Kwang-Hwan Kim
Konyang University
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Featured researches published by Kwang-Hwan Kim.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2016
Ock-Hee Roh; Chong Hyung Lee; Arma Park; Kwang-Hwan Kim
This study was conducted to provide basic data to evaluate the appropriateness of convalescent hospitalization treatment by investigating the number of hospitalization days and the total treatment expenses of a total of 44,037 monthly billing statements requested from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service. Evaluated data consisted of medical care expenses of patients of the diem payment system hospitalized at convalescent hospitals in Daejeon, Chungnam, Chungbuk and Sejong from January through December of 2014. According to the analysis result of the general characteristics of the study objects and the canonical correlation analysis of the top 15 main diagnosis names, 7 canonical functions have been deducted. Among them, six canonical functions were shown to be statistically significant (p<0.001), and canonical function 1 had a chi-squared value of 5955.49 and 98 degrees of freedom at p<0.001 level. Overall, the results indicated that if health and welfare service in the regional society is magnified, social hospitalization can be reduced.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2010
Jung-He Lee; Moo-Sik Lee; Jee-Hee Kim; Tae-Young Moon; Yong-Ha Kim; Kwang-Hwan Kim
According to a research analysis of the factors which affect the medical utilization fee after an increase of health insurance benefits for patients with serious illnesses based on 225 patients over 6 months, both before and after the increase of benefits, from January, 1st, 2005 to June 30th, and also from January, 1st, 2006 to June 30th. In terms of genders, 67.8% of males were affected, whereas only 32.2% of females were effected, a much higher rate of men than women. Men also had higher rates before and after the increase of benefits. Out of 5 categories related to medication and treatment, radiation testing was the most expensive at about 5,300,000, operation fees were 590,000, and costs of other testing approximately 200,000 with the least expensive category being 120,000 for medication. By looking at the relationship between the fees and increase of benefits, medication was a hospital charge (p<0.01), injection fees were hospital charges (p<0.01), operation fees were hospital charges (p<0.01). Medication fees (p<0.01) and injection fees (p<0.01) were found to be
Journal of Digital Convergence | 2014
Kwang-Hwan Kim; Yong-Ha Kim; Sang-Yoon Ahn; Chong Hyung Lee; Moo-Sik Lee; Moon-Joon Kim; Arma Park; Hye-Jeong Hwang; Moon-Sook Shim; Hyeon-Dong Song
Abstract Death education the subject of interest is the subject of the medical staff for the death of stress degree and acceptable approach to analyze the death centered on the hospital space education in order to take advantage of From April 2014 until April 30, 281 people who lived Daejeon were surveyed. Analysis of the results, if they are taken the death education, it was considered more important than none education. If Patient in an unrecoverable state, to the question of who to notify, guardian had the highest score. Suitable for end-of-life include home, healthcare, social welfare facilities in order. When you take advantage of the results, In order to understand and take care of the phenomenon of death, we accommodate health and medical treatment perspective, humanity perspective, social perspective. It is Study for Death education program that can be applied to public. It is significant as a basis material to popularize and generalize death education program. Key Words : Death, Death education, The importance of Death education, Modeling
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2011
Kwang-Hwan Kim; Yong-Ha Kim; Sang-Gyun Roh; Jee-Hee Kim
The purpose of this study was to conduct a survey of general status of drinking culture among college students in Korea. Three hundred college students answered the self-administered questionnaire from May 6 to May 10 in 2009. The questionnaire consisted of drinking-related behavior by gender, recognition and need for moderation in drinking program, and the reason for stopping drinking by gender. The statistical method was done by SPSS WIN version 14.0. The first drinking time was high school comprising 41.0% of the respondents. The reason for drinking was to get the personal relationship. The experience of blackout was 50.3% in twice a year and 26.0% in twice per six months. The reasons for stopping drinking were health problem(36.9%), personal relationship(34.5%), and financial difficulty(20.8%). These results will make it possible to establish the right drinking habit, prevention of sexual violence and vehicle accident and health promotion of the students.
Technology and Health Care | 2016
Yong-Ha Kim; Sang-Yoon Ahn; Chong-Hyung Lee; Moo-Sik Lee; Moon-Joon Kim; Park Arma; Hye-Jeong Hwang; Hyeon-Dong Song; Moon-Sook Shim; Kwang-Hwan Kim
In order to analyze tasks of the death education curriculum for the public, DACUM method was used. A committee for DACUM was gathered and a survey was conducted on professors of health care, humanities and social sciences for an interdisciplinary study. In the survey used to verify the model for death education for the public, a compilation based on difficulty and importance factor shows that the 27 tasks including the psychological changes in terminally ill or suicidal patients, healing of stress, acceptance and understanding of death and suicide prevention were identified as needing to be included in the curriculum. The data thus concluded will have to be reviewed when they are applied to actual education to revise the education program to make it more appropriate.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2014
Kwang-Hwan Kim; Yong-Ha Kim; Sang-Yoon Ahn; Chong Hyung Lee; Hye-Jeong Hwang; Moo-Sik Lee; Moon-Joon Kim; Arma Park; Moon-Sook Shim; Hyeon-Dong Song
The purpose of this study was to examine the status of medical staff stress and accommodating manners on the death of patients in a hospital setting for serving the basic information to develop a death education program of medical personnel from April 1 to April 30, 2014. A survey was performed on 353 medical personnel at K university hospital, located in Daejeon metropolitan city. Frequency analysis, chi-square test, and independent t-test were used to analyze the data. The results showed that ‘to understand the value of the time and preparedness of a meaningful future’ were the most important perspectives on the contents of death education (p<0.05), ‘in order to change perceptions and attitudes toward death positively’ was the most important reason why they required death education’(p<0.05), ‘case-based teaching and problem-based learning’ was the most effective way of death education (p<0.05), ‘negative or hostile response of a patient’s guardian to medical personnel’ was the largest stress that medical personnel confront upon witnessing a death’(p<0.05). An understanding of the death of patients by medical personnel and an awareness of the need for death education will help improve the understanding of the patient, their guardian, and medical personnel themselves. The main findings will contribute to the development of a specific death education program on the medical personnel in a hospital setting.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2012
Jung-Kyoung Kim; Moon-Sook Shim; Kwang-Hwan Kim
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of topical EMLA Cream on venipuncture related pain and anxiety of surgery patient from oct. 27 to nov, 13, 2011, EMLA Cream was applied to the experimental group(n=40) 1hour before the procedure, but was not applied to the control group (n=37). The collected data were analyzed with the SPSS WIN 15.0 program. The percentage, mean and standard deviation were figured statistic, χ 2 -test, t-test, ANOVA, Correlation analysis were performed. Consequently, Pain in the EMLA applied experimental group was significantly lower than that of the control group. also state anxiety in the experimental group was lower than that of the control group. correlation of pain and anxiety after EMLA was related. EMLA cream was considered to be an effective local anesthetic for preoperative venipuncture on pain and anxiety Key Words : EMLA cream, venipuncture, pain, anxiety * Corresponding Author : Shim, MoonsookTel: +82-10-4452-5360 email: [email protected]접수일 12년 08월 14일 수정일 (1차 12년 08월 29일, 2차 12년 09월 03일) 게재확정일 12년 09월 06일
Journal of agricultural medicine and community health | 2011
Moo-Sik Lee; Jee-Hee Kim; Kwang-Hwan Kim; Jee-Young Hong; Jin Yong Lee; Keon-Yeop Kim
목적 : 이 연구는 국가예방접종률 산출 및 조사방법론 개발을 위한 기반을 조성하기 위하여 예방접종률 파악을 위한 자료원 중 영유아 예방접종 수첩기록의 정확도를 평가하기 위하여 수행되었다. 대상 및 방법 : 연구대상은 2005년 1월 31일을 기준으로 충청남도 논산시에 주민등록상 거주하는 생후 12-35개월 영유아 전체로 하였다. 연구대상자가 거주하는 가구를 2005년 2-4월까지 방문하여 보호자의 동의를 얻어 예방접종 수첩기록을 조사하였다. 예방접종 수첩기록의 정확도를 평가하기 위하여 2005년 5-7월까지 예방접종을 시행한 의료기관 및 보건소의 접종관련 기록을 확보하여 예방접종 접종 여부 및 접종 일자의 기록 일치 여부를 확인하였다. 비교 대상 예방접종은 결핵(BCG), B형간염, 디프테리아/파상풍/백일해(DTaP), 홍역/유행성이하선염/풍진(MMR), 폴리오, 일본뇌염, 수두, 인플루엔자, B형 헤모필루스 인플루엔자 뇌수막염(Hib), A형간염, 폐구균으로 총 11종을 대상으로 하였다. 결과 : 예방접종 수첩의 예방접종 여부 및 접종 일시 기록의 정확도는 BCG는 69.5% 및 80.1%였으며, B형 간염은 1차 41.3% 및 89.7%, 2차 76.6% 및 82.1%, 3차 79.7% 및 79.0%였으며, DTaP는 1차 79.9% 및 87.5%, 2차 80.8% 및 87.3%, 3차 82.5% 및 85.1%, 4차 79.9% 및 83.5%였으며, 폴리오는 1차 79.5% 및 88.1%, 2차 79.8% 및 86.2%, 3차 82.1% 및 84.8%였으며, MMR은 83.2% 및 84.0%였으며, 일본뇌염 1차는 80.7% 및 83.1%였으며, 수두는 74.9% 및 83.7%였으며, 인플루엔자는 74.1% 및 55.3%였으며, Hib 1차는 72.7% 및 90.7%였으며, A형 간염 1차는 79.5% 및 88.4%였으며, 폐렴구균 1차는 73.2% 및 90.3%로 나타났다. 결론 : 여러 가지 연구의 제한점에도 불구하고, 예방접종 수첩의 상당한 수준의 신뢰도를 확인하였으나 수첩의 예방접종력 정확도 및 타당도에 대한 추가 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2017
Min-Seo Kim; Keon-Yeop Kim; Kyeong-Na Kim; Kwang-Hwan Kim
Abstracts This study was conducted from December 2015 toMarch 2016 to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of baby foods in rural multi-cultural families. The survey included the general characteristics of households and infants, knowledge, attitude, and practice of baby food. The results indicated that the mean score of baby food knowledge was 3.79, 4.07 for attitudes, and the practice group was 25.0%. In the knowledge of baby food, the groups with a total number of two or morechildren, high educational background for both the father and mother, Chinese or Japanese nationality, high Korean language ability, and marriage for at least 6 or more years was higher (p<0.05). In the attitude of baby food, the groups with a total number of two or more children, a higher mothers Korean language, and the mother in charge of the baby food were higher (p<0.05). In the case of baby food practice, the groups the baby mother was from Japan and Cambodia, there was no occupation, and the mother was in charge of the baby food were higher (p<0.05). Knowledge and attitude according to the practice of baby food showed a higher knowledge (p <0.001) and attitude in the weaning practiced group than unpracticed. To producebaby food for infants in multi-cultural families, it is important to improve the Korean language ability of infant mothers who are in charge of baby food, and it is necessary to provide correct information related to infant formula utilizing the supporters of the neighboring mothers. In addition, it is necessary to provide customized education and support that is contingent upon the nationality of the native people while remaining mindful of the culturalimplications of multi-cultural families.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2016
Soon-Im Sung; Chong Hyung Lee; Arma Park; Kwang-Hwan Kim
This study was conducted to investigate treatment tendency and dental caries occurrence after receiving insurance coverage for pit and fissure sealing. Data were obtained from statements for insurance payments received by the Daejeon branch health insurance review and assessment service from December 2009 until December 31 2014. As to the Pit and Fissure Sealing current state by year, there was most a lot of the number of examinee and the treatment number of teeth in 2010. The per capita average treatment number of teeth was highest (3.39) in 2013. As to the result that it analyze the first molar Pit and Fissure Sealing in 2010 according to the general feature, man was high than the woman, it showed up by age in the age of 7 most highly, and the summer was the highest among by season. The upper jaw left first molar was the most common location, although the upper jaw on the right side first molar, lower jaw right side first molar, and lower jaw left first molar were also affected. In 2010, the procedure was conducted more in the upper jaw right side first molar and enforces the recharge since 2011 to 2014, men were treated more than women, the recharge which is the most abundant in the age of 7 was performed by age, and the procedure was performed more during summer than in other seasons. It is forecasted that at August, 2015 most high demand shows according to the result that it predicts the tooth treatment number until December 2015 based upon the treatment number of teeth from December 2009 until November 2014 and be reduced in comparison with the year 2014. Thus, tooth brushing alone is not sufficient to prevent dental caries. Indeed, conducting pit and fissure sealing in infants and toddlers, as well as elementary middle and high school oral health centers is expected to be effective at preventing dental caries.