Laura C. Andreae
King's College London
Neuroscience | 1993
Laura C. Andreae; J. Herbert
Vasopressin has been shown to be localized in specific central nervous system (CNS) sites. There is considerable evidence that it can act as a central neurotransmitter and it has been ascribed a variety of putative roles in the CNS. To identify those regions of the brain capable of responding to this peptide, 250 pmol vasopressin were infused into the lateral ventricle intracerebroventricular of conscious, handled male rats, and their brains processed for fos-immunohistochemistry 60 min later. Increases in fos-immunoreactivity, compared with cerebrospinal fluid-infused controls, were found in specific regions of the basal forebrain and brainstem: the central nucleus of the amygdala, ventrolateral septum, parvocellular divisions of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, dorsal tuberal nucleus and locus coeruleus. Pre-infusion of 2500 pmol of a V1a antagonist prevented or reduced the expression of c-fos by intracerebroventricular vasopressin in all areas except the dorsal parvocellular paraventricular nucleus, implying that in most (but not all) areas the actions of vasopressin are mediated by the V1a receptor. Central administration of vasopressin had no effect on plasma corticosterone levels. Vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing factor act synergistically on the anterior pituitary to cause release of adrenocorticotropic releasing hormone and have corresponding synergistic interactions on behaviour. Infusion of 250 pmol corticotropin releasing factor produced a similar but not identical pattern of fos-like immunoreactivity to that of vasopressin. Activation of the parabrachial nucleus was observed, but there was no significant effect on the lateral septum and apparent increases in the medial parvocellular division of the paraventricular nucleus and locus coeruleus were not significant. Corticotropin releasing factor also caused a marked rise in plasma corticosterone. When the two peptides were infused together (125 pmol each) no evidence for synergy was found, in terms of the number of neurons activated to express c-fos. The induction of differential patterns of fos-like immunoreactivity by vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing factor in specific regions of the limbic forebrain and brainstem has implications for the individual roles they play in the CNS.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2012
Laura C. Andreae; Naila Ben Fredj; Juan Burrone
Mature presynaptic terminals release neurotransmitter both in response to activity and spontaneously. We found that axons of rat hippocampal neurons initially show very high levels of exclusively spontaneous release, which progressively switches over to the mature phenotype during synapse formation. These two modes of vesicle cycling derive from distinct pools throughout development and the initiation of activity-dependent release was independent of postsynaptic contacts, suggesting it is an autonomous presynaptic event.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology | 2014
Laura C. Andreae; Juan Burrone
Highlights • Synaptic activity drives the formation of specific synapses in the retina.• Neurotransmitter induces the formation of spines in developing cortical neurons.• Axons are capable of releasing neurotransmitter before synaptic contacts.• We speculate on the role of early, non-synaptic release in synaptogenesis.
Developmental Biology | 2011
Kyoko Tossell; Laura C. Andreae; Chloe Cudmore; Emily Lang; Uma Muthukrishnan; Andrew Lumsden; Jonathan Gilthorpe; Carol Irving
The midbrain–hindbrain boundary (MHB) acts as an organiser/signalling centre to pattern tectal and cerebellar compartments. Cells in adjacent compartments must be distinct from each other for boundary formation to occur at the interface. Here we have identified the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) neuronal 1 (Lrrn1) protein as a key regulator of this process in chick. The Lrrn family is orthologous to the Drosophila tartan/capricious (trn/caps) family. Differential expression of trn/caps promotes an affinity difference and boundary formation between adjacent compartments in a number of contexts; for example, in the wing, leg and eye imaginal discs. Here we show that Lrrn1 is expressed in midbrain cells but not in anterior hindbrain cells. Lrrn1 is down-regulated in the anterior hindbrain by the organiser signalling molecule FGF8, thereby creating a differential affinity between these two compartments. Lrrn1 is required for the formation of MHB — loss of function leads to a loss of the morphological constriction and loss of Fgf8. Cells overexpressing Lrrn1 violate the boundary and result in a loss of cell restriction between midbrain and hindbrain compartments. Lrrn1 also regulates the glycosyltransferase Lunatic Fringe, a modulator of Notch signalling, maintaining its expression in midbrain cells which is instrumental in MHB boundary formation. Thus, Lrrn1 provides a link between cell affinity/compartment segregation, and cell signalling to specify boundary cell fate.
Cell Reports | 2015
Laura C. Andreae; Juan Burrone
Summary Spontaneous neurotransmitter release is a core element of synaptic communication in mature neurons, but despite exceptionally high levels of spontaneous vesicle cycling occurring in developing axons, little is known of its function during this period. We now show that high-level, spontaneous axonal release of the neurotransmitter glutamate can signal at long range to NMDA receptors on developing dendrites, prior to synapse formation and, indeed, axodendritic contact. Blockade of NMDA signaling during this early period of spontaneous vesicle cycling leads to a reduction in dendritic arbor complexity, indicating an important role for early spontaneous release in dendritic arbor growth.
Neural Development | 2007
Laura C. Andreae; Daniela Peukert; Andrew Lumsden; Jonathan Gilthorpe
BackgroundThe Drosophila leucine-rich repeat proteins Tartan (TRN) and Capricious (CAPS) mediate cell affinity differences during compartition of the wing imaginal disc. This study aims to identify and characterize the expression of a chick orthologue of TRN/CAPS and examine its potential function in relation to compartment boundaries in the vertebrate central nervous system.ResultsWe identified a complementary DNA clone encoding Leucine-rich repeat neuronal 1 (Lrrn1), a single-pass transmembrane protein with 12 extracellular leucine-rich repeats most closely related to TRN/CAPS. Lrrn1 is dynamically expressed during chick development, being initially localized to the neural plate and tube, where it is restricted to the ventricular layer. It becomes downregulated in boundaries following their formation. In the mid-diencephalon, Lrrn1 expression prefigures the position of the anterior boundary of the zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI). It becomes progressively downregulated from the presumptive ZLI just before the onset of expression of the signalling molecule Sonic hedgehog (Shh) within the ZLI. In the hindbrain, downregulation at rhombomere boundaries correlates with the emergence of specialized boundary cell populations, in which it is subsequently reactivated. Immunocolocalization studies confirm that Lrrn1 protein is endocytosed from the plasma membrane and is a component of the endosomal system, being concentrated within the early endosomal compartment.ConclusionChick Lrrn1 is expressed in ventricular layer neuroepithelial cells and is downregulated at boundary regions, where neurogenesis is known to be delayed, or inhibited. The timing of Lrrn1 downregulation correlates closely with the activation of signaling molecule expression at these boundaries. This expression is consistent with the emergence of secondary organizer properties at boundaries and its endosomal localisation suggests that Lrrn1 may regulate the subcellular localisation of specific components of signalling or cell-cell recognition pathways in neuroepithelial cells.
Psychopharmacology | 2014
Stefan Aigner; Tobias Heckel; Jitao D. Zhang; Laura C. Andreae; Ravi Jagasia
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by deficits in language development and social cognition and the manifestation of repetitive and restrictive behaviors. Despite recent major advances, our understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to ASD is limited. Although most ASD cases have unknown genetic underpinnings, animal and human cellular models of several rare, genetically defined syndromic forms of ASD have provided evidence for shared pathophysiological mechanisms that may extend to idiopathic cases. Here, we review our current knowledge of the genetic basis and molecular etiology of ASD and highlight how human pluripotent stem cell-based disease models have the potential to advance our understanding of molecular dysfunction. We summarize landmark studies in which neuronal cell populations generated from human embryonic stem cells and patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells have served to model disease mechanisms, and we discuss recent technological advances that may ultimately allow in vitro modeling of specific human neuronal circuitry dysfunction in ASD. We propose that these advances now offer an unprecedented opportunity to help better understand ASD pathophysiology. This should ultimately enable the development of cellular models for ASD, allowing drug screening and the identification of molecular biomarkers for patient stratification.
Neural Development | 2009
Laura C. Andreae; Andrew Lumsden; Jonathan Gilthorpe
BackgroundCapricious is a Drosophila adhesion molecule that regulates specific targeting of a subset of motor neurons to their muscle target. We set out to identify whether one of its vertebrate homologues, Lrrn2, might play an analogous role in the chick.ResultsWe have shown that Lrrn2 is expressed from early development in the prospective rhombomere 4 (r4) of the chick hindbrain. Subsequently, its expression in the hindbrain becomes restricted to a specific group of motor neurons, the branchiomotor neurons of r4, and their pre-muscle target, the second branchial arch (BA2), along with other sites outside the hindbrain. Misexpression of the signalling molecule Sonic hedgehog (Shh) via in ovo electroporation results in upregulation of Lrrn2 exclusively in r4, while the combined expression of Hoxb1 and Shh is sufficient to induce ectopic Lrrn2 in r1/2. Misexpression of Lrrn2 in r2/3 results in axonal rerouting from the r2 exit point to the r4 exit point and BA2, suggesting a direct role in motor axon guidance.ConclusionLrrn2 acts downstream of Hoxb1 and plays a role in the selective targeting of r4 motor neurons to BA2.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics | 2015
Adam L Tyson; Stephen T. Hilton; Laura C. Andreae
Graphical abstract
Molecular Psychiatry | 2018
Annie Kathuria; P Nowosiad; Ravi Jagasia; Stefan Aigner; Ruth Taylor; Laura C. Andreae; Nicholas J.F. Gatford; Walter Lucchesi; Deepak P. Srivastava; Jack Price
Shank3 is a structural protein found predominantly at the postsynaptic density. Mutations in the SHANK3 gene have been associated with risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from control individuals and from human donors with ASD carrying microdeletions of SHANK3. In addition, we used Zinc finger nucleases to generate isogenic SHANK3 knockout human embryonic stem (ES) cell lines. We differentiated pluripotent cells into either cortical or olfactory placodal neurons. We show that patient-derived placodal neurons make fewer synapses than control cells. Moreover, patient-derived cells display a developmental phenotype: young postmitotic neurons have smaller cell bodies, more extensively branched neurites, and reduced motility compared with controls. These phenotypes were mimicked by SHANK3-edited ES cells and rescued by transduction with a Shank3 expression construct. This developmental phenotype is not observed in the same iPSC lines differentiated into cortical neurons. Therefore, we suggest that SHANK3 has a critical role in neuronal morphogenesis in placodal neurons and that early defects are associated with ASD-associated mutations.