L. Van Woerkom
Ohio State University
Physics of Plasmas | 2009
C. D. Chen; P. K. Patel; D. Hey; A. J. Mackinnon; M.H. Key; K. U. Akli; T. Bartal; F. N. Beg; S. Chawla; H. Chen; R. R. Freeman; D.P. Higginson; Anthony Link; T. Ma; A. G. MacPhee; R.B. Stephens; L. Van Woerkom; B. Westover; Miklos Porkolab
The Bremsstrahlung and K-shell emission from 1×1×1 mm3 planar targets irradiated by a short-pulse 3×1018–8×1019 W/cm2 laser were measured. The Bremsstrahlung was measured using a filter stack spectrometer with spectral discrimination up to 500 keV. K-shell emission was measured using a single photon counting charge coupled device. From Monte Carlo modeling of the target emission, conversion efficiencies into 1–3 MeV electrons of 3%–12%, representing 20%–40% total conversion efficiencies, were inferred for intensities up to 8×1019 W/cm2. Comparisons to scaling laws using synthetic energy spectra generated from the intensity distribution of the focal spot imply slope temperatures less than the ponderomotive potential of the laser. Resistive transport effects may result in potentials of a few hundred kV in the first few tens of microns in the target. This would lead to higher total conversion efficiencies than inferred from Monte Carlo modeling but lower conversion efficiencies into 1–3 MeV electrons.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2008
D. Hey; M.H. Key; A. J. Mackinnon; A. G. MacPhee; P. K. Patel; R. R. Freeman; L. Van Woerkom; C. M. Castaneda
A calibration of three types of GafChromic radiochromic film (HS, MD-55, and HD-810) was carried out on the Crocker Nuclear Laboratorys 76 in. cyclotron at UC Davis over doses ranging from 0.001 to 15 kGy. The film was digitized with a scanning microdensitometer with which it was scanned twice with two different filters to increase the films effective dynamic range. We demonstrate how this calibrated film can be used to measure the spectrum and total energy of a laser generated proton beam. This technique was applied to an experiment on the 10 J, 100 fs Callisto laser at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The resulting proton spectrum was compared to that obtained by simultaneous measurement of Ti nuclear activation; the two methods give the same proton beam slope temperature and agree in number of protons to within 27%.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2008
C. D. Chen; J. A. King; M.H. Key; K. U. Akli; F. N. Beg; H. Chen; R. R. Freeman; Anthony Link; A. J. Mackinnon; A. G. MacPhee; P. K. Patel; M. Porkolab; R. Stephens; L. Van Woerkom
A Bremsstrahlung spectrometer using k-edge and differential filtering has been used with image plate dosimeters to measure the x-ray fluence from short-pulse laser/target interactions. An electron spectrometer in front of the Bremsstrahlung spectrometer deflects electrons from the x-ray line of sight and simultaneously measures the electron spectrum. The response functions were modeled with the Monte Carlo code INTEGRATED TIGER SERIES 3.0 and the dosimeters calibrated with radioactive sources. An electron distribution with a slope temperature of 1.3 MeV is inferred from the Bremsstrahlung spectra.
Physics of Plasmas | 2009
J. King; K. U. Akli; R. R. Freeman; J. S. Green; S. P. Hatchett; D. Hey; P. Jamangi; M.H. Key; J. A. Koch; K. L. Lancaster; T. Ma; Andrew J. Mackinnon; A. G. MacPhee; P. A. Norreys; P. K. Patel; T. G. Phillips; R. Stephens; W. Theobald; R. P. J. Town; L. Van Woerkom; B. Zhang; F. N. Beg
Experimental results showing hot electron penetration into Cu wires using Kα fluorescence imaging are presented. A 500 J, 1 ps laser was focused at f/3 into hollow aluminum cones joined at their tip to Cu wires of diameters from 10 to 40 μm. Comparison of the axially diminishing absolute intensity of Cu Kα with modeling shows that the penetration of the electrons is consistent with one dimensional Ohmic potential limited transport. The laser coupling efficiency to electron energy within the wire is shown to be proportional to the cross sectional area of the wire, reaching 15% for 40 μm wires. Further, we find the hot electron temperature within the wire to be about 750 keV. The relevance of these data to cone coupled fast ignition is discussed.
Physics of Plasmas | 2008
L. Van Woerkom; K. U. Akli; T. Bartal; F. N. Beg; S. Chawla; C. D. Chen; Enam Chowdhury; R. R. Freeman; D. Hey; M.H. Key; J. King; Anthony Link; T. Ma; Andrew J. Mackinnon; A. G. MacPhee; Dustin Offermann; V. Ovchinnikov; P. K. Patel; Douglass Schumacher; R. Stephens; Y.Y. Tsui
Experimental results from copper cones irradiated with ultra-intense laser light are presented. Spatial images and total yields of Cu K{sub {alpha}} fluorescence were measured as a function of the laser focusing properties. The fluorescence emission extends into the cone approximately 300 {micro}m from the cone tip and cannot be explained by ray tracing including cone wall absorption. In addition the total fluorescence yield from cones is an order of magnitude higher than for equivalent mass foil targets. Indications are that the physics of the laser cone interaction is dominated by preplasma created from the long duration, low energy pre-pulse from the laser.
Journal of Physics B | 1998
M. J. Nandor; Marilyn A. Walker; L. Van Woerkom
Using a 110 fs, 800 nm Ti:sapphire laser, we have collected angle-resolved, high-resolution (<25 meV) photoelectron kinetic energy spectra of xenon for multiple intensities in the range -. For various ATI peaks, we present angular distributions, which show complex and varied structures not previously reported or predicted. For each intensity, abrupt variations in the structures of the angular distributions coincide energetically with the onset of the plateau region in the photoelectron spectra.
New Journal of Physics | 2008
M. Nakatsutsumi; J. R. Davies; R. Kodama; J.S. Green; K. L. Lancaster; K. U. Akli; F. N. Beg; Sophia Chen; D. Clark; R. R. Freeman; C. D. Gregory; H. Habara; R. Heathcote; D. Hey; K. Highbarger; P. A. Jaanimagi; M.H. Key; K. Krushelnick; T. Ma; A. G. MacPhee; A. J. Mackinnon; H. Nakamura; R. Stephens; M. Storm; M. Tampo; W. Theobald; L. Van Woerkom; R. L. Weber; Mingsheng Wei; N. Woolsey
The heating of plane solid targets by the Vulcan petawatt laser at powers of 0.32–0.73 PW and intensities of up to 4×1020 W cm−2 has been diagnosed with a temporal resolution of 17 ps and a spatial resolution of 30 μm, by measuring optical emission from the opposite side of the target to the laser with a streak camera. Second harmonic emission was filtered out and the target viewed at an angle to eliminate optical transition radiation. Spatial resolution was obtained by imaging the emission onto a bundle of fibre optics, arranged into a one-dimensional array at the camera entrance. The results show that a region 160 μm in diameter can be heated to a temperature of ~107 K (kT/e~ keV) in solid targets from 10 to 20 μm thick and that this temperature is maintained for at least 20 ps, confirming the utility of PW lasers in the study of high energy density physics. Hybrid code modelling shows that magnetic field generation prevents increased target heating by electron refluxing above a certain target thickness and that the absorption of laser energy into electrons entering the solid target was between 15–30%, and tends to increase with laser energy.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 1989
Dennis J. Trevor; L. Van Woerkom; R. R. Freeman
We have designed and built a high‐efficiency time‐of‐flight electron spectrometer which has the potential to record accurately the angular distribution of the photoemitted electrons. This analyzer uses an electrostatic analog of an optical parabolic mirror to collimate, in an isochronic fashion, half of the electrons emitted from an isotropic point source and measure each electron’s energy by time‐of‐flight. Results are presented which demonstrate that the spectrometer operates near its design collection efficiency and energy resolution.
Physics of Plasmas | 2011
L. Willingale; G. M. Petrov; Anatoly Maksimchuk; Jack Davis; R. R. Freeman; A. S. Joglekar; T. Matsuoka; C. D. Murphy; V. Ovchinnikov; A. G. R. Thomas; L. Van Woerkom; K. Krushelnick
Laser-driven d(d, n)-3He beam-target fusion neutron production from bulk deuterated plastic (CD) targets is compared with a pitcher-catcher target scheme using an identical laser and detector arrangement. For laser intensities in the range of (1–3) × 1019 W cm−2, it was found that the bulk targets produced a high yield (5 × 104 neutrons per steradian) beamed preferentially in the laser propagation direction. Numerical modeling shows the importance of considering the temperature adjusted stopping powers to correctly model the neutron production. The bulk CD targets have a high background target temperature leading to a reduced stopping power for the deuterons, which increases the probability of generating neutrons by fusion. Neutron production from the pitcher-catcher targets was not as efficient since it does not benefit from the reduced stopping power in the cold catcher target. Also, the inhibition of the deuteron acceleration by a proton rich contamination layer significantly reduces the pitcher-catche...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2011
L. Willingale; G. M. Petrov; Anatoly Maksimchuk; Jack Davis; R. R. Freeman; T. Matsuoka; C. D. Murphy; V. Ovchinnikov; L. Van Woerkom; K. Krushelnick
The source of ions accelerated from high-intensity laser interactions with thin foil targets is investigated by coating a deuterated plastic layer either on the front, rear or both surfaces of thin foil targets. The originating surface of the deuterons is therefore known and this method is used to assess the relative source contributions and maximum energies using a Thomson parabola spectrometer to obtain high-resolution light-ion spectra. Under these experimental conditions, laser intensity of (0.5‐2.5) × 10 19 Wc m −2 , pulse duration of 400 fs and target thickness of 6‐13 µm, deuterons originating from the front surface can gain comparable maximum energies as those from the rear surface and spectra from either side can deviate from Maxwellian. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations model the acceleration and show that any presence of a proton rich contamination layer over the surface is detrimental to the deuteron acceleration from the rear surface, whereas it is likely to be less influential on the front side acceleration mechanism. (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)