
Featured researches published by Laurence Castle.

Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment | 2008

Applications and implications of nanotechnologies for the food sector.

Qasim Chaudhry; Michael J. Scotter; James Blackburn; Bryony L. Ross; Alistair B.A. Boxall; Laurence Castle; Robert J. Aitken; Richard Watkins

A review of current and projected nanotechnology-derived food ingredients, food additives and food contact materials is presented in relation to potential implications for consumer safety and regulatory controls. Nanotechnology applications are expected to bring a range of benefits to the food sector, including new tastes, textures and sensations, less use of fat, enhanced absorption of nutrients, improved packaging, traceability and security of food products. The review has shown that nanotechnology-derived food and health food products are set to grow worldwide and, moreover, a variety of food ingredients, additives, carriers for nutrients/supplements and food contact materials is already available in some countries. The current level of applications in the European food sector is at an elementary stage; however, it is widely expected that more and more products will be available in the EU over the coming years. The toxicological nature of hazard, likelihood of exposure and risk to consumers from nanotechnology-derived food/food packaging are largely unknown and this review highlights major gaps in knowledge that require further research. A number of uncertainties and gaps in relevant regulatory frameworks have also been identified and ways of addressing them proposed.

Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment | 1994

Levels of di‐(2‐ethylhexyl)phthalate and total phthalate esters in milk, cream, butter and cheese

Matthew Sharman; Wendy A. Read; Laurence Castle; John Gilbert

Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and total phthalate ester plasticizer levels were determined in milk, cream, butter and cheese samples from a variety of sources from three European countries (UK, Norway and Spain). Samples of milk (from Norway) obtained at various stages during collection, transportation and packaging operations showed no apparent trends in phthalate contamination with total phthalate levels (expressed as DEHP equivalents) in the raw milk of between 0.12 and 0.28 mg/kg. On processing the DEHP was concentrated in the cream at levels up to 1.93 mg/kg, whereas low fat milk contained from < 0.01 to 0.07 mg/kg. Retail dairy products (from Spain) were contaminated with < 0.01-0.55 mg/kg DEHP with a maximum total phthalate level of 3.0 mg/kg in cream samples. UK pooled milk samples from doorstep delivery (obtained from different regions of the country) contained low levels of DEHP (< 0.01-0.09 mg/kg) and total phthalate (0.06-0.32 mg/kg). Retail UK samples of cheese, butter and other fatty products varied considerably in their levels of contamination, the highest being cheese samples containing 17 mg/kg of DEHP and 114 mg/kg total phthalate. However, the majority of samples contained 0.6-3.0 mg/kg DEHP and 4-20 mg/kg total phthalate. UK cream samples contained levels of 0.2-2.7 mg/kg DEHP and 1.8-19.0 mg/kg total phthalate. The level found in these products was too high to have resulted solely from milk by concentration in the fat phase and must therefore have arisen in other ways.

Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment | 2005

Evaluation of migration models that might be used in support of regulations for food-contact plastics

Timothy H. Begley; Laurence Castle; Alexandre Feigenbaum; R. Franz; K. Hinrichs; T. Lickly; P. Mercea; M. Milana; A. O'Brien; S. Rebre; R. Rijk; O. Piringer

Materials and articles intended to come into contact with food must be shown to be safe because they might interact with food during processing, storage and the transportation of foodstuffs. Framework Directive 89/109/EEC and its related specific Directives provide this safety basis for the protection of the consumer against inadmissible chemical contamination from food-contact materials. Recently, the European Commission charged an international group of experts to demonstrate that migration modelling can be regarded as a valid and reliable tool to calculate ‘reasonable worst-case’ migration rates from the most important food-contact plastics into the European Union official food simulants. The paper summarizes the main steps followed to build up and validate a migration estimation model that can be used, for a series of plastic food-contact materials and migrants, for regulatory purposes. Analytical solutions of the diffusion equation in conjunction with an ‘upper limit’ equation for the migrant diffusion coefficient, D P, and the use of ‘worst case’ partitioning coefficients K P,F were used in the migration model. The results obtained were then validated, at a confidence level of 95%, by comparison with the available experimental evidence. The successful accomplishment of the goals of this project is reflected by the fact that in Directive 2002/72/EC, the European Commission included the mathematical modelling as an alternative tool to determine migration rates for compliance purposes.

Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment | 2002

Verification of the findings of acrylamide in heated foods

J. S. Ahn; Laurence Castle; D. B. Clarke; A. S. Lloyd; M. R. Philo; D.R. Speck

We report here the first confirmation of the recent Swedish findings of acrylamide in heated foods. The verification exercise used an LC-MS/MS method developed for the purpose as well as an established GCMS method for acrylamide analysis. LC-MS/MS was suitable for the direct determination of acrylamide in aqueous extracts of foods by isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) using triply deuterated acrylamide. Some food matrices were not suited to the new method and mixed-mode solid-phase extraction (SPE) was used to clean these extracts. The foods tested included UK versions of some of the key food groups analysed in Sweden. Also tested were some foods heated under home-cooking conditions. There was good agreement between the LC-MS/MS results and the GC-MS results and the levels of acrylamide found here were similar to those reported for the corresponding foods analysed in the Swedish study. The analyses confirmed that acrylamide is absent from the raw or boiled foods but present at significant levels in fried, grilled, baked and toasted foods. The highest result was 12000 μg kg-1 acrylamide in overcooked oil-fried chips.

Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment | 1997

Investigations into the potential degradation of polycarbonate baby bottles during sterilization with consequent release of bisphenol A

Katrina A. Mountfort; Janet Kelly; Sue M. Jickells; Laurence Castle

Twenty-four brands of plastic baby feeding bottles were purchased and all were found to be made of polycarbonate. Taking a batch of one representative sample, the polymer was tested for stability and possible release of bisphenol A following domestic practice of sterilization. Sterilization was by alkaline hypochlorite, steam, or washing in an automatic dishwasher at 65 degrees C with detergent. A total of 20 cycles of sterilization and subsequent food use were performed for each of the three procedures. Bisphenol A migration was in all cases not detectable in infant feed using a very sensitive method of liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection with a 0.03 mg/kg detection limit.

Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment | 2006

Some factors affecting the formation of furan in heated foods

S. Hasnip; Colin Crews; Laurence Castle

Levels of furan in various foods were measured before and after heating under heating and laboratory conditions. The effect of contact with can coatings, sealing gaskets and the epoxidized oils used in gasket manufacture on furan formation was studied. The objective was to identify factors affecting furan formation. Furan present in heat-processed food samples persisted during cooking. Furan was shown to form in foods on heating, although it did not accumulate to a significant degree on heating in an open vessel. There were no interactions between foods and cans, can coatings or gaskets that had a significant influence on furan formation. Furan accumulated particularly in heat-processed canned and jarred foods because they are sealed containers that receive a considerable thermal load. Heating epoxidized oils used in sealing gaskets formed furan. At the levels used in gaskets, however, epoxidized oils should not affect the formation of furan in foods.

Journal of Chromatography A | 2002

Determination of bisphenol-type contaminants from food packaging materials in aqueous foods by solid-phase microextraction-high-performance liquid chromatography.

Cristina Nerín; M.R Philo; Jesús Salafranca; Laurence Castle

A fast screening method consisting of off-line solid-phase microextraction coupled to HPLC and fluorescence detection, suitable for the analysis of several bisphenol derivatives and their degradation products in aqueous solution, has been developed. Detection limits of 0.7 ng ml(-1) for 2,2-bis[4-(glycidyloxy)phenyl]propane, 0.9 ng ml(-1) for bisphenol A bis(3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl)ether, 1.1 ng ml(-1) for 2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane and 2.4 ng ml(-1) for bisphenol F diglycidyl ether have been achieved working in the linear range 10-500 ng ml(-1). The good analytical features achieved make the proposed method an interesting option for the direct determination of these compounds in aqueous canned food such as peas, tuna, olives, maize, artichokes or palm hearts. Both the optimization process and the results, including the analysis of real samples, are given and discussed.

Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment | 2003

Benzophenone in cartonboard packaging materials and the factors that influence its migration into food

W. A. C. Anderson; Laurence Castle

Benzophenone may be present in cartonboard food-packaging materials as a residue from UV-cured inks and lacquers used to print on the packaging. It may also be present if the cartonboard is made from recycled fibres recovered from printed materials. A method has been devised to test for benzophenone in cartonboard packaging materials and to test for migration levels in foodstuffs. Packaging is extracted with solvent containing d10-benzophenone as the internal standard. Foods are extracted with solvent containing d10-benzophenone and the extract defatted using hexane. The extracts are analysed by GC-MS. For analysis of food, the limit of detection was 0.01 mg kg−1 and the limit of quantification was 0.05 mg kg−1. The calibration was linear from 0.05 to 20 mg kg−1. The method for food analysis was validated in-house and it also returned satisfactory results in a blind check-sample exercise organized by an independent laboratory. The methods were applied to the analysis of 350 retail samples that used printed cartonboard packaging. A total of 207 (59%) packaging samples had no significant benzophenone (<0.05 mg dm−2). Seven (2%) were in the range 0.05–0.2 mg dm−2, 60 (17%) were from 0.2 to 0.8 mg dm−2 and 76 (22%) were from 0.8 to 3.3 mg dm−2. A total of 71 samples were then selected at random from the 143 packaging samples that contained benzophenone, and the food itself was analysed. Benzophenone was detected in 51 (72%) of the foods. Two food samples (3%) were in the range 0.01–0.05 mg kg−1. A total of 29 (41%) were from 0.05 to 0.5 mg kg−1, 17 (24%) were from 0.5 to 5 mg kg−1 and three (4%) food samples exceeded 5 mg kg−1. The highest level of benzophenone in food was 7.3 mg kg−1 for a high-fat chocolate confectionery product packaged in direct contact with cartonboard, with room temperature storage conditions and with a high contact area:food mass ratio. When the mass fraction of benzophenone migration was calculated for the different contact and storage regimes involved, the attenuation effects of indirect contact and of low temperature storage were cumulative. Thus, there was a sixfold reduction in migration for indirect contact compared with direct contact, a sixfold reduction for chilled/frozen storage compared with ambient storage, and 40-fold reduction for the two contact conditions combined.

Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment | 1996

A UK retail survey of aflatoxins in herbs and spices and their fate during cooking

Susan MacDonald; Laurence Castle

A survey of aflatoxins in herbs and spices has been carried out and cooking experiments conducted to assess the stability of aflatoxin in spice sauces. Of 157 retail samples which included curry powders, pepper, cayenne pepper, chilli, paprika, ginger, cinnamon and coriander, nearly 95% of samples contained below 10 micrograms/kg total aflatoxins and only nine samples had higher levels. The highest concentration in a retail sample was 48 micrograms/kg in a chilli powder. In addition to retail sampling, 14 consignments of whole chilli and chilli powder were sampled at the port of entry. Only two samples, both chilli powder, were above 10 micrograms/kg; containing 35 and 51 micrograms/kg total aflatoxins. Cooking experiments showed that aflatoxin levels in spiced sauces are not reduced by domestic cooking with either microwave or conventional gas oven heating.

Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment | 1989

Migration of plasticizers from printing inks into foods.

Laurence Castle; Alan Mayo; John Gilbert

It has been demonstrated that on storage of a tightly wound reel of polypropylene packaging film, specially printed for experimental purposes, transfer can occur of components from the ink on the outer surface of the film on to the inner food contact surface. For dicyclohexyl phthalate this transfer amounted to 6% of the total amount of plasticizer available in the printing ink system. It was subsequently shown for confectionery and snack food products wrapped in commercially printed polypropylene films that plasticizers only present in the printing ink migrated into the foods. The migration of plasticizer increased with storage time of the wrapped product; for dibutyl phthalate, for example, levels increased from 0.2 to 6.7 mg/kg over the period from 0 to 180 days storage of a chocolate-coated confectionery product. A small retail survey (47 samples) of confectionery, snack products and biscuits wrapped in printed polypropylene film showed the presence of one or more plasticizers at levels from 0.02 to 14.1 mg/kg for dibutyl phthalate, from less than 0.01 to 18.6 mg/kg for dicyclohexyl phthalate and from less than 0.01 to 1.8 mg/kg for di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. In all cases there was a good correlation between the plasticizers found in the printing ink from the film and those in the food. Wide variations were found, however, in the amounts and types of plasticizers used in printed packaging of the same brand of retail food product purchased from different regions of the country.

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