
Phytopathology | 2005

Polyvalent Degenerate Oligonucleotides Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction: A Polyvalent Detection and Characterization Tool for Trichoviruses, Capilloviruses, and Foveaviruses

Xavier Foissac; L. Svanella-Dumas; Pascal Gentit; Marie-Josée Dulucq; Armelle Marais; Thierry Candresse

ABSTRACT A polyvalent nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test using degenerate primers containing inosine (polyvalent degenerate oligonucleotides [PDO]) was developed for filamentous fruit tree viruses belonging to the genera Trichovirus, Capillovirus, and Foveavirus. The 362-bp product was amplified from nucleic acid extracts obtained from Prunus and Malus leaf samples. All the viruses targeted were detected, demonstrating the polyvalence of the test. The variability of a collection of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolates was analyzed using the sequence of the PDO RT-PCR amplified cDNAs. The technique was also used to screen stone fruit materials infected with known agents or with virus-like graft-transmissible diseases of unknown etiology. The results obtained further validated the broad specificity of the assay, with positive amplification obtained for uncharacterized or partially characterized viruses associated with cherry and peach disorders. Sequencing the amplified PCR products either directly or after cloning allowed the identification of variants of known agents and the tentative identification of two new agents, a Trichovirus and a Foveavirus. In addition, sequence comparisons demonstrated that the sequence of the targeted region is phylogenetically informative and of predictive taxonomic value.

Archives of Virology | 2001

Characterization of two different apricot latent virus variants associated with peach asteroid spot and peach sooty ringspot diseases.

Pascal Gentit; Xavier Foissac; L. Svanella-Dumas; M. Peypelut; Thierry Candresse

Summary. Peach asteroid spot (PAS) and peach sooty ringspot (PSRS) are two diseases of stone fruit trees of unknown aetiology. The use of a cRNA probe of the newly described Apricot latent virus (ApLV), a tentative member of the Foveavirus genus, indicated the presence of cross-hybridizing agents in PAS isolate LA2 and in PSRS isolates Caserta 12 and Clava J4. Analysis of dsRNA patterns revealed in each case the presence of a major dsRNA band of about 9.6 kbp. The purified dsRNAs were used to obtain cDNA clones for isolates LA2 and Caserta 12. Sequence analysis of a 1.1 kbp cDNA clone from isolate LA2 showed very high homology with the known ApLV sequence, indicating that this isolate represents a closely related variant of ApLV. Sequence analysis of a 3.06 kbp Caserta 12 cDNA clone representing the 3′ region of the genome revealed a genomic organization similar to that reported for other members of the Foveavirus genus, including the triple gene block and a large, 43.6 kDa coat protein. Sequence comparison with the CP gene of ApLV, the only sequenced region so far for this virus, showed an overall homology of 78%. These results indicate that the foveavirus represented by the Caserta 12 isolate of PSRS disease may be regarded as a distant variant of ApLV. The present results indicate that the viral agents associated with peach asteroid spot and peach sooty ringspot diseases might be variants of the recently described ApLV.

Archives of Virology | 2005

Molecular characterization of banana virus X (BVX), a novel member of the Flexiviridae family

Pierre-Yves Teycheney; Armelle Marais; L. Svanella-Dumas; M.J. Dulucq; Thierry Candresse

Summary.A novel virus was identified in banana (Musa spp). Analysis of the last 2917 nucleotides of its positive strand genomic RNA showed five open reading frames corresponding, from 5′ to 3′, to a truncated ORF coding for a replication-associated protein, three ORFs coding for a movement-associated triple gene block (TGB) and a capsid protein (CP) gene. This genome organization is similar to that of some members of the Flexiviridae family such as potexviruses and foveaviruses. This virus was named Banana virus X (BVX). Comparative sequence analysis showed that BVX is only distantly related to other members of the Flexiviridae family, in which it appears to define a new genus. BVX produces defective RNAs derived from its genomic RNA by non-homologous recombination. Three distinct pairs of donor/acceptor recombination sites involving short direct nucleotide repeats were characterized, accounting for deletions of 1268, 1358 and 1503 nucleotides. Contrary to the situation encountered for Potexviruses, these recombination sites are located within the TGB1 and CP genes and result in a truncated TGB1 protein.

Archives of Virology | 2002

Molecular characterization of foveaviruses associated with the cherry necrotic mottle leaf disease and complete sequencing of an European isolate of cherry green ring mottle virus

Pascal Gentit; Xavier Foissac; L. Svanella-Dumas; M. Peypelut; G. Macquaire; Thierry Candresse

Summary Analysis of the P1C124 source (associated with the cherry necrotic mottle leaf (CNML) disease) revealed the presence of two different viral agents. The complete nucleotide sequence of one of these agents, P1A, had an overall nucleotide sequence similarity of 83% with a previously sequenced North American isolate of Cherry green ring mottle virus (CGRMV) and should therefore be regarded as an European isolate of CGRMV. Approximately 2 kb of the 5′ end of the genome of the second agent, P1B, were also sequenced and were shown to be 82% homologous with Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus (CNRMV), another member of the Foveavirus genus. The possible involvement of CGRMV-P1A and of CNRMV-P1B in the etiology of the CNML disease is discussed.

Plant Disease | 2008

First Report of Cherry virus A in Prunus mume in China

Armelle Marais; Chantal Faure; L. Svanella-Dumas; Thierry Candresse

Natural infections of Cherry virus A (CVA) have been reported in sweet (Prunus avium) and sour cherry (P. cerasus) from a number of European countries, North America, and Japan. CVA has been detected occasionally in other Prunus hosts such as peach, plum, and apricot (1). In the spring of 2007, samples from four Japanese apricot (Prunus mume) trees from the Jiangsu Province of China were analyzed by a polyvalent reverse transcriptase-PCR assay that amplifies a short region of the polymerase gene of viruses from several genera in the family Flexiviridae (2). Sequencing of the amplified products identified CVA in three samples. Two isolates (GenBank Accession Nos. EU730949 and EU730950) were closely related and highly homologous (97.5 to 99.3% identity) to noncherry isolates of CVA (GenBank Accession Nos AY792509 and DQ445275 to DQ445292). The third isolate (GenBank Accession No. EU730951) was approximately 90% identical to the other P. mume isolates and showed the highest identity (92.3%) to a cherry isolate (GenBank Accession No AF413923). CVA infection of the P. mume samples was confirmed by two CVA-specific primer pairs targeting genomic regions corresponding to the movement or coat protein genes. Since the samples showed mixed infections with Plum pox virus (PPV) or Asian Prunus virus 1 (APV1), potential CVA symptomatology could not be evaluated. To our knowledge, these results are the first identification of CVA in China and in P. mume, extending the geographical distribution and natural host range of this virus. Additional work is needed to evaluate whether CVA poses a threat to P. mume production or whether, as in other identified hosts, CVA is largely latent. References: (1) M. Barone et al. Plant Dis. 90:1459, 2006. (2) X. Foissac et al. Phytopathology 95:617, 2005.

Phytopathology | 2015

Complete Nucleotide Sequence of Artichoke latent virus Shows it to be a Member of the Genus Macluravirus in the Family Potyviridae

S. A. Minutillo; Armelle Marais; T. Mascia; Chantal Faure; L. Svanella-Dumas; Sébastien Theil; A. Payet; S. Perennec; L. Schoen; D. Gallitelli; Thierry Candresse

Complete genomic sequences of Artichoke latent virus (ArLV) have been obtained by classical or high-throughput sequencing for an ArLV isolate from Italy (ITBr05) and for two isolates from France (FR37 and FR50). The genome is 8,278 to 8,291 nucleotides long and has a genomic organization comparable with that of Chinese yam necrotic mosaic virus (CYNMV), the only macluravirus fully sequenced to date. The cleavage sites of the viral polyprotein have been tentatively identified by comparison with CYNMV, confirming that macluraviruses are characterized by the absence of a P1 protein, a shorter and N-terminally truncated coat protein (CP). Sequence comparisons firmly place ArLV within the genus Macluravirus, and confirm previous results suggesting that Ranunculus latent virus (RALV), a previously described Macluravirus sp., is very closely related to ArLV. Serological relationships and comparisons of the CP gene and of the partial RaLV sequence available all indicate that RaLV should not be considered as a distinct species but as a strain of ArLV. The results obtained also suggest that the spectrum of currently used ArLV-specific molecular hybridization or polymerase chain reaction detection assays should be improved to cover all isolates and strains in the ArLV species.

Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions | 2014

Key Mutations in the Cylindrical Inclusion Involved in Lettuce mosaic virus Adaptation to eIF4E-Mediated Resistance in Lettuce

M. Sorel; L. Svanella-Dumas; Thierry Candresse; G. Acelin; A. Pitarch; Marie-Christine Houvenaghel; Sylvie German-Retana

We previously showed that allelic genes mol¹ and mo1² used to protect lettuce crops against Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) correspond to mutant alleles of the gene encoding the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E. LMV resistance-breaking determinants map not only to the main potyvirus virulence determinant, a genome-linked viral protein, but also to the C-terminal region of the cylindrical inclusion (CI), with a key role of amino acid at position 621. Here, we show that the propagation of several non-lettuce isolates of LMV in mo1¹ plants is accompanied by a gain of virulence correlated with the presence in the CI C terminus of a serine at position 617 and the accumulation of mutations at positions 602 or 627. Whole-genome sequencing of native and evolved isolates showed that no other mutation could be associated with adaptation to mo1 resistance. Site-directed mutagenesis pinpointed the key role in the virulence of the combination of mutations at positions 602 and 617, in addition to position 621. The impact of these mutations on the fitness of the virus was evaluated, suggesting that the durability of mo1 resistance in the field relies on the fitness cost associated with the resistance-breaking mutations, the nature of the mutations, and their potential antagonistic effects.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Distribution of Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV in the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands and characterization of two new Luteovirus species.

L. Svanella-Dumas; Thierry Candresse; Maurice Hullé; Armelle Marais

A systematic search for viral infection was performed in the isolated Kerguelen Islands, using a range of polyvalent genus-specific PCR assays. Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) was detected in both introduced and native grasses such as Poa cookii. The geographical distribution of BYDV and its prevalence in P. cookii were analyzed using samples collected from various sites of the archipelago. We estimate the average prevalence of BYDV to be 24.9% in P. cookii, with significant variability between sites. BYDV genetic diversity was assessed using sequence information from two genomic regions: the P3 open reading frame (ORF) (encoding the coat protein) and the hypervariable P6 ORF region. The phylogenetic analysis in the P3 region showed that BYDV sequences segregate into three major lineages, the most frequent of which (Ker-I cluster) showed close homology with BYDV-PAV-I isolates and had very low intra-lineage diversity (0.6%). A similarly low diversity was also recorded in the hypervariable P6 region, suggesting that Ker-I isolates derive from the recent introduction of BYDV-PAV-I. Divergence time estimation suggests that BYDV-PAV-I was likely introduced in the Kerguelen environment at the same time frame as its aphid vector, Rhopalosiphum padi, whose distribution shows good overlap with that of BYDV-Ker-I. The two other lineages show more than 22% amino acid divergence in the P3 region with other known species in the BYDV species complex, indicating that they represent distinct BYDV species. Using species-specific amplification primers, the distribution of these novel species was analyzed. The high prevalence of BYDV on native Poaceae and the presence of the vector R. padi, raises the question of its impact on the vulnerable plant communities of this remote ecosystem.

Archives of Virology | 2006

Characterization and partial genome sequence of stocky prune virus, a new member of the genus Cheravirus

Thierry Candresse; L. Svanella-Dumas; O. Le Gall

Summary.Characterization of a seemingly new spherical virus isolated from severely affected plum trees in south-western France indicated that its divided genome is composed of two single-stranded, polyadenylated RNAs of approximately 7.4 and 3.7 kb. Its particles are composed of three coat protein subunits of approximately 23, 23.5, and 24.5 kDa. Partial sequencing of the genomic RNAs indicated that this new virus, tentatively named stocky prune virus (StPV), is distantly related to the two sequenced cheraviruses, cherry rasp leaf virus (CRLV) and apple latent spherical virus (ALSV). StPV should be regarded as a new member in the unassigned genus Cheravirus.

Archives of Virology | 2007

Further characterization of two sequiviruses infecting lettuce and development of specific RT-PCR primers

Adriana Salomão Jadão; Renate Krause-Sakate; D. Liberti; Marcelo Agenor Pavan; M. M. Echer; L. Svanella-Dumas; Francisco Murilo Zerbini; Thierry Candresse; O. Le Gall

Summary.Lettuce mottle virus (LeMoV) and dandelion yellow mosaic virus (DaYMV) infect lettuce in South America and Europe, respectively. LeMoV and DaYMV possess isometric particles, occur at low concentrations in plants and have narrow host ranges. Partial genome sequences of both viruses were obtained using purified viral preparations and universal primers for members of the family Sequiviridae. DaYMV and LeMoV sequences were analyzed and showed identity with other members of the family. Universal primers that detect both viruses and specific primers for LeMoV and DaYMV were designed and used in RT-PCR-based diagnostic assays. These results provide the first molecular data on the LeMoV and DaYMV genomes and suggest that LeMoV is a member of the genus Sequivirus, probably distinct from DaYMV.

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