Laura Hoffmann
Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
Featured researches published by Laura Hoffmann.
BMJ Open | 2016
Laura Hoffmann; Nadine Schumann; Thomas Fankhaenel; Carolin Thiel; Andreas Klement; Matthias Richter
Introduction The synthetic drug methamphetamine with its high addiction potential is associated with substantial adverse health effects. In Germany, especially Central Germany, the increase in the consumption of methamphetamine has exceeded that of other illegal drugs. The treatment system and service providers are facing new challenges due to this rise in consumption. This qualitative study will explore the demand created by the increasing healthcare needs of methamphetamine-addicted persons in Central Germany, and the difficulty of rehabilitating addicted people. Methods and analysis The collection of empirical data will take place in a consecutive, two-stage process. In the first part of data collection, the experiences and perspectives of 40 professionals from numerous healthcare sectors for methamphetamine-addicted persons will be explored with the help of semistructured face-to-face interviews and probed by the research team. These findings will be discussed in 2 focus groups consisting of the participants of the face-to-face interviews; these group discussions comprise the second part of the data collection process. The interviews will be audio recorded, transcribed, and then subjected to qualitative content analysis. Ethics and dissemination All interviewees will receive comprehensive written information about the study, and sign a declaration of consent prior to the interview. The study will comply rigorously with data protection legislation. The research team has obtained the approval of the Ethical Review Committee at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. The results of the study will be published in high-quality, peer-reviewed international journals, presented at several congresses and used to design follow-up research projects. Trial registration number VfD_METH_MD_15_003600.
Archive | 2018
Laura Hoffmann; Nadine Schumann; Matthias Richter
In Deutschland ist in den letzten Jahren ein erheblicher Konsumanstieg der Droge Methamphetamin zu beobachten. Der folgende Beitrag untersucht die Anforderungen an den gestiegenen Versorgungsbedarf von Crystal Meth Abhangigen in Mitteldeutschland fur den Versorgungssektor der ambulanten Suchtberatung. Dazu wurden Experten der gesamten Versorgungskette Suchterkrankter (Hausarzte – Suchtberatung – Akutversorgung – Rehabilitation) mittels leitfadengestutzter Experteninterviews befragt. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die Versorgung fur Methamphetaminabhangige im Bereich der ambulanten Suchtberatung durch mehrdimensionale Barrieren und Defizite auf den Ebenen des Zugangs, der Inanspruchnahme und Qualitat stark beeintrachtigt ist und die Beratungsangebote zukunftig noch starker sowohl inhaltlich als auch strukturell den Bedurfnissen und Besonderheiten der Zielgruppe angepasst werden mussen.
European Journal of Public Health | 2017
Sl Schröder; Astrid Fink; Laura Hoffmann; Nadine Schumann; Olaf Martin; Stefan Frantz; Matthias Richter
Die Rehabilitation | 2017
Laura Hoffmann; Nadine Schumann; Matthias Richter
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation | 2018
M Mlinarić; Sebastian Günther; Irene Moor; Kristina Heilmann; Laura Hoffmann; Matthias Richter
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation | 2018
Laura Hoffmann; M Mlinarić; L. Buchenauer; Anton E. Kunst; Matthias Richter
Qualitative Health Research | 2018
Laura Hoffmann; Lisa Buchenauer; Nadine Schumann; Sl Schröder; Olaf Martin; Matthias Richter
Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie | 2018
L Buchenauer; E Kohler; M Mlinarić; Laura Hoffmann; Matthias Richter
Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie | 2018
Irene Moor; Laura Hoffmann; M Mlinarić; Matthias Richter
Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie | 2018
Laura Hoffmann; M Mlinarić; L Buchenauer; Anton E. Kunst; Matthias Richter