
Geophysical Research Letters | 1998

FAST satellite observations of large‐amplitude solitary structures

R. E. Ergun; C. W. Carlson; J. P. McFadden; F. S. Mozer; G. T. Delory; W. Peria; C. C. Chaston; M. Temerin; I. Roth; L. Muschietti; R. C. Elphic; Robert J. Strangeway; R. F. Pfaff; C. A. Cattell; D. M. Klumpar; E. G. Shelley; W. K. Peterson; E. Moebius; L. M. Kistler

We report observations of “fast solitary waves” that are ubiquitous in downward current regions of the mid-altitude auroral zone. The single-period structures have large amplitudes (up to 2.5 V/m), travel much faster than the ion acoustic speed, carry substantial potentials (up to ∼100 Volts), and are associated with strong modulations of energetic electron fluxes. The amplitude and speed of the structures distinguishes them from ion-acoustic solitary waves or weak double layers. The electromagnetic signature appears to be that of an positive charge (electron hole) traveling anti-earthward. We present evidence that the structures are in or near regions of magnetic-field-aligned electric fields and propose that these nonlinear structures play a key role in supporting parallel electric fields in the downward current region of the auroral zone.

Space Science Reviews | 1997

The Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) Experiment

H. Rème; J. M. Bosqued; J.-A. Sauvaud; A. Cros; J. Dandouras; C. Aoustin; J. Bouyssou; Th. Camus; J. Cuvilo; Ch. Martz; J. L. Médale; H. Perrier; D. Romefort; J. Rouzaud; C. D'Uston; E. Möbius; K. Crocker; M. Granoff; L. M. Kistler; M. Popecki; D. Hovestadt; B. Klecker; Götz Paschmann; M. Scholer; C. W. Carlson; D. W. Curtis; Robert P. Lin; J. P. McFadden; V. Formisano; Ermanno Amata

The Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) experiment is a comprehensive ionic plasma spectrometry package on-board the four Cluster spacecraft capable of obtaining full three-dimensional ion distributions with good time resolution (one spacecraft spin) with mass per charge composition determination. The requirements to cover the scientific objectives cannot be met with a single instrument. The CIS package therefore consists of two different instruments, a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA) and a time-of-flight ion COmposition and DIstribution Function analyser (CODIF), plus a sophisticated dual-processor-based instrument-control and Data-Processing System (DPS), which permits extensive on-board data-processing. Both analysers use symmetric optics resulting in continuous, uniform, and well-characterised phase space coverage. CODIF measures the distributions of the major ions (H+, He+, He++, and O+) with energies from ~0 to 40 keV/e with medium (22.5°) angular resolution and two different sensitivities. HIA does not offer mass resolution but, also having two different sensitivities, increases the dynamic range, and has an angular resolution capability (5.6° × 5.6°) adequate for ion-beam and solar-wind measurements.

Geophysical Research Letters | 1998

FAST satellite observations of electric field structures in the auroral zone

R. E. Ergun; C. W. Carlson; J. P. McFadden; F. S. Mozer; G. T. Delory; W. Peria; C. C. Chaston; M. Temerin; R. C. Elphic; Robert J. Strangeway; R. F. Pfaff; C. A. Cattell; D. M. Klumpar; E. G. Shelley; W. K. Peterson; E. Moebius; L. M. Kistler

Electric field and energetic particle observations by the Fast Auroral Snapshot (FAST) satellite provide convincing evidence of particle acceleration by quasi-static, magnetic-field-aligned (parallel) electric fields in both the upward and downward current regions of the auroral zone. We demonstrate this by comparing the inferred parallel potentials of electrostatic shocks with particle energies. We also report nonlinear electric field structures which may play a role in supporting parallel electric fields. These structures include large-amplitude ion cyclotron waves in the upward current region, and intense, spiky electric fields in the downward current region. The observed structures had substantial parallel components and correlative electron flux modulations. Observations of parallel electric fields in two distinct plasmas suggest that parallel electric fields may be a fundamental particle acceleration mechanism in astrophysical plasmas.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1996

Collisional losses of ring current ions

V. K. Jordanova; L. M. Kistler; Janet U. Kozyra; G. V. Khazanov; Andrew F. Nagy

The time evolution of the ring current population during the recovery phase of a typical moderate magnetic storm is studied, using a newly developed kinetic model for H+, He+ and O+ ions which includes nonequatorially mirroring particles. The bounce-averaged distribution function is defined for variables that are accessible to direct measurement, and some useful formulas for calculating the total energy and number density of the ring current are derived. The bounce-averaged kinetic equation is solved, including losses due to charge exchange with neutral hydrogen and Coulomb collisions with thermal plasma along ion drift paths. Time-dependent magnetospheric electric fields and anisotropic initial pitch angle distributions are considered. The generation of ion precipitating fluxes is addressed, a process that is still not completely understood. It is shown that both the decrease of the distribution function due to charge exchange losses and the buildup of a low-energy population caused by Coulomb collisions proceed faster for particles with smaller pitch angles. The maximum of the equatorial precipitating fluxes occurs on the nightside during the early recovery phase and is found to be of the order of 104–105 cm−2sr−1s−1keV−1. The mechanisms considered in this paper indicate that magnetospheric convection plays the predominant role in causing ion precipitation; Coulomb scattering contributes significantly to the low-energy ion precipitation inside the plasmasphere.

Nature | 2000

Extended magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause from detection of bi-directional jets

T. D. Phan; L. M. Kistler; B. Klecker; G. Haerendel; G. Paschmann; B. U. Ö. Sonnerup; W. Baumjohann; M.-B. Bavassano-Cattaneo; C. W. Carlson; A. M. DiLellis; K.-H. Fornacon; L. A. Frank; M. Fujimoto; E. Georgescu; S. Kokubun; E. Moebius; Toshiharu Mukai; M. Øieroset; W. R. Paterson; H. Reme

Magnetic reconnection is a process that converts magnetic energy into bi-directional plasma jets; it is believed to be the dominant process by which solar-wind energy enters the Earths magnetosphere. This energy is subsequently dissipated by magnetic storms and aurorae. Previous single-spacecraft observations revealed only single jets at the magnetopause—while the existence of a counter-streaming jet was implicitly assumed, no experimental confirmation was available. Here we report in situ two-spacecraft observations of bi-directional jets at the magnetopause, finding evidence for a stable and extended reconnection line; the latter implies substantial entry of the solar wind into the magnetosphere. We conclude that reconnection is determined by large-scale interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, rather than by local conditions at the magnetopause.

Geophysical Research Letters | 1998

FAST satellite wave observations in the AKR source region

R. E. Ergun; C. W. Carlson; J. P. McFadden; F. S. Mozer; G. T. Delory; W. Peria; C. C. Chaston; M. Temerin; R. C. Elphic; Robert J. Strangeway; R. F. Pfaff; C. A. Cattell; D. M. Klumpar; E. G. Shelley; W. K. Peterson; E. Moebius; L. M. Kistler

The Fast Auroral SnapshoT (FAST) satellite has made observations in the Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) source region with unprecedented frequency and time resolution. We confirm the AKR source is in a density depleted cavity and present examples in which cold electrons appeared to have been nearly evacuated (nhot> ncold). Electron distributions were depleted at low-energies and up-going ion beams were always present. Source region amplitudes were far greater than previously reported, reaching 2×10−4 (V/m)²/Hz (300 mV/m) in short bursts with bandwidths generally <1 kHz. Intense emissions were often at the edge of the density cavity. Emissions were near or below the cold plasma electron cyclotron frequency in the source region, and were almost entirely electromagnetic. The |E|/|B| ratio was constant as a function of frequency and rarely displayed any features that would identify a cold plasma cutoff or resonance.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1992

Pressure changes in the plasma sheet during substorm injections

L. M. Kistler; E. Möbius; W. Baumjohann; G. Paschmann; D. C. Hamilton

Using data from the CHEM instrument on AMPTE CCE, data from the three-dimensional plasma instrument and the SULEICA instrument on AMPTE IRM, and magnetometer data from both spacecraft, we have determined the particle pressure and total pressure as a function of radial distance in the plasma sheet for periods before and after the onset of substorm-associated ion enhancements over the radial range 7–19 RE. We have chosen events occurring during times of increasing magnetospheric activity, as determined by an increasing AE index, in which a sudden increase, or “injection”, of energetic particle flux is observed. During these events the particle energy of maximum contribution to the pressure increases from about 12 to about 27 keV. In addition, the particle pressure increases, and the magnetic pressure decreases, with the total pressure only changing slightly. For radial distances of less than 10 RE the total pressure tends to increase with the injection, while outside 10 RE it tends to decrease or remain the same. Because the fraction of the pressure due to particles has increased and higher energies are contributing to the pressure, a radial gradient is evident in the postinjection, but not preinjection, flux measurements. These observations show that the simultaneous appearance of energetic particles and changes in the magnetic field results naturally from pressure balance and does not necessarily indicate that the local changing field is accelerating the particles. The changes in the total pressure outside 10 RE are consistent with previous measurements of pressure changes at substorm onset and can be understood in terms of the unloading of energy in the magnetotail and the resulting change in the magnetic field configuration. The increase in pressure at R ≤ 10 RE may also be due to the changing magnetic field configuration if in the region close to the Earth where the field becomes more dipolar, the angle at which the solar wind interacts with the magnetopause increases, while farther down the tail it decreases. Finally, the radial pressure gradient observed in the 7–12 RE region agrees very well with that necessary to maintain stress balance for an isotropic plasma.

Geophysical Research Letters | 1998

FAST observations of VLF waves in the auroral zone: Evidence of very low plasma densities

Robert J. Strangeway; L. Kepko; R. C. Elphic; C. W. Carlson; R. E. Ergun; J. P. McFadden; W. Peria; G. T. Delory; C. C. Chaston; M. Temerin; C. A. Cattell; E. Möbius; L. M. Kistler; D. M. Klumpar; W. K. Peterson; E. G. Shelley; R. F. Pfaff

The Fast Auroral SnapshoT (FAST) explorer frequently observes the auroral density cavity, which is the source region for Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR). An important factor in the generation of AKR is the relative abundance of hot and cold electrons within the cavity, since hot electrons introduce relativistic modifications to the wave dispersion. VLF wave-form data acquired by FAST within the auroral density cavity show clear signatures of whistler-mode waves propagating on the resonance cone. This allows us to obtain the electron plasma frequency, and the cavity often has densities <1 cm−3. Moreover, the hot electrons can be the dominant electron species, enabling AKR to be generated below the cold electron gyro-frequency.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015

The occurrence and wave properties of H+‐, He+‐, and O+‐band EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes

A. A. Saikin; J.-C. Zhang; R. C. Allen; Charles W. Smith; L. M. Kistler; Harlan E. Spence; R. B. Torbert; C. A. Kletzing; V. K. Jordanova

We perform a statistical study of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves detected by the Van Allen Probes mission to investigate the spatial distribution of their occurrence, wave power, ellipticity, and normal angle. The Van Allen Probes have been used which allow us to explore the inner magnetosphere (1.1 to 5.8 RE). Magnetic field measurements from the Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science on board the Van Allen Probes are used to identify EMIC wave events for the first 22 months of the mission operation (8 September 2012 to 30 June 2014). EMIC waves are examined in H+, He+, and O+ bands. Over 700 EMIC wave events have been identified over the three different wave bands (265 H+-band events, 438 He+-band events, and 68 O+-band events). EMIC wave events are observed between L = 2–8, with over 140 EMIC wave events observed below L = 4. Results show that H+-band EMIC waves have two peak magnetic local time (MLT) occurrence regions: prenoon (09:00  0.1 nT2/Hz), especially in the afternoon sector. Ellipticity observations reveal that linearly polarized EMIC waves dominate in lower L shells.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2005

Plasma sheet turbulence observed by Cluster II

James M. Weygand; M. G. Kivelson; Krishan K. Khurana; H. K. Schwarzl; Sarah M. Thompson; R. L. McPherron; Andre Balogh; L. M. Kistler; Melvyn L. Goldstein; J. E. Borovsky; D. A. Roberts

Cluster fluxgate magnetometer (FGM) and ion spectrometer (CIS) data are employed to analyze magnetic field fluctuations within the plasma sheet during passages through the magnetotail region in the summers of 2001 and 2002 and, in particular, to look for characteristics of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence. Power spectral indices determined from power spectral density functions are on average larger than Kolmogorovs theoretical value for fluid turbulence as well as Kraichnans theoretical value for MHD plasma turbulence. Probability distribution functions of the magnetic fluctuations show a scaling law over a large range of temporal scales with non-Gaussian distributions at small dissipative scales and inertial scales and more Gaussian distribution at large driving scales. Furthermore, a multifractal analysis of the magnetic field components shows scaling behavior in the inertial range of the fluctuations from about 20 s to 13 min for moments through the fifth order. Both the scaling behavior of the probability distribution functions and the multifractal structure function suggest that intermittent turbulence is present within the plasma sheet. The unique multispacecraft aspect and fortuitous spacecraft spacing allow us to examine the turbulent eddy scale sizes. Dynamic autocorrelation and cross correlation analysis of the magnetic field components allow us to determine that eddy scale sizes fit within the plasma sheet. These results suggest that magnetic field turbulence is occurring within the plasma sheet resulting in turbulent energy dissipation.

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