L. Heilborn
Texas A&M University
Featured researches published by L. Heilborn.
Physical Review C | 2016
P. Russotto; S. Gannon; S. Kupny; P. Lasko; L. Acosta; M. Adamczyk; A. Al-Ajlan; M. Al-Garawi; S. Al-Homaidhi; F. Amorini; L. Auditore; T. Aumann; Y. Ayyad; Z. Basrak; J. Benlliure; M. Boisjoli; K. Boretzky; J. Brzychczyk; A. Budzanowski; C. Caesar; G. Cardella; P. Cammarata; Z. Chajecki; M. Chartier; A. Chbihi; M. Colonna; M.D. Cozma; B. Czech; E. De Filippo; M. Di Toro
Directed and elliptic flows of neutrons and light charged particles were measured for the reaction 197Au+197Au at 400 MeV/nucleon incident energy within the ASY-EOS experimental campaign at the GSI laboratory. The detection system consisted of the Large Area Neutron Detector LAND, combined with parts of the CHIMERA multidetector, of the ALADIN Time-of-flight Wall, and of the Washington-University Microball detector. The latter three arrays were used for the event characterization and reaction-plane reconstruction. In addition, an array of triple telescopes, KRATTA, was used for complementary measurements of the isotopic composition and flows of light charged particles. From the comparison of the elliptic flow ratio of neutrons with respect to charged particles with UrQMD predictions, a value \gamma = 0.72 \pm 0.19 is obtained for the power-law coefficient describing the density dependence of the potential part in the parametrization of the symmetry energy. It represents a new and more stringent constraint for the regime of supra-saturation density and confirms, with a considerably smaller uncertainty, the moderately soft to linear density dependence deduced from the earlier FOPI-LAND data. The densities probed are shown to reach beyond twice saturation.
Physical Review C | 2012
P. Marini; A. Bonasera; A.B. McIntosh; R. Tripathi; S. Galanopoulos; K. Hagel; L. Heilborn; Z. Kohley; L. W. May; M. Mehlman; S. N. Soisson; G. A. Souliotis; D. V. Shetty; W. B. Smith; B. C. Stein; S. Wuenschel; S. J. Yennello
Methods of extraction of the symmetry energy (or enthalpy) coefficient to temperature ratio from isobaric and isotopic yields of fragments produced in Fermi-energy heavy-ion collisions are discussed. We show that the methods are consistent when the hot fragmenting source is well characterized and its excitation energy and isotopic composition are properly taken into account. The results are independent of the mass number of the detected fragments, which suggests that their fate is decided very early in the reaction.
Physics Letters B | 2013
A.B. McIntosh; A. Bonasera; P. Cammarata; K. Hagel; L. Heilborn; Z. Kohley; J. Mabiala; L. W. May; P. Marini; Andrew Raphelt; G. A. Souliotis; S. Wuenschel; A. Zarrella; S. J. Yennello
Abstract A basic feature of the nuclear equation of state is not yet understood: the dependence of the nuclear caloric curve on the neutron–proton asymmetry. Predictions of theoretical models differ on the magnitude and even the sign of this dependence. In this work, the nuclear caloric curve is examined for fully reconstructed quasi-projectiles around mass A = 50 . The caloric curve extracted with the momentum quadrupole fluctuation thermometer shows that the temperature varies linearly with quasi-projectile asymmetry N − Z A . An increase in asymmetry of 0.15 units corresponds to a decrease in temperature on the order of 1 MeV. These results also highlight the importance of a full quasi-projectile reconstruction in the study of thermodynamic properties of hot nuclei.
Physical Review C | 2013
A.B. McIntosh; A. Bonasera; Z. Kohley; P. Cammarata; K. Hagel; L. Heilborn; J. Mabiala; L. W. May; P. Marini; Andrew Raphelt; G. A. Souliotis; S. Wuenschel; A. Zarrella; S. J. Yennello
Recently, we observed a clear dependence of the nuclear caloric curve on neutron-proton asymmetry
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2013
P. Marini; A. Zarrella; A. Bonasera; Giacomo Bonasera; P. Cammarata; L. Heilborn; Z. Kohley; J. Mabiala; L. W. May; A.B. McIntosh; Andrew Raphelt; G. A. Souliotis; S. J. Yennello
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics | 2013
J. Mabiala; A. Bonasera; H. Zheng; A.B. McIntosh; Z. Kohley; P. Cammarata; K. Hagel; L. Heilborn; L. W. May; Andrew Raphelt; G. A. Souliotis; A. Zarrella; S. J. Yennello
through examination of fully reconstructed equilibrated quasi-projectile sources produced in heavy ion collisions at E/A = 35 MeV. In the present work, we extend our analysis using multiple light charged particle probes of the temperature. Temperatures are extracted with five distinct probes using a kinetic thermometer approach. Additionally, temperatures are extracted using two probes within a chemical thermometer approach (Albergo method). All seven measurements show a significant linear dependence of the source temperature on the source asymmetry. For the kinetic thermometer, the strength of the asymmetry dependence varies with the probe particle species in a way which is consistent with an average emission-time ordering.
Journal of Physics G | 2014
B. C. Stein; A. Bonasera; G. A. Souliotis; H. Zheng; P. Cammarata; A J Echeverria; L. Heilborn; A. L. Keksis; Z. Kohley; J. Mabiala; P. Marini; L. W. May; A.B. McIntosh; Cass Richers; D. V. Shetty; S. N. Soisson; R. Tripathi; S. Wuenschel; S. J. Yennello
Abstract The investigation of the isospin dependence of multifragmentation reactions relies on precise reconstruction of the fragmenting source. The criteria used to assign free emitted neutrons, detected with the TAMU Neutron Ball, to the quasi-projectile source are investigated in the framework of two different simulation codes. Overall and source-specific detection efficiencies for multifragmentation events are found to be model independent. The equivalence of the two different methods used to assign experimentally detected charged particles and neutrons to the emitting source is shown. The method used experimentally to determine quasi-projectile emitted free neutron multiplicity is found to be reasonably accurate and sufficiently precise as to allow for the study of well-defined quasi-projectile sources. Experimental QP neutron multiplicity distributions for three similar reactions with different isospin content are also presented. An increase in neutron emission is found for more n-rich systems.
Physical Review C | 2015
J. Mabiala; H. Zheng; A. Bonasera; P. Cammarata; K. Hagel; L. Heilborn; Z. Kohley; L. W. May; A.B. McIntosh; M. Youngs; A. Zarrella; S. J. Yennello
The thermodynamics of excited nuclear systems allows the exploration of a phase transition in a two-component quantum mixture. Temperatures and densities are derived from quantum fluctuations of fermions. The pressures are determined from the grand partition function of Fishers model. Critical scaling of observables is found for the first time for fragmenting systems which differ in neutron to proton concentrations thus constraining the equation of state (EOS) of asymmetric nuclear material. The derived critical exponent, β = 0.35 ±0.01, belongs to the liquid–gas universality class. The critical compressibility factor Pc/ρcTc increases with increasing neutron concentration, which could be due to finite-size and/or Coulomb effects.
Journal of Physics G | 2012
S. N. Soisson; A. S. Botvina; G. A. Souliotis; B. C. Stein; L. Heilborn; A. L. Keksis; Z. Kohley; L. W. May; D. V. Shetty; S. Wuenschel; S. J. Yennello
Suppression of multiplicity fluctuations has been observed for three light fermions (protons, tritons and 3He) in the multifragmentation of reconstructed hot quasi-projectiles produced in collisions of 32S (45 MeV/nucleon) with 112Sn. This suppression, predicted by recent calculations, is attributed to Pauli blocking and has also been observed in experiments with trapped Fermi gases. Experimental results on nuclear temperature and density employing a quantal approach based on momentum and multiplicity fluctuations are also presented. The extracted temperatures show a noticeable reduction when compared to a similarly derived classical method. This reduction in temperature is in agreement with previous predictions indicating that classically derived methods overpredict nuclear temperature as they do not take into account the Fermi motion of the nucleons. The present results underline the role of quantum statistics in nuclear disassembly and suggest the need for proper quantum treatment when dealing with the thermodynamic properties of fragmenting heavy ions.
Proceedings of The 26th International Nuclear Physics Conference — PoS(INPC2016) | 2017
A. Jedele; A.B. McIntosh; K. Hagel; L. Heilborn; Zach Kohley; Ellen McCleskey; Alis Rodriguez Manso; M. Youngs; Andrea Zarrella; S. J. Yennello
A new method of accessing information on the symmetry free energy from yields of fragments produced in Fermi-energy heavy-ion collisions is proposed. Furthermore, by means of quantum fluctuation analysis techniques, correlations between extracted symmetry free-energy coefficients with temperature and density were studied. The obtained results are consistent with those of commonly used isoscaling techniques.