L. Knox
University of California, Davis
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
R. Keisler; C. L. Reichardt; K. A. Aird; B. A. Benson; L. E. Bleem; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; H. M. Cho; T. M. Crawford; A. T. Crites; T. de Haan; M. Dobbs; J. P. Dudley; E. M. George; N. W. Halverson; G. P. Holder; W. L. Holzapfel; S. Hoover; Z. Hou; J. D. Hrubes; M. Joy; L. Knox; A. T. Lee; E. M. Leitch; M. Lueker; D. Luong-Van; J. J. McMahon; J. Mehl; S. S. Meyer; M. Millea
We present a measurement of the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) using data from the South Pole Telescope (SPT). The data consist of 790 square degrees of sky observed at 150 GHz during 2008 and 2009. Here we present the power spectrum over the multipole range 650 < ‘ < 3000, where it is dominated by primary CMB anisotropy. We combine this power spectrum with the power spectra from the seven-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data release to constrain cosmological models. We nd that the SPT and WMAP data are consistent with each other and, when combined, are well t by a spatially at, CDM cosmological model. The SPT+WMAP constraint on the spectral index of scalar uctuations is ns = 0:9663 0:0112. We detect, at 5 signicance, the eect of gravitational lensing on the CMB power spectrum, and nd its amplitude to be consistent with the CDM cosmological model. We explore a number of extensions beyond the CDM model. Each extension is tested independently, although there are degeneracies between some of the extension parameters. We constrain the tensorto-scalar ratio to be r < 0:21 (95% CL) and constrain the running of the scalar spectral index to be dns=d lnk = 0:024 0:013. We strongly detect the eects of primordial helium and neutrinos on the CMB; a model without helium is rejected at 7.7 , while a model without neutrinos is rejected at 7.5 . The primordial helium abundance is measured to be Yp = 0:296 0:030, and the eective number of relativistic species is measured to be Ne = 3:85 0:62. The constraints on these models are strengthened when the CMB data are combined with measurements of the Hubble constant and the baryon acoustic oscillation feature. Notable improvements include ns = 0:9668 0:0093, r < 0:17 (95% CL), and Ne = 3:86 0:42. The SPT+WMAP data show a mild preference for low power in the CMB damping tail, and while this preference may be accommodated by models that have a negative spectral running, a high primordial helium abundance, or a high eective number of relativistic species, such models are disfavored by the abundance of low-redshift galaxy clusters. Subject headings: cosmology { cosmology:cosmic microwave background { cosmology: observations { large-scale structure of universe
The Astrophysical Journal | 2014
Z. Hou; C. L. Reichardt; K. Story; B. Follin; R. Keisler; K. A. Aird; B. A. Benson; L. E. Bleem; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; H. M. Cho; T. M. Crawford; A. T. Crites; T. de Haan; R. de Putter; M. Dobbs; Scott Dodelson; J. P. Dudley; E. M. George; N. W. Halverson; G. P. Holder; W. L. Holzapfel; S. Hoover; J. D. Hrubes; M. Joy; L. Knox; A. T. Lee; E. M. Leitch; M. Lueker; D. Luong-Van
We explore extensions to the ΛCDM cosmology using measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) from the recent SPT-SZ survey, along with data from WMAP7 and measurements of H_0 and baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO). We check for consistency within ΛCDM between these data sets, and find some tension. The CMB alone gives weak support to physics beyond ΛCDM, due to a slight trend relative to ΛCDM of decreasing power toward smaller angular scales. While it may be due to statistical fluctuation, this trend could also be explained by several extensions. We consider running of the primordial spectral index (dn_s /d ln k), as well as two extensions that modify the damping tail power (the primordial helium abundance Y_p and the effective number of neutrino species N_(eff)) and one that modifies the large-scale power due to the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect (the sum of neutrino masses ∑m_ν). These extensions have similar observational consequences and are partially degenerate when considered simultaneously. Of the six one-parameter extensions considered, we find CMB to have the largest preference for dn_s/d ln k with –0.046 0 from CMB+BAO+H_0 + SPT_(CL). The median value is (0.32 ± 0.11) eV, a factor of six above the lower bound set by neutrino oscillation observations. All data sets except H_0 show some preference for massive neutrinos; data combinations including H_0 favor nonzero masses only if BAO data are also included. We also constrain the two-parameter extensions N_(eff) + ∑m_ν and N_(eff) + Y_p to explore constraints on additional light species and big bang nucleosynthesis, respectively.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2014
B. A. Benson; Peter A. R. Ade; Z. Ahmed; S. W. Allen; K. Arnold; J. E. Austermann; A. N. Bender; L. E. Bleem; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; H. M. Cho; Jean-François Cliche; T. M. Crawford; A. Cukierman; T. de Haan; M. Dobbs; D. Dutcher; W. Everett; A. Gilbert; N. W. Halverson; D. Hanson; N. L. Harrington; K. Hattori; J. W. Henning; G. C. Hilton; Gilbert P. Holder; W. L. Holzapfel; K. D. Irwin; R. Keisler; L. Knox
We describe the design of a new polarization sensitive receiver, spt-3g, for the 10-meter South Pole Telescope (spt). The spt-3g receiver will deliver a factor of ~20 improvement in mapping speed over the current receiver, spt-pol. The sensitivity of the spt-3g receiver will enable the advance from statistical detection of B-mode polarization anisotropy power to high signal-to-noise measurements of the individual modes, i.e., maps. This will lead to precise (~0.06 eV) constraints on the sum of neutrino masses with the potential to directly address the neutrino mass hierarchy. It will allow a separation of the lensing and inflationary B-mode power spectra, improving constraints on the amplitude and shape of the primordial signal, either through spt-3g data alone or in combination with bicep2/keck, which is observing the same area of sky. The measurement of small-scale temperature anisotropy will provide new constraints on the epoch of reionization. Additional science from the spt-3g survey will be significantly enhanced by the synergy with the ongoing optical Dark Energy Survey (des), including: a 1% constraint on the bias of optical tracers of large-scale structure, a measurement of the differential Doppler signal from pairs of galaxy clusters that will test General Relativity on ~200Mpc scales, and improved cosmological constraints from the abundance of clusters of galaxies
Nature | 2012
M. McDonald; Matthew B. Bayliss; B. A. Benson; Ryan J. Foley; J. Ruel; Peter W. Sullivan; Sylvain Veilleux; K. A. Aird; M. L. N. Ashby; Marshall W. Bautz; G. Bazin; L. E. Bleem; M. Brodwin; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; H. M. Cho; Alejandro Clocchiatti; T. M. Crawford; A. T. Crites; T. de Haan; S. Desai; M. Dobbs; J. P. Dudley; E. Egami; W. Forman; Gordon Garmire; E. M. George; Michael D. Gladders; Anthony H. Gonzalez; N. W. Halverson
In the cores of some clusters of galaxies the hot intracluster plasma is dense enough that it should cool radiatively in the cluster’s lifetime, leading to continuous ‘cooling flows’ of gas sinking towards the cluster centre, yet no such cooling flow has been observed. The low observed star-formation rates and cool gas masses for these ‘cool-core’ clusters suggest that much of the cooling must be offset by feedback to prevent the formation of a runaway cooling flow. Here we report X-ray, optical and infrared observations of the galaxy cluster SPT-CLJ2344-4243 (ref. 11) at redshift z = 0.596. These observations reveal an exceptionally luminous (8.2 × 1045 erg s−1) galaxy cluster that hosts an extremely strong cooling flow (around 3,820 solar masses a year). Further, the central galaxy in this cluster appears to be experiencing a massive starburst (formation of around 740 solar masses a year), which suggests that the feedback source responsible for preventing runaway cooling in nearby cool-core clusters may not yet be fully established in SPT-CLJ2344-4243. This large star-formation rate implies that a significant fraction of the stars in the central galaxy of this cluster may form through accretion of the intracluster medium, rather than (as is currently thought) assembling entirely via mergers.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
Mark Brodwin; J. Ruel; Peter A. R. Ade; K. A. Aird; K. Andersson; M. L. N. Ashby; Marshall W. Bautz; G. Bazin; B. A. Benson; L. E. Bleem; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; T. M. Crawford; A. T. Crites; T. de Haan; S. Desai; M. Dobbs; J. P. Dudley; G. G. Fazio; Ryan J. Foley; W. Forman; Gordon Garmire; E. M. George; Michael D. Gladders; Anthony H. Gonzalez; N. W. Halverson; F. W. High; G. P. Holder; W. L. Holzapfel; J. D. Hrubes
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.))
Proceedings of SPIE | 2012
J. E. Austermann; K. A. Aird; James A. Beall; D. Becker; A. N. Bender; B. A. Benson; L. E. Bleem; J. Britton; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; H. C. Chiang; H. M. Cho; T. M. Crawford; A. T. Crites; A. Datesman; T. de Haan; M. Dobbs; E. M. George; N. W. Halverson; N. L. Harrington; J. W. Henning; G. C. Hilton; G. P. Holder; W. L. Holzapfel; S. Hoover; N. Huang; J. Hubmayr; K. D. Irwin; R. Keisler; J. Kennedy
SPTpol is a dual-frequency polarization-sensitive camera that was deployed on the 10-meter South Pole Telescope in January 2012. SPTpol will measure the polarization anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on angular scales spanning an arcminute to several degrees. The polarization sensitivity of SPTpol will enable a detection of the CMB “B-mode” polarization from the detection of the gravitational lensing of the CMB by large scale structure, and a detection or improved upper limit on a primordial signal due to inationary gravity waves. The two measurements can be used to constrain the sum of the neutrino masses and the energy scale of ination. These science goals can be achieved through the polarization sensitivity of the SPTpol camera and careful control of systematics. The SPTpol camera consists of 768 pixels, each containing two transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers coupled to orthogonal polarizations, and a total of 1536 bolometers. The pixels are sensitive to light in one of two frequency bands centered at 90 and 150 GHz, with 180 pixels at 90 GHz and 588 pixels at 150 GHz. The SPTpol design has several features designed to control polarization systematics, including: singlemoded feedhorns with low cross-polarization, bolometer pairs well-matched to dfference atmospheric signals, an improved ground shield design based on far-sidelobe measurements of the SPT, and a small beam to reduce temperature to polarization leakage. We present an overview of the SPTpol instrument design, project status, and science projections.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
H. K. Eriksen; Greg Huey; Rajib Saha; F. K. Hansen; J. Dick; A. J. Banday; K. M. Górski; Pankaj Jain; J. B. Jewell; L. Knox; D. L. Larson; I. J. O'Dwyer; T. Souradeep; Benjamin D. Wandelt
We analyze the 3 yr Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) temperature anisotropy data seeking to confirm the power spectrum and likelihoods published by the WMAP team. We apply five independent implementations of four algorithms to the power spectrum estimation and two implementations to the parameter estimation. Our single most important result is that we broadly confirm the WMAP power spectrum and analysis. Still, we do find two small but potentially important discrepancies. On large angular scales there is a small power excess in the WMAP spectrum (5%-10% at ell lesssim 30) primarily due to likelihood approximation issues between 13 ≤ ell lesssim 30. On small angular scales there is a systematic difference between the V- and W-band spectra (few percent at ell gtrsim 300). Recently, the latter discrepancy was explained by Huffenberger et al. (2006) in terms of oversubtraction of unresolved point sources. As far as the low-ell bias is concerned, most parameters are affected by a few tenths of a σ. The most important effect is seen in ns. For the combination of WMAP, ACBAR, and BOOMERANG, the significance of ns ≠ 1 drops from ~2.7 σ to ~2.3 σ when correcting for this bias. We propose a few simple improvements to the low-ell WMAP likelihood code, and introduce two important extensions to the Gibbs sampling method that allows for proper sampling of the low signal-to-noise ratio regime. Finally, we make the products from the Gibbs sampling analysis publicly available, thereby providing a fast and simple route to the exact likelihood without the need of expensive matrix inversions.We analyze the three-year WMAP temperature anisotropy data seeking to confirm the power spectrum and likelihoods published by the WMAP team. We apply five independent implementations of four algorithms to the power spectrum estimation and two implementations to the parameter estimation. Our single most important result is that we broadly confirm the WMAP power spectrum and analysis. Still, we do find two small but potentially important discrepancies: On large angular scales there is a small power excess in the WMAP spectrum (5-10% at l ~300). Recently, the latter discrepancy was explained by Huffenberger et al. (2006) in terms of over-subtraction of unresolved point sources. As far as the low-l bias is concerned, most parameters are affected by a few tenths of a sigma. The most important effect is seen in n_s. For the combination of WMAP, Acbar and BOOMERanG, the significance of n_s =/ 1 drops from ~2.7 sigma to ~2.3 sigma when correcting for this bias. We propose a few simple improvements to the low-l WMAP likelihood code, and introduce two important extensions to the Gibbs sampling method that allows for proper sampling of the low signal-to-noise regime. Finally, we make the products from the Gibbs sampling analysis publically available, thereby providing a fast and simple route to the exact likelihood without the need of expensive matrix inversions.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2013
J. E. Geach; R. C. Hickox; L. E. Bleem; M. Brodwin; Gilbert P. Holder; K. A. Aird; B. A. Benson; Suman Bhattacharya; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; H. M. Cho; T. M. Crawford; A. T. Crites; T. de Haan; M. Dobbs; J. P. Dudley; E. M. George; Kevin N. Hainline; N. W. Halverson; W. L. Holzapfel; S. Hoover; Z. Hou; J. D. Hrubes; R. Keisler; L. Knox; A. T. Lee; E. M. Leitch; M. Lueker; D. Luong-Van; D. P. Marrone
We measure the cross-power spectrum of the projected mass density as traced by the convergence of the cosmic microwave background lensing field from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and a sample of Type 1 and 2 (unobscured and obscured) quasars at 〈z〉 ~ 1 selected with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, over 2500 deg^2. The cross-power spectrum is detected at ≈7σ, and we measure a linear bias b = 1.61 ± 0.22, consistent with clustering analyses. Using an independent lensing map, derived from Planck observations, to measure the cross-spectrum, we find excellent agreement with the SPT analysis. The bias of the combined sample of Type 1 and 2 quasars determined in this work is similar to that previously determined for Type 1 quasars alone; we conclude that obscured and unobscured quasars trace the matter field in a similar way. This result has implications for our understanding of quasar unification and evolution schemes.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2014
M. McDonald; B. A. Benson; A. Vikhlinin; K. A. Aird; S. W. Allen; Marshall W. Bautz; Matthew B. Bayliss; L. E. Bleem; S. Bocquet; M. Brodwin; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; Hyunjii Cho; Alejandro Clocchiatti; T. M. Crawford; A. T. Crites; T. de Haan; M. Dobbs; Ryan J. Foley; W. Forman; E. M. George; Michael D. Gladders; Anthony H. Gonzalez; N. W. Halverson; J. Hlavacek-Larrondo; Gilbert P. Holder; W. L. Holzapfel; J. D. Hrubes; Christine M. Jones; R. Keisler
We present the results of an X-ray analysis of 80 galaxy clusters selected in the 2500 deg^2 South Pole Telescope survey and observed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We divide the full sample into subsamples of ~20 clusters based on redshift and central density, performing a joint X-ray spectral fit to all clusters in a subsample simultaneously, assuming self-similarity of the temperature profile. This approach allows us to constrain the shape of the temperature profile over 0 R_(500)) regions than their low-z (0.3 < z < 0.6) counterparts. Combining the average temperature profile with measured gas density profiles from our earlier work, we infer the average pressure and entropy profiles for each subsample. Confirming earlier results from this data set, we find an absence of strong cool cores at high z, manifested in this analysis as a significantly lower observed pressure in the central 0.1R_(500) of the high-z cool-core subset of clusters compared to the low-z cool-core subset. Overall, our observed pressure profiles agree well with earlier lower-redshift measurements, suggesting minimal redshift evolution in the pressure profile outside of the core. We find no measurable redshift evolution in the entropy profile at r ≲ 0.7R_(500)—this may reflect a long-standing balance between cooling and feedback over long timescales and large physical scales. We observe a slight flattening of the entropy profile at r gsim R_(500) in our high-z subsample. This flattening is consistent with a temperature bias due to the enhanced (~3×) rate at which group-mass (~2 keV) halos, which would go undetected at our survey depth, are accreting onto the cluster at z ~ 1. This work demonstrates a powerful method for inferring spatially resolved cluster properties in the case where individual cluster signal-to-noise is low, but the number of observed clusters is high.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2012
L. E. Bleem; A. van Engelen; G. P. Holder; K. A. Aird; R. Armstrong; M. L. N. Ashby; M. R. Becker; B. A. Benson; T. Biesiadzinski; M. Brodwin; Michael T. Busha; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; H. M. Cho; T. M. Crawford; A. T. Crites; T. de Haan; S. Desai; M. Dobbs; O. Doré; J. P. Dudley; J. E. Geach; E. M. George; Michael D. Gladders; Anthony H. Gonzalez; N. W. Halverson; N. L. Harrington; F. W. High; B. Holden; W. L. Holzapfel
We compare cosmic microwave background lensing convergence maps derived from South Pole Telescope (SPT) data with galaxy survey data from the Blanco Cosmology Survey, WISE, and a new large Spitzer/IRAC field designed to overlap with the SPT survey. Using optical and infrared catalogs covering between 17 and 68 deg2 of sky, we detect a correlation between the SPT convergence maps and each of the galaxy density maps at >4σ, with zero correlation robustly ruled out in all cases. The amplitude and shape of the cross-power spectra are in good agreement with theoretical expectations and the measured galaxy bias is consistent with previous work. The detections reported here utilize a small fraction of the full 2500 deg2 SPT survey data and serve as both a proof of principle of the technique and an illustration of the potential of this emerging cosmological probe.