silos for 0, 3, 7, 16, and 100d and analyzed for EC counts, pH, and organic acids. In addition, samples from d 100 were analyzed for chemical composition, ammonia-N, counts of yeasts and molds, and aerobic stability. Escherichia coli O157:H7 was detected in all silages until d 7, but by d 16 it was not detected in those treated with EC+LB and EC+LP, though it was still detected in EC and EC+PA silages. However, by d 100, the pathogen was not detected in any silage. The rate of pH decrease to 5.0 was fastest for the EC+LP silage (7d), followed by the EC+LB silage (16d). Nevertheless, all silages had attained a pH of or less than 5.0 by d 100. The rapid decrease in pH in EC+LP and EC+LB silages was observed due to higher lactate and acetate concentrations, respectively, relative to the other silages during the early fermentation phase (d 3-16). Propionic acid was only detected in the EC+PA silage. Yeast counts were lowest in EC+LB and EC+PA silages. Subsamples of all d-100 silages were reinoculated with 1×10(5) cfu/g of EC immediately after silo opening. When the pathogen was subsequently enumerated after 168h of aerobic exposure, it was not detected in silages treated with EC+PA, EC+LB, or EC+LP, which all had pH values less than 5.0. Whereas the EC silage had a pH value of 5.4 and 2.3 log cfu/g of the pathogen. Certain bacterial inoculants can hasten the inhibition of E. coli O157:H7 during ensiling, such as propionic acid, and they can also prevent its growth on silage contaminated with the pathogen after ensiling.

Veterinary Microbiology | 2015

Association between animal age and the prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in a cohort of beef cattle.

Raies A. Mir; Thomas A. Weppelmann; Minyoung Kang; Todd M. Bliss; N. DiLorenzo; G. Cliff Lamb; Soohyoun Ahn; Kwang Cheol Jeong

Even with advancements in pre- and post-harvest food safety, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) still present challenges to human health. Since cattle are the primary reservoir for STEC, lowering the prevalence of this pathogen in farm animals may reduce STEC outbreaks in humans. However, because many of the factors that modulate the colonization and persistence of STEC in cattle remain unknown, reducing STEC in this host is challenging. In this study, we evaluated a cohort of beef cattle one to eleven years of age to determine the effect of animal age on the prevalence of STEC. During the first year of sample collection, heifers had significantly lower STEC prevalence than cows (37.5% vs. 70%). In the second year of sample collection, STEC prevalence peaked in cows that were two years of age and tended to decrease as animals became older. In addition, by studying a subset of the animals in both years, we observed an increase in STEC prevalence from 40.6% to 53.1% in heifers, whereas cows had a net decrease in STEC prevalence from 71.4% to 61.9%. The results from this study indicate that animal age is a significant factor that influences the prevalence of STEC in cattle. These findings have implications for the development of on-farm mitigation strategies by targeting animals with the highest risk of shedding; it could be possible to reduce pathogen transmission among cattle and prevent zoonotic or foodborne transmission to humans.

Molecular Microbiology | 2015

Novel export control of a Legionella Dot/Icm substrate is mediated by dual, independent signal sequences

Kwang Cheol Jeong; Molly C. Sutherland; Joseph P. Vogel

The Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm T4SS injects ∼ 300 protein effector proteins into host cells. Dot/Icm substrates have been proposed to contain a carboxy‐terminal signal sequence that is necessary and sufficient for export, although both traits have been demonstrated for only a small fraction of these proteins. In this study, we discovered that export of the substrate SidJ is mediated by dual signal sequences that include a conventional C‐terminal domain and a novel internal motif. The C‐terminal signal sequence facilitates secretion of SidJ into host cells at early points of infection, whereas the internal signal sequence mediates secretion at later time points. Interestingly, only the internal signal sequence is necessary for complementation of the intracellular growth defect of a ΔsidJ mutant. Although this is the first report of a Dot/Icm substrate being secreted by an internal signal sequence, many other substrates may be exported in a similar manner. In addition, efficient translocation of SidJ is dependent on the chaperone‐like type IV adaptors IcmS/IcmW. Five IcmS/IcmW binding domains that are distinct from both signal sequences were elucidated and, interestingly, only secretion mediated by the internal signal sequence requires IcmS/IcmW. Thus, Legionella employs multiple sophisticated molecular mechanisms to regulate the export of SidJ.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2017

Use of calcitriol to maintain postpartum blood calcium and improve immune function in dairy cows

A. Vieira-Neto; I.R.P. Lima; F.L. Lopes; C. Lopera; R. Zimpel; L.D.P. Sinedino; Kwang Cheol Jeong; K.N. Galvão; W.W. Thatcher; C.D. Nelson; J.E.P. Santos

Our objectives were to determine the effects of an injectable formulation of calcitriol on mineral metabolism and immune function in postpartum Holstein cows that received an acidogenic diet prepartum to minimize hypocalcemia. In experiment 1, cows within 6 h of calving received calcitriol (0, 200, or 300 μg) to determine the dose needed to increase plasma concentrations of Ca; 300 μg was sufficient to sustain Ca for at least 3 d. In experiment 2, multiparous cows were assigned randomly to receive only vehicle (control, n = 25) or 300 μg of calcitriol (n = 25) subcutaneously within the first 6 h after calving. Blood was sampled before treatment and 12 h later, then daily until 15 d in milk (DIM), and analyzed for concentrations of ionized Ca (iCa), total Ca (tCa), total Mg (tMg), and total P (tP), metabolites, and hormones. Urine was sampled in the first 7 DIM and analyzed for concentrations of tCa, tMg, and creatinine. Neutrophil function was evaluated in the first week postpartum. Dry matter intake and production performance were evaluated for the first 36 DIM. Calcitriol administration increased concentrations of calcitriol in plasma within 12 h of application from 51 to 427 pg/mL, which returned to baseline within 5 d. Concentrations of iCa and tCa increased 24 h after treatment with calcitriol. Concentrations of iCa (control = 1.08 vs. calcitriol = 1.20 mM), tCa (control = 2.23 vs. calcitriol = 2.33 mM), and tP (control = 1.47 vs. calcitriol = 1.81 mM) remained elevated in cows treated with calcitriol until 3, 5, and 7 DIM, respectively, whereas concentration of tMg (control = 0.76 vs. calcitriol = 0.67 mM) was less in calcitriol cows than control cows until 3 DIM. Concentrations of parathyroid hormone decreased in calcitriol cows compared with control cows (control = 441 vs. calcitriol = 336 pg/mL). Calcitriol tended to increase plasma concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate and serotonin, but concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, and C-telopeptide of type I collagen in plasma did not differ between treatments. Cows treated with calcitriol excreted more urinary tCa (control = 0.5 vs. calcitriol = 2.1 g/d) and tMg (control = 4.5 vs. calcitriol = 5.0 g/d) in the first 7 and 2 DIM, respectively, than control cows. Compared with control, calcitriol improved the proportion of neutrophils with oxidative burst (control = 31.9 vs. calcitriol = 40.6%), mean fluorescence intensity for oxidative burst (control = 90,900 vs. calcitriol = 99,746), and mean fluorescence intensity for phagocytosis (control = 23,887 vs. calcitriol = 28,080). Dry matter intake, yields of milk, and milk components did not differ between treatments. Administration of 300 μg of calcitriol at calving was safe and effective in increasing blood concentration of iCa and plasma concentrations of calcitriol, tCa, and tP for the first 6 d after treatment, and improved measures of innate immune function in early-lactation Holstein cows.

Journal of Food Protection | 2014

Rapid and sensitive detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in milk and ground beef using magnetic bead-based immunoassay coupled with tyramide signal amplification.

Muhsin Aydin; Gene P. D. Herzig; Kwang Cheol Jeong; Samantha Dunigan; Parth Shah; Soohyoun Ahn

Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a major foodborne pathogen that has posed serious problems for food safety and public health. Recent outbreaks and recalls associated with various foods contaminated by E. coli O157:H7 clearly indicate its deleterious effect on food safety. A rapid and sensitive detection assay is needed for this harmful organism to prevent foodborne illnesses and control outbreaks in a timely manner. We developed a magnetic bead-based immunoassay for detection of E. coli O157:H7 (the most well-known Shiga toxigenic E. coli strain) with a 96-well microplate as an assay platform. Immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and tyramide signal amplification were coupled to the assay to increase its sensitivity and specificity. This immunoassay was able to detect E. coli O157:H7 in pure culture with a detection limit of 50 CFU/ml in less than 3 h without an enrichment step. The detection limit was decreased 10-fold to 5 CFU/ml with addition of a 3-h enrichment step. When this assay was tested with other nontarget foodborne pathogens and common enteric bacteria, no cross-reactivity was found. When tested with artificially contaminated ground beef and milk samples, the assay sensitivity decreased two- to fivefold, with detection limits of 250 and 100 CFU/ml, respectively, probably because of the food matrix effect. The assay results also were compared with those of a sandwich-type enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and an ELISA coupled with IMS; the developed assay was 25 times and 4 times more sensitive than the standard ELISA and the IMS-ELISA, respectively. Tyramide signal amplification combined with IMS can improve sensitivity and specificity for detection of E. coli O157:H7. The developed assay could be easily adapted for other foodborne pathogens and will contribute to improved food safety and public health.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2017

Fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and bacterial diversity in corn silage contaminated with the pathogen and treated with chemical or microbial additives

I. M. Ogunade; Y. Jiang; Dong Hyeon Kim; A.A. Pech Cervantes; K.G. Arriola; D. Vyas; Z.G. Weinberg; Kwang Cheol Jeong; A.T. Adesogan

Inhibiting the growth of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EC) in feeds may prevent the transmission or cycling of the pathogen on farms. The first objective of this study was to examine if addition of propionic acid or microbial inoculants would inhibit the growth of EC during ensiling, at silo opening, or after aerobic exposure. The second objective was to examine how additives affected the bacterial community composition in corn silage. Corn forage was harvested at approximately 35% dry matter, chopped to a theoretical length of cut of 10 mm, and ensiled after treatment with one of the following: (1) distilled water (control); (2) 1 × 105 cfu/g of EC (ECCH); (3) EC and 1 × 106 cfu/g of Lactobacillus plantarum (ECLP); (4) EC and 1 × 106 cfu/g of Lactobacillus buchneri (ECLB); and (5) EC and 2.2 g/kg (fresh weight basis) of propionic acid, containing 99.5% of the acid (ECA). Each treatment was ensiled in quadruplicate in laboratory silos for 0, 3, 7, and 120 d and analyzed for EC, pH, and organic acids. Samples from d 0 and 120 were also analyzed for chemical composition. Furthermore, samples from d 120 were analyzed for ammonia N, yeasts and molds, lactic acid bacteria, bacterial community composition, and aerobic stability. The pH of silages from all treatments decreased below 4 within 3 d of ensiling. Escherichia coli O157:H7 counts were below the detection limit in all silages after 7 d of ensiling. Treatment with L. buchneri and propionic acid resulted in fewer yeasts and greater aerobic stability compared with control, ECCH, and ECLP silages. Compared with the control, the diversity analysis revealed a less diverse bacterial community in the ECLP silage and greater abundance of Lactobacillus in the ECLP and ECA silages. The ECLB silage also contained greater abundance of Acinetobacter and Weissella than other silages. Subsamples of silages were reinoculated with 5 × 105 cfu/g of EC either immediately after silo opening or after 168 h of aerobic exposure, and EC were enumerated after 6 or 24 h, respectively. All silages reinoculated with EC immediately after silo opening (120 h) had similar low pH values (<4.0) and EC counts were below the detection limit. The ECCH and ECLP silages reinoculated with EC after 168 h of aerobic exposure had relatively high pH values (>5.0) and EC counts (5.39 and 5.30 log cfu/g, respectively) 24 h later. However, those treated with L. buchneri or propionic acid had lower pH values (4.24 or 3.96, respectively) and lower EC counts (1.32 log cfu/g or none, respectively). During ensiling, EC was eliminated from all silages at pH below 4.0. During aerobic exposure, the growth of EC was reduced or prevented in silages that had been treated with L. buchneri or propionic acid at ensiling, respectively.

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