L. Comez
University of Perugia
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2010
Stefania Perticaroli; L. Comez; Marco Paolantoni; Paola Sassi; Laura Lupi; D. Fioretto; Alessandro Paciaroni; Assunta Morresi
A broadband depolarized light scattering (DLS) study is performed on diluted lysozyme aqueous solutions as a function of temperature and concentration. The dynamical susceptibility, obtained in a wide spectral range (0.6-36000 GHz) through the coupled use of interferometric and dispersive devices, is interpreted and compared with neutron scattering and Raman-induced optical Kerr-effect literature data, thus giving a general picture of relaxation phenomena. We show that the proposed approach represents a suitable tool for investigating the hydration dynamics of protein-water solutions. A detailed analysis of the quasi-elastic scattering region evidences the existence of two distinct relaxational processes at picosecond time scales. The fast process (fractions of picosecond) is attributed to bulk water dynamics, while the slow one (few picoseconds) is attributed to dynamical rearrangements of water molecules strongly influenced by the protein (hydration water). The retardation effect here estimated of about 6-7 can be regarded as a direct measure of the increased protein-water and water-water hydrogen bond stability of the water molecules within the protein hydration shell. Interestingly, a similar effect was previously observed on small hydrophilic sugar molecules. Moreover, backbone and side chains torsional motions of the protein in the 600-5300 GHz frequency range are found to be insensitive to thermal variations and to eventual changes occurring in the premelting zone.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2009
M. Paolantoni; L. Comez; M. E. Gallina; Paola Sassi; F. Scarponi; D. Fioretto; A. Morresi
Light scattering spectra on aqueous solutions of trehalose were recorded in a wide frequency range combining the use of a double monochromator and a multipass Fabry-Perot interferometer. Experimental results indicate the presence of a slow relaxation mode related to the solute dynamics, which is clearly separated from the solvent one. The spectral analysis reveals the existence of two separate solvent relaxation processes assigned to hydrating and bulk water molecules. The picosecond dynamics of water molecules directly interacting with the solute (proximal water) is consistently delayed with the corresponding relaxation time increase is about 5-6 times compared to the bulk. The slowing down induced by the sugar on the water dynamics mainly involves a restricted hydration layer constituted of 16-18 water molecules. These results improve our knowledge about the influence of carbohydrates on the fast rearrangement dynamics of water and may serve as a model to gain important insight on basic solvation properties of other biorelevant systems in aqueous media.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2013
L. Comez; Laura Lupi; Assunta Morresi; Marco Paolantoni; Paola Sassi; D. Fioretto
Biological interfaces characterized by a complex mixture of hydrophobic, hydrophilic, or charged moieties interfere with the cooperative rearrangement of the hydrogen-bond network of water. In the present study, this solute-induced dynamical perturbation is investigated by extended frequency range depolarized light scattering experiments on an aqueous solution of a variety of systems of different nature and complexity such as small hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules, amino acids, dipeptides, and proteins. Our results suggest that a reductionist approach is not adequate to describe the rearrangement of hydration water because a significant increase of the dynamical retardation and extension of the perturbation occurs when increasing the chemical complexity of the solute.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2012
Laura Lupi; L. Comez; M. Paolantoni; Stefania Perticaroli; Paola Sassi; A. Morresi; Branka M. Ladanyi; D. Fioretto
The relaxation properties of hydration water around fructose, glucose, sucrose, and trehalose molecules have been studied by means of extended frequency range depolarized light scattering and molecular dynamics simulations. Evidence is given of hydration dynamics retarded by a factor ξ = 5-6 for all the analyzed solutes. A dynamical hydration shell is defined based on the solute-induced slowing down of water mobility at picosecond time scales. The number of dynamically perturbed water molecules N(h) and its concentration dependence have been determined in glucose and trehalose aqueous solutions up to high solute weight fractions (ca. 45%). For highly dilute solutions, about 3.3 water molecules per sugar hydroxyl group are found to be part of the hydration shell of mono- and disaccharide. For increasing concentrations, a noticeable solute-dependent reduction of hydration number occurs, which has been attributed, in addition to simple statistical shells overlapping, to aggregation of solute molecules. A scaling law based on the number of hydroxyl groups collapses the N(h) concentration dependence of glucose and trehalose into a single master plot, suggesting hydration and aggregation properties independent of the size of the sugar. As a whole, the present results point to the concentration of hydroxyl groups as the parameter guiding both sugar-water and sugar-sugar interactions, without appreciable difference between mono- and disaccharides.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2003
L. Comez; D. Fioretto; F. Scarponi; G. Monaco
Brillouin scattering has been used to measure the dynamic structure factor of glycerol as a function of temperature from the high temperature liquid to the glassy state. Our investigation aims at understanding the number and the nature of the relaxation processes active in this prototype glass forming system in the high frequency region. The associated character of glycerol is reflected by a rather simple relaxation pattern, while the contributions coming from intramolecular channels are negligible in the GHz frequency region. The temperature behavior of the characteristic frequency and lifetime of the longitudinal acoustic modes is analyzed, suggesting that a phenomenological model which only includes the structural (α) process and the unrelaxed viscosity is able to catch the leading contributions to the dynamics of the density fluctuations. This ansatz is also supported by a combined analysis of light and inelastic x-ray scattering spectra. The temperature dependence of the characteristic time of the α-...
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2012
Laura Lupi; L. Comez; Marco Paolantoni; D. Fioretto; Branka M. Ladanyi
Extended depolarized light scattering (EDLS) measurements have been recently employed to investigate the dynamics of water solvating biological molecules, giving evidence of the presence of two different dynamical regimes among water molecules. An interpretation of EDLS has been proposed that provides an independent estimate of the retardation factor of slowdown with respect to fast water molecules and of the number of solvent molecules affected by this slowing down. Nevertheless this measure is an inherently complex one, due to the collective nature of the physical property probed. In the present work a molecular dynamics (MD) approach has been used to more deeply understand experimental results. Time correlation functions of the collective polarizability anisotropy have been calculated for the prototype disaccharide trehalose in aqueous solutions as a function of concentration. The unique capability of MD to disentangle the contributions to the dynamics arising from solute, solvent, and cross terms between the two allowed us to check the reliability of an interpretation that assumes a spectral separation of water and sugar dynamics, as well as to highlight the very presence of two distinct relaxation processes in water. The two processes have been attributed to the dynamics of bulk and hydration water, respectively. A retardation factor of ~5 and concentration dependent hydration numbers have been observed, in good agreement with experimental results [Paolantoni, M.; et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 7874-7878].
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2011
Stefania Perticaroli; L. Comez; Marco Paolantoni; Paola Sassi; Assunta Morresi; D. Fioretto
We have studied the influence of the amphiphilic model peptide N-acetyl-leucine-methylamide (NALMA) on the dynamics of water using extended frequency range depolarized light scattering (EDLS), between 0.3 GHz and 36 THz. This technique allowed us to separate solute from solvent dynamics and bulk from hydration water, providing both characteristic times and relative fractions. In the temperature range 5-65 °C, a retardation factor from 9 to 7 is found for water hydrating NALMA. Moreover, in the same range, a hydration number from 62 to 50 is observed, corresponding to more than two hydration layers. This strong perturbation suggests the existence of a collective effect of amphiphilic molecules on surrounding water molecules.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2010
M. E. Gallina; L. Comez; A. Morresi; M. Paolantoni; Stefania Perticaroli; Paola Sassi; D. Fioretto
High resolution depolarized light scattering spectra, extended from 0.5 to 2x10(4) GHz by the combined used of a dispersive and an interferometric setup, give evidence of separated solute and solvent dynamics in diluted trehalose aqueous solutions. The slow relaxation process, located in the gigahertz frequency region, is analyzed as a function of temperature and concentration and assigned to the rotational diffusion of the sugar molecule. The results are discussed in comparison with the data obtained on glucose solutions and they are used to clarify the molecular origin of some among the several relaxation processes reported in literature for oligosaccharides solutions. The concentration dependence of relaxation time and of shear viscosity are also discussed, suggesting that the main effect of carbohydrate molecules on the structural relaxation of diluted aqueous solutions is the perturbation induced on the dynamics of the first hydration shell of each solute molecule.
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics | 2012
L. Comez; C. Masciovecchio; G. Monaco; D. Fioretto
Abstract Inelastic scattering spectroscopies, based on photon or neutron sources, have been recently pushed toward unprecedented flux and resolving power in order to improve the understanding of disordered system physics. Here, the latest development in inelastic spectrometry is reviewed and the advantages of using laser and synchrotron-based instruments in the study of collective dynamics in glass-forming systems are presented. Experimental results concerning a wide set of liquids of increasing complexity exposed to glass transition are reported. Recent advances in the understanding of key properties of amorphous solids and glasses with particular attention to the connection between the vibrational dynamics and the energy dissipation through acoustic channels are also shown. The findings reported here have been achieved by the combined use of the different Brillouin instruments existing worldwide that allow covering a large portion of the so-called kinematic region.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011
L. Lupi; L. Comez; C. Masciovecchio; A. Morresi; M. Paolantoni; Paola Sassi; F. Scarponi; D. Fioretto
The longitudinal viscosity of diluted water-tert-butyl alcohol solutions in the 10 GHz frequency region has been measured by means of Brillouin light scattering and inelastic ultraviolet scattering. The main advantage of our hypersonic investigation compared to more traditional ultrasonic measurements is that in the gigahertz frequency range slow relaxation processes involving the alcohol dynamics are completely unrelaxed, so that the measured viscosity mainly originates from the hydrogen bond restructuring of water. In contrast with previous determinations, we estimate an activation energy which is independent from the alcohol mole fraction up to X = 0.1, and comparable to that of bulk water. A simple two-component model is used to describe the steep increase of viscosity with increasing alcohol mole fraction, and a retardation factor 1.7 ± 0.2 is found between the relaxation times of hydration and bulk water. These findings endorse a dynamic scenario where the slowing down of hydration water is mainly due to a reduction of configurational entropy and does not involve an arrested, icelike, dynamics.