L. De Meester
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Ecology Letters | 2012
T. De Bie; L. De Meester; Luc Brendonck; Koenraad Martens; Boudewijn Goddeeris; Dirk Ercken; Henrietta Hampel; Luc Denys; L Vanhecke; K Van der Gucht; J Van Wichelen; Wim Vyverman; Steven Declerck
Relationships between traits of organisms and the structure of their metacommunities have so far mainly been explored with meta-analyses. We compared metacommunities of a wide variety of aquatic organism groups (12 groups, ranging from bacteria to fish) in the same set of 99 ponds to minimise biases inherent to meta-analyses. In the category of passive dispersers, large-bodied groups showed stronger spatial patterning than small-bodied groups suggesting an increasing impact of dispersal limitation with increasing body size. Metacommunities of organisms with the ability to fly (i.e. insect groups) showed a weaker imprint of dispersal limitation than passive dispersers with similar body size. In contrast, dispersal movements of vertebrate groups (fish and amphibians) seemed to be mainly confined to local connectivity patterns. Our results reveal that body size and dispersal mode are important drivers of metacommunity structure and these traits should therefore be considered when developing a predictive framework for metacommunity dynamics.
Ecology | 2005
Steven Declerck; Jochen Vandekerkhove; Liselotte Sander Johansson; Koenraad Muylaert; Jm Conde-Porcuna; K Van der Gucht; Carmen Pérez-Martínez; Torben L. Lauridsen; Klaus Schwenk; Gabriel Zwart; W Rommens; J. López-Ramos; Erik Jeppesen; Wim Vyverman; Luc Brendonck; L. De Meester
This study aimed at unraveling the structure underlying the taxon-richness matrix of shallow lakes. We assessed taxon richness of a large variety of food-web com- ponents at different trophic levels (bacteria, ciliates, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, macro-invertebrates, and water plants) in 98 shallow lakes from three European geographic regions: Denmark (DK), Belgium/The Netherlands (BNL), and southern Spain (SP). Lakes were selected along four mutually independent gradients of total phosphorus (TP), vege- tation cover (SUBMCOV), lake area (AREA), and connectedness (CONN). Principal-com- ponents analysis (PCA) indicated that taxon diversity at the ecosystem level is a multidi- mensional phenomenon. Different PCA axes showed associations with richness in different subsets of organism groups, and differences between eigenvalues were low. Redundancy analysis showed a unique significant contribution to total richness variation of SUBMCOV in all three regions, of TP in DK and SP, and of AREA in DK and BNL. In DK, several organism groups tended to show curvilinear responses to TP, but only one was significantly hump shaped. We postulate that the unimodal richness responses to TP that are frequently reported in the literature for many organism groups may be partly mediated by the unimodal response of macrophyte vegetation to lake productivity.
Science | 2016
Mark C. Urban; Greta Bocedi; Andrew P. Hendry; J-B Mihoub; Guy Pe'er; Alexander Singer; Jon R. Bridle; Lisa G. Crozier; L. De Meester; William Godsoe; Ana Gonzalez; Jessica J. Hellmann; Robert D. Holt; Andreas Huth; Karin Johst; Cornelia B. Krug; Paul W. Leadley; S C F Palmer; Jelena H. Pantel; A Schmitz; Patrick A. Zollner; Justin M. J. Travis
BACKGROUND As global climate change accelerates, one of the most urgent tasks for the coming decades is to develop accurate predictions about biological responses to guide the effective protection of biodiversity. Predictive models in biology provide a means for scientists to project changes to species and ecosystems in response to disturbances such as climate change. Most current predictive models, however, exclude important biological mechanisms such as demography, dispersal, evolution, and species interactions. These biological mechanisms have been shown to be important in mediating past and present responses to climate change. Thus, current modeling efforts do not provide sufficiently accurate predictions. Despite the many complexities involved, biologists are rapidly developing tools that include the key biological processes needed to improve predictive accuracy. The biggest obstacle to applying these more realistic models is that the data needed to inform them are almost always missing. We suggest ways to fill this growing gap between model sophistication and information to predict and prevent the most damaging aspects of climate change for life on Earth. ADVANCES On the basis of empirical and theoretical evidence, we identify six biological mechanisms that commonly shape responses to climate change yet are too often missing from current predictive models: physiology; demography, life history, and phenology; species interactions; evolutionary potential and population differentiation; dispersal, colonization, and range dynamics; and responses to environmental variation. We prioritize the types of information needed to inform each of these mechanisms and suggest proxies for data that are missing or difficult to collect. We show that even for well-studied species, we often lack critical information that would be necessary to apply more realistic, mechanistic models. Consequently, data limitations likely override the potential gains in accuracy of more realistic models. Given the enormous challenge of collecting this detailed information on millions of species around the world, we highlight practical methods that promote the greatest gains in predictive accuracy. Trait-based approaches leverage sparse data to make more general inferences about unstudied species. Targeting species with high climate sensitivity and disproportionate ecological impact can yield important insights about future ecosystem change. Adaptive modeling schemes provide a means to target the most important data while simultaneously improving predictive accuracy. OUTLOOK Strategic collections of essential biological information will allow us to build generalizable insights that inform our broader ability to anticipate species’ responses to climate change and other human-caused disturbances. By increasing accuracy and making uncertainties explicit, scientists can deliver improved projections for biodiversity under climate change together with characterizations of uncertainty to support more informed decisions by policymakers and land managers. Toward this end, a globally coordinated effort to fill data gaps in advance of the growing climate-fueled biodiversity crisis offers substantial advantages in efficiency, coverage, and accuracy. Biologists can take advantage of the lessons learned from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s development, coordination, and integration of climate change projections. Climate and weather projections were greatly improved by incorporating important mechanisms and testing predictions against global weather station data. Biology can do the same. We need to adopt this meteorological approach to predicting biological responses to climate change to enhance our ability to mitigate future changes to global biodiversity and the services it provides to humans. Emerging models are beginning to incorporate six key biological mechanisms that can improve predictions of biological responses to climate change. Models that include biological mechanisms have been used to project (clockwise from top) the evolution of disease-harboring mosquitoes, future environments and land use, physiological responses of invasive species such as cane toads, demographic responses of penguins to future climates, climate-dependent dispersal behavior in butterflies, and mismatched interactions between butterflies and their host plants. Despite these modeling advances, we seldom have the detailed data needed to build these models, necessitating new efforts to collect the relevant data to parameterize more biologically realistic predictive models. New biological models are incorporating the realistic processes underlying biological responses to climate change and other human-caused disturbances. However, these more realistic models require detailed information, which is lacking for most species on Earth. Current monitoring efforts mainly document changes in biodiversity, rather than collecting the mechanistic data needed to predict future changes. We describe and prioritize the biological information needed to inform more realistic projections of species’ responses to climate change. We also highlight how trait-based approaches and adaptive modeling can leverage sparse data to make broader predictions. We outline a global effort to collect the data necessary to better understand, anticipate, and reduce the damaging effects of climate change on biodiversity.
Molecular Ecology | 2001
Erik Michels; Karl Cottenie; L. Neys; K. De Gelas; P. Coppin; L. De Meester
In systems of interconnected ponds or lakes, the dispersal of zooplankton may be mediated by the active population component, with rivulets and overflows functioning as dispersal pathways. Using a landscape‐based approach, we modelled the effective geographical distance among a set of interconnected ponds (De Maten, Genk, Belgium) in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. The first model (the Landscape Model; LM) corrects for the presence of direct connections among ponds and was based on the existing landscape structure (i.e. network of connecting elements among ponds, travelling distance and direction of the current). A second model (the Flow Rate Model; FRM) also incorporated field data on flow rates in the connecting elements as the driving force for the passive dispersal of the active zooplankton population component. Finally, the third model (the Dispersal Rate Model; DRM) incorporated field data on zooplankton dispersal rates. An analysis of the pattern of genetic differentiation among Daphnia ambigua populations inhabiting 10 ponds in the pond complex reveals that the effective geographical distance as modelled by the flow rate and the dispersal rate model provide a better approximation of the true rates of genetic exchange among populations than mere Euclidean geographical distances or the landscape model that takes into account solely the presence of physical connections.
Ecology | 2007
Steven Declerck; Maarten Vanderstukken; Annemie Pals; Koenraad Muylaert; L. De Meester
We studied the effect of aquatic vegetation on the process of species sorting and community assembly of three functional groups of plankton organisms (phytoplankton, seston-feeding zooplankton, and substrate-dwelling zooplankton) along a primary productivity gradient. We performed an outdoor cattle tank experiment (n = 60) making an orthogonal combination of a primary productivity gradient (four nutrient addition levels: 0, 10, 100, and 1000 microg P/L; N/P ratio: 16) with a vegetation gradient (no macrophytes, artificial macrophytes, and real Elodea nuttallii). We used artificial plants to evaluate the mere effects of plant physical structure independently from other plant effects, such as competition for nutrients or allelopathy. The tanks were inoculated with species-rich mixtures of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Both productivity and macrophytes affected community structure and diversity of the three functional groups. Taxon richness declined with increasing plankton productivity in each functional group according to a nested subset pattern. We found no evidence for unimodal diversity-productivity relationships. The proportional abundance of Daphnia and of colonial Scenedesmus increased strongly with productivity. GLM analyses suggest that the decline in richness of seston feeders was due to competitive exclusion by Daphnia at high productivity. The decline in richness of phytoplankton was probably caused by high Daphnia grazing. However, partial analyses indicate that these explanations do not entirely explain the patterns. Possibly, environmental deterioration associated with high productivity (e.g., high pH) was also responsible for the observed richness decline. Macrophytes had positive effects on the taxon richness of all three functional plankton groups and interacted with the initial productivity gradient in determining their communities. Macrophytes affected the composition and diversity of the three functional groups both by their physical structure and through other mechanisms. Part of the macrophyte effect may be indirect via a reduction of phytoplankton production. Our results also indirectly suggest that the often reported unimodal relationship between primary productivity and diversity in nature may be partially mediated by the tendency of submerged macrophytes to be most abundant at intermediate productivity levels.
Molecular Ecology | 2005
K. De Gelas; L. De Meester
The phylogeographical structure of the water flea Daphnia magna in Europe was analysed using a 609‐bp fragment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene. Only moderate overall genetic divergence was detected within Europe. We detected four genetically and, to a large extent, geographically distinct phylogroups within Europe. Our results suggest that these groups recolonized large parts of Europe around 100 000 bp from different refugia. Overall, the pattern suggests a high degree of provincialism with a patchy occurrence of specific lineages, thus confirming the highly subdivided genetic structure usually observed in freshwater zooplankton populations. Although the region around the Mediterranean Sea was only sampled patchily, we obtained strong indications for the occurrence of more divergent genetic lineages in this region. Comparing our European samples to samples from North America and Japan revealed a higher level of differentiation, reflecting limited intercontinental dispersal.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology | 2005
Kevin Pauwels; Robby Stoks; L. De Meester
Although predation is a strong selection pressure, little is known about the molecular mechanisms to cope with predator stress. This is crucial to understanding of the mechanisms and constraints involved in the evolution of antipredator traits. We quantified the expression of heat‐shock protein 60 (Hsp60), a potential marker for predator stress, in four clones of the water flea Daphnia magna, when exposed to fish kairomones. Expression of Hsp60 induction increased after 6 h and returned to base levels after 24 h of predator stress. This suggests that it is a costly transient mechanism to temporarily cope with novel predator stress, before other defences are induced. We found genetic variation in the fixed levels and in the fish‐induced levels of Hsp60, which seemed to be linked to each clones history of fish predation. Our data suggest that Hsp60 can be considered part of a multiple‐trait antipredator defence strategy of Daphnia clones to cope with predator stress.
Hydrobiologia | 1997
Joost Vanoverbeke; L. De Meester
Using allozyme data based on four polymorphic enzymeloci, we present an analysis of geneticdifferentiation among eight Daphnia magnapopulations, separated by less than 100 m to more than500 km from each other. In spite of the large range ofgeographic distances, there was only a slight tendencyfor an increase in genetic differentiation withincreasing geographic distance between populations,and the relation was not significant. This was mainlydue to the fact that neighbouring populations werealready highly genetically differentiated. Our resultssuggest that in populations in which only a fewabundant clones are present after a period of strongclonal selection, among-populational geneticdifferentiation as revealed by allozyme markers isinflated as a result of stochasticity involving chanceassociations of alleles with specific abundantgenotypes. Indices quantifying genetic differentiationwere much higher among populations with a low clonaldiversity than among populations with a high clonaldiversity.
Hydrobiologia | 1997
L. De Meester; C Cousyn
Using a clone that responds to the presence of fishkairomones by a pronounced change in phototacticbehaviour, we determined how fast a change to morenegatively phototactic behaviour occurs in Daphnia magnaadults that are exposed to a highconcentration of fish kairomones. Kairomone exposedanimals showed an approximately linear decrease in thevalue of the phototactic index with time. Though theresponse was almost immediate, it took two hoursbefore the difference between fish-induced and controlanimals was significant. Extrapolation of the observedresponse indicates that a maximal change inphototactic behaviour, equivalent to animals that havebeen cultured in the presence of fish kairomones sincebirth, occurs after about 13 hours exposure. Weconclude that the predator-induced change in dielvertical migration of zooplankton is fast, and isfully developed in less than a day. The response timeto fish kairomones of Daphnia is shorter forphototactic behaviour than for life history traits,which may have important consequences with respect tothe evolution of trait-dependence in induced defenceresponses.
Oecologia | 2000
Luc Brendonck; L. De Meester; Bruce Riddoch
Abstract The genetic structure of three metapopulations of the southern African anostracan Branchipodopsis wolfi was compared by analysing allozyme variation at four loci (PGM, GPI, APK, AAT). In total, 17 local populations from three sites (metapopulations) were analysed from rock pools in south-eastern Botswana ranging from 0.2 to 21 m2 in surface area. In three populations we found significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg (H-W) equilibrium at one or more loci due to heterozygote deficiencies. Genetic variability at one site was significantly lower than at the other sites, which may be linked to a greater incidence of extinction and recolonisation, as the basins at this site are shallower and have shorter hydrocycles. Across all local populations, a significant level of population differentiation was revealed. More than 90% of this variation was explained by differentiation among sites (metapopulations), although this differentiation did not correlate with geographic distance, or with environmental variables. Genetic differentiation among populations within metapopulations was low, but significant at all sites. At only one of the sites was a significantly positive association measured between genetic and geographic distance among local populations. Our data suggest that persistent stochastic events and limited effective long-range dispersal appear to dominate genetic differentiation among populations of B. wolfi inhabiting desert rock pools. The lack of association between geographic distance and genetic or ecological differences between rock pool sites is indicative of historical stochastic events. Low heterozygosity, the significant deviations from H-W equilibrium, and the large inter- but low intra-site differentiation are suggestive of the importance of short-range dispersal. Gene flow between metapopulations of B. wolfi appears to be seriously constrained by distances of 2 km or even less.