Lars Bonnes
University of Innsbruck
Featured researches published by Lars Bonnes.
New Journal of Physics | 2013
Hannes Pichler; Lars Bonnes; Andrew J. Daley; Andreas M. Läuchli; P. Zoller
We show how to measure the order-two Renyi entropy of many-body states of spinful fermionic atoms in an optical lattice in equilibrium and non-equilibrium situations. The proposed scheme relies on the possibility to produce and couple two copies of the state under investigation, and to measure the occupation number in a site- and spin-resolved manner, e.g. with a quantum gas microscope. Such a protocol opens the possibility to measure entanglement and test a number of theoretical predictions, such as area laws and their corrections. As an illustration we discuss the interplay between thermal and entanglement entropy for a one dimensional Fermi–Hubbard model at finite temperature, and its possible measurement in an experiment using the present scheme.
Physical Review Letters | 2011
Lars Bonnes; Stefan Wessel
We examine the equilibrium properties of lattice bosons with attractive on-site interactions in the presence of a three-body hard-core constraint that stabilizes the system against collapse and gives rise to a dimer superfluid phase. Employing quantum Monte Carlo simulations, the ground state phase diagram of this system on the square lattice is analyzed. In particular, we study the quantum phase transition between the atomic and dimer superfluid regime and analyze the nature of the superfluid-insulator transitions. Evidence is provided for the existence of a tricritical point along the saturation transition line, where the transition changes from being first order to a continuous transition of the dilute Bose gas of holes. The Berzinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition from the dimer superfluid to the normal fluid is found to be consistent with an anomalous stiffness jump, as expected from the unbinding of half-vortices.
Physical Review B | 2014
Chia-Min Chung; Vincenzo Alba; Lars Bonnes; Pochung Chen; Andreas M. Läuchli
Motivated by recent developments in conformal field theory (CFT), we devise a Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method to calculate the moments of the partially transposed reduced density matrix at finite temperature. These are used to construct scale invariant combinations that are related to the negativity, a true measure of entanglement for two intervals embedded in a chain. These quantities can serve as witnesses of criticality. In particular, we study several scale invariant combinations of the moments for the 1D hard-core boson model. For two adjacent intervals unusual finite size corrections are present, showing parity effects that oscillate with a filling dependent period. These are more pronounced in the presence of boundaries. For large chains we find perfect agreement with CFT. Oppositely, for disjoint intervals corrections are more severe and CFT is recovered only asymptotically. Furthermore, we provide evidence that their exponent is the same as that governing the corrections of the mutual information. Additionally we study the 1D Bose-Hubbard model in the superfluid phase. Remarkably, the finite-size effects are smaller and QMC data are already in impressive agreement with CFT at moderate large sizes.
Frontiers of Physics in China | 2015
Philipp Hauke; Lars Bonnes; Markus Heyl; Wolfgang Lechner
Adiabatic quantum optimization has been proposed as a route to solve NP-complete problems, with a possible quantum speedup compared to classical algorithms. However, the precise role of quantum effects, such as entanglement, in these optimization protocols is still unclear. We propose a setup of cold trapped ions that allows one to quantitatively characterize, in a controlled experiment, the interplay of entanglement, decoherence, and non-adiabaticity in adiabatic quantum optimization. We show that, in this way, a broad class of NP-complete problems becomes accessible for quantum simulations, including the knapsack problem, number partitioning, and instances of the max-cut problem. Moreover, a general theoretical study reveals correlations of the success probability with entanglement at the end of the protocol. From exact numerical simulations for small systems and linear ramps, however, we find no substantial correlations with the entanglement during the optimization. For the final state, we derive analytically a universal upper bound for the success probability as a function of entanglement, which can be measured in experiment. The proposed trapped-ion setups and the presented study of entanglement address pertinent questions of adiabatic quantum optimization, which may be of general interest across experimental platforms.
New Journal of Physics | 2010
Lars Bonnes; Hans Peter Büchler; Stefan Wessel
We study the phase diagram of ultra-cold bosonic polar molecules loaded on a two-dimensional optical lattice of hexagonal symmetry controlled by external electric and microwave fields. Following a recent proposal in (Buchler et al 2007 Nat. Phys. 3 726), such a system is described by an extended Bose–Hubbard model of hard-core bosons that includes both extended two- and three-body repulsions. Using quantum Monte-Carlo simulations, exact finite cluster calculations and the tensor network renormalization group, we explore the rich phase diagram of this system, resulting from the strongly competing nature of the three-body repulsions on the honeycomb lattice. Already in the classical limit, they induce complex solid states with large unit cells and macroscopic ground-state degeneracies at different fractional lattice fillings. For the quantum regime, we obtain effective descriptions of the various phases in terms of emerging valence bond crystal states and quantum dimer models. Furthermore, we access the experimentally relevant parameter regime and determine the stability of the crystalline phases towards strong two-body interactions.
Physical Review B | 2011
Lars Bonnes; Stefan Wessel
We analyze the nucleation of supersolid order out of the superfluid ground state of bosons on the triangular lattice. While the stability of supersolidity against phase separation in this system is by now well established for nearest-neighbor and long-range dipolar interactions, relevant for two-dimensional arrays of ultracold polar molecules, here we address directly the nature of the superfluid-to-supersolid transition. Based on symmetry arguments and quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we conclude that this quantum phase transition is driven first order beyond the line of particle-hole symmetry. Along this line, the transition is continuous and its scaling behavior is consistent with the three-dimensional (3D) XY universality class. We relate this finding to a 3D
Physical Review Letters | 2018
Jean-Sebastien Bernier; Ryan Tan; Lars Bonnes; Chu Guo; Dario Poletti; Corinna Kollath
Physical Review B | 2014
Chia-Min Chung; Lars Bonnes; Pochung Chen; Andreas M. Läuchli
clock model description of the enlarged symmetry of the solid order parameter field. In the generic case, however, the symmetry reduces to that of a 3D
Physical Review B | 2012
Lars Bonnes; Stefan Wessel
Physical Review A | 2014
Lars Bonnes; Daniel Charrier; Andreas M. Läuchli
clock model, which reflects the first-order nature of the generic superfluid-to-supersolid quantum phase transition on the triangular lattice.