Lais Clark Lima
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Featured researches published by Lais Clark Lima.
Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical | 1998
Cecília Pereira de Souza; Lais Clark Lima; Liana K. Jannotti-Passos; Sueleny Silva Ferreira; Carlos Tito Guimarães; Iaci Belo de Figueiredo Vieira; Rafael Mariani Junior
A malacological survey to detect foci of transmission of schistosomiasis and other parasitic diseases was undertaken into water-courses from 13 municipalities of microregion of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. From 1990 to 1996, 22,066 snails were collected. From those, 378 (1.7%) were found infected by trematodes: Biomphalaria glabrata (7,920), infected by Schistosoma mansoni (1.9%), Echinostomatidae (1.2%), Strigeidae (0.6%), Cercaria minense (0.1%) and Derogenidae (-0.1%); B. straminea (4,093) infected by Strigeidae (0.6%), Echinostomatidae (0.2%), Clinostomatidae (-0.1%) and two unidentified cercariae; B. tenagophila (1,338), infected by Strigeidae (0.1%) and Physa marmorata (1,776) by Echinostomatidae (1.6%). The snails Biomphalaria peregrina, B. occidentalis, B. schrammi, Drepanotrema depressissimum, D. lucidum, D. cimex, Physa cubensis, Lymnaea columella, Melania tuberculata, Idiopyrgus souleyetianus, Pomacea sp, Anodontites sp and Ancylidae were found noninfected. Snails from 9 municipalities were infected by S. mansoni and from 11 by other trematodes.
Revista De Saude Publica | 1986
Lais Clark Lima
A Lutzomyia intermedia ha muito vem sendo encontrada em areas de colonizacao antiga. Analisando dados de capturas deste flebotomineo, com diferentes iscas e em diferentes locais, acredita-se que esta especie esta pre-adaptada a ambientes abertos e a se alimentar em mamiferos, entre eles o homem.
Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De Sao Paulo | 1992
Lais Clark Lima; Cristiano Lara Massara; Cecília Pereira de Souza; Teofânia Heloísa Dutra Amorim Vidigal; Henrique Leonel Lenzi; Omar dos Santos Carvalho
Biomphalaria glabrata (control), B. tenagophila and B. straminea from our laboratory colonies initiated with molluscs collected in the municipality of Belo Horizonte, MG (Brasil), were experimentally infected with first-stage larvae of Angiostrongylus costaricensis. The number of molluscs of each species exposed was 139, 77 and 149. About 25 days later, surviving molluscs were individually examined by artificial digestion. Of 87 B. glabrata examined, 62 (71.3%) were positive and between one and 61 third-stage larvae were found; of 42 B. tenagophila, 21 (50.0%) contained between one five third-stage larvae; and of 89 B. straminea, 69 (77.5%) presented between one and 72 third-stage larvae. The three molluscan species are susceptible to A. costaricensis infection, but B. glabrata and B. straminea are most suitable for maintaining the nematode cycle in laboratory.
Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De Sao Paulo | 1992
Lais Clark Lima; Cristiano Lara Massara; Cecília Pereira de Souza; Liana K. Jannotti-Passos; Henrique Leonel Lenzi
Especimes de Sarasinula marginata foram coletadas em hortas e jardins residenciais de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. A suscetibilidade desta especie de lesma ao Angiostrongylus costaricensis foi verificada em laboratorio, utilizando-se 15 exemplares da geracao F1. Foi demonstrada uma positividade de 80,0%
Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz | 1992
Lais Clark Lima; Maury Pinto de Oliveira
Fossil shells collected during excavations in Toca da Esperanca, BA, were identified on morphological grounds as: Artemon intermedius intermedius (Albers, 1857); Gastrocopta (Privatula) corticaria (Say); Bulimulus (Rhinus) heterotrichus (Moricand, 1836) and Polygyratia polygyrata polygyrata (Born, 1780). Bone samples found associated with these shells were dated by the Uranium - Thorium method as being between 204,000 and 295,000 years old (Middle - Upper Pleistocene). Species of the mastofauna also found associated, on the other hand, were identified as being of the Upper Pleistocene or even of the beginning of the Holocene. The material studied here was not dated.
Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz | 1987
Lais Clark Lima
We registered Biomphalaria aff. glabrata (Say, 1818) from upper Pleistocene (or Holocene) based on paleontologic and stratigraphic data and in agreement with shell morphology. The shells came from Gruta das Oncas, district of Caatinga do Moura, Jacobina country, state of Bahia. We also registered one more evidence of the ancient presence of water in the cave, which agree Cartelle & Bohorquezs (1982) hypothesis about the site.We registered Biomphalaria aff. glabrata (Say, 1818) from upper Pleistocene (or Holocene) based on paleontologic and stratigraphic data and in agreement with shell morphology. The shells came from Gruta das Oncas, district of Caatinga do Moura, Jacobina country, state of Bahia. We also registered one more evidence of the ancient presence of water in the cave, which agree Cartelle & Bohorquezs (1982) hypothesis about the site.
Revista De Saude Publica | 1989
Lais Clark Lima; Cecília Pereira de Souza
The occurrence of Sarasinula marginata, a possible intermediate host of Angiostrongylus costaricensis, in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, is reported on.
Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz | 1993
Lais Clark Lima; Rosa Maria Bellezza; Cecília Pereira de Souza
We describe a biphallic specimen of Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818) from the municipality of Caete, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The conformation of the two penial complexes, with a common genital pore on the left side. suggests that both have copulatory capacity. Based on a review of literature type of biphally appears to be reported for the first time in planorbids.
Serie de esquistossomose | 1990
Cecília Pereira de Souza; Lais Clark Lima
Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz | 1993
Lais Clark Lima; Delza de Moura Soares; Carlos Tito Guimarães