Laura A. Geer
State University of New York System
Environmental Science & Technology | 2014
Benny F.G. Pycke; Laura A. Geer; Mudar Dalloul; Ovadia Abulafia; Alizee M. Jenck; Rolf U. Halden
Triclosan (TCS) and triclocarban (TCC) are antimicrobial agents formulated in a wide variety of consumer products (including soaps, toothpaste, medical devices, plastics, and fabrics) that are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In late 2014, the FDA will consider regulating the use of both chemicals, which are under scrutiny regarding lack of effectiveness, potential for endocrine disruption, and potential contribution to bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Here, we report on body burdens of TCS and TCC resulting from real-world exposures during pregnancy. Using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, we determined the concentrations of TCS, TCC, and its human metabolites (2′-hydroxy-TCC and 3′-hydroxy-TCC) as well as the manufacturing byproduct (3′-chloro-TCC) as total concentrations (Σ−) after conjugate hydrolysis in maternal urine and cord blood plasma from a cohort of 181 expecting mother/infant pairs in an urban multiethnic population from Brooklyn, NY recruited in 2007–09. TCS was detected in 100% of urine and 51% of cord blood samples after conjugate hydrolysis. The interquartile range (IQR) of detected TCS concentrations in urine was highly similar to the IQR reported previously for the age-matched population of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2003 to 2004, but typically higher than the IQR reported previously for the general population (detection frequency = 74.6%). Urinary levels of TCC are reported here for the first time from real-world exposures during pregnancy, showing a median concentration of 0.21 μg/L. Urinary concentrations of TCC correlated well with its phase-I metabolite ∑-2′-hydroxy-TCC (r = 0.49) and the manufacturing byproduct ∑-3′-chloro-TCC C (r = 0.79), and ∑-2′-hydroxy-TCC correlated strongly with ∑-3′-hydroxy-TCC (r = 0.99). This human biomonitoring study presents the first body burden data for TCC from exposures occurring during pregnancy and provides additional data on composite exposure to TCS (i.e., from both consumer-product use and environmental sources) in the maternal–fetal unit for an urban population in the United States.
Journal of The Air & Waste Management Association | 2012
Laura A. Geer; Jeremy Weedon; Michelle L. Bell
Previous studies have explored the association between air pollution levels and adverse birth outcomes such as lower birth weight. Existing literature suggests an association, although results across studies are not consistent. Additional research is needed to confirm the effect, investigate the exposure window of importance, and distinguish which pollutants cause harm. We assessed the association between ambient pollutant concentrations and term birth weight for 1,548,904 births in TX from 1998 to 2004. Assignment of prenatal exposure to air pollutants was based on maternal county of residence at the time of delivery. Pollutants examined included particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter ≤10 and ≤2.5 µm (PM10 and PM2.5), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and ozone (O3). We applied a linear model with birth weight as a continuous variable. The model was adjusted for known risk factors and region. We assessed pollutant effects by trimester to identify biological exposure window of concern, and explored interaction due to race/ethnicity. An interquartile increase in ambient pollutant concentrations of SO2 and O3 was associated with a 4.99-g (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.87–8.11) and 2.72-g (95% CI, 1.11–4.33) decrease in birth weight, respectively. Lower birth weight was associated with exposure to O3 in the first and second trimester, whereas results were not significant for other pollutants by trimester. A positive association was exhibited for PM2.5 in the first trimester. Effects estimates for PM10 and PM2.5 were inconsistent across race/ethnic groups. Current ambient air pollution levels may be increasing the risk of lower birth weight for some pollutants. These risks may be increased for certain racial/ethnic groups. Additional research including consideration of improved methodology is needed to investigate these findings. Future studies should examine the influence of residual confounding. Implications: This is one of the most comprehensive studies examining criteria air pollutants and lower birth weight in Texas. Our findings confirm results found previously for adverse effects of the air pollutant SO2 on lower birth weight. Results from our study suggest that adverse pregnancy outcomes such as lower birth weight can occur even while maintaining air pollution levels below regulatory standards. Future studies should incorporate the assessment of differential pollutant exposure as well as effect estimates by race/ethnicity with individual and community-level social factors in order to enhance our understanding of how physical, social, and host factors influence birth outcomes. Supplemental Materials: Supplementary information relating to characteristics of excluded births, distribution of air pollutant monitors by pollutant, and correlation coefficients of the air pollutants is available in the publishers online edition of the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring | 2012
Laura A. Geer; Malini Devi Persad; Christopher D. Palmer; Amy J. Steuerwald; Mudar Dalloul; Ovadia Abulafia; Patrick J. Parsons
Prenatal mercury exposure and its fetotoxic effects may be of particular concern in urban immigrant communities as a result of possible contributing cultural factors. The most common source of exposure in these communities is ingestion of fish and shellfish contaminated with methylmercury. Other sources of exposure may occur in ritualistic practices associated with Hispanic and Caribbean-based religions. This study 1) assessed total mercury levels in both random urine specimens from pregnant women, and in cord blood; and 2) examined environmental sources of exposure from a convenience sample in a predominantly Caribbean immigrant population in Brooklyn, New York. A questionnaire designed in collaboration with health professionals from the Caribbean community assessed the frequency of fish consumption, ritualistic practices, occupational exposures, and use of dental amalgams and mercury-containing skin and household products. The geometric mean for total mercury in cord blood was 2.14 μg L(-1) (95%CI: 1.76-2.60) (n = 78), and 0.45 μg L(-1) (95%CI: 0.37-0.55) (n = 183) in maternal urine corrected for creatinine (μg g(-1)). Sixteen percent of cord blood mercury levels exceeded the estimated equivalent of U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Reference Dose (5.8 μg L(-1) blood). Predictors of cord blood mercury included maternal fish consumption and foreign birth of the mother. Predictors of urine mercury included foreign birth of the mother, number of dental amalgams, and special product use. There were no reports of mercury use in ritualistic practices or in cosmetics; however some women reported use of religious medals and charms. This study characterized risk factors for mercury exposure in a sample of urban, predominantly Caribbean-born blacks. Findings may help target interventions in this population, which might include appropriate fish selection and consumption frequency during pregnancy, and safe handling of mercury-containing products in the home.
Environmental Health Perspectives | 2017
Rolf U. Halden; Avery E. Lindeman; Allison E. Aiello; David Q. Andrews; William A. Arnold; Patricia A. Fair; Rebecca Fuoco; Laura A. Geer; Paula I. Johnson; Rainer Lohmann; Kristopher McNeill; Victoria P. Sacks; Ted Schettler; Roland Weber; R. Thomas Zoeller; Arlene Blum
Summary: The Florence Statement on Triclosan and Triclocarban documents a consensus of more than 200 scientists and medical professionals on the hazards of and lack of demonstrated benefit from common uses of triclosan and triclocarban. These chemicals may be used in thousands of personal care and consumer products as well as in building materials. Based on extensive peer-reviewed research, this statement concludes that triclosan and triclocarban are environmentally persistent endocrine disruptors that bioaccumulate in and are toxic to aquatic and other organisms. Evidence of other hazards to humans and ecosystems from triclosan and triclocarban is presented along with recommendations intended to prevent future harm from triclosan, triclocarban, and antimicrobial substances with similar properties and effects. Because antimicrobials can have unintended adverse health and environmental impacts, they should only be used when they provide an evidence-based health benefit. Greater transparency is needed in product formulations, and before an antimicrobial is incorporated into a product, the long-term health and ecological impacts should be evaluated.
Environment International | 2015
Benny F.G. Pycke; Laura A. Geer; Mudar Dalloul; Ovadia Abulafia; Rolf U. Halden
Fetal exposure to five parabens was investigated due to their endocrine-disrupting potential and possible impact on fetal development. Body burdens occurring from real-world exposures were determined typically as total concentrations after conjugate hydrolysis in 181 maternal urine and 38 umbilical cord blood plasma samples from a multiethnic cohort of 185 predominantly-black, pregnant women recruited in Brooklyn, New York between 2007/9. For 33 participants, both sample types (maternal urine and cord blood) were available. Methyl- (MePB), ethyl- (EtPB), propyl- (PrPB), butyl- (BuPB), and benzylparaben (BePB) were detected in 100, 73.5, 100, 66.3 and 0.0% of the urine samples at median concentrations of 279, 1.44, 75.3, 0.39, and <0.02μg/L, respectively. Median concentrations of MePB and PrPB were, respectively 4.4- and 8.7-fold higher compared to those reported previously for the general U.S. population (NHANES, 2005/6). Listed in the order above, the five parabens were detected in 97.4, 94.7, 47.4, 47.4, and 44.7% of cord blood plasma samples at median total concentrations of 25.0, 0.36, <0.27, <0.09, and <0.10μg/L, respectively. Free MePB, EtPB, and PrPB were detected in a subset of cord blood plasma samples at, respectively, 3.9, 71.7, and 6.4% of their total concentrations, whereas free BuPB and BePB were not detected. Literature data and those reported here show the urban community studied here to rank highest in the world for MePB and PrPB exposure in pregnant women, whereas it ranks among the lowest for EtPB and BuPB. This study is the first to report the occurrence of parabens in human umbilical cord blood. Maternal exposure to parabens is widespread, and substantial differences were found to exist between communities and countries both in the spectrum and degree of paraben exposures.
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts | 2014
Aleksandr B. Stefaniak; Mathew G. Duling; Laura A. Geer; M. Abbas Virji
Dermal exposure to sensitizing metals is a serious occupational and public health problem. The usual approach to dermal exposure assessment is to process samples by chemical methods that use reactants to digest the metal particles and quantify the mass. In the case of dermal exposure assessment, these reactants are not representative of the skin surface film liquids and hence, may overestimate bioaccessibility. We hypothesize that the amount and form of sensitizer on a sample that leaches in a biological fluid, as can be estimated using artificial sweat, may be a more relevant metric for assessing health risks. Beryllium metal (Be), nickel metal (Ni), and chromium carbide (Cr3C2) particles were characterized and masses of sensitizing ions were measured using established reactant-assisted digestion procedures and extraction in artificial sweat under physiologically relevant conditions. Chromium ions released into artificial sweat were speciated to understand valence states. The ratios of the fraction of metal dissolved in artificial sweat relative to that dissolved by chemical-specific reactants were 1/2 (Be), 1/108 (Ni), and 1/2500 (Cr). The divalent Be and Ni cations were stable in artificial sweat over time (did not precipitate) whereas hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] ions decayed over time. Further analysis using speciated isotope dilution mass spectrometry revealed that the decay of Cr(VI) was accompanied by the formation of Cr(III) in the sweat model. Use of reactant-assisted analytical chemistry to quantify amounts of metal sensitizers on samples could overestimate biologically relevant exposure. In addition to mass, the valence state also influences penetration through the outer stratum corneum of the skin and is an important consideration when assessing exposure to complex sensitizers such as Cr which have multiple valence states with differing penetration efficiencies.
Environmental Research | 2015
Laura A. Geer; Benny F.G. Pycke; David M. Sherer; Ovadia Abulafia; Rolf U. Halden
Amniotic fluid (AF) is a biological medium uniquely suited for the study of early exposure of the human fetus to environmental contaminants acquired by the mother before and during pregnancy. Traditional diagnostic applications of AF have focused almost exclusively on the diagnosis of genetic aberrations such as Trisomy-21 and on heritable diseases in high-risk pregnancies. Since more than 50 anthropogenic compounds have been detected in AF, there is considerable potential in utilizing fetal protein biomarkers as indicators of health effects related to prenatal toxic exposure. Here, we focus on preterm birth (PTB) to illustrate opportunities and limitations of using AF as a diagnostic matrix. Representing a pervasive public health challenge worldwide, PTB cannot be managed simply by improving hygiene and broadening access to healthcare. This is illustrated by 15-year increases of PTB in the U.S. from 1989 to 2004. AF is uniquely suited as a matrix for early detection of the association between fetal exposures and PTB due to its fetal origin and the fact that it is sampled from women who are at higher risk of PTB. This critical review shows the occurrence in AF of a number of xenobiotics, including endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs), which are known or may reasonably be expected to shorten fetal gestation. It is not yet known whether EDCs, including bisphenol A, phytoestrogens, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), can affect the expression of proteins considered viable or potential biomarkers for the onset of PTB. As such, the diagnostic value of AF is broad and has not yet been fully explored for prenatal diagnosis of pregnancies at risk from toxic, environmental exposures and for the elucidation of mechanisms underlying important public health challenges including PTB.
Journal of Community Health | 2012
Fay P. Callejo; Laura A. Geer
Exposure to mercury (Hg) in utero can have neurotoxic effects on the developing fetus. Mercury exposure in women of childbearing age has been associated with frequent fish consumption, coastal proximity, foreign birth, and exposure during ritualistic practices. The aim of this study was to identify culturally-appropriate strategies to disseminate messages on the hazards of in utero Hg exposure in fertile and pregnant women in a predominantly urban immigrant community in Flatbush, Brooklyn, following findings from a recent study on mercury exposure in this community. Nineteen key informant interviews were conducted in Flatbush, Brooklyn with community members, medical professionals, fishmongers, and a religious practitioner to solicit feedback on culturally sensitive methods to educate the community on Hg hazards. The main themes identified include clinical integration, where providers integrate the message in routine care; community integration, whereby influential organizations and community members foster message delivery; media usage; and message reinforcement via continuous exposure. It is vital for healthcare providers and public health practitioners to be culturally sensitive in educating their patients on fish selection during pregnancy and safety of handling Hg. Instead of a single approach, a combination of media and educational strategies would help to reinforce the message. These findings form a basis for public health campaigns to apprise other urban immigrant communities of the hazards of in utero Hg exposure.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene | 2011
Timothy J. Buckley; Laura A. Geer; Thomas H. Connor; Shirley Robertson; Deborah L. Sammons; Jerome P. Smith; John Snawder; Mark F. Boeniger
Exposure during the manufacture of pesticides is of particular concern due to their toxicity and because little is known about worker exposure, since most studies have focused on end-use application within agriculture or buildings. Even though dermal exposure can be expected to dominate for pesticides, little is known about workplace dermal exposures or even appropriate methods for their assessment. The current study begins to address this gap by evaluating alternative methods for assessing dermal exposure at a chemical manufacturing plant. For this pilot study, eight workers were recruited from a U.S. plant that produced the pesticide cypermethrin. Exposure was evaluated using three approaches: (1) survey assessment (questionnaire), (2) biological monitoring, and (3) workplace environmental sampling including ancillary measurements of glove contamination (interior and exterior). In each case, cypermethrin was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Environmental measurements identified two potential pathways of cypermethrin exposure: glove and surface contamination. Workplace exposure was also indicated by urine levels (specific gravity adjusted) of the parent compound, which ranged from 35 to 253 μg/L (median of 121 μg/L) with no clear trend in levels from pre- to post-shift. An exploratory analysis intended to guide future studies revealed a positive predictive association (Spearman correlation, p ≤ 0.10) between post-shift urine concentrations and a subset of survey questions evaluating worker knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions (KAP) of workplace dermal hazards, i.e., personal protective equipment self-efficacy, and inverse associations with behavior belief and information belief scales. These findings are valuable in demonstrating a variety of dermal exposure methods (i.e., behavioral attributes, external contamination, and biomarker) showing feasibility and providing measurement ranges and preliminary associations to support future and more complete assessments. Although these pilot data are useful for supporting design and sample size considerations for larger exposure and health studies, there is a need for validation studies of the ELISA assay for quantification of cypermethrin and its metabolites in urine.
Environmental Research Letters | 2014
Laura A. Geer
More than 147 million people in the US live in areas where pollutant levels are above regulatory limits and pose a risk to health. Most of the vast network of air pollutant monitors in the US are located in places with higher pollution levels and a higher density of pollutant sources (e.g., point sources from industrial pollution). Vulnerable populations are more likely to live closer to pollutant sources, and thus closer to pollutant monitors. These differential exposures have an impact on maternal and child health; maternal air pollutant exposures have been linked to adverse outcomes such as preterm birth and infant low birth weight. Several studies are highlighted that address methodological approaches in the study of air pollution and health disparities.