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Featured researches published by Latif Gürkan Kaya.

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2018

Identifying and assessing environmental awareness of hotel and restaurant employees’ attitudes in the Amasra District of Bartin

Cengiz Yucedag; Latif Gürkan Kaya; Mehmet Cetin

Environmental damage occurring on individual, institutional, and societal levels is one of the major problems in the world and results from mostly unconscious human behavior. This damage poses serious threats to human health and other habitats. The aim of this study is to determine the level of environmental awareness of hotel and restaurant employees in the Amasra District of Bartin, Turkey. For this purpose, a descriptive survey method is used to measure 16 items with a 5-point Likert scale. Data are obtained from 200 employees in the hotels and restaurants as of 2015. The reliability coefficient is found to be 0.74. This data reveals that only 43% of hotels and 72% of restaurants in Amasra have recycling bins. Males and Bachelor’s degree holders have more environmental awareness. Enterprises established after 2011 follow popular journals related to environment more than those before 2011. As a result, it is essential to organize educational meetings and seminars related to environmental awareness for hotel and restaurant employees in order to improve the tourism industry’s environmental impact. The results show that the legislation has resulted in general environmental awareness and that the organizations are willing to change their business processes and environmental strategies. Nevertheless, despite their actions, there is little awareness of the benefits that can result from cost reductions resulting from environmentally friendly practices. Those affected by their suppliers act to reduce waste but do not deploy formal environmental management systems or use environmental messages to market their goods or services.

Journal of Forestry Research | 2016

Assessing the effects of long-term recreational activities on landscape changes in Abant Natural Park, Turkey

Günay Çakir; Haldun Müderrisoğlu; Latif Gürkan Kaya

Natural, protected areas offer many possibilities for recreation in rural areas such as camping, one of the most popular activities. The system established for protected areas in Turkey aims to provide a foundation for conserving areas for recreation. One such area, Abant Natural Park, is convenient for visits from Turkey’s two most populated metropolitan areas, Istanbul and Ankara. It also attracts tourists from other regions and countries. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the vegetation loss and land cover changes due to picnic/camping, transhumance, and construction over 40xa0years (1966–2004) in the park using data on visitor numbers, vegetation patches, corridors and connectivity. For evaluating landscape variables, remote sensing data and aerial photos were used. When aerial photos were imported into the ERDAS Imagine program, ground control points identified, and individual images orthorectified, land degradation was not found in the use of camping areas. Moreover, manmade areas (road, car park and hotel) observably increased, thus decreasing the forest lands. The findings show that the land use types that have had the greatest ecological impact are transhumance and construction of hotels, which also require infrastructure development. The intensity of the ecological effects mandates precautions to lessen the impacts and the need for continuing assessment to ensure sustainable use of the area.

The Social Sciences | 2013


Fürüzan Aslan; Latif Gürkan Kaya; Bülent Yilmaz; Atilla Atik

Bu calismanin amaci; muzik ogretmeni adaylarinin piyano dersindeki ogrenme yaklasimlari duzeylerini bazi degiskenlere gore incelemektir. Betimsel turde ve iliskisel tarama modelindeki calismanin orneklem grubunu; 2011- 2012 egitim- ogretim yilinin II. yariyilinda Turkiye`deki muzik egitimi anabilim dallarinda ogrenim gormekte olan 770 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Orneklem grubu ogrencilerinin piyano dersindeki ogrenme yaklasimlarina iliskin veriler, Aydiner Uygun (2012) tarafindan gelistirilen Piyano Dersindeki Ogrenme Yaklasimlarini Belirleme Olcegi araciligiyla toplanmistir. Olcek derin ogrenme yaklasimi ve yuzeysel ogrenme yaklasimi olmak uzere iki ana boyuttan olusmaktadir. Bu ana boyutlardan her biri ise gudu ve strateji alt boyutlarini icermektedir. Calisma sonuclarina gore; muzik ogretmeni adaylarinin piyano dersindeki derin ogrenme yaklasimlari duzeyleri (x=3.53), yuzeysel ogrenme yaklasimi duzeylerinden (x=2.04) daha yuksek bulunmustur. Ogrencilerin piyano dersindeki ogrenme yaklasimlarinin ogrenim gordukleri universitelere, cinsiyetlerine, haftalik piyano ders saatini paylastiklari ogrenci sayisina, piyano dersine yonelik calismalarini surdurdukleri yerlere ve haftalik piyano calisma saatlerine gore anlamli farkliliklar gosterdigi belirlenmistir (p0.05). Ayrica ogrencilerin piyano dersindeki ogrenme yaklasimlarinin ana ve alt boyutlari arasindaki iliskilerin anlamli oldugu belirlenmistir.Dogal kaynaklari tuketerek yasamini surduren insanoglu, ilk caglardan bu yana soz konusu tuketimlerini gerceklestirirken dogal kaynaklari eritmektedir. Yenilenebilir gorulen ve bu nedenle bireyler tarafindan –sinirsiz- olarak dusunulen dogal kaynaklarin her gecen gun giderek buyuyen boyutlarda tuketiliyor olmasi gelecek nesiller acisindan risk olusturmaktadir. Bu noktada surdurulebilir kalkinma kavrami ve bu kavramin bir ulkenin yonetimine nasil entegre edilebilecegi uzerinde konusulmaktadir. Dogal kaynaklara zarar vermeksizin toplumsal sureclerin ve kalkinmanin saglanmasini iceren surdurulebilir kalkinmanin bir toplum bilinci ve yonetim felsefesi olarak yerlestirilmesinde kullanilan araclar arasinda bilgi iletisim teknolojileri de bulunmaktadir. Sahip olduklari ozelliklere ve kullanim alanlarina gore surdurulebilir kalkinmayla ilgili olarak bir engel ya da destek oge olarak karsimiza cikan bilgi iletisim teknolojileri bu alanda surdurulebilir kalkinmaya fayda saglayacak sekilde kullanildiginda gelecek yillarda surdurulebilir kalkinma kavraminda ciddi gelismelere rastlamak mumkun olacaktir. Calisma kapsaminda bilgi iletisim teknolojilerinin surdurulebilir kalkinma konusundaki yeri ve onemi incelenerek, ulkemizdeki bilgi iletisim teknolojilerinin kullanim orani, az gelismis ve gelismis ulkeler baglaminda ve tekno-kolelik terimi cercevesinde anlatilacaktir.Bu calismada; mevcut ogretim tasarimi modellerinden (ADDIE, ARCS Motivasyon, Dick ve Carey, ASSURE, Seels ve Glasgow, Smith ve Ragan, Evrensel, Gerlach ve Ely tasarim modelleri ile ayrintilama kurami) matematik egitiminin dogasina uygun olabilecegi dusunulen bir ogretim tasarimi modeli sunmak ve matematik egitimi icin ongorulen ogretim tasarimi modelinin analiz, tasari, gelistirme, uygulama, degerlendirme ve revize etme basamaklari ile alt duzeylerinin ortaya cikarilmasi amaclanmistir. Bu calismada, nitel durum calismasi deseni ve dokuman incelemesi yontemi kullanilmistir. Amacli ornekleme yontemlerinden tipik durum orneklemesi yontemi tercih edilmistir. Sonuc olarak ASSURE modeli temele alinarak, Dick ve Carey Modeli ile desteklenerek matematik egitimi icin matematik egitiminin dogasina en uygun oldugu dusunulen bir ogretim tasarimi modeli olusturulmustur. Bu ogretim tasarimi modelinin kullanilmasi ile daha etkili bir ogrenmenin gerceklesmesi beklenmektedir.This study examined teachers work motivation that actively affects student behaviours based on Self-Determination Theory. Study group of this research consists of 289 teachers from 29 elementary schools in the province of Edirne, Turkey. Data for this study was collected via a survey of who completed self-reported measures the Teacher Motivation Questionnaire and Student Engagement. The model was specified and tested using structural equation modelling. Data were analysed using LISREL 8.3 with maximum likelihood estimation. The results of the study indicated that student engagement was predicted significantly by primary school teachers intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. While teachers extrinsic motivation has also a direct and positive influence on student engagement, their intrinsic motivation is the most important predictor of student engagement. Teachers extrinsic motivation had also strong and significant positive effects on their intrinsic motivation.Bu calismada; ogrencilerin, basinc konusu ve problem cozme uzerine tutumlarinin ortaya cikarilmasi amaclanmaktadir. Arastirmaya Balikesirdeki bes ilkogretim okulundan 192 ogrenci katilmistir. Veriler; basinc unitesinin ogretimi sonunda konu ile ilgili ve problem cozmeyi de kapsayan on maddeden olusan bir anket kullanilarak elde edilmistir. Arastirmadan elde edilen bazi sonuclar; basinc unitesi ogretimine baslanmadan once ogrencilerin buyuk bir bolumu uniteyi zor olarak nitelendirmektedirler, ogrenciler; kendine sorular sormak, bir stratejiye sahip olmak ve islem yaparken ara degerlendirmelerde bulunmak gibi ust bilissel problem cozme becerilerini kullanmakta yetersiz kalmaktadirlar seklindedir.Bu arastirmada, ilkogretim 5. Sinif Fen ve Teknoloji dersinde kullanilan farkli yontemlerin (isbirlikli ogrenme yontemi, probleme dayali ogrenme yontemi) ogrencilerin bilimsel surec becerileri, akademik basarilari ve hatirda tutma duzeyleri uzerindeki etkileri arastirilmistir. Arastirmada kontrol gruplu ontest-sontest deseni kullanilmistir. Arastirma, 2 deney 1 kontrol grubu ile yurutulmustur. Arastirmada deney gruplarindan biri probleme dayali ogrenme yontemi ile dersleri islerken diger deney grubu isbirlikli ogrenme ile dersleri islemistir. Kontrol grubuna ozel islem uygulanmamistir. Arastirmada nicel veriler uzerinde aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma hesaplanmis, tekrarli olcumler icin tek faktorlu varyans analizi ve tekrarli olcumler icin iki faktorlu varyans analizleri SPSS 11.5 paket programi kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Arastirmadan elde edilen bulgular soyle ozetlenebilir: Probleme Dayali Ogrenme yonteminin ve Isbirlikli Ogrenme yonteminin Bilimsel Surec Becerilerini ve Akademik Basariyi gelistirmede Mevcut Ogretim yontemine gore daha etkili oldugu, Hatirda Tutma acisindan ise Mevcut ogretim yontemine benzer etkilere sahip oldugu gorulmektedir.Kapitalizmin kuresellesmesi ve sermayenin kendine yeni alan acma projesi olarak ifade edebilecegimiz AB genisleme sureci sadece piyasalarin entegrasyonunu degil ayni zamanda siyasal ve sosyal bir butunlesmeyi de kapsamaktir. Bu cercevede bugune kadar gerceklesen genislemeler ile birlik hem guvenlik hem de dis ticaret politikalarinda kuresel etkinligini ve rekabet gucunu arttirmistir. Ancak gerceklesen genisleme sureci degisen kuresel konjonktur ile beraber birligin yapisini ve uygulanan politikalari birligin cikarlari dogrultusunda degistirmistir. Degisim esas itibariyle ucuncu ve besinci genisleme sureclerinde kendini hissettirmektedir. Merkez-Dogu Avrupa ulkelerinin ve Turkiyenin muzakere sureclerine bakildiginda izlenen politikalardaki bu degisim onemli olcude gorulmektedir. Bu dogrultuda Avrupa Birliginin artik Turkiyenin tam uyeliginden ziyade imtiyazli ortaklik benzeri bir entegrasyon surecini benimsedigi izlenimi ortaya cikmaktadir.Bu calismada, farkli karbonhidratlarin ilavesi ile olusturulan ortamlara Kombucha mantari inokule edilmistir ve pH degisimleri 10 gun sure ile karsilastirmali olarak incelenmistir. Karbonhidrat olarak monosakkaritlerden; glikoz, fruktoz, dekstroz, dissakkaritlerden; laktoz, maltoz, sukroz kullanilmistir. Her karbonhidrat %10, %20, %30, %40 ve %50 konsantrasyonlarda hazirlandi ve 10 gunluk fermentasyon suresince pH degisimi olculdu. Degisimler; sukroz ortaminda %30; dekstroz ortaminda %10, fruktoz ortaminda %50; glikoz ortaminda %20, maltoz ortaminda %50; laktoz ortaminda %50 konsantrasyonlarda en fazla belirlenmistir.The aim of this study is to investigate articles about misconceptions in the primary mathematic education in Turkey and to determine their general situation. For this purpose, a survey-based descriptive method was used in the research. In total 21 articles about misconceptions in the primary mathematics education were reached and they were evaluated according to their general properties such as subject area, sampling, publication year. In conclusion, although researches in this field had improved in recent years, it is not sufficient. It was proposed to researchers doing studies to define and eliminate misconceptions in the different subjects.Stage fright, also known as performance anxiety, which is encountered by a great number of people in the society in certain parts of their life, is a very important and a frustrating problem that can even end up a career. Musicians experience stage fright in a very intensive way. Although there are lots of institutions that give music education in our country, the amount of research carried out about stage fright is so little. The aim of this study is to define what stage fright is, to reveal why musicians who are mostly affected by stage fright, experience this fright and what strategies can be taken to cope this fright.There are many factors affecting piano performance and achievements of the students during piano education. To identify the problems and develop solutions is important. The purpose of this study is to determine the positive or negative factors affecting piano education and to develop proposals for the solution to determine. For the purpose of this study, the factors affecting piano training discussed under three main headings that technical-physical, psychological and cognitive factors. The recommendations have been presented for three main headings that have been identified to achive success in piano education.The purpose of the study is to find out the level of motivation of teacher candidates with regard to teaching profession at Graduate School of Education Sciences and Social Sciences of Master of Secondary School Education and 4th year in Faculty of Education and in Akdeniz, Anadolu, Dumlupynar and Fyrat Universities. In addition, it is answered this question about qDo motivation level of teacher candidates in Institute of Education Sciences and Social Sciences of Master of Secondary School Education and 4th year teacher candidates vary by the following factors; gender, the university, the program and the department enrolledq. As a result the levels of motivation of students are almost high. It is concluded that motivation level of vary by gender and by the departments that students are enrolled. However level of motivation meaningfully doesnt differ by the university and the programs that students are enrolled.Bu calismanin amaci problem cozmede yaraticilik egitimi alan matematik ogretmeni adaylarinin farkli yaraticilik stillerinin bu egitimdeki basarilari uzerine etkisini incelemektir. Calismaya 2005-2006 egitim-ogretim yilinin guz yariyilinda Balikesir Universitesi Ortaogretim matematik ogretmenliginde 16 ogretmen adayi katilmistir.Tek grup on test-son test deseni kullanilmistir. Problem cozmede yaraticilik egitiminden once ve sonra Kirton(1976) tarafindan gelistirilen ve bireylerin yaraticilik stillerini belirleyen Kirton Adaptation-Innovation Inventory kullanilmistir. 2005-2006 egitim ogretim yilinin guz yariyilinda ogretmen adaylarina problem cozmede yaraticilik egitimi verilmistir. Egitimin amaci problem cozmede yaraticiligin nasil gelistirilecegini ogretmen adaylarina ogretmektir, program yaraticilik tekniklerinin problem cozmede kullanimini icermektedir. Egitimden sonra, son test araci olarak arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen Dusunce Bagi Test (DBT) uygulanmistir. Arastirma sonucunda farkli yaraticilik stillerine sahip ogretmen adaylarini yaraticilik egitiminin farkli etkiledigi ve basarilarinin bireylerin yenilikcilik ozellikleri arttikca arttigidir. Calismanin diger bir sonucu da KAInin alt boyutu olan orijinallik puanlariyla Dusunce Bagi Testinden elde edilen basari puanlari arasinda anlamli bir farkliligin olmasidir.Bu calismada, biz homotopi perturbasyon sumudu donusum metodu ile bir, iki ve uc boyutlu baslangic deger probleminin cozumunu bulmaya calistik. Mathematica programi ile bu denklemlerin grafiklerini cizdik.Bircok ulkede oldugu gibi TurkiyeAx83¢x80aâx80x9e¢de de yasanan nufus artisi ve sanayilesme surecine paralel olarak kentlerde hizli ve carpik bir yapilasma ortaya cikmistir. Buna bagli olarak halen devam etmekte olan bu surec, kent halkini gunden gune dogadan uzaklastirmaktadir. Boylece rekreasyon ihtiyacini kentsel yasam alanlarinda karsilamakta gucluk ceken kent insani icin, acik yesil alan sistemi icinde yer alan parklar, cocuk oyun alanlari, ev bahceleri vb. onemli bir gorev ustlenmektedir. Bu alanlardaki bitki ortusu de dogal ortamlarin algilanmasi bakimindan vazgecilmez unsurlar olarak degerlendirilmektedir. TurkiyeAx83¢x80aâx80x9e¢nin cografi ozellikleri ve buna bagli olarak da iklim karakteristiklerinde kisa mesafeler arasinda onemli degisimler olabilmektedir. Bu degisimler bir yandan ulkenin bitki florasindaki zengin tur cesitliliginin kaynagini olustururken diger taraftan birbirine yakin yoreler arasinda bitki turu seciminde farkliliklar olusmasina neden olmaktadir. Bitki turu seciminde yoresel farkliliklarin olusmasinda yore insaninin dunya ve ulke genelinde olusan zamana bagli degisimlerle tarihsel surec icerisinde sekillenen yasam bicimleri ve aliskanliklari da onemli derecede rol oynar. Malatya kentinde, halkin dis mekAx83AE¢n bitki tercihlerinin belirlenmesi amaciyla 420 kisiye yuzyuze anket uygulanmistir. Anket sonuclari degerlendirilerek kent halkinin bahcelerinde kullandiklari, kullanmak istedikleri dis mekAx83AE¢n bitki tercihleri ve bu tercihlerin olusmasinda katki saglayan kulturel durum ortaya konmaya calisilmistir.The aim of this study was to examine sport and game habits of students at primary and secondary schools. According to the study finding, it is dedicated that among the 9-16 years old school children; 7.3% participate to sport clubs, 40.6% participate school sport activities and 52.1% of them don’t participate any of these activities. In terms of game culture, student’s preferences are found as: 86% for “Computer Games”, 70.7% for “Intelligence Game”, 62.6% for “Play-Station Games” and 49.8% for “Childish Games”. In terms of traditional game culture it is confirmed that 54.3% of the testers have knowledge about the traditional sports, 45.7% don’t have knowledge, and among the traditional sports which are known by testers, 46.4% of these traditional sports are “Oily Wrestling”, 29.1% are “Javelin Game”, and 28.8% are “Marksmanship and Hunting”. As a result, it is proved that primary school student’s traditional game culture and physical action habits have changed into computer games and various sports and they go away from traditional game culture.The purpose of the present study are to determine the level of depression amongst senior high-school students before and after the test for the entry in higher education institutions and to investigate the correlation between students level of depression and the parameters associated with such students demographical characteristics as gender, field of education, the degree of perception for their socio-economic standing, parents level of education, the degree of perception for their health condition, and the problems related to sleepiness. The data gathered through Beck Depression survey and a fill-out form used for gathering demographic information. The survey indicated that 38% of the students were in depression. It also showed that depression were more common amongst the female students. Furthermore, concerning the field of education no difference was observed before and after the test. The students that had seen their socio-economic standing as low demonstrated high depression both before and after the test. There was no correlation between the level of depression and parents level of education. The students that had seen their health condition as good demonstrated low depression both before and after the test. Based on these findings, a number of suggestions were made in order to provide guidance for the students who are to take test.Bu caly?manyn amacy, Fen Bilgisi O?retmenli?i ve Synyf O?retmenli?i Anabilim Dallarynda o?renim goren son synyf o?retmen adaylarynyn ele?tirel du?unme e?ilimlerini belirlemek ve bu e?ilimleri, o?retmen adaylarynyn akademik ba?arylaryna ve cinsiyetlerine gore kar?yla?tyrmaktyr. Ara?tyrmada o?retmen adaylarynyn ele?tirel du?unme e?ilimlerini ortaya cykarmak amacyyla Kaliforniya Ele?tirel Du?unme E?ilimi Olce?i kullanylmy?tyr. Verilerin analizinde t-testi ve korelasyon katsayysy hesaplanmy?tyr. Yapylan analizler sonucunda fen bilgisi o?retmen adaylary ve synyf o?retmeni adaylarynyn genelinin du?uk ve orta duzeyde ele?tirel du?unme e?ilimine sahip olduklary saptanmy?tyr. Ayryca caly?ma sonuclaryna gore ele?tirel du?unme e?ilimi ve akademik ortalama arasynda da anlamly bir ili?ki bulunamamy?tyr. Bununla birlikte, kyz o?retmen adaylarynyn ele?tirel du?unme e?ilim puanlarynyn erkek o?retmen adaylarynyn ele?tirel du?unme e?ilim puanlaryndan daha yuksek oldu?u gorulmu?tur.This study aims to determine the view of the students of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (FEAS) and Faculty of Education (FE), towards academyc as a career in Afyon Kocatepe University. In this research, the data have been gathered by taking poll and SPSS 16.00 package programme has been used. Frequency Tables and Relieability Analysis, Factor Analysis, Independent Samples T-Test, One-way Anova Test and Tukey Test have been respectively used on the analysis of the data. It can be concluded that the vision for academic career has not yet fully been formed among the students of FEAS and FE, concerning being an academician. On the other hand, the students show either the fact that the students are not well-informed about being an academic or that the academics do not offer enough information on this aspect.Ya?am icerisindeki ya?anan olaylarla ilgilenen co?rafya, hayatyn icerisindeki gercek ya da ya?anabilecek problemleri ornek olaylarla birle?tirmektedir. Birbirini takip eden, yer yer soyut, ard arda ve paralel konularyn dizilimine sahip co?rafya alanynda olaylar cok onemlidir. Olaylar ve olgularla derinlemesine ilgili olan co?rafya, ortao?retim ve yuksek o?retim co?rafya derslerinde olay temelli o?renmenin on plana cykmasyna neden olmaktadyr. Turkiye co?rafya o?retiminde ?u ana kadar dikkatten kacmy? olan olay temelli o?renme bu caly?manyn konusunu olu?turmaktadyr. Yapylandyrmacy Co?rafya o?retiminde olay temelli o?renmenin uygulanmasynda yeni bir teknik olarak cozumleme tekni?i ileri surulmu?tur. Bu teknikle hem yuksek o?retimde hem de ortao?retim co?rafya derslerinde o?rencilere analitik du?unme, oz denetim, sorgulama ve yorumlama gibi ust duzey bili?sel beceriler kazandyrylmasy amaclanmaktadyr. Caly?mada cozumleme tekni?inin ozellikleri tanytyldyktan sonra afetler co?rafyasy dersi fyrtynalar konusunda bir uygulama orne?i sunulmu?tur. Bu ornek ile co?rafyacylara ve co?rafya o?retmenlerine bir baky? acysy sa?lamak hedeflenmi?tir. Makale, Co?rafya e?itimi ve pur Co?rafya ara?tyrmalarynyn bir arada sunuldu?u bir caly?ma ozelli?indedir.In World Literature, one way of writing perpetual and universal novels is reflecting inner worlds of characters. Dostoyevski, Emile Zola, Charles Dickens, Balzac, Goethe, who succeeded becoming some of the classical novelists in the world, have that quality in their novels since having an eccentric personality of the novel character makes easier to describe it and gains the type feature. The author, introducing to the reader spiritual worlds of the characters in novel, provides that the reader identify itself with the novel character. Peyami Safa, as a remarkable representative of Psychological Novel of Turkish Literature, reflects the inner worlds of the characters impressively so that some of the characters, creating the difference with either by nature, family structure, or environmental conditions, conflict with the real world and live on the coast of life. The author, who sometimes applied psychological and philosophical establishments when illustrating the inner world of the character and building the attitudes towards events they had lived, takes deserved place in Turkish Literature as a novelist portraying the human spirit influentially.Bu caly?manyn amacy o?retmen adaylarynyn synyf, bolum, cinsiyet de?i?kenlerine gore o?retmen ileti?im becerilerine ili?kin algylaryny kar?yla?tyrmaktyr. Abant Yzzet Baysal Universitesi x84nde 2006-2007 o?retim yyly bahar doneminde Synyf O?retmenli?i, Okul oncesi O?retmenli?i, Ozel E?itim Bolumu, Matematik O?retmenli?i, Fen Bilgisi O?retmenli?i ve Turkce O?retmenli?i bolumlerindeki birinci synyflardan 431,dorduncu synyflardan 367 olmak uzere,492‟si kyz,306‟sy erkek toplam 798 o?retmen adayyna Cetinkanat(19997)tarafyndan geli?tirilen O?retmen Yleti?im Becerileri Olce?i uygulanmy?tyr. Olce?in cronbach alfa guvenirlik katsayysy. 847 olarak bulunmu?tur. Olce?in; empati, saydamlyk, e?itlik, etkililik ve yeterlilik alt boyutlary bulunmaktadyr. Ara?tyrma sonuclarynda; o?retmen adaylarynyn o?retmen ileti?imine yonelik algylaryny cinsiyetlere gore inceledi?imizde kyzlar ve erkekler arasynda empati, saydamlyk ve yeterlilik boyutlarynda anlamly bir fark gorulurken; birinci ve dorduncu synyf o?retmen adaylarynyn o?retmen ileti?imine yonelik algylarynda olce?in alt boyutlaryna gore anlamly bir fark gorulmemi?tir. Bolumler olarak inceledi?imizde Fen Bilgisi O?retmenli?i, Ozel E?itim, Okul oncesi O?retmenli?i ve Turkce O?retmenli?i birinci ve dorduncu synyf o?retmen adaylarynyn o?retmen ileti?imine yonelik algylarynda anlamly bir fark gorulmezken, Synyf O?retmenli?i birinci ve dorduncu synyf o?retmen adaylary arasynda etkililik boyutunda, Matematik O?retmenli?i birinci ve dorduncu synyf o?retmen adaylary arasynda e?itlik boyutunda anlamly fark gorulmu?tur.Bu calismada cumhuriyetin ilanindan gunumuze kadar gecen 85 yilda Turkiyede ilkogretimdeki niceliksel ve niteliksel gelismeler ve degisimler tablolar halinde verilerek aciklanmaya calisilmis ve bu gelisim ve degisimleri gerceklestirmede birinci derecede rol oynayan ogretmenlerin yetistirilmesindeki gelismeler ele alinmis ve sorunlar ile cozum onerileri verilmeye calisilmistir. Cumhuriyetin ilan edildigi 1923 yilinda ilkogretimde 4894 olan ilkokul sayisi, 2007-2008 egitim ogretim yilinda 34.093e, ogrenci sayisi ise 10.870.570e yukselmistir. Sonuc olarak, Cumhuriyetten gunumuze kadar olan gelismelere bakildiginda ilkogretimde ileriye donuk stratejik kararlarin alindigi ve nicelik olarak buyuk gelismelerin oldugu gorulmustur.OZET Ara?tyrma, okul oncesi kurumlara devam eden cocuklaryn davrany? problemlerinin cocu?un ya?, cinsiyet, do?um syrasy, karde? sayysy, ana-baba ya?y, mesle?i, e?itim durumu, ailenin gelir durumu ve ailede ba?ka yeti?kinlerin olmasy de?i?kenleriyle ili?kisini incelemek amacyyla planlanmy?tyr. Ara?tyrmada 2007-2008 bahar doneminde Bolu il merkezindeki resmi anaokul ve anasynyfyna devam eden 322si kyz,316sy erkek toplam 638 cocu?a ula?ylmy?tyr. Veri toplama aracy olarak Hacettepe Universitesi Sa?lyk Bilimleri Fakultesi Cocuk Bolumu tarafyndan geli?tirilmi? Davrany? Problemleri Kontrol Listesi anaokulu ve anasynyfy o?retmenlerinin yardymyyla ana-babalara uygulanmy?tyr. Ara?tyrmanyn bulgularynda cocu?un davrany? problemleri ile cocu?un ya?y, cinsiyeti, annenin ya?y, mesle?i ve ailede ba?ka yeti?kinin varly?y arasynda anlamly bir ili?kiye rastlanmazken, cocu?un do?um syrasy, karde? sayysy, babanyn ya?y, mesle?i, ana-babanyn e?itim durumu ve ailenin gelir durumu arasynda ili?ki bulunmu?tur.Vakf ve ibtida Kuran ilimlerinden olan kiraat ve tefsir ilminin onemli konularindan birisidir. Vakf Kuran okurken mananin tamam oldugu en uygun yerlerde durmak, ibtida ise durulan yerden ya da biraz oncesinden kiraate devam etmektir. Kiraat esnasinda nefes yetmezliginden durma ve oncesinden baslama durumu varken ceviride boyle bir durum soz konusu degildir. Hz. Peygamberin ayet sonlarinda durdugu ile ilgili rivayeti delil kabul edenlere gore fasilalarda vakf sunnet; hadisin kastinin kuranin tahkik ve tertil ile okunmasi geregi oldugunu soyleyenlere gore ise vakif sunnet degildir, mana esastir. Kiraat alimlerinin buyuk cogunlugunun da fasilalarda vakf meselesinde manayi esas almasina ragmen gunumuzde yapilan meallerde bu duruma pek riayet edilmedigi gorulmektedir. Ana dili Arapca olmayan insanlara kurani anlatmak maksadiyla yazilan meallerde mananin dogru, acik ve sade bicimde hedef kitleye aktarilmasinda ayet sonu olsa bile anlamin tamamlandigi yerde durmak son derece onemlidir.This paper attempts to trace how Shakespeare`s Othello reflects the deep-rooted Eurocentric ideology of the Elizabethan people and show how such views created distinctions between self and other, master and slave, civilized and savage, white and black, good and evil, strong and weak, occident and orient. These views had such a deep impact that many writers have portrayed the Europeans as superior and the `self` as belonging to the `centre` or `Occident,` whereas people in far-away lands are shown as inferior and the `other` belonging to the `margin` or `Orient.` In Elizabethan England, African men were regarded as illiterate, barbaric, lustful womanizers who were the white man`s property and apt to be used as servants. These views have been handed down century after century. Africans living in England were often noticed with their odd outfit, bizarre behavior and customs and were usually considered as `devils`x9d or `villains.`x9d However, in the play Othello Shakespeare breaks away from these beliefs and introduces an African man who disregards such stereotypical views thus shocking his audience with this deviation from the norm. He presents, in Othello`s person, a reality that African men are polite, educated, loyal and brave warriors. Shakespeare even makes Othello more prejudiced against his own culture than against another race. Here is a Black man who is not against white people, but against people belonging to other religions.Dividend policy decisions which are major determinant of firm capital structure can affect the financial structure of the company. Capital gains and dividend payments are two types of return for investors in capital market. The shareholders have the right to claim dividend payments over a firm`s profit. On the other hand, in terms of financing decisions dividend policy can be considered as cost of capital for a firm. Hence, dividend policy is major issue for both investors and companies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the affect of economic crisis over dividend policy in Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). The analyses consist of two steps. The first step involves the estimation of payout ratio and speed of adjustment coefficient defined in Lintner`s model (1956); and the second step investigates the structural breaks on market`s dividend policy via Chow Test. The results show that there is not a stable dividend payout ratio over the period 1986-2010. Furthermore, economic crisis during 1998 – 2001 period resulted a major structural change on dividend policy in ISE.Sosyal bilgiler ogretmenlerinin etkin bir ogretim gerceklestirebilmeleri icin cografya alaninda da kendilerini yeterli gormeleri yani bu alana yonelik oz-yeterlik inanclarinin yuksek olmasi gerekmektedir. Bu calismada Rize il merkezinde gorev yapan 54 sosyal bilgiler ogretmeninin cografya dersine yonelik oz-yeterlik algilari cesitli degiskenler acisindan analiz edilmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak Karadeniz (2005) tarafindan gelistirilen “cografya alanina iliskin oz yeterlik inanci olcegi” kullanilmistir. Olcek uc alt boyuttan ve 19 maddeden olusmaktadir. Elde edilen sonuclara gore, sosyal bilgiler ogretmenlerinin cografya alanina yonelik oz-yeterlik puanlarinin orta duzeyde oldugu belirlenmistir. Ogretmenlerin cinsiyet ve mesleki kidemlerinin cografya alanina iliskin oz-yeterlik seviyelerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir farklilasmaya yol acmadigi ancak cografya bolumu mezunlarinin sosyal bilgiler ve tarih bolumu mezunlarina gore cografyayi yasam becerilerine donusturebilme alt boyutunda daha yuksek bir oz-yeterlik seviyesine sahip olduklari istatistiksel olarak ortaya konulmustur.Bu arastirmada, Egitim Fakultesi Fen Bilgisi Ogretmenligi ogrencilerinin goruslerine dayali olarak, ilkogretim Fen ve Teknoloji ogretmenlerinin yeterlilikleri degerlendirilmistir. Bunun icin, Milli Egitim Bakanligi tarafindan belirlenmis Ogretmen Yeterlilikleri Standartlari kullanilmistir. Calisma, Firat Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Fen ve Teknoloji ogretmenligi bolumunde ogrenim goren 85 ogrenciye (4. sinif) uygulanmistir. Anket sonucunda elde edilen veriler, SPSS paket istatistik programinda degerlendirilmistir.The aim of our study is to detect the effect of media on amatour sports persons direction to football. For this aim, 120 sports person from various amatour teams in the city center of Malatya were chosen and a questionnaire was carried out. The data of the survey was analysed with spss 15 programme by using percent frequency test and translated into tables. As a result; persistant TV programmes relating to football, broadcasting of the matches and comments, the widespread presentation of football in the pres have caused the increasement of the intrest in football and direction to football and thus it has been detected that media is influential in the dissemination of football.The research is conducted to 81 students who study at Firat University, Science Teaching Programme of Education Faculty and investigated whether there is a significant difference some of the variables in terms of their preferred styles of thinking. In this research âx80x9cThinking Style Scaleâx80x9d which Ali Murat Sunbul translated to Turkish, was used in order to determine the studentsthinking styles. The students marks in Fall Semester in 2009-2010 Academic Year determined their success scores regarding Chemistry. The differences thinking styles of teacher candidates were analyzed as descriptive with model of scan. Independent sample t-test and one- way varience anaysis on the SPSS program were used in order to analyze the data of the study. As a result of work, the students who have low success levels in Chemistry, prefer subjective thinking style much more than the students who have higher success levels. The female students, prefer extroverted style of thinking much more than the male students. When we look at the thinking styles depending on age, those who are older prefer holistic thinking style much more than those who are younger. It was found out that the students whose mothers have higher educational level, prefer subjective thinking style. Also it was seen that the students who go to school at night prefer normative and introverted thinking styles more than those who study at school at daytime.The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of special technical training on the skill development in non-dominant legs of young soccer players of two different age groups. 65 volunteer soccer players from 4 young soccer teams participated in the study. Teams were divided randomly into the experimental and control groups of 12–14 years and 16–18 years. Basic ball drills to work only the non-dominant leg were carried for 10 weeks ,3 days/week. 7 skill tests uppropriate for soccer were applied to both dominant and non-dominant legs of soccer players in pre-test and post-test during 10 weeks.To analyse the statistical data, Paired-Samples T test was used to evaluate the differences among the group and Independent-Samples T test was used to evaluate the differences between the groups.In the result of There was no significant diffences between non-dominant legs of the control groups but there was a significant differences between non-dominant legs of experimental groups in the skill development. It was shown that there was much more skill development in the experimental group of 12–14 years than the experimental group of 16-18 years.Bu calismada Alanya Umit Altay Anadolu Otelcilik ve Turizm Meslek Lisesi ogrencilerinin kitap okuma aliskanliklarinin belirlenmesi ve buna etki eden degiskenlerin saptanmasi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada betimsel ve bagintisal arastirma modeli uygulanmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak anket teknigi kullanilmistir. Toplanan verilerin yuzde-frekans ve ki-kare analizleri ile degerlendirilmesi sonucunda ogrencilerin okumaya ayirdiklari gunluk surenin oldukca dusuk oldugu saptanmistir. Buna karsin ogrencilerin gunluk muzik dinlemeye ve televizyon izlemeye ayirdiklari surenin cok fazla oldugu belirlenmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore ogrencilerin okuma aliskanligina etki eden degiskenlerin, ogrencilerin egitim memnuniyeti, sinif gore dagilim, gunluk gazete okuma aliskanligi, okumaya ayrilan sure, ogrencilerin egitimcilere karsi tutumu ve kutuphane kullanim aliskanliklarinin oldugu gorulmustur. Okuldaki basari durumunun, anne-babanin egitim seviyesinin, gelir duzeylerinin ve arkadas iliskileri durumunun ogrencilerin okuma aliskanligi uzerinde anlamli bir farklilik olusturmadigi saptanmistir.After studying the preparatory subject areas about the mechanical properties of materials and the superconductivity, in our original research, we have investigated the change in hardness of the superconducting BiPbSrCaCuO bulk material with addition of different molar percentages of Zn, using Vickers Hardness test. In our research, we have found that addition of Zn in small percentages like 3, 5 and 8% the HV values do not change significantly, but as the Zn percentage range increases from 10% up to 50% the value of HV values also increases.Gunumuzde ogretim uyeleri, Muhendislik ve Mimarlik Fakultesinde brans dersleri olmayan Isletme Yonetimi, Ekonomi, Pazarlama Yonetimi ve Muhendislik Ekonomisi gibi derslerin ogrencilere faydasi olup olmadigini tartismaktadirlar. Baska bir deyisle tartisma konusu Bolonga surecinde yeni ders programlarini hazirlarken bu derslerin zorunlu dersler arasina alinip alinmamasidir. Bu calismanin amaci muhendis olarak is hayatina atilacak olan genclerin gercek hayatta dogru yatirim kararlari verebilmeleri ve basarili olabilmeleri icin yukarida sozu gecen derslerin brans dersleri kadar faydali ve onemli olduklarini kanitlamaya calismaktir. Calismada Isletme Yonetimi, Muhendislik Ekonomisi, Ekonomi, Finansal ve Maliyet Muhasebesi derslerini almis olan Insaat Muhendisligi, Endustri Muhendisligi ve Bilgisayar Muhendisligi bolumu ogrencilerine uygulanmis olan AKTS Kredisi (Ogrenci Isyuku) belirleme anketi ile ECTS bilgilerini iceren Yonetim Panelinin degerlendirilmesi incelenecektir. Calismada sadece âx80x9cEkonomiâx80x9d dersi degerlendirilecektir.The purpose of this study was to determine how well submissive behaviors predict preservice teachers self-perception. In this study preservice teachers self-perception were also examined in terms of gender, perceived parents attitudes and family styles. The research group of the study composed of 380 students attending at the different department of Fatih Education Faculty at the Karadeniz Technical University. The results showed that self-perception have a significant relationship in negative with submissive behaviors and submissive behaviors was the significant predictor of self-perception. Finally self-perception revelead only significant differences between the perceived parents attitudes.The purpose of this study was to conduct a microbiological analysis of retail ground meat produced and marketed by butchers in Ulus district covered bazaar in Ankara city center in 2009 (in December, January, February, and June, July, August). Some members of Enterobacteriaceae family, Staphylococcus aureus, aerobe mesophyll bacteria, some molds and yeasts were identified in ground mutton and ground beef samples. We found that a number of bacteria identified in our study did not comply with Turkish Food Codex microbiological criteria. The fact that molds and yeasts identified in ground meat samples suggests that hygiene rules were not followed during the production process. Some members of Enterobacteriaceae family were found in high numbers at a level that causes risk. Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were not found.Beliefs are the basic element that reflects a nations mythic and mystic characteristics. History forms and transfers these basic elements in life conditions. Human begins are curious about everything related to their own past. This curiosity leads then to the ancestral beliefs. Sometimes it is not easy for nations to explain everything in their cultural map. Especially belief is the principal issue of them. Since ritual and practices depend on belief are the main characteristic that separates a nation from other nations. In this work, it will be examined that old beliefs and rituals which are reflected today in ErganiThis study deals with public relations in hospitals. Within the framework of this study, pay hospitals which are served in Kayseri, how they attach importance public relations are investigated. In this context, field research is done by investigating 9 pay hospitals public relations activities. At the end of the study, results show that all of hospitals except ones have public relations department, many of the departments are opened after 2005 namely last 5 years and monthly planning of public relations activities in hospitals have been determinedBu caly?ma, Gorsel Sanatlar dersi o?retiminde kar?yla?ylan sorunlary synyf o?retmenlerinin goru?lerine dayaly olarak belirlemek amacyyla genel tarama yontemiyle gercekle?tirilmi?tir. Caly?mada veriler; alanyazyn taramasy, o?retmenlerin yazyly goru?leri ve bunlaryn duzenlenmesinden olu?arak geli?tirilen ve gecerlik ve guvenirlik caly?masy yapylan be?li likert tip bir anketle toplanmy?tyr. Caly?mada, 30 o?retmenden uygulamada kar?yla?tyklary sorunlary yazyly ve 153 o?retmenden anket yoluyla veriler toplanmy?tyr. Synyf o?retmenleri ankette yer alan tum maddelerin o?retme-o?renme surecinde ya?anylan sorunlar oldu?unu belirtmi?lerdir. Synyf o?retmenleri, okul yoneticilerinin ve velilerin Gorsel Sanatlar Dersini not yukselme dersi olarak gormeleri, okullarda bu ders icin uygun ortamlaryn ve yeterli duzeyde arac-gerecin olmamasy ve o?rencilerin sanatsal alandaki caly?malarynyn desteklenmemsini onemli sorunlar olarak belirtmi?lerdir. Ylko?retim okullarynda okutulan Gorsel Sanatlar dersi o?retiminde kar?yla?ylan sorunlara ili?kin o?retmen goru?leri, cinsiyet, mesleki kydem, e?itim durumu, synyflaryndaki o?renci sayysy ve o?retmeni olduklary synyf de?i?kenlerine gore anlamly farklylyk gostermezken, e?itim fakultelerinden mezun olan synyf o?retmenleri di?er fakulte mezunlaryna gore sorunlara daha duyarly olduklary belirlenmi?tir. Caly?mada; yoneticilerin o?retmenlerin ve velilerin Gorsel Sanatlar dersinin onemi konusunda bilgilendirilmeleri, Gorsel Sanatlar alanynda yetenekli o?rencilerin desteklenmesi ve Gorsel Sanatlar Dersinin onemine ili?kin o?rencilerin bilinclendirilmesi gibi oneriler geli?tirilmi?tir.ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to determine the lecturers views about job satisfaction and job stress. This research is a descriptive study. Data was gained by questionnaires. The study group was determined by coincidental sample. Numerical data was analyzed by Statistica program. At the end of the research, it is stated that factors; gender, age and academic duty has no effect on job satisfaction. However, the occupational seniority has effect on job satisfaction. On the other hand, it is found that gender and occupational seniority has no effect on job stress. But academic duty and age has effect on job stress. As a result, lecturers have different opinions about job satisfaction and job stress . The difference between their opinions is meaningful.Bu arastirmanin amaci bilgisayar destekli geometri ogretiminin isitme durumlarina gore ogrencilerin Van Hiele Geometri dusunme duzeylerine ve geometri basarilarina etkisi incelemektir. Arastirmada dinamik geometri yazilimi olarak Euclidean Reality programi kullanilmistir. Arastirma 2008-2009 ogretim yilinda yurutulmustur. Arastirmanin orneklemini Istanbul’da bulunan iki isitme engelliler okulunda ogrenim goren 25 adet sekizinci sinif ogrencisi ile bir ilkogretim okulunda ogrenim goren 27 adet altinci sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada deneme oncesi (pre-experimental) desenlerden “Tek grup on-test son-test modeli” kullanilmistir. Arastirma verilerinin toplanmasinda Van Hiele geometri testi ve geometri basari testi kullanilmistir. Elde edilen veriler bagimli ve bagimsiz orneklem t-testi ile analiz edilmistir. Arastirmanin sonucunda, bilgisayar destekli ogretimin ogrencilerin geometri akademik basarilarini olumlu yonde etkiledigi belirlenmistir. Ancak, isitme engelli ogrencilerin ogretimden onceki ve sonraki Van Hiele geometrik dusunme duzeyleri arasinda anlamli bir fark elde edilmezken normal isiten ogrencilerde anlamli bir fark elde edilmistir.Todays educators place special emphasis on learner-centered instructional techniques which consider learner interests and needs, reflects the development of the learner within a process, emphasizes learning and performance, uses modern technologies and encourages the on-going development of the teacher as well. It is widely accepted that teaching is a process that relates instructional techniques to the needs of learners. Instructional designers therefore aim to facilitate these processes so that they meet learners requirements in full. To be comprehensive and inclusive of learners requirements they must consider the skills and approaches thought necessary to implement appropriate teaching strategies and techniques, from planning through to assessment. Attention is also given to appropriate use of technology. Within this context it is useful to consider a popular tool in education, which, enhanced by the use of technology, is thought to facilitate the establishment of favorable education environments: the e-portfolio.ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Clemens Brentano (9. September 1778 – 28. Juli 1842) gehort zu den Hauptvertretern der so genannten Heidelberger Romantik an. Im Jahre 1815 geriet er in eine Lebenskrise und dies fuhrt zu seiner Ruckkehr zur katholischen Kirche und einer Generalbeichte im Jahre 1817. Nach seiner Generalbeichte verzichtet er darauf, uber weltliche Themen zu schreiben. Seine x84Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schonen Annerl schrieb er auch in der Zeit dieser Bekehrung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Begriff der x84Ehre, die Motive und die Quellen wie Volkssagen, Volkskunde, Volkslieder und Volksmarchen behandelt, die Brentano mit einer grosen Geschicklichkeit seiner Novelle zu Grunde zu legen wusste.Musical inclination is a case that can differential from person to person depending on time, place, education and social status. Peoples life styles, concerns, changes in his/her location may revise the musical inclinations with other inclination field. With this study that has the characteristic of descriptive research, it is intended for determining musical inclinations and musical habits of general and next music teachers. In the light of findings derived from research result, determinations, comparison and suggestion are presented.Bu ara?tyrmanyn amacy, matematik o?retmenlerinin bilgisayar teknolojisi kullanymy ile ilgili yeterlilikleri, derslerde bilgisayar kullanymy ve caly?tyklary ortamlaryn bilgisayar teknolojisi kullanymyna uygun olup olmady?y ile ilgili goru?lerini ortaya koymaktyr. Ara?tyrmanyn orneklemini, Gaziantep il merkezinde gorev yapan ve rastgele secilen 51 matematik o?retmeni olu?turmu?tur. Verilerin toplanmasy a?amasynda, o?retmenlere derslerde bilgisayar teknolojisi kullanymy ile ilgili goru?leri, bilgisayar teknolojisi ile ilgili deneyimleri ve derslerinde bilgisayardan ne derecede faydalandyklaryny yoklayan sorular sorulmu?tur. Toplanan verilerin analizinde frekans ve yuzde tablolaryndan yararlanylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrmanyn sonuclaryna gore ankete katylan o?retmenlerin, matematik derslerinde bilgisayar kullanymynyn faydaly olaca?yna inandyklary ancak derslerin i?leni?inde bilgisayarlardan yeterince faydalanmadyklary gorulmektedir. Bu durumun, o?retmenlerin bilgisayar kullanym yeterliliklerinin olmamasy, matematik yazylymlarynyn nasyl kullanylaca?y hakkynda gerekli bilgi ve donanyma sahip olmamalary ve caly?tyklary okullardaki mevcut ortamyn uygun olmamasyndan kaynaklanmaktadyr.Bir is ortaminda calisma kosullari, is arkadaslariyla iliskiler ve calisanin yoneticileriyle olan iliskileri calisanlarin is tatminlerini belirler. Calisanlarin yaptigi isi severek yapmasi, isyerinden ve calisma ortamindan memnun olmasi, aldigi ucreti tatmin edici bulmasi, ayni zamanda calisanin is verimliligini arttiran faktorlerdendir. Bu arastirmada universitelerde calisan kadin ogretim uyelerinin is tatminlerinin bilinmesi, hem yapiklari isle ilgili tutum ve verimliklerinin hem de universitelerin calisma kosullarinin cozumlenmesi acisindan onemli gorulmustur. Bu amacla universitelerde calisan 716 kadin ogretim kadin ogretim uyesine anket calismasi yapilmis, kadin ogretim uyelerinin is tatminleri incelenmistir.Bu arastirmada, Duzce ilinde Milli Egitim Bakanligina bagli farkli turdeki bes lisede ogrenim gormekte olan, 260 kisiden olusan 10. sinif ogrencilerine, bir yil once isledikleri Kimya–1 dersi konularini iceren ve temel bilgiler gerektiren 12 soru sorularak, ogrenme dereceleri olculmustur. Testin sonuclari, ayni ogrencilerle yapilan Kimya dersinin islenisine dair hazirlanan bir anketle mukayese edilerek degerlendirilmistir. Kullanilan kimya egitim yontemlerinden, en fazla uygulanmasi gereken deneysellik ilkesinin en az uygulandigi tespit edilmistir. Kimya ogretiminde yasanilan guclukler tartisilarak, ezberleme yerine, ogrencinin anlamasi ve kendi basina dusunup sonuca gitmesi metodunun nasil uygulanacagina dair egitimcilere ve yoneticilere cesitli gorus ve onerilerde bulunulmustur.Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) materials are preferred in strengthening processes as these materials are resistive against corrosion, thin and light, i.e., they do not cause a significant increase in the weight of the system, and good for preventing the fatigue cracks. As the steel has high strength, FRP material used for strengthening should also have high strength. It is thought that High Modulus Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (HM-CRFP) produced in recent years shows a high performance in strengthening of steel beams. The aim of this study is to address the development length for HM-CFRP fiber material which is used in strengthening of steel members. Development length defines the length of HM-CFRP for which the capacity of the fiber material is not limited with the slip from the steel interface but the rupture of fibers.Turkiye’de 20. yuzyilda yasanan ekonomik ve sosyo-kulturel degisimin etkisiyle kir konut yapisinda gozle gorulur derecede bir donusumun oldugu saptanmaktadir. Bunun derecesi yorelere gore farklilik gosterse de, bircok yerde belirgindir. Bu anlamda dikkat ceken yerlerden biri d e Yesilova (Burdur) cevresidir. Arastirmanin amaci, Yesilova cevresindeki kir konutlarinda tespit edilen degisim-donusum surecini sebep ve sonuclariyla ortaya koyabilmektir. Yoredeki kir konutlarinin donusum sureci birbirlerinden kesin hatlarla ayrilabilen uc safhada gerceklesmistir. Bilesik aile yapisinin cozulmesi, ulasim-iletisim sistemlerinin gelismesi, yurt disina ve sehirlere yonelik gocler bu surecte etkili belli basli faktorlerdir. Ozellikle surece yon veren populer kulturun etkisiyle yoredeki kir konutlari geleneksel yapidan uzaklasmis, hem fonksiyonel ve hem de sekilsel anlamda degisime ugramistir.Today, lecturers discuss whether the courses like business management, economics, marketing management and engineering economics, which have no direct relevance with the subject of the study in Engineering and Architecture Faculty, are really useful for students or not. In other words, the subject of the discussion is whether these courses are included in compulsory courses during preparation of new course plans in Bologna process or not. In this study, valuation of ECTS credit (student workload) definition questionnaires, which were applied to students studying in civil engineering, industrial engineering and computer engineering, who studied business management, engineering economics, economics, and financial and cost accounting courses, and the management panel including ECTS data will be investigated. In the study, only âx80x9cEconomicsâx80x9d course will be evaluated.The aim of this study to determine critical thinking tendencies of the student-teachers who attend to the Universities of the Eastern Anatolia Region. Survey method was used in this research. Population of the study is senior class student-teachers who attend education departments of the universities in the Eastern Anatolia Region. Sample is 1086 senior class student-teachers who attend to the education faculty of the A?ry Ybrahim Cecen, Erzincan, Fyrat, Ynonu ve Kafkas Universities. The data was collected by using The California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory – CCTDI. In the study, subdimensions of the critical thinking analyticity, open-mindedness, inquisitiveness and self-confidence got high scores, truth-seeking and systematicity subdimensions got low scores. Activities should be given student-teachers who have low subdimensions.With the pervade of internet and the social networks, people spend most of their times with these new virtual medias.This situation affects the indviduals real lifes and also causes to born new socialization forms. Facebook is a social network which has a rising number of members and sprawling worldwide. Facebook brings a new understanding to the social network concept and reproduces its users. Facebook helps to the indviduals to get in touch with the people who are not near, with the new sociability understanding. With this study social network fact is considered with a theoretical aspect and with survey method it has been determined the membership of the facebook users, using purposes, satisfaction of the facebook users. The obtained data has been transfered to SPSS 16 program and frequency analysis has been performed.In this study zooplankton samples taken from 4 stations from Peri Stream between April 2009-March 2010 were determined and their seasonal changes have been observed. During the study 10 species from Rotifera, 3 species from Cladocera and 2 species from Copepoda and Nauplius larvaes were identified. Rotifera was fond to be the dominant group amoung other groups. In all samples Rotifera species were recorded. Keratella cochlearis from Rotifera, Ceriodaphnia reticulata from Cladocera and Cyclops vicinus from Copepoda were found as dominant species. Spring has got the highest species diversity and number of individual, winter has got lowest species diversity and number of individual. Zooplankton species recorded in Peri Stream is important in terms of being the first record.In this study, 1 kg water which is filled in the 1.5 liter volume container has been cooled by using in the size 40x40x3.8mm with the code TEC-12706 thermoelectrical module. The other fins of the module surface has been cooled by three variable air flow rate and it has been investigated that its performance effect on the system. Although high air flow rate increase of the module performance, it has reduced total performance of system because it has consumed more than necessary fan power.In this study the relationship between the metacognitive reading strategies and writing skills of the students of the Department of Primary School Education (Primary School Education and Early Childhood Education) was investigated. Metacognitive strategies are mental procedures related to arranging and monitoring a task. Metacognitive procedure which follows cognitive process is a sign of a further level in performing tasks. Therefore, the use of metacognitive strategies in reading activities may be thought as a further level. The study mainly focuses on whether novice teachers who are in further level in reading reflect their metacognitive reading strategy use on their skills in writing. In addition, the relationship between the personal characteristics (gender and the program) and the level of the use of metacognitive strategies was investigated. A relationship between the level of the use of metacognitive pragmatic strategy use and writing skill was found whereas no relationship was found between the level of the use of metacognitive analytic strategy and writing skills. While no relationship was found between the level of metacognitive strategy use and gender, it was found that the students of Early Childhood Education used these strategies in a further level. Finally, there was no significant relationship between writing skills and personal characteristics of the participants.Bu caly?mada, mobil telefon piyasasyndaki geli?meler ozetlenmekte ve anket yoluyla elde edilen veriler analiz edilerek bazy sosyo-ekonomik de?i?kenlerin universite o?rencilerinin mobil telefon kullanymy uzerindeki etkileri incelenmektedir. Bu amacla, Pamukkale Universitesi o?rencilerine bir anket uygulanmy?tyr. O?renciler buyuk co?unlukla on odemeli tarifeler kullanmayy tercih etmektedirler. Aylyk ortalama gelirleri 471 TL iken, ayda ortalama 30 TL mobil telefon harcamasy yapmaktadyrlar. Turkiye ortalamasyndan hem cok daha fazla konu?makta ve hem de daha cok mesaj gondermektedirler. Gunde ortalama yakla?yk 4-5 ki?i ile goru?mekte ve yakla?yk 2 yylda bir ahizeleri yenilemektedirler. Model tahminlerine gore gelir, yemek harcamasy, ahize sayysy, mobil telefon kullanma tecrubesi ve konu?ma suresi arttykca mobil telefon harcamalary artmaktadyr. Buna kar?yn, barynma harcamalary artarken mobil telefon harcamalary azalmaktadyr. O?renciler icin mobil telefon harcamalarynyn gelir esnekli?i 0.35 bulunmu?tur. Bu sonuc, mobil telefonun universite o?rencileri icin zorunlu bir urun haline geldi?ini gostermektedir.Bu arastirmanin amaci, universite ogrencilerinin en onemli sorunlarinin neler oldugunu ortaya koymaktir. Arastirma, 13 kamu universitesinde birinci ve son sinif ogrencisi 1512 kisi uzerinden gerceklestirilmistir. Veriler bu ogrencilere verilen acik uclu soru araciligiyla toplanmistir. Arastirmada ulasilan sonuclara gore, ogrencilerin en onemli sorunlari ekonomik temelli sorunlar ve temel gereksinimlerin karsilanamamasidir. Bu sorunlari: ogretim programlariyla ilgili sorunlar, ogretim elemanlariyla ilgili sorunlar, cevreye uyum sorunu, sosyal, kulturel, sanatsal ve sportif etkinliklerin yetersizligi, gelecek kaygisi, kisisel ve ailevi sorunlar, doyumsuzluk, fiziki kosullarin yetersizligi, demokratik olmayan ortam, amacsizlik, entelektuel olmama, yonetimsel sorunlar, politikayla ilgilenme(me), manevi bosluk ve ozguven eksikligi izlemektedir.OZET Ara?tyrma okul oncesi e?itim kurumlaryna devam eden 60–72 aylyk cocuklaryn problem davrany?larynyn, cocuklaryn o?retmenlerinin ya?yna, kydem durumuna, mezun oldu?u okul turune ve medeni durumuna gore farklylyk gosterip gostermedi?ini belirlemek amacyyla yapylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrmanyn orneklemini Ankara ili merkez ilcelerdeki Milli E?itim Bakanly?yna ba?ly ba?ymsyz anaokullaryndaki tum 60–72 aylyk cocuklardan (n=1362) tesadufi kume ornekleme formulu kullanylarak belirlenmi? 330 cocuk olu?turmaktadyr. Ara?tyrmada cocuklaryn problem davrany?lary bazy de?i?kenlere gore incelenece?i icin Yli?kisel Tarama Modeli secilmi?tir. Ara?tyrmada veri toplama aracy olarak Alisinano?lu ve Ozbey (2009) tarafyndan gecerlilik guvenirlik caly?masy yapylan Anaokulu ve Anasynyfy Davrany? Olce?i (Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales -PKBS–2) kullanylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrma sonucunda cocuklaryn problem davrany?larynyn; o?retmenlerinin ya?y, kydemi, mezun olduklary okul turu ve medeni durumlaryna gore anlamly farklylyk gosterdi?i saptanmy?tyr (pThe purpose of this study was to investigate the high school students perceptions about their biology laboratory environment. The sample consists of 465 high school students. The biology laboratory environment inventory-actual and the Kolb learning style inventory were used. t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA)and eta-sguared test (effect sizes) were employed to analyses the data. The research results showed that students show relatively favorable perceptions of their biology laboratory environment, with the lowest score occurring for the open-endedness scale. Further analysis revealed gender difference for the integration scale for girl students. But significant differences were not found for the other scale. Results revealed that there were significant differences between biology laboratory environment and students learning styles. On the other hand, it is defined that effect sizes of students perceptions about their biology laboratory environment on gender and learning styles are high level.This research aims to set up of a model of teaching design for General Physics lesson of the elementary education department in faculty of education. At the base of the conceived model, there is the theoretical framework of the two worlds. This framework underlines the relation between world of objects and world of models and theories. The world of objects-events specifies objects, facts and events of daily life. The world of the models and theories corresponds to the concepts, models and theories constructed by scientists. The activities prepared according to this theoretical framework do not start with definition of concepts, laws and solving problems. They start with the discussion and presentation of facts and events selected in the daily life. In the second phase, students are led towards the world of models and theories by introducing concepts and the laws concerned. Third phase corresponds to traditional activities. It is a question of defining physical sizes, concepts and solving problems. Lately we await students to establish relations between the world of the objects-events and the world of the models-theories. We think that the whole of these activities would make it possible to the candidate teachers meaningfully learning in General Physics lessons, preparing them with the other courses of sciences in the elementary school education program.In the following study, 12 m2 test chamber was heated by solar and ground source heat pump under the physical conditions of Elazig. In order to place slinky heat exchanger pipes, a hole was dug with 1 meter width, 2 meters depth and 15 meters length. Slinky pipes were put horizontally in the hole and water-antifreeze mixture was circulated with the circulating pump in the slinky heat exchanger. The heat taken from the ground was transferred into the environment to be heated through the heat pump. Also the system was operated as solar assisted with the 6 flat-plate solar collectors being placed. Thus, the performance of the operating system could be investigated.Utilization of songs in teaching by music aims at a study based on increased attention of students. Song teaching has a different effect from other methods because stimulating effect of music on human beings is stronger than other verbal expressions. This study deals with the challenges of children who have only recently learnt how to read and write and examines the effect of utilization of little songs in instruction of letters. The study dealt with a six year old child who was carrying on his reading and writing activities. It was ensured to utilize little songs in teaching this little child, who was detected as with learning difficulty in the outcome of the test conducted, in learning the preliminary level vowels qAq and qEq. As observed later, it was seen that the child gave reactions faster than he did to the traditional methods. It was determined that the child with difficulty in recognizing and writing these said two letters has started to learn much more effectively through this method.The aim of the study is to research the effects of factors of internal marketing on components of organizational commitment in four and five star hotels in Cappadocia (Nevsehir). The questionnaire prepared for this purpose was applied on the hotel employees. The data were analyzed through factor analysis and regression analysis. The findings of the research show that communication, rewards and cooperation-integration factors were significant predictors of affective commitment, and cooperation-integration, communication, rewards and motivation policies had a significant positive effect on normative commitment. Also, it can be said that motivation factor has a positive effect on continuance commitment. According to research findings, it is advised that managers should use internal communication methods efficiently as strategic tool to strengthen affective and normative commitment among employees.The aim of the study is to identify the relationship between physical activity level and socio-economic status of adults. Reduced version of international physical activity questionnaire was given to the participants. Male subjects seemed to be in PA1 (inactive) and female subjects in PA2 (minimum active) category. The married subjects were in PA1, singles in PA2, alcohol consumers and smokers in PA1, non-consumers in PA2, tenants in PA1, landlords in PA2, subjects having working spouses in PA2, having idle spouses in PA1 categories. It was also found that low-income level subjects were in PA1 whereas middle-income level subjects were in PA2 category. Also, a meaningful and reverse relationship was found between PA and number of kids that participants had. In conclusion, although socioeconomic factors had an effect on PA level, the sample of the study was found to be in inactive category.Matematik tarihi son yillarda matematik ders kitaplarinda ve matematik egitimi arastirmalarinda on plana cikmaktadir. Ancak ogretmenlerin bu konuda bilgi eksikliklerinin ve cesitli ihtiyaclarinin oldugu bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle bu calismanin amaci, ilkogretim matematik ogretmenlerinin matematik tarihi ve derslerde kullanim yollarina yonelik ihtiyaclarini belirlemek icin bir olcek gelistirmektir. Arastirmacilar tarafindan literatur taramasi, dokuman analizi ve ogretmen gorusleri dogrultusunda 30 taslak madde hazirlanmistir. Uzman gorusleri dogrultusunda ilgili maddeler 23 maddeye indirgenmistir ve taslak olcek olusturulmustur. Taslak olcek, farkli ilkogretim okullarindaki 248 matematik ogretmenine uygulanmistir. Olcegin yapi gecerligi icin faktor analizi yapilmis ve temel bilesenler analizi yontemi kullanilmis, guvenirligi icin test-tekrar test ve Cronbach Alpha ic tutarlik katsayilari hesaplanmistir. Yapilan faktor analizi sonucunda, toplam 21 maddeden olusan 4 faktorlu matematik tarihine yonelik durum tespiti ve ihtiyac belirleme olcegi elde edilmistir. Olcegin Cronbach Alpha ic tutarlilik katsayisi 0.901, test-tekrar test guvenirligi katsayisi ise 0.89 olarak hesaplanmistir.Bu calismada, Turkiye` deki okul oncesi egitiminin durumu nicel ve nitel olarak arastirilmaktadir. Konuyla ilgili onceden yapilmis olan arastirmalarin sonuclari, bu calismanin temel dayanagini olusturmaktadir. Nicel anlamda, Turkiye` de bulunan anaokulu, ogrenci, ogretmen ve sinif sayilarinin yanisira, Turkiye` deki okullasma oranlari farkli ulkelerdeki okullasma oranlari da dikkate alinarak degerlendirilmistir. Nitelik bakimindan ise, calisma, ogretmen kalitesi basta olmak uzere, okul oncesi egitiminde kullanilmakta olan bazi ogretim yontemlerinin uygulanma bicimlerine yonelik bir takim yaklasmlara dikkat cekmektedir. Muzigin egitim icin onemli bir katalizor oldugu bilinir. Bu nedenle, arastirmada okul oncesi muzik egitimine de yer verilmistir. Okul oncesi egitiminde muzik ogretiminin sadece muzik ogrenmek amaciyla degil, ayni zamanda cocugun ogrenmesinde yardimci olan bir arac olarak degerlendirilmesinin onemine dikkat cekilmistir. Sonuc olarak, nicel acidan diger ulkelere oranla, Turkiye` nin okul oncesi egitiminde gerilerde oldugu belirlenmis olup, arastirmadaki bulgular isiginda Turkiye` deki okul oncesi egitiminin nicel ve nitel yonlerden gelistirilmesi yonunde oneriler gelistirilmistir.In this study we have asked first year students of German language teaching department about their expectation, on the course Target contry and culture. First, our interpretation of the course has been made clear to the students. Then they have been asked to write down what they would like to learn in this course within five sentences in the order of priority. The findings of the study can be summed up as follows: Firstly, prospective German language teachers would like to learn the basic cultural component of the target language community together with the language commonly used by native speakers for daily communication. Secondly, they would like to get informed about the Turkish workers having moved to Germany to provide the work force and following generations in relation to ther integration in to the target culture. All the other expectations can be considered on the aspect of communication.The purpose of this research is to analyze the youth camp participants expectation and satisfaction levels at camps organized by Ministry of National Educations Physical Education Department (OBESID). This study is focused on age groups of 12-14 and 15-17 years. The target population of the study is the participants of OBESID administered summer youth camps. The study is conducted with 704 participants attending Youth Camps (361 females and 343 males).According to the research results, camps attendance is suggested either by a friend, a teacher or family members. Other findings of the research suggest that these camps should be available in more cities and selection process should be unbiased and uncorruptedIn this study, a new class of estimator, which is the combining of the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), the Ridge Regression (RR) and the Latent Root Regression (LRR) estimators, is introduced. In order to be able to identify the new estimator, first of all the estimation equation of Latent Root Regression was shown by matris notation. A new estimator is applied on the example.Bu caly?manyn amacy, ilko?retim 1. kademe o?rencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersi 4. synyf programynda yer alan Ynsanlar ve Yonetim unitesinde gecen kavramlar hakkyndaki yanylgylaryny ve bu yanylgylaryn sebeplerini ara?tyrmaktyr. Ara?tyrma icin 15 sorudan olu?an bir test hazyrlanmy?tyr. Bu test 2009-2010 e?itim-o?retim yylynyn 1. yaryyylynda Gaziantep ilinde rastgele secilen bir okuldaki 100 o?renciye uygulanmy?tyr. O?rencilerden i?aretledikleri seceneklerin neden do?ru oldu?unu acyklamalary da istenmi?tir. Verilerin analizinde, frekans ve yuzde hesaplamalary kullanylmy?tyr. Sonucta o?rencilerin bu unite de gecen milli egemenlik, yurtta?lyk, ba?ymsyzlyk ve kamuoyu, kavramlary hakkynda yanylgylara sahip olduklary anla?ylmy?tyr.The object of this study was to examine the socio-psychological conditions of old people in the old peoples homes. To do this, it was examined 104 people in respect of age, gender, health, education, profession, marital status and income in Dr Ysmail I?yk Old Age Care and Rehabilitation Center that is relying on Social Services and Child Protection Agency in Konya, and then it was discussed reasons of staying at old people home, socio-cultural activities, satisfaction levels of institutional care and social adaptation with above variations. The data collected in January 2002. In the study, the half of old people (51.9%) stated that they were at old people home because felt themselves lonely and 32.8% of them stated that they were at old people home because their children were not looking after for them. Again 72.1% of them dont believe that they have not any power to do something for the society. In the result of study, it is found that the main exigency of old people was amassed on health, income and taking shelter.Fashion, in broad and accepted definition, is any temporary preference or a temporary new thing in any area of human life, which prevails for a certain period of time. The issue of how fashionable products would look like in a particular season is discussed under the concept of fashion trends. The main purpose of this study is to discuss the concept of fashion trends and the studies on predictions in fashion trends, to conduct a sample trend survey for a silhouette and observe whether or not there has been any significant and observable change in the lengths of collar, skirt and sleeves. The method of the study is the descriptive method. The study is qualitative in terms of type, subject and the path taken for obtaining the data. The data were collected by going over printed documents or digital pictures. The exemplary survey presented in the study was conducted about the brand Balenciaga, as the clothing pictures of all seasons of 2000-2009 were available. To this effect, the clothes exhibited in the fashion shows were drawn as a silhouette on a technical drawing template which was prepared in accordance with the golden rate. The changes that happened in the lengths of sleeves, the depths of collars and lengths of skirts were examined and the findings of each year and season were presented with a graphical presentation in the relevant tables. Some of the results from the findings of the survey are as follows; There is not any significant and stable change between seasons. Trends are repeating for various periods.Bu caly?mada, Turkiyede Adalet ve Kalkynma Partisi hukumetinin Alevilere yonelik acylymy cercevesinde gercekle?tirdi?i caly?taylaryn sonuncusu olan 7. Alevi Caly?tayy ile ilgili yazyly basynda cykan haberler incelenmi?tir. Haber metinlerinde bu caly?tayyn hangi soylem pratikleri aracyly?yyla in?a edildi?ini ortaya koymak icin ele?tirel soylem cozumlemesi modeli kullanylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrma kapsamynda 7. Alevi Caly?tayynyn gercekle?tirildi?i 28-29-30 Ocak 2010 tarihleri ile 1 gun oncesi ve sonrasy olmak uzere toplam 5 gunluk sure icerisinde konuyla ilgili yayynlanan haberler analize dahil edilmi?tir. Toplam olarak 46 haber metni ele?tirel soylem cozumlemesine tabi tutulmu?tur. Ara?tyrma sonucunda, incelenen gazetelerde genel olarak caly?tayy olumlayan ve olumsuzlayan soylemlerin on plana cykty?y gorulmektedir. Bu ba?lamda, caly?tayyn olumsuzlandy?y haber metinlerinde ele?tiri ve tepkiler negatif tanymlama, niteleme ve gonderimler uzerinden gercekle?tirilmektedir. Di?er taraftan caly?tayyn olumlandy?y haber metinlerinde ise uzla?maya varylan konular, sorunlara getirilen cozum onerileri ve caly?tayyn katkylary on plana cykartylmaktadyr. Dolayysyyla, politik/ideolojik konumlanma acysyndan farkly noktalarda yer alan gazetelerin haberlerinde konuya yakla?ym bicimi acysyndan bir farklyla?ma goruldu?u soylenebilmektedir. Benzer ?ekilde, haberlerdeki kelime secimlerinde de gazetelerin politik/ideolojik konumlaryna paralel tercihlerden soz edilebilmektedir.The aim of this study is to determine the goals of the computer labs in primary schools, the physical capacities of the labs and the appropriateness of these labs in terms of education from the point of views of the Information Technology Formative Teachers. As a result of this study, it is determined that computer labs are used for computer training but not at an advanced level, and they are mostly used for foreign language teaching. The study also shows that the number of the computers and the internet connection speed are not suitable for teaching.In this study, initially off the cubic volume of the front surface opening to the environment in to a cubic space in the volume of the rear surface of the cooling boundary conditions input to the surface to be obstacles and the access level to be fully explained if, in case of natural laminar convection theoretically investigated. Numerical results Fluent 6.3 package program using the dissolved and with each other compared are. Study, current function, and the velocity vector graph of temperature changes were obtained. In addition, depending on the time difference of Nusselt number were obtained.The aim of this study is to depict present conditions on the way of opinions of teachers and administrators about school-family communication, and develop solution suggestions to ensure the cooperation of school-family. This study was applied to 120 teachers and 20 administrators working in Halfeti district of ?anlyurfa the province and 15 parents. Teacher survey improved by Celik [3] and the interview form improved by researchers were used for data collection. To determine the reliability of the survey, Cronbach Alpha was looked for and the interior coherence coefficient was calculated as 0.94. The frequencies and percentages of data were calculated and, SPSS 15.0 package program was used for quantitative data analysis. On the other hand, Nvivo 8 program was used for qualitative data analysis. In the result of the analysis, it was seen that administrators and teachers have generally negative opinions about school-family cooperation. It was found that there is not a meaningful difference in the opinions of teachers and administrators about school-family cooperation in terms of gender, age, status, branch, seniority, and classroom size variables.Sinir Dili Programlama (SDP) kisisel ve orgutsel gelisim bakimindan ozellikle son yillarda oldukca dikkat ceken bir gelisim araci olarak, egitim yonetimi dahil bircok alanda uygulanmaktadir. SDP insanin mukemmeliyetini ve basariyi konu edinmektedir. Ozellikle basarili olmus insanlarin bu basariya nasil ulastiklari; insan davranisi ve performansini yoneten hususlarin neler oldugu; bunlarin nasil kesfedilip uygulanabilecegi ve hizli ogrenmenin nasil saglanabilecegi gibi konular SDPnin kapsami icinde yer almaktadir. Bu calisma, alan yazina dayali olarak, SDPnin ne oldugu ve islevleri hakkinda bilgi vermeyi; ozellikle etkili iletisim acisindan okul yonetiminde ve denetimde tasidigi onemi ortaya koymayi; ve etkili yonetim ve denetim bakimindan birtakim onerilere yer vermeyi amaclamaktadir.This research contains the evaluation of university students opinions about popular culture and popular music in the context of Selcuk University. Youth is the most effected group in the society by popular culture in free time activities and consumption habits. The purpose of this study is to determine opinions of students about popular culture and popular music and influence level of popular culture on students from different faculties of Konya Selcuk University. For this purpose, data is gathered by qualitative method from 15 university students continuing their education at Selcuk University. Based on data gathered, the opinions of university students about popular culture and popular music is analysed. On the one hand, students see the popular culture and popular music concepts as a means of socialization, on the other hand they think that on society values popular culture has negative affects.In this study, determination of antioxidant activity for anise and fennel suplied as packed unprocessed from three different regions and processed in three different brands, was carried out by spectrophotometric method. The antioxidant activity was determined by the method of metal chelating activity. To determine of antioxidant activity in anise and fennel, were used samples which obtained results infusion, decoction and extraction. According to analysis results, the highest and lowest values were obtained to be, unprocessed anise; % 89,2±0,5 (infusion), processed anise; % 22,5±6,7 (decoction), unprocessed fennel % 78,3±0,6 (decoction and infusion), processed fennel; % 32,9±2,3 (decoction) respectively.Bu caly?manyn amacy, Anadolu liselerinde Yngilizceyi yabancy dil olarak o?renen Turk o?rencilerin dil o?renimi hakkyndaki inanclaryna dair yurutulen caly?manyn bulgularyny sunmaktyr. Caly?mada, 12. synyf Sayysal, E?it A?yrlyk ve Yabancy Dil bolumu o?rencileri arasynda dil o?renimi hakkyndaki inanclary bakymyndan bir fark olup olmady?y ve cinsiyet de?i?kenine gore bu o?rencilerin inanc sistemlerinde farklylyk olup olmady?y ara?tyrylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrmanyn evrenini 2008-2009 e?itim-o?retim yylynda Yusuf Kalkavan Anadolu Lisesi, Mersin Ticaret Sanayi Odasy Anadolu Lisesi ve Mehmet Adnan Ozcelik Anadolu Lisesinde o?renim goren toplam 637 12. synyf Sayysal, E?it A?yrlyk ve Yabancy Dil bolumu o?rencisi olu?turmaktadyr. Veri toplama aracy olarak Horwitzin qDil O?renme Hakkynda Ynanclar Envanteri (Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory) (1985)q kullanylmy?tyr. Elde edilen veriler SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) kullanylarak analiz edilmi?tir. Ara?tyrmanyn sonucunda Sayysal, E?it A?yrlyk ve Yabancy Dil bolumu o?rencileri arasynda dil o?renimi hakkyndaki inanclary bakymyndan anlamly bir fark oldu?u gorulmu?tur. Ara?tyrmanyn di?er bulgusu ise kyz o?rencilerin ve erkek o?rencilerin dil o?renimi hakkyndaki inanclary arasynda anlamly bir fark oldu?unu gostermektedir.This study was conducted to determine the variables that are related to imprudent behavior with both a quantitative and qualitative methods. The participants of the study included 396 individuals. The sample consisted of teachers, doctors, nurses/health officers. With the quantitative dimension, the relationship between the tendency for imprudent behavior/imprudent behavior and age, profession, gender, self-esteem, locus of control, general self-esteem, and death anxiety were investigated. Deep interviews with participants analyzed through descriptive qualitative methodology. Quantitative findings indicated that imprudent behavior was related to age, gender, profession, self-esteem, control belief, and general self-efficacy while qualitative findings indicated that imprudent behavior was found to be related with self-esteem, locus of control, unrealistic optimism, experience, belief in the necessity of preventive measures, modeling, upbringing, feeling of responsibility, self-efficacy, and positive thinking. Based on results a qModel of Imprudent Behaviorq developed.Although technological advances facilitate our lives, these technological advances bring with the different problems and crime types. Fraud crimes are one of the crimes against public order. Cases of 16 frauds by informatics, which are committed through an organization in different countries of Turkey, were given in this study. It was wanted to emphasize basically which precautions could be taken for the prevention of the crimes committed by informatics. Crimes committed by informatics are increasing with each passing day. In this regard, for decreasing the harms which are the cause of these crimes, legal precautions should be taken, as well as inter-agency cooperation should be provided, should not be neglected in the subject of public awareness.Bu arastirmada, vardiya usulu calismanin hemsirelerin sosyal yasami ve ev yasami uzerindeki etkileri Ankarada Saglik Bakanligi hastanelerinde calisan 238 hemsire uzerinde incelenmistir. Sonuclar bekâr hemsirelerin grup ilgileri ve hobilerine, banka islerine (p0.05), haftalik calisma suresinin etkili oldugu saptanmistir (pBu calismayla kadinlarin calisma hayatindaki konumu, kadin ogretmenlerin ogretmenlik meslegine bakis acilari ve calisma ortamlarinda risk ve sorumluluk ustlenebilme durumlari belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Bu amacla arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen anket Elazig ili merkezindeki 12 ortaogretim kurumunda uygulanmistir. Verilerin analizinde ogretmenlerin brans, hizmet yili, yoneticilik deneyimi, okuldan memnun olma durumu, ogrenciler tarafindan en cok sevilen ogretmen karakteri hakkindaki gorusleri incelenmis; kadin ogretmenlerin ogrencileri icin ornek davranis modeli olusturabilmeleri, okulun basari ya da basarisizligindan kendilerini sorumlu hissetmeleri, egitim ortaminda risk ve sorumluluk ustlenebilmeleri, mesleki gelisimleri, dersi sunma becerileri, siniftaki olumsuz davranislari kontrol edebilmeleri, ogrencilerin ogretmenlere derste merak ettiklerini sorabilmeleri, ogrencilerin sinif disinda ogretmenleriyle konusabilmeleri konularinda ogretmen gorusleri arasinda fark olup olmadigi belirlenmistir.Turkiyede radyo yayincilik ortamini devlet tarafindan yurutulen TRT yayinlari ve ozel kanallar tarafindan surdurulen ozel radyolar olusturmaktadir. 2008 verilerine gore Turkiyede lisans icin basvuran 35 ulusal, 99 bolgesel ve 948 yerel radyo istasyonu vardir ( 1990 yilinda yayina baslayan ozel radyolarin cogunlugu muzik kutusu olarak yayinlarini surdurmektedir. Bunlar arasinda populer ve ticari yayincilik anlayisinin otesine gecmeyi basara bilenler de vardir. Teknolojik gelismelerin, tasinabilir muzik calarlar ve internet radyosu, radyoyu dinleyiciler icin daha ulasilabilir kilmaktadir. Genc yetiskinler toplumun en acik fikirli grubu olarak yeni teknolojilere kolaylikla uyum saglamaktadir. Genclik su an eskiye oranla cok daha fazla medya secenegine sahiptir. Bu calisma gencligin gunumuz dunyasindaki radyo kullanimini incelemektedir. Genclerin radyo dinleme motivasyonlarini ve teknolojik gelismelerin gencler uzerindeki etkisini degerlendirmektedir. Calismada universite ogrencilerine anket uygulanmis ve radyonun gencler arasinda bos zaman aktivitesi, muzik kutusu, eglence ve aliskanlik olarak goruldugu ortaya cikmistir. Katilimcilara gore, radyo varligini surdurebilmek icin teknolojiye uyum saglamak zorundadir.Grev, demokratik toplumlarda modern endustri ile beraber ortaya cikan bir kavramdir. Calismamiz, grevin kapsami ve cesitleri ile ilgili olmayip, Onun Islam hukukunu ilgilendiren yonunu incelemeye yoneliktir. Ayrica toplumlar icin gercekten bir hak arama metodu mudur? Ne kadar adil bir yontemdir? Bunlari sorgulayacagiz. Grev batinin urettigi bir kavram oldugu icin onu sahiplenmeden ziyade, Islam hukukuna uygun mudur? Islam hukuku grevi benimser mi? Karsi mi cikar? Turunden sorularin cevabini arayacagiz. Grev kavrami Islam aleminde tartisilmistir. Genel kani olarak sunlari soyleyebiliriz. Calisan ve isveren arasinda hakemli adil bir muzakere yapilir. Her iki tarafin hukukuna riayet edilir. Bu isin ilk adimidir. Anlasmazlik devam ederse islerin aksamamasi, isverenin malina zarar verilmemesi ve iscilerin haklarina kavusmasi icin devlet otoritesinin adil bir cozum sunmasi, Islami referans alan bir hukuk devleti uzerine borctur ve en kisa zamanda olayi cozume kavusturmasi gerekir. Hatta greve gerek kalmayacak koruyucu tedbirleri almasi, sartlari iyilestirmesi devletin gorevidir. Ayrica grevle gelebilecek siddet olaylari da Islamin tasvip ettigi bir davranis degildir.Bu arastirmanin amaci, Turkiyede bayan-erkek super liginde gorev yapan antrenorlerin, antrenorler nitelikleri ile bilgi duzeyleri uzerine goruslerini incelemek ve bayan-erkek antrenorlerin antrenorluk uygulamalarindaki farkliliklarini tespit etmektir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu, Turkiyede faal antrenorluk yapan 7 Bayan, 33 Erkek olmak uzere toplam 40 antrenor olusturmaktadir. Arastirma verilerini toplamak amaci ile Raine Martensin Basarili Antrenorluk kitabindan sorular hazirlanmis ve uzman goruslerine basvurularak 3 bolumden olusan, 5 olcekli Likert tipi, toplam 52 soruluk anket kullanilmistir. Anketin gecerlilik guvenirlilik calismasi yapilmis ve alfa guvenirlilik katsayisi α: % 85,67 olarak tespit edilmistir. Arastirma sonunda elde edilen verilerin aritmetik ortalamalari, bagimsiz degiskenler arasinda t-testi, pHizla gelisen teknolojinin istenmeyen etkileri, dogal kaynaklarin sorumsuzca tuketilmesi, doganin kirletilmesi ve bozulmasi biciminde ortaya cikmaktadir. Gelismekte olan ulkelerde turistik, kulturel ve sosyo-ekonomik yapi bakimindan karayollarinin onemi cok fazladir. Yollar, icinden gectikleri peyzaji bozmadan, onunla uyum icinde, modern trafige ve turizm ihtiyaclarina cevap verebilen bir duzen icinde olmalidir. Karayolu peyzaj duzenlemeleri yol trafige acildiktan sonra degil, yol guzergâhi secimi asamasi ile birlikte ele alinmalidir. Karayollarinin yapimi, peyzajin onemli bir ogesi oldugu kabul edilerek ve cevre gorsel degerleri surucu acisindan dikkate alinarak saglanmalidir. Ayrica, karayolu ve sev bitkilendirme calismalarinda (tur secimi ve bitkilendirme yontemi) peyzaj planlama prensiplerine dikkat edilmelidir.OZET Bu caly?mada, makamsal etut ve egzersizlerin e?itim fakulteleri guzel sanatlar e?itimi bolumu muzik e?itimi anabilim dallaryndaki viyolonsel e?itimi dersi surecinde kullanylabilme durumu ve sa?layaca?y katkylar ara?tyrylmy?tyr. Caly?ma surecinde, makamsal etut ve egzersizler kullanan deney grubu o?rencileri ile tonal etut ve egzersizleri kullanan kontrol grubu o?rencilerinin hedeflenen davrany?a ula?madaki performans duzeyleri arasyndaki farklar ve geli?meler olculmu?tur. Bu ara?tyrmanyn caly?ma grubunu, Selcuk Universitesi E?itim Fakultesi Muzik E?itimi Anabilim Daly viyolonsel o?rencileri olu?turmu?tur. Bu o?rencilerden rastgele secilerek olu?turulan deney ve kontrol gruplary, ara?tyrmacy tarafyndan 10 haftalyk sure boyunca uygulamaly olarak caly?tyrylmy?tyr. Elde edilen on-test ve son-test sonuclaryna gore, deney ve kontrol gruplarynyn performans farklylyklary kar?yla?tyrylmy?tyr. Ayryca, deney ve kontrol grubu o?rencilerinden yazyly olarak caly?maya ili?kin goru?leri de alynmy?tyr. Elde edilen veriler SPSS (V10.0) yazylymy yardymyyla, E?le?tirilmi? T-Testi ve Mann Whitney –U Testi kullanylarak de?erlendirilmi?tir.E?itim yoneticili?inin en ozel alanyny olu?turan okul yoneticili?i, Turkiyede ihmal edilmi? yonetim kademelerinin ba?ynda gelmektedir. Uzmanly?a ve liderli?e gereken onemin verilmemesinin bir sonucu olarak yoneticilik niteliklerine ve yeterliklerine sahip olmayan ki?ilerin okul muduru olarak atamasy yapylmakta, e?itim kurumlary de?er ureten ve topluma liderlik yapan orgutler olmak yerine kendi kendini tekrar eden ve toplumun gerisinde kalan kurumlar haline donu?mektedir. Hazyrlanan atama yonetmelikleri sadece o?retmenlik ve mudur yardymcyly?y on ?artyny veya synav ba?arysyny okul yoneticili?i icin yeterli gormektedir. Universitelerin e?itim bilimleri bolumunde tezli veya tezsiz yuksek lisans yapma on ?artyna ba?ly olarak belirli yyl o?retmenlik yapanlar icerisinden okul yonetici seciminin yapylmasy etkin bir yontem olarak uygulanabilir. E?itim yoneticili?inin uzmanlyk gerektiren bir alan olarak kurumsalla?masy, yoneticilerin de gucunu arttyracak ve guven duygusunun olu?masyna katky sa?layacaktyr. Yonetici adaylarynyn belirli bir e?itim surecinden sonra okul yoneticisi syfatyny kazanmasy ve surekli o?renme ortamy icerisinde bulunmanyn ust yoneticilikler icin te?vik unsuru olarak kabul gormesi, proje ureten ve kendini geli?tiren bir anlayy?yn benimsemesini sa?layacaktyr.Anadolu tarih boyunca bircok uygarliga, topluma ve kulture ev sahipligi yapmistir. Farkli kulturler bugun bile izleri hissettirmektedir. Bu da Anadolunun diger cografyalara gore en belirgin farkliliklarindandir ve Anadolunun en onemli zenginligidir. Anadolunun bu ve benzeri kulturel zenginlikleri sanatcilar esin kaynagi olmus ve duygularini ifade edebilme firsatlarini da yaratmistir. Muzik alaninda da bu etkilesimler gorusmustur. Anadolunun kulturel hazineleri, Turk besteciler kadar bu kulture merakli yabanci besteciler icinde ilham kaynagi olmustur. Bu kulturel degerler; ayni zamanda kulturler arasi diyalogda onemli bir rol ustlenmekte, bireyleri, toplumlari, kulturleri tarih, sanat, muzik vb. unsurlarla birlestirmekte ve iletisimlerini kolaylastirmaktadir. Bu calisma da Anadolunun kulturel zenginligi, ulkeler arasi iliskilerde sanatin ve muzigin rolu, Turkiye Polonya iliskileri, Anadolunun kulturel birikimlerinden esinlenen Polonyanin en onemli bestecilerden Szymanowskinin Mevlana Senfonisi adli eseri uzerinde durulacaktir. Calismada âx80x9calan yazin teknigi kullanilmistir ve calismanin alana katki saglayacagi dusunulmektedir.The purpose of this study is to declare the problems of the primary school teachers working in villages and country of Denizli concerning family co-operation and their opinions about the impacts of these problems on their performance. 321 primary school teachers from the state schools in the counties of Denizli, as well as 272 primary school teachers from state schools in villages of the city were sampled through group sampling method in order to perform the data obtaining means. In the level of problem meeting of the developed scale, the coefficient of inner stability of Alpha is 0.89 while it is 0.91 concerning the impact of the problem over the performance. Meanwhile, the of all public communication problems, based on the arithmetical average of the problems of the primary school teachers in villages and counties and effects of these problems on their performance, the most important one is qthe parent does not buy sufficient education materials for their childrenBu calismada; yuksek Crlu FeCrC tozu 0,3 Clu celigin yuzeyine Plazma Transfer Ark (PTA) yontemiyle kaplanmistir. PTA yontemiyle alasimlandirilmis kaplama tabakalarin asinma yuzeylerinin SEM-EDS ve XRD analizleri incelenmistir. Sonuc olarak; kaplama tabakasinda metal karburler ve nitrurlerin olustugu gorulmustur. Kaplama tabaksi farkli yuk ve mesafelerde abrasiv asinma testine tabi tutulmustur. Kaplamanin karbur ve nitrur oranina bagli olarak kaplama tabakasinin sertliginin ve asinma direncinin arttigi gorulmustur.Kitchen is more important and labor intensive part of the organizations giving food and beverage services.In todays world kitchen in food and beverage organizations is viewed as an area where food production with required quality standards and amount is carried out. These food and beverage organizations can be either hospitality organizations or commercial or institional food and beverage organizations. Employers working in the kitchen area from the chif executive to busboy even to trainees should be informed about kitchen. For effecient effective and profitable production. Kitchen should be carefully designed. There is no ideal kitchen model to be adopted in kitchen design.Each organization has its own specific possibilities. Yet there are some general rules to be followed in kitchen design.Along with globalization, despite the growing wealth, poverty too is deepening throughout the world. Poverty is an ever-increasing important problem not only for underdeveloped countries, but also for developed countries. Global liberal system, through the multi-national companies in both inter-countries, as well as within countries leads to an in-depth polarity between rich and poor within countries. Neo-liberalism`s expansion of the zone of influence, and also social policy restrictions of nation states due to a loss of power, play a role in increasing poverty. In addition, the global capitalist system, set to unlimited economic growth, destroying traditional lifestyles of people living in underdeveloped countries, receives their subsistence economies and gives rise to poverty trap.Synyf yonetim modelleri, geleneksel, tepkisel, onlemsel, geli?imsel ve butunsel olmak uzere be? ba?lykta ele alynabilir. Bu ara?tyrmada synyf o?retmenlerinin synyf yonetim surecinde kullandy?y synyf yonetim modelleri belirlenmeye caly?ylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrma, tarama modelinde nitel bir caly?ma olup, ara?tyrmanyn veri toplama surecinde yuz yuze goru?me yontemi kullanylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrmada 17si bayan, 18si erkek olmak uzere toplam 35 synyf o?retmeni ile goru?ulmu?tur. Veriler icerik analizi yontemi ile analiz edilmi?tir. Ara?tyrmada elde edilen bulgulara gore, ara?tyrmaya katylan synyf o?retmenlerinin geleneksel modeli kullanmadyklary, co?unlu?unun tepkisel modeli kullandy?y, ancak yarysynyn onlemsel modeli kullandy?y, geli?imsel modeli ise neredeyse tamamynyn kullandy?y gorulmu?tur. Butunsel model, onlemsel model a?yrlykly olmak uzere di?er uc modeli de kullanarak olu?turulan synyf yonetimi modelidir. Synyf o?retmenlerinin, tepkisel modele dayaly davrany?lary gere?inden fazla, onlemsel modele dayaly davrany?lary gere?inden az gostermeleri nedeniyle butunsel modeldeki davrany?lary yeterince sergileyemedikleri soylenebilir.Bu calismada, agirlik malzemeleri kullanarak kanun calismanin, icraya ve insanin fizyolojik yapisina yonelik olumlu ve olumsuz etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Literaturde henuz cok yeni olan bu yontemin, calgi icrasina ve insanin fizyolojik yapisina olan olumlu ya da olumsuz etkilerinin ilk kez arastirilmasi acisindan bu calisma onem tasimaktadir. Bu yontemle calismak isteyen icracilara yol gostermesi acisindan da onemli olan bu calisma, nitel arastirma modelinde, kaynak tarama ve gorusme teknigine dayanmaktadir. 10 kanun icracisi ile yari yapilandirilmis sorulardan olusan gorusme formunun uygulanmasina dayali gorusmeler yapilmistir. Bu icracilardan elde edilen bulgulara gore, icrada rahatlik, atiklik gibi olumlu etkilerin suresinin cok kisa oldugu, el koordinasyonunda ve metronom hizina uymada dengesizlik yasandigi ortaya cikmistir. Gorusmeye katilan icracilarin cogunlugunun, fizyolojik yapiya yonelik olumsuz etkilere maruz kaldiklari da gorulmustur.In this study, the approaches of the women associations in Afyonkarahisar to the women and the problems of women and in this sense whether they have the potentialities and abilities of developing solutions to the problem of violence are questioned. For this purpose, we have investigated the regulations of 6 of 13 women associations and also their point of view on the issue is presented through making interviews with the representatives of these associations.This study aims to reveal parents views on the values included in the curriculum of Life Studies course. The study group is composed of the parents of 75 elementary school 1st grade students. The study employs survey model, and research data are obtained by conducting a survey about the said values. The data obtained from the survey are evaluated in quantitative and qualitative terms. It is concluded that; values other than the ones included in the curriculum should also be employed according to the parents involved in the study. On the other hand, it is anticipated that; values education should be provided by schools and teachers and particularly by families in the first place.Turkiyede ic goc ve kentlesme hizi ozellikle 1950-1960 arasinda yuksek duzeydedir. Bu donemde filmler hem toplumsal degisimleri dolayisiyla goc olgusu ve sorunlarini, hem de kitlenin beklentileriyle celiskilerini yansitmistir. Goc olgusu yuzeysel olarak populer filmlerde ele alinirken 60li yillar ayni zamanda konuya ciddi sekilde yaklasan ve degisimin icinde yer alan bireylerin celiskilerini derinlemesine ele alan onemli filmlerin yapildigi bir donemdi. Bu donemden itibaren de dis gocle ilgili filmler de yapilmaktaydi. 1970lerdeyse artik sinema ve muzik endustrisiyle kendi kulturunu coktan olusturmus bir kitle vardir ve bu kitlenin yasantisini konu edinen filmler cevrilmekteydi. 1980lerde buyuk kentlerde tutunmak giderek zorlasirken goc olgusuyla ilgili filmler daha az sayida yapilmaktaydi. Sinan Cetinin 1992de yaptigi Berlin in Berlin filmi Almanyada yasayan buyuk bir Turk ailenin ilginc oykusuyle genis bir izleyici kitlesini ceker. 2000lerde teror, tore cinayetleri ve ekonomik nedenlerden kaynaklanan ic ve dis gocle ilgili filmler cekilmektedir. Gunumuzde goc hakkindaki populer metinlerde bireylerin gercek sorunlari gorulmemektedir.Bu arastirmanin amaci, okul oncesi egitimde muzik etkinlikleri icerisinde uygulanan ses egitiminin, isitme kaybi olan ve isitme kaybi olmayan cocuklarin muziksel sesleri ayirt edebilme becerilerine etkisi olup olmadiginin belirlenmesi, bu cocuklardaki isitme kaybi ile muziksel sesleri ayirt edebilme becerisi arasinda bir iliski olup olmadiginin tespit edilmesidir. Arastirma sonucunda, ses egitiminin muziksel ses ozelliklerini ayirt edebilme becerileri uzerinde olumlu etkiye sahip oldugu ve isitme kaybi degiskeninin muziksel ses ozelliklerini ayirt edebilme becerilerini olumsuz yonde etkiledigi gorulmustur.Sohbet ortamlari gunumuzde iletisim araci olarak yaygin bir bicimde kullanilmaktadir. Sohbet ortamlarindaki konusmalarin icerikleri kisinin cinsiyetine, aliskanliklarina, sosyal davranis ve egilimlerine gore sekillenebilmektedir. Bu calismada, Turkce sohbet ortamlarindan konusmacilarin cinsiyetlerinin belirlenmesine yonelik kayit tabanli bir bilgi cikarim sistemi ortaya konulmustur. Burada, cinsiyet belirleme sohbet ortamlarinda bilgi madenciligi uygulamasi olarak temel alinmistir. Onerilen cinsiyet belirleme yontemi veri madenciligi yontemlerinden SVM ve Naive Bayes sonuclari ile karsilastirilmistir. Gelistirilen sistem, gercek sohbet ortamlarinda cinsiyet belirlemede %90a yakin sonuclara ulasmistir.Satin alma kararlari, literaturde her zaman tartisilan bir konu olmustur. Tuketicilerin hangi gudulerle hareket ettikleri, hangi unsurlara onem vererek kararlarini olusturduklari ozellikle pazarlamacilarin ilgisini ceken bir konu olarak gundem olusturmustur. Turkiyede tatil yapan turistlerin satin alma kararlarini etkileyen unsurlari ortaya koymak amaciyla yapilan bu calismada Akdeniz bolgesinin cesitli beldelerinde tatil yapan toplam 500 turist uzerinde uygulanmistir. Arastirma, SPSS programi ile incelenmis ve verilerin normal dagilim gostermemesi nedeni ile non parametrik testlerden Mann-Whitney U ve Kruskal-Wallis testleri uygulanmistir. Yapilan analiz sonucu turistlerin cinsiyet, medeni durum, ogrenim durumu, yas, gelir, meslek, tatilde tercih edilen mevsime gore satin alma kararlarinda farkliliklar onemli bulunmustur.Bu ara?tyrma, universite o?rencilerinin populer kultur ve populer muzikle ilgili goru?lerinin Selcuk Universitesi ba?lamynda de?erlendirilmesinden olu?ur. Gencler, toplumda bo? zamanlary de?erlendirme ve tuketim aly?kanlyklary acysyndan populer kulturden en fazla etkilenen kitledir. Bu caly?manyn amacy, Konya Selcuk Universitesinde farkly fakultelerde okuyan o?rencilerin populer kulturden etkilenme duzeyleri ile populer kultur ve populer muzikle ilgili goru?lerini belirlemektir. Bu amacla, Selcuk Universitesinde o?renimlerine devam eden 15 universite o?rencisinden nitel yontemle veri toplanyr. Elde edilen bulgulara gore, universite o?rencilerinin populer kultur ve populer muzikle ilgili goru?leri analiz edilir. O?renciler, bir yandan populer kultur ve populer muzik kavramlaryny bir sosyalle?me aracy olarak gorurken, di?er yandan populer kulturun toplum de?erleri uzerinde olumsuz etkileri oldu?unu du?unurler.Bu calisma, alkol ve sigara kullaniminin, spor ve fiziksel aktivitelere katilan universite ogrencilerinin spora katilim ve spora yonelik gudulenme duzeyleri ile olan iliskisini belirleyebilmek amaci ile yapilmistir. Calismada, Sporda Gudulenme Olceginin (Pelletier ve ark., 1999) yani sira spora katilim duzeyi ile alkol ve sigara kullanim davranisini belirlemek icin bir anket kullanilmistir. Sonuc olarak, alkol kullaniminin erkeklerde daha yaygin oldugu; spora katilim duzeyi arttikca sigara kullanimi davranisinin azaldigi; alkol kullanim davranisi ile spora katilim duzeyi arasinda anlamli bir iliski olmadigi; sigara icmeyenlerin dissal gudulenmenin iceatim alt boyutunda sigara icenlere gore daha ust duzeyde gudulendigi bulunmustur.Bilgi toplumuna gecis sureci ile birlikte, gunumuzde teknolojik gelismenin en fazla etkisini bilisim alaninda gormekteyiz. Yasamimizda gerceklesen bircok iletisim bicimi internet araciligi ile sanal bir boyuta tasinmistir. Sosyal iletisim aglari, kullanicilara, kendilerini tanimlamalari, cesitli sosyal iliskiler gelistirmeleri ve hatta ogretme-ogrenme sureceni yeniden sekillendirmeleri yonunde yeni imkanlar sunmaktadir. Hizla gelisen bilisim teknolojisi, egitimde de yeni olanaklar, kolayliklar sunarken, ayni zamanda egitimcilerin yeni teknolojiye uyum saglamalarini ve egitsel ve mesleki gelisimde teknolojiden tam yararlanmalarini zorunlu kilmaktadir. Bu calisma, alan yazin bilgisine dayali olarak, sosyal ag sitelerinin egitsel ortamlardaki islevselligini belirlemek ve okul yoneticilerinin ve ogretmenlerin mesleki gelisimi acisindan ulasilan bilgiler isiginda oneriler gelistirmek amaciyla gerceklestirilmistir.Ekonomilerde makroekonomik istikrarin saglanmasi, ekonomik aktorlerin gelecege donuk karar alma sureci acisindan son derece onemlidir. Bir ulkede yerlesik olanlar ile dunyanin geri kalani arasindaki butun ekonomik islemlerin projeksiyonu niteliginde olan odemeler bilancosu istatistikleri arasinda yer alan cari islemler dengesi, dis ticaret, para ve maliye politikasi uygulamalarindan etkilenmektedir. Bu nedenledir ki, cari islemler dengesi makroekonomik istikrarin onemli gostergelerinden biridir. Bu acidan, bir ulkede makroekonomik istikrarinin saglanmasi icin cari islemler dengesinin surdurulebilir olmasi gerekmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci, Turkiyeax80âx84¢de donemler arasi cari hesap modelinin gecerliligini dogrusal olmayan zaman serisi teknigine dayanan alternatif birim kok testlerini kullanarak analiz etmektir. Bu amaca yonelik olarak, cari islemler dengesinin GSYIHax80âx84¢ya orani degiskeni icin 1987:1 ve 2012:1 donemine ait ceyrek yillik veriler analizde kullanilmaktadir. Bu calismadaki analiz sonucunda, donemler arasi cari hesap modelinin enflasyon hedeflemesi rejimi oncesi donemde (1987:1-2001:4) gecerli oldugu, bunun aksine enflasyon hedeflemesi rejimi sonrasi donemde ise (2002:1-2012:1) gecersiz oldugu bulgusuna ulasilmistir. Diger bir ifadeyle, enflasyon hedeflemesi rejimi oncesi donem icin Turkiyeax80âx84¢de cari islemler dengesi aciklarinin surdurulebilir nitelikte iken, enflasyon hedeflemesi rejimi sonrasi donemde ise surdurulemez nitelikte oldugu sonucuna varilmistir. Bu bulgular, politika yapicinin gunumuzde cari islemler dengesi aciklarina odaklanmasi gerektigini ortaya koymaktadir.Bu caly?mada, Almancada geni? bir kullanym alanyna sahibolan qalsq sozcu?unun kullanym alanlary, ne ?ekilde kullanyldy?y ve kullanym esnasynda hangi i?levleri yerine getirdi?i ara?tyryldy. Ara?tyrma sonucunda, qalsq sozcu?unun kimi zaman bir ba?lac, kimi zaman bir edat olarak kullanylabildi?i, tamlama ve ko?untularda yer aldy?y, ozellikle e?itsizlik ve farklylyk belirten kar?yla?tyrmalarda rol ustlendi?i ve ayryca fiil, zamir, zarf gibi bazy sozcuklerle birlikte kullanyldy?y ve birlikte kullanyldy?y fiillere yeni anlamlar kazandyrdy?y goruldu. Almancadaki bu sozcu?un, Turkce kar?ylyklarynyn ve bunlaryn verili? ?ekillerinin de de?i?ik dilsel unsur ve yapylar olduklary tespit edildi.The main purpose of this study was to determine parents opinion and awareness about effect of attending sports and physical activities on their childrens live, condition of sports climate and benefits of sports and physical activities. This study was performed on 161 parents whose children attending various sports courses. It was found that while income level and educational level of family increase, parents feature learning conscious instead of winning. In parallel with this finding, parents with high-level income and education have more information and awareness about benefits of sports and physical activities. In conclusion, according to findings parents should be interested and supported as well as children on directing to sports. It may be surely suggested that sports facility should be provided by means of collaboration between school and parents, for children come from family with all educational and socio-economic level.Turkus (Turkish folk music works) reflect, Turkish societys features, history, traditions and customs. Turkus include all the emotion of a human. As the same time, Turkus reflect Turkish societys cultural and socio-economic life. With this study that has the characteristic of descriptive research, the concept of Turku and social events, facts and circumstances effects on Turkus have been emphasized. Then, qLongingq, qSoldiery, war and heroismq, qPrison, banditiry and rebellionq, qLullabiesq, qWailsq and qThe folk songs about jobq have been investigated in terms of social bases and the reasons. At the end of the research, social events which is important in folk culture products have been determined and inferences were made.Bu ara?tyrma, synyf o?retmenli?i anabilim daly son synyf o?rencilerinin (aday o?retmenlerin) sosyal beceri ve empati duzeylerini belirlemeyi amaclamaktadyr. Ara?tyrma, tarama modelinde yurutulmu?tur. Ara?tyrmanyn caly?ma grubunu, AEU E?itim Fakultesi Synyf O?retmenli?i Anabilim Dalynda o?renim goren uc ?ubedeki toplam 96 o?renci olu?turmaktadyr. Ara?tyrmanyn verileri, Kendini De?erlendirme Envanteri ve Empati Olce?i ile toplanmy?tyr. Veriler uzerinde aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma, ili?kisiz orneklem ve ba?ymly orneklem t testleri, anova ve LSD testleri yapylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrma sonunda; aday o?retmenlerin sosyal beceri ve empati duzeylerinin orta seviyede oldu?u; kyz aday o?retmenlerin erkeklere gore sosyal beceride daha iyi, empatik davranmada ise benzer duzeyde olduklary; annelerin e?itim duzeylerinin aday o?retmenler uzerinde babalaryn e?itim duzeyine gore daha etkili oldu?u; ayryca sosyal beceri duzeyleri ile empati duzeyleri arasynda anlamly ve pozitif ili?kilerin bulundu?u belirlenmi?tir.Bu arastirmanin amaci Anadolu Guzel Sanatlar Liselerinde verilen mesleki kuramsal derslerin sanat egitimi surecindeki etkilerine iliskin ogrenci ve ogretmen goruslerini tespit etmektir. Arastirmanin orneklemi, Anadolu Guzel Sanatlar Liselerinde resim egitimi alan 150 ogrenci ve kuramsal dersleri okutan 50 ogretmenden olusmaktadir. Arastirmada betimsel yontem kullanilmistir. Veriler anket uygulanarak, toplanmis ve Verilerin cozumlemesinde SPSS programi kullanilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, ogrencilerin cogunlugunun mesleki kuramsal derslere yeterince ilgi gostermedikleri gorulmustur.In this study, the education/training program of the positive thinking that aims to increase the positive thinking level of the 9-15 years age group childrens mothers was studied by an experiment design that includes control and experiment groups and pre- and post-test measurements and analyses. The researcher was prepared an education program that increases the mothers positive thinking skills. The researcher was used the qGiessen Testq to examine the mothers self-perception levels, the qRosenbaum Learned Resourcefulness Inventoryq to study their self-control skills, the qAutomatic Thoughts Questionnaireq to find out the level of stress management. It was also employed t-test to analyze the differences between the pre- and post-test measurements.Problem cozme, hem bir ogretim yontemi hem de matematik mufredatinda yer alan bir konu olarak cok onemli ve uzerinde durulmasi gereken bir kavramdir. Matematik Ogretmenleri Milli Konseyi (NCTM) standartlari da problem cozme becerilerinin matematik ogretiminde oncelikli yer almasini ve problem cozme yaklasimi ile matematik konularinin ogretimini vurgulamaktadir. Literaturde, matematik egitiminde ogrencilerin kavramlari ve aralarindaki iliskileri ogrenirken birtakim zorluklarla karsilastiklari ve matematik ogretiminde genellikle gucluk cekildigi ifade edilmektedir. Bu nedenle bu calismada; parametresiz hareket problemleri ozelinde ogrencilerin, ogrenmelerini bicimlendirerek anlamli ogrenmeyi gerceklestirebilmeleri icin graf yapisina dayali bilgisayarli bir cozum modeli onerilmektedir. Bu modelin programlanmasi ile ogrencilerin ogrenme zayifliklari giderilebilecektir. Farkli tipte toplam 250 hareket problemi, hazirlanan graf yapisina dayali cozum modeli ile cozumlenmistir.Bu caly?manyn amacy, Kosova e?itim sisteminin ba?aryly olmasynda cok onemli bir yeri oldu?u du?unulen okul yoneticilerinin, yeti?tirilmesi, atanmasy ve gorevlerinin akademik bir platformda tarty?ma ortamyna acmaktyr. Betimsel ara?tyrma yonteminin kullanyldy?y, caly?ma evrenin tamamynyn ara?tyrmaya dahil edildi?i bu betimsel calismada, acyk uclu sorularla Turk o?rencilerin devam etti?i 16 okul yoneticisi ile goru?meler yapilmy?tyr. O?retmenlerin atanmasynda yerel yonetim organlarynyn etkisi buyuk olmakta, fiziki imkanlar yetersiz durumda olup, bunlar o?rencilerin ba?arylaryny olumsuz olarak etkilemektedir. E?itim politikalarynyn ca?da? e?itim anlayy?yna gore yeniden duzenlenmesi gerekmektedir.Weibull distribution is skewed distribution which is used to make statistical inferences in many areas. In this study, the classification problem in univariate two parameter Weibull populations is investigated which population parameters are considered known and unknown situation. Error rates are obtained by using the proposed classification rules with the resubstitution estimator.Internetin yayginlasmasi ve kolay kullanimi bilgi kaynagi olarak kullanimini da artirmaktadir. Internette bilgi sorgulamanin kolay yontemlerinden biri de arama motorlaridir. Arama motorlari, hangi duzeyde olursa olsun ogrencilerin internette bilgiyi bulabilmelerini saglayan onemli basvuru kaynaklari arasindadir. Bu arastirmada Konya ili Meram ilcesinde yer alan Mehmet Şukriye Sert Ilkogretim Okulundaki 4, 5, 6, 7 ve 8. Siniflarindaki ogrencilere arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen anket uygulanmistir. 370 ogrenciden veri toplanmistir. Arastirma sonucunda bilgi kaynagi olarak internetin ilk sirada geldigi, interneti ogrencileri en cok evden kullandiklari, bilgi arama, oyun oynama, haberlesme amacli kullanimlarinin on plana ciktigi, en cok kullanilan arama motorunun Google oldugu ve arama motorlari iceisinde aranan bilgi turunun siir, haber ve bilgi gibi yazi agirlikli bilgiler oldugu gorulmustur.Aim of this reserch is to compose a hybryd in teaching science and maths subject together and evaluate the students according to traditional education methods. In this research, pre-test, post-test, experimental research model controlling group were used. In the experimental research group hybrid science and math learning method; yn control group traditional teaching methods are used. This research was done with 62 students in Kayseri-Melikgazi Hayriye Dabano?lu Primary School in 2006-2007 Educational Year. In the research quantitative and qualitative researc approach is adopted. Data of the research was gathered together with hybrid science and maths success test, hybrid science and maths attitude scale. In analysis of quantitative data of research arithmetic average, standard deviation, variance analysis, t-test, square test were used. Interview records were coded according to categories, and frequency percent was analyzed. As a result of this research; Hybrid science and maths teaching methods are much more effective in increasing students success than traditionteaching methods. Experimental group which was educated by hybrid science and maths teaching method differs in a positive way from control group which was educated by traditional methods.In classical guitar classes, it is an important process to perform the studies and compositions in a manner appropriate for their musical structures.It must be remembered, its unavoidable that the methods and techniques used while working on musicality differs from person to person. Accordingly, it becomes more meaningful to do different surveys in different fields, devoted to the students achievement in understanding the concept of qmusicalityq. In this study, the concept of musicality which has a direct effect on the fundamental techniques in classical guitar education was examined by being handled from different aspects. The main aim of this study is to systematically organize the works related to this topic and to measure the students levels of perception. At the end of the study, in spite of the absence of a control group, significant increases were obtained in favour of the post-test model from most of the items related to the performance criteria the students were asked to measure.Bu calismada PISA (Uluslararasi Ogrenci Degerlendirme Programi) ve TIMSS (Uluslararasi Matematik ve Fen Arastirmasi) projeleri tanitilmis ve PISA 2006 kapsaminda Turkiyedeki uygulamaya katilan ogrencilerin fen bilimleri yeterlilik duzeylerinin farkli degiskenler acisindan incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Calismada, PISA 2006da Turkiyenin durumu uzerinde durulmus ve ogrencilerin fen yeterlilik duzeyleri, bilgi ve iletisim teknolojilerinin kullanimina yonelik bazi anket sorularina verdikleri yanitlar goz onune alinarak degerlendirilmistir. Sonuc olarak, ogrencilerin fen yeterlilik duzeylerinin, evlerinde dersleri ve odevleri icin kullanabilecekleri bir bilgisayar, evlerinde egitimle ilgili bir bilgisayar programi, evlerinde internet erisimi olup olmama durumlarina ve bilgi edinmek icin internetten arama yapma duzeylerine gore incelemesi gerceklestirilmistir. Verilerin analizleri sonucunda bilgi ve iletisim teknolojilerinin kullaniminin, ogrencilerin fen yeterlilik duzeylerinde anlamli bir farkliliga neden oldugu belirlenmistir.This study examined the relationship between the characteristics of health-related physical fitness and physical activity amongst the boys who were 9- to 11-years old. A total of 60 boys from elementary school were voluntarily participated in the study. As the characteristics of health-related physical fitness; aerobic fitness, body composition, muscle strength and endurance and flexibility were evaluated. In order to determine the level of physical activity, qBouchard Three – Day Physical Activity Recordq was applied. According to energy expenditure, physical activity was grouped into three categories as 7 MET activity qmoderate activitiesq. In order to examine the relationship between the variables, Pearson correlation test was used. P value under 0,05 was accepted as significant relation between the variables. When the relationship between the density of physical activity and health-related physical fitness were evaluated amongst the boys who participated in the study, although the negative correlation between the moderate activities and body fat % (r=-0,143) was significant at the pIn this study, opinions, workouts and problems of the clubs, in the existing construct, towards institutionalization was analyzed from the standpoint of the managers of sport clubs which compete in Turkey Sport Toto Super league. In this research phenomenological research design was used. In the data collection process was conducted from interview. Convenience sampling method, categorized as purposive sampling, was used in the sampling phase. The interviews were made with the directors of five sport club of the 18 sport clubs, taking part in the in 2012-2013 TFF Sport Toto Super League season. As a result of the study, it is evident that the participants were knowledgeable about institutionalization. Even they considered institutionalization as a requisite management system in the organizational structure of the sport clubs. Sport clubs occur to live some kind of problems in process of institutionalization. Also, it is identified that restructuring efforts of sport clubs, which began with application of UEFA criteria, need to be supported with works of institutionalization.In this study, it is searched that students studying violin in the Music Department of Anatolian Fine Arts High Schools (MD AFAHS) if elaboration strategies contribute to their learning. The answer is tried to find out for this question. 3 schools were selected from different regions within 54 AFAHS in Turkey, the sample consisted of 25 11. grade students studying here took part, 13 of whom were in experiment and 12 of whom were in control group. Experiment duration continuing 5 days was recorded with a camera and watched by 3 expert observers. The findings were analysed statical and found out as a result of the study that elaboration strategy stages had a positive effect on MD AFAHS students learning violin. Elaboration strategy is an efficient and useful strategy that can be used in the education of MD AFAHS students.Political advertising, which developing in present democracies and successful effecting to voters, is a study of political communication. Political ads are extending continuously its activity field in local elections like general elections. In this study, political ads which published in Elazy? during 29 March Local Elections, analyzed with semiotic method with aim to uncover political mean gived to voters. In this study determined that political ads reviewed in content of this research, propagate mean according as condition of candidate and party.Insan davranislarini yoneten en gelismis gudu Kendini Gerceklestirme gudusudur ve bu gudu egitimin nihai amacini olusturmaktadir. Bu calismada, ogretmen adaylarinin kendilerini gerceklestirme baglaminda kisisel yonelimlerinin cesitli degiskenler acisindan incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Iliskisel tarama modeline uygun olarak hazirlanan arastirmanin evrenini Marmara Universite Ataturk Egitim Fakultesi son sinif ogrencileri olusturmaktadir. Arastirmanin orneklem grubunda, bu evrenden random yoluyla secilen 364u kiz, 275i erkek olmak uzere toplam 639 ogretmen adayi yer almaktadir. Calismada veri toplama araci olarak, âx80x9cKisisel Yonelim Envanteriâx80x9dve demografik bilgilerin yer aldigi âx80x9cKisisel Bilgi Formuâx80x9d kullanilmistir. Verilerin analizinde bagimsiz grup t-testi ve tek yonlu varyans analizi (ANOVA) tekniginden yararlanilmistir. Bulgular cinsiyet, okunan bolum, ana-baba egitim duzeyi, kardes sayisi ve dogum sirasi degiskenlerine gore ogretmen adaylarinin kisisel yonelimlerinde farkliliklar ortaya ciktigini gostermektedir.ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to analyze the qgeography perceptionsq of the prospective teachers of geography teachers and to reveal whether it differs by diverse variables. The workgroup in this research consists of 418 prospective teachers going on their education at the departments of geography teaching at eight (8) universities where all available geography teaching programs are available. As a data collection tool, a qgeography perception scaleq in type of 5 point likert scale with 22 items and a questionnaire form consisting of 5 questions to analyze the personal information of the students. As a result of the analyses done, geography perceptions of the prospective geography teachers have been obtained through four (4) geography matrixes/factors as (1) Scientific, (2) Global, (3) Political, and (4) National Geography. Moreover; it has been determined that these matrixes, reflecting the qgeography perceptionsq of the prospective geography teachers differ meaningfully by gender, class level, university and regional distributions.In this article the role of organizational sub-culture on individuals decision-making is studied. The sample organization is police organization and data is collected in the province of Malatya. The survey results show that most police officers especially in the first years in the job are effected by their peers and police culture in their decision-making.Bu caly?mada, O?retmenlik uygulamasy icin ilko?retim okullaryna uygulama e?itimine giden o?retmen adaylarynyn fen ve teknoloji o?retmenlerini yeterli bulup bulmadyklary tespit edilmeye caly?ylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrmada, Milli E?itim Bakanly?y tarafyndan belirlenmi? olan O?retmen Yeterlilikleri Standartlary kullanylmy?tyr. Fen Bilgisi O?retmenli?i o?rencilerinin goru?lerine dayaly olarak O?retmen yeterlilikleri bu standartlar cercevesinde hazyrlanan anket formuyla olu?turulmu?tur. Bu anketler, 2007–2008 e?itim o?retim yylynda Fyrat Universitesi E?itim Fakultesi Ylko?retim Bolumu Fen ve Teknoloji O?retmenli?inde o?renim goren birinci ve ikinci o?retim son synyf o?rencisi toplam 89 o?retmen adayyna uygulanmy?tyr. Elde edilen verileri homojenlik testi (Levene Statistic), Scheffe t testi ile LSD testi, Kruskal Wallis testi (KW) ile Mann Whitney U testi (MWU) uygulanmy?tyr. Bu testlerden elde edilen bilgiler do?rultusunda Fen ve Teknoloji O?retmenlerinin; ki?isel ve mesleki geli?im yeterlilikleri, o?renciyi tanyma surecindeki yeterlilikleri, o?retme ve o?renme surecindeki yeterlilikleri, geli?imi izleme ve de?erlendirme sureci, okul, aile ve toplum ili?kileri, program ve icerik surecine ili?kin bulgular tespit edilmeye caly?ylmy?tyr.ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine how some socio-demographic variables differentiate the effect of perception of internal organizational justice of physical education teachers on the job satisfaction. For this purpose, survey method was selected and job satisfaction and organizational justice scales were applied to total of 106 physical education teachers working in the Kahramanmaras Ministry of Education Division. The data obtained from surveys were analyzed using SPSS Statistical Program applying T-test and one-way ANOVA. According to statistical analyses, there are no significant differences for marital status and working place variables. The justice perceptions of female teachers were lower than males. The lacks of sport facilities of physical education teachers in the job satisfaction were determined as an important problem. In addition, organizational justice perceptions were effected physical education teachers job satisfaction.

İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi | 2011

Geleneksel Yapıların Kentsel Mekanda Oluşturduğu Düzenin Bartın Kenti Örneğinde İncelenmesi

Bülent Yilmaz; Latif Gürkan Kaya; Oğuz Ateş; Yalçın Memlük

Bartin, Bati Karadeniz Bolgesi’nde denizden 12 km iceride kurulmus eski bir Anadolu yerlesimidir. Bartin, 1920 yilinda mutasarrifliktir. 1924 yilinda il olan Zonguldak’a baglanmis, 1991 yilinda il olmustur. Nufus artisi Turkiye ortalamasinin altindadir. Ancak merkez ilce aldigi yogun goc nedeniyle hizli kentlesme sorunu ile karsi karsiyadir. Ilk kez, 1957 tarihli imar plani ile imarli yapilasma sureci baslamis, ancak mevcut kent dokusunun organik duzeni bu imar plani ile oldukca yogun bir bicimde bozulmustur. 1980 tarihli nazim plani ile bu bozulmayi engellemek amaciyla dogal sit sinirlari belirlenmis, koruma amacxadli imar plani yapilarak, ozellikle kent merkezinde yapilasma durdurulmustur. Ancak 1982 yili onayli Bartin Kentsel Sit Alani Imar Plani’na ragmen cesitli donemlerde ilave ve revizyon plan istekleri olmus ve cok sayida plan degisiklikleri yaptirilmistir. Merkez ilce, farkli donemlerde ortaya cikmis 12 mahalleden olusxadmaktadir. Ozellikle kent merkezinde yer alan mahallelerle, dogal sit alani kapsamina alinan Bartin ve Kozcagiz caylari ve boylarindaki kiyi evleri bir yandan rant, ote yandan deprem ve diger dogal afetler nexaddexadniyle hizli bir bicimde yok olmaktadir. Calismanin amaci ozellikle kentsel tasarim acisindan kentin gelenekselligini kaybetmemis bir dokuxadsunun tanitilmasidir. Amaclanan diger hedefler, bir daha bu olcekte yakalaxadnaxadmaxadyacak olan, farkli geleneksel bir yol dokusunu kaybolmadan bir nebze belgeleyexadbilxadmek, bu konu ile ilgili kisi ve kuruluslarin dikkatini Bartin’a cekebilmek, uzak bir umut olsa da bu dokuxadnun bozulmadan korunxadmasini saglayabilmektir.

Turkish Journal of Forestry | 2010


Mehmet Cetin; Mehmet Topay; Latif Gürkan Kaya; Bülent Yilmaz

Archive | 2010

Mapping of biotopes in urban areas: A case study of the city of Bartin and its environs, Turkey

Sümer Gülez; Latif Gürkan Kaya

Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry | 2003

ZKÜ Bartın Yerleşkesi Kampus Bilgi Sistemi

Mehmet Topay; Latif Gürkan Kaya; Burcu Yildirim; Emine Ikiz; Sinan Ömer Demirtaş

Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry | 2014


Sebahat Açiksöz; Latif Gürkan Kaya


Bazı Demografik Faktörlerin Kent İnsanının Bitki Tercihleri Üzerinde Etkileri: Malatya Kenti Örneği

Atilla Atik; Bülent Yilmaz; Latif Gürkan Kaya; Fürüzan Aslan


Muğla-Dalyan Turizminin Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi Üzerine Etkileri

Latif Gürkan Kaya; Fürüzan Aslan; Bülent Yilmaz


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Mehmet Topay

Süleyman Demirel University

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Cengiz Yucedag

Mehmet Akif Ersoy University

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