Kyouko Kimura
Shizuoka University
arXiv: Commutative Algebra | 2012
Kyouko Kimura
Given finite simple graph one can associate the edge ideal. In this paper we discuss the non-vanishingness of the graded Betti numbers of edge ideals in terms of the original graph. In particular, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for a chordal graph on which the graded Betti number does not vanish and characterize the graded Betti number for a forest. Moreover we characterize the projective dimension for a chordal graph.
Communications in Algebra | 2012
Kyouko Kimura; Giancarlo Rinaldo; Naoki Terai
Let I be a squarefree monomial ideal of a polynomial ring S. In this article, we prove that the arithmetical rank of I is equal to the projective dimension of S/I when one of the following conditions is satisfied: (1) μ(I) ≤5; (2) arithdeg I ≤ 4.
Communications in Algebra | 2014
Takayuki Hibi; Akihiro Higashitani; Kyouko Kimura; Augustine B. O'Keefe
Let G be a finite graph on the vertex set [d] = {1,…, d} with the edges e 1,…, e n and K[t] = K[t 1,…, t d ] the polynomial ring in d variables over a field K. The edge ring of G is the semigroup ring K[G] which is generated by those monomials t e = t i t j such that e = {i, j} is an edge of G. Let K[x] = K[x 1,…, x n ] be the polynomial ring in n variables over K, and define the surjective homomorphism π: K[x] → K[G] by setting π(x i ) = t e i for i = 1,…, n. The toric ideal I G of G is the kernel of π. It will be proved that, given integers f and d with 6 ≤ f ≤ d, there exists a finite connected nonbipartite graph G on [d] together with a reverse lexicographic order <rev on K[x] and a lexicographic order <lex on K[x] such that (i) K[G] is normal with Krull-dim K[G] = d, (ii) depth K[x]/in<rev (I G ) = f and K[x]/in<lex (I G ) is Cohen–Macaulay, where in<rev (I G ) (resp., in<lex (I G )) is the initial ideal of I G with respect to <rev (resp., <lex) and where depth K[x]/in<rev (I G ) is the depth of K[x]/in<rev (I G ).
Communications in Algebra | 2016
Kyouko Kimura
Given a finite simple graph, one can associate the edge ideal. In this article, we prove that a graded Betti number of the edge ideal does not vanish if the original graph contains a set of complete bipartite subgraphs with some conditions. Also we give a combinatorial description for the projective dimension of the edge ideals of unmixed bipartite graphs.
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics | 2009
Kyouko Kimura; Naoki Terai; Ken-ichi Yoshida
Journal of Algebra | 2015
Takayuki Hibi; Akihiro Higashitani; Kyouko Kimura; Augustine B. O'Keefe
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society | 2009
Kyouko Kimura
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society | 2013
Kyouko Kimura; Naoki Terai
Journal of Algebra | 2017
Le Tuan Hoa; Kyouko Kimura; Naoki Terai; Tran Nam Trung
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics | 2016
Takayuki Hibi; Akihiro Higashitani; Kyouko Kimura; Akiyoshi Tsuchiya