Laura Fanti
Sapienza University of Rome
Molecular Cell | 2000
Renate Deuring; Laura Fanti; Jennifer A. Armstrong; Melinda Sarte; Ophelia Papoulas; Matthias Prestel; Gary Daubresse; Megan Verardo; Sarah L. Moseley; Maria Berloco; Toshio Tsukiyama; Carl Wu; Sergio Pimpinelli; John W. Tamkun
Drosophila ISWI, a highly conserved member of the SWI2/SNF2 family of ATPases, is the catalytic subunit of three chromatin-remodeling complexes: NURF, CHRAC, and ACF. To clarify the biological functions of ISWI, we generated and characterized null and dominant-negative ISWI mutations. We found that ISWI mutations affect both cell viability and gene expression during Drosophila development. ISWI mutations also cause striking alterations in the structure of the male X chromosome. The ISWI protein does not colocalize with RNA Pol II on salivary gland polytene chromosomes, suggesting a possible role for ISWI in transcriptional repression. These findings reveal novel functions for the ISWI ATPase and underscore its importance in chromatin remodeling in vivo.
Molecular Cell | 1998
Laura Fanti; Giovanna Giovinazzo; Maria Berloco; Sergio Pimpinelli
HP1 (Heterochromatin protein 1) is a conserved, non-histone chromosomal protein that is best known for its preferential binding to pericentric heterochromatin and its role in position effect variegation in Drosophila. Using immunolocalization, we show that HP1 is a constant feature of the telomeres of interphase polytene and mitotic chromosomes. This localization does not require the presence of telomeric retrotransposons, since HP1 is also detected at the ends of terminally deleted chromosomes that lack these elements. Importantly, larvae expressing reduced or mutant versions of HP1 exhibit aberrant chromosome associations and multiple telomeric fusions in neuroblast cells, imaginal disks, and male meiotic cells. Taken together, these results provide evidence that HP1 plays a functional role in mediating normal telomere behavior in Drosophila.
Chromosoma | 2002
Ian G. Cowell; Rebecca L. Aucott; Shantha K. Mahadevaiah; Paul S. Burgoyne; Neville S. Huskisson; Silvia Bongiorni; Giorgio Prantera; Laura Fanti; Sergio Pimpinelli; Rong Wu; David M. Gilbert; Wei Shi; Reinald Fundele; Harris Morrison; Peter Jeppesen; Prim B. Singh
Abstract. We show that methylated lysine 9 of histone H3 (Me9H3) is a marker of heterochromatin in divergent animal species. It localises to both constitutive and facultative heterochromatin and replicates late in S-phase of the cell cycle. Significantly, Me9H3 is enriched in the inactive mammalian X chromosome (Xi) in female cells, as well as in the XY body during meiosis in the male, and forms a G-band pattern along the arms of the autosomes. Me9H3 is a constituent of imprinted chromosomes that are repressed. The paternal and maternal pronuclei in one-cell mouse embryos show a striking non-equivalence in Me9H3: the paternal pronucleus contains no immunocytologically detectable Me9H3. The levels of Me9H3 on the parental chromosomes only become equivalent after the two-cell stage. Finally, we provide evidence that Me9H3 is neither necessary nor sufficient for localisation of heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) to chromosomal DNA.
Nature | 2010
Valeria Specchia; Lucia Piacentini; Patrizia Tritto; Laura Fanti; Rosalba D’Alessandro; Gioacchino Palumbo; Sergio Pimpinelli; Maria Pia Bozzetti
The canalization concept describes the resistance of a developmental process to phenotypic variation, regardless of genetic and environmental perturbations, owing to the existence of buffering mechanisms. Severe perturbations, which overcome such buffering mechanisms, produce altered phenotypes that can be heritable and can themselves be canalized by a genetic assimilation process. An important implication of this concept is that the buffering mechanism could be genetically controlled. Recent studies on Hsp90, a protein involved in several cellular processes and development pathways, indicate that it is a possible molecular mechanism for canalization and genetic assimilation. In both flies and plants, mutations in the Hsp90-encoding gene induce a wide range of phenotypic abnormalities, which have been interpreted as an increased sensitivity of different developmental pathways to hidden genetic variability. Thus, Hsp90 chaperone machinery may be an evolutionarily conserved buffering mechanism of phenotypic variance, which provides the genetic material for natural selection. Here we offer an additional, perhaps alternative, explanation for proposals of a concrete mechanism underlying canalization. We show that, in Drosophila, functional alterations of Hsp90 affect the Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA; a class of germ-line-specific small RNAs) silencing mechanism leading to transposon activation and the induction of morphological mutants. This indicates that Hsp90 mutations can generate new variation by transposon-mediated ‘canonical’ mutagenesis.
Journal of Cell Biology | 2003
Lucia Piacentini; Laura Fanti; Maria Berloco; Barbara Perrini; Sergio Pimpinelli
Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is a conserved nonhistone chromosomal protein, which is involved in heterochromatin formation and gene silencing in many organisms. In addition, it has been shown that HP1 is also involved in telomere capping in Drosophila. Here, we show a novel striking feature of this protein demonstrating its involvement in the activation of several euchromatic genes in Drosophila. By immunostaining experiments using an HP1 antibody, we found that HP1 is associated with developmental and heat shock–induced puffs on polytene chromosomes. Because the puffs are the cytological phenotype of intense gene activity, we did a detailed analysis of the heat shock–induced expression of the HSP70 encoding gene in larvae with different doses of HP1 and found that HP1 is positively involved in Hsp70 gene activity. These data significantly broaden the current views of the roles of HP1 in vivo by demonstrating that this protein has multifunctional roles.
PLOS Genetics | 2009
Lucia Piacentini; Laura Fanti; Rodolfo Negri; Valerio Del Vescovo; Alessandro Fatica; Fabio Altieri; Sergio Pimpinelli
Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1a) is a well-known conserved protein involved in heterochromatin formation and gene silencing in different species including humans. A general model has been proposed for heterochromatin formation and epigenetic gene silencing in different species that implies an essential role for HP1a. According to the model, histone methyltransferase enzymes (HMTases) methylate the histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9me), creating selective binding sites for itself and the chromodomain of HP1a. This complex is thought to form a higher order chromatin state that represses gene activity. It has also been found that HP1a plays a role in telomere capping. Surprisingly, recent studies have shown that HP1a is present at many euchromatic sites along polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster, including the developmental and heat-shock-induced puffs, and that this protein can be removed from these sites by in vivo RNase treatment, thus suggesting an association of HP1a with the transcripts of many active genes. To test this suggestion, we performed an extensive screening by RIP-chip assay (RNA–immunoprecipitation on microarrays), and we found that HP1a is associated with transcripts of more than one hundred euchromatic genes. An expression analysis in HP1a mutants shows that HP1a is required for positive regulation of these genes. Cytogenetic and molecular assays show that HP1a also interacts with the well known proteins DDP1, HRB87F, and PEP, which belong to different classes of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) involved in RNA processing. Surprisingly, we found that all these hnRNP proteins also bind heterochromatin and are dominant suppressors of position effect variegation. Together, our data show novel and unexpected functions for HP1a and hnRNPs proteins. All these proteins are in fact involved both in RNA transcript processing and in heterochromatin formation. This suggests that, in general, similar epigenetic mechanisms have a significant role on both RNA and heterochromatin metabolisms.
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development | 2008
Laura Fanti; Sergio Pimpinelli
HP1 (heterochromatin protein 1) is a nonhistone chromosomal protein first discovered in Drosophila melanogaster because of its association with heterochromatin. Numerous studies have shown that such a protein plays a role in heterochromatin formation and gene silencing in many organisms, including fungi and animals. Cytogenetic and molecular studies, performed in Drosophila and other organisms, have revealed that HP1 associates with heterochromatin, telomeres and multiple euchromatic sites. There is increasing evidence that the different locations of HP1 are related to multiple different functions. In fact, recent work has shown that HP1 has a role not only in heterochromatin formation and gene silencing, but also in telomere stability and in positive regulation of gene expression.
Genetica | 2003
Laura Fanti; Maria Berloco; Lucia Piacentini; Sergio Pimpinelli
The Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) is a conserved protein which is best known for its strong association with the heterochromatin of Drosophila melanogaster. We previously demonstrated that another important property of HP1 is its localization to the telomeres of Drosophila, a feature that reflects its critical function as a telomere capping protein. Here we report our analysis of the euchromatic sites to which HP1 localizes. Using an anti-HP1 antibody, we compared immunostaining patterns on polytene chromosomes of the Ore-R wild type laboratory strain and four different natural populations. HP1 was found to accumulate at specific euchromatic sites, with a subset of the sites conserved among strains. These sites do not appear to be defined by an enrichment of known repetitive DNAs. Comparisons of HP1 patterns among several Drosophila species revealed that association with specific euchromatic regions, heterochromatin and telomeres is a conserved characteristic of HP1. Based on these results, we argue that HP1 serves a broader function than typically postulated. In addition to its role in heterochromatin assembly and telomere stability, we propose that HP1 plays an important role in regulating the expression of many different euchromatic regions.
Developmental Dynamics | 2005
Diane E. Cryderman; Stephanie K Grade; Yuhong Li; Laura Fanti; Sergio Pimpinelli; Lori L. Wallrath
Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1), a gene silencing protein, localizes to centric heterochromatin through an interaction with methylated K9 of histone H3, a modification generated by the histone methyl transferase SU(VAR)3‐9. On Drosophila polytene chromosomes, HP1 also localizes to 200 sites scattered throughout euchromatin. To address the role of HP1 in euchromatic gene regulation, mRNAs from wild‐type and Su(var)2‐5 mutants lacking HP1 were compared. Genes residing within a 550‐kb genomic region enriched in HP1 that show altered expression in the Su(var)2‐5 mutant were analyzed in detail. Three genes within this region, Pros35, CG5676, and cdc2, were found to associate with HP1 by chromatin immunoprecipitation. Surprisingly, these genes require HP1 for expression, suggesting a positive role for HP1 in euchromatic gene expression. Of these genes, only cdc2 is packaged with methylated K9 H3. Furthermore, none of the genes show altered expression in a Su(var)3‐9 mutant. Collectively, these data demonstrate multiple mechanisms for HP1 localization within euchromatin and show that some genes associated with HP1 are not affected by alterations in Su(var)3‐9 dosage. Developmental Dynamics 232:767–774, 2005.
The EMBO Journal | 1999
Alfred Cortés; Dori Huertas; Laura Fanti; Sergio Pimpinelli; Francesc Xavier Marsellach; Benjamin Piña; Ferran Azorín
The centromeric dodeca‐satellite of Drosophila forms altered DNA structures in vitro in which its purine‐rich strand (G‐strand) forms stable fold‐back structures, while the complementary C‐strand remains unstructured. In this paper, the purification and characterization of DDP1, a single‐stranded DNA‐binding protein of high molecular mass (160 kDa) that specifically binds the unstructured dodeca‐satellite C‐strand, is presented. In polytene chromosomes, DDP1 is found located at the chromocentre associated with the pericentric heterochromatin but its distribution is not constrained to the dodeca‐satellite sequences. DDP1 also localizes to heterochromatin in interphase nuclei of larval neuroblasts. During embryo development, DDP1 becomes nuclear after cellularization, when heterochromatin is fully organized, being also associated with the condensed mitotic chromosomes. In addition to its localization at the chromocentre, in polytene chromosomes, DDP1 is also detected at several sites in the euchromatic arms co‐localizing with the heterochromatin protein HP1. DDP1 is a multi‐KH domain protein homologous to the yeast Scp160 protein that is involved in the control of cell ploidy. Expression of DDP1 complements a Δscp160 deletion in yeast. These results are discussed in view of the possible contribution of DNA structure to the structural organization of pericentric heterochromatin.