
Journal of Applied Physics | 2002

Tantalum ions produced by 1064 nm pulsed laser irradiation

L. Torrisi; S. Gammino; L. Andó; L. Láska

A Q-switched Nd:YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) laser (1064 nm wavelength) with a 9 ns pulse width, 1–900 mJ pulse energy, and 0.5 mm2 target spot, is employed to irradiate tantalum targets in vacuum. The irradiation produces a strong etching of the metal and forms a plasma in front of the target. The plasma contains neutrals and ions with a high charge state and a wide energy distribution. Time-of-flight measurements are presented for the ionic production. A cylindrical electrostatic ion analyzer permits to measure the yield and the charge state of the emitted ions and to extrapolate the ion energy distribution as a function of the laser fluence in the range 10–100 J/cm2. The measurements indicate that at high laser fluence the tantalum charge state may reach 8+ and the maximum ion energy about 6 keV. The ion energy distribution is presented as a function of the charge state. It follows approximately a “shifted Maxwellian distribution.” A better theoretical approach has been further developed considering t...

Optics Communications | 2002

Effects of ps and ns laser pulses for giant ion source

Heinrich Hora; J. Badziak; F. P. Boody; R Höpfl; K. Jungwirth; B. Králiková; J. Krása; L. Láska; P. Parys; V. Perina; M. Pfeifer; K. Rohlena; J. Skala; J. Ullschmied; J. Wolowski; E. Woryna

Abstract Laser driven ion sources produce giant ion emission current densities at the emission area which exceed the few mA/cm 2 of classical ion sources (MEVVA or ECR) by many orders of magnitude. Very energetic highly charged fast ions, separated by their charge number Z , from ns laser pulses were explained by relativistic self-focusing and nonlinear force effects. Recently a strong difference with ps pulses was found in contrast to the ns pulses depending on the prepulses. We present an explanation based on a skin layer process. This has consequences to sub-picosecond laser-plasma interaction for the studies of the fast ignitor physics for laser fusion and to the new field of nuclear physics opened by these laser pulses which produce up to 100 MeV particles and gammas of high density as well as for ion source applications.

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2004

Production of ultrahigh ion current densities at skin-layer subrelativistic laser–plasma interaction

J. Badziak; S Głowacz; S. Jablonski; P. Parys; J. Wolowski; Heinrich Hora; J. Krása; L. Láska; K. Rohlena

Some applications of fast ions driven by a short (≤1 ps) laser pulse (e.g. fast ignition of ICF targets, x-ray laser pumping, laboratory astrophysics research or some nuclear physics experiments) require ion beams of picosecond (or shorter) time durations and of very high ion current densities (∼10 10 A cm -2 or higher). A possible way of producing ion beams with such extreme parameters is ballistic focusing of fast ions generated by a target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) mechanism at relativistic laser intensities. In this paper we discuss another method, where the production of short-pulse ion beams of ultrahigh current densities is possible in a planar geometry at subrelativistic laser intensities and at a low energy (≤ 1 J) of the laser pulse. This method-referred to as skin-layer ponderomotive acceleration (S-LPA)-uses strong ponderomotive forces induced at the skin-layer interaction of a short laser pulse with a proper preplasma layer in front of a solid target. The basic features of the high-current ion generation by S-LPA were investigated using a simplified theory, numerical hydrodynamic simulations and measurements. The experiments were performed with subjoule 1 ps laser pulses interacting with massive or thin foil targets at intensities of up to 2 x 10 17 W cm -2 . It was found that both in the backward and forward directions highly collimated high-density ion beams (plasma blocks) with current densities at the ion source (close to the target) approaching 10 10 A cm -2 are produced, in accordance with the theory and numerical calculations. These ion current densities were found to be comparable to (or even higher than) those estimated from recent short-pulse TNSA experiments with relativistic laser intensities. Apart from the simpler physics of the laser-plasma interaction, the advantage of the considered method is the low energy of the driving laser pulses allowing the production of ultrahigh-current-density ion beams with a high repetition rate. It opens a prospect for unique tabletop experiments in various fields of physical and technological research.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2000

Metallic etching by high power Nd:yttrium–aluminum–garnet pulsed laser irradiation

L. Torrisi; G. Ciavola; S. Gammino; L. Andò; A. Barnà; L. Láska; J. Krása

A Nd:yttrium–aluminum–garnet pulsed laser, with 1064 nm wavelength, 9 ns pulse width, and 0.9 J maximum pulse energy, is employed to irradiate in vacuum different metal targets (Al, Ti, Ni, Cu, Ta, W, Au, and Pb). In order to measure the erosion thresholds, the etching rates, and the chemical yields, a mass quadrupole spectrometer is interfaced to the vacuum chamber. Etching process shows a threshold, which ranges between 0.1 and 1.6 J/cm2 for lead and tungsten, respectively. Etching rates range between 0.3 and 10 μg/pulse for copper and lead, respectively. The irradiation produces chemical yields ranging between 0.04 and 0.6 atoms/100 eV for copper and lead, respectively. A simple theoretical approach is presented to justify obtained results. The objective of collected data concerns the possibility to use ejected atoms, neutral and ionized, in an electron cyclotron resonance ion source, in order to provide high current, multiply charge ion beams.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2000

Laser produced Ag ions for direct implantation

E. Woryna; J. Wolowski; B. Králiková; J. Krása; L. Láska; M. Pfeifer; K. Rohlena; J. Skala; V. Peřina; F. P. Boody; R. Höpfl; Heinrich Hora

The amount and properties of ions produced by laser ablation of Ag targets have been analyzed. The maximum ion current density jmax=21.0 mA and maximum charge state Ar37+ of the ions produced by a laser power density of about 1×1014 W cm−2 at 1.315 and 0.657 μm on an Ag target have been determined. Direct implantation of the Ag ions from the laser-produced plasma has also been studied. An implanted ion density of 3.5×1016 cm−2 at a depth of 500 nm in Al samples was determined by RBS.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2002

Angular distribution of ions emitted from Nd:YAG laser-produced plasma

L. Láska; J. Krása; M. Pfeifer; K. Rohlena; S. Gammino; L. Torrisi; L. Andò; G. Ciavola

Angular distribution of ion currents emitted from laser-produced plasmas are reported for a Nd:YAG laser with intensities lower than 1×1010 W/cm2. This distributions are strongly peaked along the normal to the target surface for Cu, Sn, Ta, W, Au, and Pb ion streams, independent of the incidence angle of the irradiated target. For Al, Ni, and Nb the main axis tends to decline to about −10°. The comparison of fits of Gaussian function and cosP(α−α0)+y0 to the experimental data verified the formal equivalency of both the functions. Fitted values of the FWHM and of the exponent P are compared for all the elements used. The angular distribution of mean ion velocity 〈v〉 and ion kinetic energy 〈E〉 are presented.

Journal of Applied Physics | 2011

Full characterization of laser-accelerated ion beams using Faraday cup, silicon carbide, and single-crystal diamond detectors

D. Margarone; J. Krása; L. Giuffrida; A. Picciotto; L. Torrisi; T. Nowak; P. Musumeci; A. Velyhan; J. Prokůpek; L. Láska; Tomas Mocek; J. Ullschmied; B. Rus

Multi-MeV beams of light ions have been produced using the 300 picosecond, kJ-class iodine laser, operating at the Prague Asterix Laser System facility in Prague. Real-time ion diagnostics have been performed by the use of various time-of-flight (TOF) detectors: ion collectors (ICs) with and without absorber thin films, new prototypes of single-crystal diamond and silicon carbide detectors, and an electrostatic ion mass spectrometer (IEA). In order to suppress the long photopeak induced by soft X-rays and to avoid the overlap with the signal from ultrafast particles, the ICs have been shielded with Al foil filters. The application of large-bandgap semiconductor detectors (>3 eV) ensured cutting of the plasma-emitted visible and soft-UV radiation and enhancing the sensitivity to the very fast proton/ion beams. Employing the IEA spectrometer, various ion species and charge states in the expanding laser-plasma have been determined. Processing of the experimental data based on the TOF technique, including est...

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2002

Fast ion emission from the plasma produced by the PALS laser system

J. Wolowski; J. Badziak; F. P. Boody; Heinrich Hora; V. Hnatowicz; K. Jungwirth; J. Krása; L. Láska; P. Parys; V Pecina; M. Pfeifer; K. Rohlena; L. Ryć; J. Ullschmied; E. Woryna

This paper presents the results of studies of fast ion emission from the multiply charged high-Z number plasma generated using the PALS high-energy iodine laser system (?1.2?kJ, 0.4?ns) at the PALS Research Center in Prague. The properties of the emitted ion streams were investigated using ion collectors located at various angles with respect to the target normal and an electrostatic energy analyser. The x-ray emission from the plasma was measured using semiconductor detectors. Different groups of ions (slow, thermal and fast) were observed in the ion collector signals. Ion current densities higher than 80?mA?cm?2 at ~1?m from the target were demonstrated. The charge velocity distribution, ion current density and angular distribution of ion charge emission, as well as total charge and average ion energy were obtained from these signals. Using the electrostatic ion-energy analyser, the emission of highly charged heavy ions (Ta52+, Ag38+) with energies up to 7?MeV for Ta ions was demonstrated. The dependence of ion stream parameters on the experimental conditions is discussed. We also report the results of preliminary experiments on the direct implantation of laser-produced ions into various materials.

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1996


L. Láska; J. Krása; K. Mašek; M. Pfeifer; B. Králiková; T. Mocek; J. Skala; P. Straka; P. Trenda; K. Rohlena; E. Woryna; J. Farny; P. Parys; J. Wolowski; W. Mróz; A. Shumshurov; B. Sharkov; J. Collier; K. Langbein; H. Haseroth

The results of systematic studies of multiply charged Ta ion production with the fundamental frequency of an iodine laser (λ=1.315μm), and its 2nd (0.657μm) and 3rd (0.438μm) harmonics are summarized and discussed. Short laser pulse (350 ps) and a focus spot diameter of 100μm allowed for the laser power densities in the range of 5×1013–1.5×1015 W/cm2. Corpuscular diagnostics were based on time-of-flight methods; two types of ion collectors and a cylindrical electrostatic ion energy analyzer were used. The Ta ions with charge state up to 55+ were registered in the distance of 210 cm; the maximum amplitude of the signal of a high energy ion group was found to belong to the ions with the charge state around 43+, depending on the laser power density. The ion energy distribution was measured for all three wavelengths, however, in a different energy range; the maximum registered ion energy was 8.8 MeV. The occurrence of highly charged ions in the far expansion zone is discussed in view of the mechanism of charge distribution “freezing” during two-temperature isothermal plasma expansion.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2002

Production of low energy, high intensity metal ion beams by means of a laser ion source

S. Gammino; L. Torrisi; L. Andò; G. Ciavola; L. Celona; L. Láska; J. Krása; M. Pfeifer; K. Rohlena; E. Woryna; J. Wołowski; P. Parys; G. Shirkov

The ECLISSE (ECR coupled to Laser Ion Source for charge State Enhancement) project started in 1999 with the aim to obtain an intense beam of highly charged ions (pulsed mode) by means of the coupling between a laser ion source (LIS) and an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source. The major points to be investigated appeared to be the coupling efficiency between the ion beam produced by the LIS and the ECR plasma, as well as the possibility to enhance the available charge state by an ECRIS with respect to the standard methods which are used to produce ion beams from solid samples (e.g., evaporation, sputtering). The calculations have confirmed that this concept may be effective, provided that the ion energy from the LIS is lower than a few hundred eV. The main features of the calculations will be shown, along with the results obtained in the off-line test facility at laser power densities below 1011 W/cm2.

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