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Environmental Earth Sciences | 2013

Catchment-scale soil erosion and sediment yield simulation using a spatially distributed erosion model

Giha Lee; Wansik Yu; Kwansue Jung; Apip

Increasing rainfall intensity and frequency due to extreme climate change and haphazard land development are aggravating soil erosion problems in Korea. A quantitative estimate of the amount of sediment from the catchment is essential for soil and water conservation planning and management. Essential to catchment-scale soil erosion modeling is the ability to represent the fluvial transport system associated with the processes of detachment, transport, and deposition of soil particles due to rainfall and surface flow. This study applied a spatially distributed hydrologic model of rainfall–runoff–sediment yield simulation for flood events due to typhoons and then assessed the impact of topographic and climatic factors on erosion and deposition at a catchment scale. Measured versus predicted values of runoff and sediment discharge were acceptable in terms of applied model performance measures despite underestimation of simulated sediment loads near peak concentrations. Erosion occurred widely throughout the catchment, whereas deposition appeared near the channel network grid cells with a short hillslope flow path distance and gentle slope; the critical values of both topographic factors, providing only deposition, were observed at 3.5 (km) (hillslope flow path distance) and 0.2 (m/m) (local slope), respectively. In addition, spatially heterogeneous rainfall intensity, dependent on Thiessen polygons, led to spatially distinct net-erosion patterns; erosion increased gradually as rainfall amount increased, whereas deposition responded irregularly to variations in rainfall.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2012

A Comparative Analysis on Slope Stability Using Specific Catchment Area Calculation

Giha Lee; Sung-Ryul Oh; Hyunuk An; Kwansue Jung

There has been an increase for the landslide areas and restoration expenses due, in large part, to the increased locally heavy rains caused by recent climate change as well as the reckless development. This study carried out a slope stability analysis by the application of distributed wetness index, using the GIS-based infinite slope stability model, which took the root cohesion effect into consideration, for part of Mt. Umyeon in Seoul, where landslide occurred in July 2011, in order to compensate the defects of existing analysis method, and subsequently compared its result with the case on the exploitation of lumped wetness index. In addition, this study estimated the distributed wetness index by methodology, applying three methods of specific catchment area calculation: single flow direction (SFD), multiple flow direction (MFD), and infinity flow direction (IFD), for catchment area, one of the variables of distributed wetness indices, and finally implemented a series of comparative analysis for slope stability by methodology. The simulation results showed that most unstable areas within the study site were dominantly located in cutting-area surroundings along with the residential area and the mountaintop and unstable areas of IFD and lumped wetness index method were similar while SFD and MFD provided smaller unstable areas than the two former methods.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2014

Levee Stability Assessment Depending on Levee Shape and Flood Wave

Taeun Kang; Hyunuk An; Gwangman Lee; Kwansue Jung

최근 지구온난화 및 기후변화에 의한 재난이 빈발하고 있어 미국이나 네덜란드 같은 제방 선진국에서는 특수한 경우 적게는 500년, 크게는 10,000년 빈도의 홍수위까지도 고려하는 극단적인 수준의 제방설계기준을 적용하고 있다. 우리나라도 지난 몇 년간 국가하천을 중심으로 대하천 정비사업이 추진되었다. 주로 하천준설과 제방증축 및 신축 등으로 진행된 사업에 의해 하천환경이 광범위하게 변화되었으나 제방의 안전과 관련된 하천환경 변화에 대응하는 구체적인 대응방안을 제시하지는 못하고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 제방침투감지시스템 Testbed가 구축되어 있는 낙동강 회천의 율지제를 대상으로 제방 안전성을 평가하였다. 평가방법은 간극수압 계측자료를 이용하여 2차원 지하수 침투모형인 SEEP/W를 이용하여 제방의 파이핑 현상을 분석하였으며, 제방의 형상과 홍수파형에 따른 침투현상을 모의하여 제방안정성을 평가하였다. 【Because of the rapid rising of water related disasters due to the global warming, the extreme design criteria of levee construction for severe flood has been applied in several developed countries such as USA and Netheland. In Korea, the national river restoration projects were carried out on 4 major rivers in recent several years. The projects consisted of riverbed dredge and levee reinforcement, and new construction have caused wide change of river environment. However, concrete countermeasures for levee safety and river management have not been suggested until now. Therefore, this study assesses the levee safety of Yulji levee located in Hoechon, Nakdong Basin, where the Levee Seepage Monitoring System installed. The stability of levee is assessed based on the simulation performed by SEEP/W(2D unsaturated seepage model) and the simulated results are compared with the observed data. The effects of the flood wave and levee shape on the levee safety are investigated through several simulations.】

Journal of The Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation | 2011

A Study on Flood Damage Estimation Using DEM-based Flood Inundation Model and MD-FDA

Giha Lee; Kyoung-Won Park; Wansik Yu; Kwansue Jung; Chang-Lae Jang

This study aims to simulate a flood inundation propagation due to Janghyeon and Dongmak dam breaches by the typhoon `Rusa`, 2002 in the Kangwon-do using the 2-D flood inundation model and also estimate flood damages of the study site using the MD-FDA method. Flood inundated areas increased gradually from simulation time of 0.5 h to 9 h since the reservoir water surface elevation exceeded the design flood elevation. The maximum inundation depths of downstream area were simulated at 4.73 m of the Janghyen and 4.3 m of Dongmak, respectively. The simulated inundated area showed a very good agreement with the field-surveyed inundated area. The estimated results using the MD-FDA with spatially-distributed inundation depth information showed that the damages of the MD-FDA were overestimated at 7.3 billion won than the reported damages of 45 billion won. However, the flood damage estimation result using the MD-FDA was recalculated at 46.4 billion won under no considerations to the dead and wounded because of early evacuation and it was then acceptable.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2010

Identification of Nash model parameters based on heterogeneity of drainage paths.

Yong-Joon Choi; Joo-Cheol Kim; Kwansue Jung

For the first time, this study identifies Nash model parameters by GIUH theory based on grid of GIS with heterogeneity of drainage path. Identified parameters have advantages to improve accuracy and usefulness with considering hillslpoe-flow, geomorphological dispersion and easily extracting geomorphological factors by GIS in the watershed. Calculated results by identified parameters compare with observation data for verification of this model. The comparison is well correspondence between observed data and calculated results. And the comparison results of changing trends about lag time and the variance as hillslope and channel characteristic velocities sensitively present changes about hillslope characteristic velocity. Thus this model justifies that estimation of hillslope characteristic velocity demands with the great caution.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2016

Analysis of drainage structure for river basin on the basis of power law distribution

Joo-Cheol Kim; Heeseung Kang; Kwansue Jung

This study aims at hydrologically demonstrating the universality of power law distribution by analyzing runoff aggregation structures of river basins. Power law distribution is fitted to cumulative drainage area of basins of interest by maximum likelihood, which results in the power law exponents. And then those exponents are assessed in terms of the shape of catchment plan-form. As a main result all of the basins in this study have similar distributions of catchment area. The exponents from this study tend to be higher than the ones from previous researches reflecting self-similar property of the catchment plan-forms of interest. Further study is required about the universality of power law distribution by means of the more realistic flow routing scheme within the framework of DEM.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2016

Numerical analysis of the morphological changes by sediment supply at the downstream channel of Youngju dam

Ki-Ho Kang; Chnag-Lae Jang; Gi Ha Lee; Kwansue Jung

본 연구에서는 영주댐 하류하천에서 유사공급에 의한 하도의 지형변화와 그 효과를 수치실험을 통하여 분석하였다. 본 수치모형의 모의 결과는 실내실험에서 보여준 토사더미의 이송과 확산과정과 잘 일치하였다. 초기에 토사가 공급된 구간에서 수면이 불연속적으로 형성되는 현상이 발생하지만, 시간이 증가함에 따라 하...

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2013

Parameters Estimation of Clark Model based on Width Function

Sang Hyun Park; Joo-Cheol Kim; Kwansue Jung

본 연구에서는 Clark 모형의 시간-면적곡선의 구성 방법과 적용성을 검토하고 모멘트 원리에 의한 도달시간, 저류상수를 합리적으로 산정하기 위한 방법론을 고찰해 보았다. 격자 기반으로 폭 함수를 구성하고 운동과정을 순수 이류현상으로 가정하여 시간-면적곡선으로 사용하였다. 또한 도달시간과 저류상수는 모멘트 법의 원리에 따라 Clark 모형 구조에 적용하여 해석적으로 산정할 수 있는 방법을 제시하였다. 적용성 검토를 위해 (1) HEC-1에서 기본적으로 제공하는 좌우 대칭형상인 무차원 시간-면적곡선을 적용하고 매개변수 산정은 관측유출수문곡선과 계산된 유출수문곡선의 오차를 최소화하는 HEC-1의 최적화 기법 사용, (2) HEC-1에 폭 함수 기반의 시간-면적곡선을 적용하고 매개변수 산정은 HEC-1의 최적화 기법 사용, (3) 폭 함수 기반의 시간-면적곡선을 이용하여 모멘트 원리에 따라 매개변수를 직접 산정하는 방법을 적용하였다. 방법별로 산정된 Clark 모형의 매개변수들을 HEC-1을 이용하여 직접유출량을 산정하고 관측 직접유출량과 비교하여 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 정량적으로 비교하기 위해 산정한 첨두유량과 첨두발생 시간의 상대오차 및 효율계수 E(Efficiency Coefficient)를 비교한 결과, 시간-면적곡선을 폭 함수로 대체하여 HEC-1으로부터 추정된 매개변수가 관측값을 잘 반영하였다. (2) Clark 모형의 올바른 적용을 위해서는 HEC-1에서 기본적으로 제공하는 좌우 대칭형상인 무차원 시간-면적곡선보다는 적용 대상유역의 배수구조가 적절하게 반영된 시간-면적곡선의 사용이 합리적일 것으로 판단된다. (3) 본 연구 방법은 첨두유량과 첨두시간의 상대오차 범위와 재현정도를 나타내는 효율계수를 비교하여 볼 때 대체로 양호하게 모의되었고, 대상유역별 유량측정성과인 하천평균유속과 비교했을 때 본 연구 방법이 다소 실제 유속에 접근하고 있음을 확인하였다. (4) 본 연구에서 모멘트 원리를 기반으로 제안한 매개변수 추정을 위한 방법은 유역의 이류현상과 저류현상을 정량적으로 계량할 수 있는 효율적인 관계식으로 사용할 수 있음을 확인하였다. (5) 본 방법에 의해 계산된 수문곡선이 대부분 관측수문곡선의 우측으로 왜곡되고 첨두유량은 과소평가 되는 것을 보이고 있다. 이것은 평균과 분산만을 고려하여 유역을 하나의 평균이송속도로 모의한 본 연구의 한계점으로 판단된다. 만약 모멘트의 왜곡도를 고려하고 유역을 지표면과 하천으로 나누어 평균이송속도를 모의한다면 물리적인 특성을 충분히 반영하여 매개변수를 추정 할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 【This paper presents the methodology for construction of time-area curve via the width function and thereby rational estimation of time of concentration and storage coefficient of Clark model within the framework of method of moments. To this end time-area curve is built by rescaling the grid-based width function under the assumption of pure translation and then the analytical expressions for two parameters of Clark model are proposed in terms of method of moments. The methodology in this study based on the analytical expressions mentioned before is compared with both (1) the traditional optimization method of Clark model provided by HEC-1 in which the symmetric time-area curve is used and the difference between observed and simulated hydrographs is minimized (2) and the same optimization method but replacing time-area curve with rescaled width function in respect of peak discharge and time to peak of simulated direct runoff hydrographs and their efficiency coefficient relative to the observed ones. The following points are worth of emphasizing: (1) The optimization method by HEC-1 with rescaled width function among others results in the parameters well reflecting the observed runoff hydrograph with respect to peak discharge coordinates and coefficient of efficiency; (2) For the better application of Clark model it is recommended to use the time-area curve capable of accounting for irregular drainage structure of a river basin such as rescaled width function instead of symmetric time-area curve by HEC-1; (3) Moment-based methodology with rescaled width function developed in this study also gives rise to satisfactory simulation results in terms of peak discharge coordinates and coefficient of efficiency. Especially the mean velocities estimated from this method, characterizing the translation effect of time-area curve, are well consistent with the field surveying results for the points of interest in this study; (4) It is confirmed that the moment-based methodology could be an effective tool for quantitative assessment of translation and storage effects of natural river basin; (5) The runoff hydrographs simulated by the moment-based methodology tend to be more right skewed relative to the observed ones and have lower peaks. It is inferred that this is due to consideration of only one mean velocity in the parameter estimation. Further research is required to combine the hydrodynamic heterogeneity between hillslope and channel network into the construction of time-area curve.】

Water Resources Management | 2018

Analysis of Runoff Aggregation Structures with Different Flow Direction Methods under the Framework of Power Law Distribution

Kahhoong Kok; Lariyah Mohd Sidek; Kwansue Jung; Joo-Cheol Kim

The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the performances of different flow direction methods (FDM) in affecting the runoff aggregation structures within a watershed under the framework of power law distribution. To this end, SFD (single flow direction method), MFD (multiple flow direction method) and IFD (Infinite flow direction method) were applied for determination of flow direction for water particles in Susu river basin, and consequently assessed with respect to the variation of flow accumulation. The results indicate that different patterns of flow accumulation were observed from each flow direction method. Effect of flow dispersion on DEM is strongest with ascending order of SFD, IFD, MFD. However, contribution of individual pixels into outlet follows descending order of SFD, IFD, MFD. Notably MFD and IFD tend to make additional hydrologic abstraction from rainfall excess due to the flow dispersion within the flow paths generated on DEM. This study also investigated the size distribution of flow accumulation which is equivalent to the drainage area generated from the selected FDM. They were fitted to the power law distribution and flow accumulation was recognized as a scale invariance factor based on the parameter estimation for power law distribution by maximum likelihood. It was also noticed that FDM affects the parameter estimation of power distribution where highest exponent was estimated for MFD following by IFD and SFD.

Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation | 2016

Development of Basin-scale PMP Estimation Method by considering Spatio-temporal Characteristics

Yeonsu Kim; Wansik Yu; Sungryul Oh; Kwansue Jung

This study aims to develop a PMP estimation method in a basin-scale by considering both temporal and spatial characteristics and to compare the existing PMP estimation method with the developed method in this study. The existing study was performed using the rainfall data within the areal range rainfall events observed in the whole Korean Peninsula with exceeding 130 mm rainfall. Meanwhile, the rainfall data utilized for the new PMP estimation method was determined after selecting the targeted watershed. The new PMP estimation method proposed in the current study is to (1) the DAD analysis was performed using the grid-based rainfall search algorithm. (2) the PMP was estimated by multiplying the maximizing rate of heavy rainfall with the analyzed DAD. PMP using the new estimation method was compared with the exiting PMP as well as the areal maximum probable precipitation. As a result, even though the new estimate is lower than the exiting PMP, it was larger than the areal maximum probable precipitation (200-Year 48-Hour Areal Rainfall Frequency). Therefore, through further study, it is expected to utilize the design flood estimation.


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Giha Lee

Kyungpook National University

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Wansik Yu

Chungnam National University

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Anchul Jeong

Chungnam National University

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Seongwon Kim

Chungnam National University

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Hyunuk An

Chungnam National University

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Xuan Khanh Do

Chungnam National University

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Chang-Lae Jang

Korea National University of Transportation

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Yeonsu Kim

Chungnam National University

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