Lawrence Buja
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Science | 2005
Johannes J. Feddema; Keith W. Oleson; Gordon B. Bonan; Linda O. Mearns; Lawrence Buja; Gerald A. Meehl; Warren M. Washington
Adding the effects of changes in land cover to the A2 and B1 transient climate simulations described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change leads to significantly different regional climates in 2100 as compared with climates resulting from atmospheric SRES forcings alone. Agricultural expansion in the A2 scenario results in significant additional warming over the Amazon and cooling of the upper air column and nearby oceans. These and other influences on the Hadley and monsoon circulations affect extratropical climates. Agricultural expansion in the mid-latitudes produces cooling and decreases in the mean daily temperature range over many areas. The A2 scenario results in more significant change, often of opposite sign, than does the B1 scenario.
Journal of Climate | 2006
Gerald A. Meehl; Warren M. Washington; Benjamin D. Santer; William D. Collins; Julie M. Arblaster; Aixue Hu; David M. Lawrence; Haiyan Teng; Lawrence Buja; Warren G. Strand
Climate change scenario simulations with the Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3), a global coupled climate model, show that if concentrations of all greenhouse gases (GHGs) could have been stabilized at the year 2000, the climate system would already be committed to 0.4°C more warming by the end of the twenty-first century. Committed sea level rise by 2100 is about an order of magnitude more, percentage-wise, compared to sea level rise simulated in the twentieth century. This increase in the model is produced only by thermal expansion of seawater, and does not take into account melt from ice sheets and glaciers, which could at least double that number. Several tenths of a degree of additional warming occurs in the model for the next 200 yr in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) B1 and A1B scenarios after stabilization in the year 2100, but with twice as much sea level rise after 100 yr, and doubling yet again in the next 100 yr to 2300. At the end of the twenty-first century, the warming in the tropical Pacific for the A2, A1B, and B1 scenarios resembles an El Nino–like response, likely due to cloud feedbacks in the model as shown in an earlier version. Greatest warming occurs at high northern latitudes and over continents. The monsoon regimes intensify somewhat in the future warmer climate, with decreases of sea level pressure at high latitudes and increases in the subtropics and parts of the midlatitudes. There is a weak summer midlatitude soil moisture drying in this model as documented in previous models. Sea ice distributions in both hemispheres are somewhat overextensive, but with about the right ice thickness at the end of the twentieth century. Future decreases in sea ice with global warming are proportional to the temperature response from the forcing scenarios, with the high forcing scenario, A2, producing an ice-free Arctic in summer by the year 2100.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2005
Jean-Francois Lamarque; Peter G. Hess; Louisa Kent Emmons; Lawrence Buja; Warren M. Washington; Claire Granier
[1] In this study, we have performed a set of simulations to detail the evolution of tropospheric ozone from 1890 to 1990. The simulations are compared with available measurements for present-day conditions and earlier. Using our best estimates of ozone precursors emissions (based on the work by van Aardenne et al. (2001)), we have found a tropospheric ozone burden increase of 71 Tg between 1890 and 1990, an increase of � 30%. When no anthropogenic emissions in 1890 are considered, this burden increase reaches 88 Tg. The ozone lifetime is shown to have decreased by � 30%, especially after 1930. It is also shown that the net chemical production in the lower troposphere exceeded that in the free troposphere for the first time in the 1950–1970 period. In addition, the ozone production in this study increased rapidly between 1890 and 1930 and from 1970 to 1990. However, the ozone production efficiency in the troposphere is shown to have decreased during the 20th century, making the troposphere less NOx limited. Finally, a decrease in the OH burden is estimated to be on the order of 8%, matched by a similar increase in the CO lifetime.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2013
Joseph J. Barsugli; Galina Guentchev; Radley M. Horton; Andrew W. Wood; Linda O. Mearns; Xin-Zhong Liang; Julie A. Winkler; Keith W. Dixon; Katharine Hayhoe; Richard B. Rood; Lisa M. Goddard; Andrea J. Ray; Lawrence Buja; Caspar M. Ammann
Suppose you are a city planner, regional water manager, or wildlife conservation specialist who is asked to include the potential impacts of climate variability and change in your risk management and planning efforts. What climate information would you use? The choice is often regional or local climate projections downscaled from global climate models (GCMs; also known as general circulation models) to include detail at spatial and temporal scales that align with those of the decision problem. A few years ago this information was hard to come by. Now there is Web-based access to a proliferation of high-resolution climate projections derived with differing downscaling methods.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A | 2009
Warren M. Washington; Lawrence Buja; Anthony Craig
The development of the climate and Earth system models has had a long history, starting with the building of individual atmospheric, ocean, sea ice, land vegetation, biogeochemical, glacial and ecological model components. The early researchers were much aware of the long-term goal of building the Earth system models that would go beyond what is usually included in the climate models by adding interactive biogeochemical interactions. In the early days, the progress was limited by computer capability, as well as by our knowledge of the physical and chemical processes. Over the last few decades, there has been much improved knowledge, better observations for validation and more powerful supercomputer systems that are increasingly meeting the new challenges of comprehensive models. Some of the climate model history will be presented, along with some of the successes and difficulties encountered with present-day supercomputer systems.
Journal of Climate | 1990
Julio Buchmann; Jan Paegle; Lawrence Buja; Robert E. Dickinson
Abstract Severe droughts occurred over eastern sections of North America and central sections of South America in 1986 and 1988. We summarize data suggesting that both periods were characterized by above-normal tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures and convection, and investigate the response of a general circulation model to positive heating anomalies in the tropical Atlantic sector. An eight-case control ensemble of 30 day global predictions is made starting from the atmospheric state observed on 1 January of each year from 1977 through 1984. The same eight cases are integrated in a second experimental ensemble that is identical to the first control ensemble, except that a heating term is added to the thermodynamic equation in a region centered at 30°W, 6.6°N. This is intended to simulate the latent heating of enhanced tropical Atlantic convection. The third ensemble is identical to the second, except the heating is centered at 6.6°S. Both heated ensembles produce reductions of forecast precipitati...
Journal of Climate | 1995
Julio Buchmann; Lawrence Buja; Julia Nogués-Paegle; Jan Paegle
Abstract A series of real-data integrations of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate Model with tropical heat anomalies display regions of pronounced subsidence and drying surrounding the anomaly. The present emphasis is upon subsidence and drying centers located several thousand kilometers westward and poleward of the heating. These features are repeatedly found in several different series of medium to extended range forecast experiments, including cases of tropical Atlantic heating and tropical east Pacific heating. This highly predictable sinking response is established within the first five days of these integrations. The normal modes of a set of primitive equations linearized about a resting basic state are used to partition model response into gravity-inertia and Rossby modes. The results show that most of the vertical motion response can be explained by gravity-mode contributions. The sensitivity of the response is examined through a series of numerical experiments with a s...
Journal of Climate | 1995
Julio Buchmann; Lawrence Buja; Jan Paegle; Robert E. Dickinson
Abstract A series of real-data experiments is performed with a general circulation model to study the sensitivity of extended range rain forecasts over the Americas to the structure and magnitude of tropical beating anomalies. The emphasis is upon heat inputs over the tropical Atlantic, which have shown significant drying influences over North America in the authors prior simulations. The heating imposed in the prior experiments, that is, shown to be excessive by a factor of 2, is compared with the condensation heating rates that naturally occur in the forecast model. Present experiments reduce the imposed anomaly by a factor of 3 and also impose sea surface temperature decreases over the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. The new experimental results are in many ways consistent with the authors prior results. The dry North American response is statistically more significant than the South American response and occurs at least as frequently in the different members of the experimental ensembles as in our p...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2008
Warren M. Washington; J Drake; Lawrence Buja; D Anderson; David C. Bader; Robert E. Dickinson; David J. Erickson; Peter R. Gent; Steven J. Ghan; P Jones; R Jacob
The grand challenge of climate change science is to predict future climates based on scenarios of anthropogenic emissions and other changes resulting from options in energy and development policies. Addressing this challenge requires a Climate Science Computational End Station consisting of a sustained climate model research, development, and application program combined with world-class DOE leadership computing resources to enable advanced computational simulation of the Earth system. This project provides the primary computer allocations for the DOE SciDAC and Climate Change Prediction Program. It builds on the successful interagency collaboration of the National Science and the U.S. Department of Energy in developing and applying the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) for climate change science. It also includes collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in carbon data assimilation and university partners with expertise in high-end computational climate research.
Journal of Hydrometeorology | 2017
Abayomi A. Abatan; William J. Gutowski; Caspar M. Ammann; Laurna Kaatz; Barbara G. Brown; Lawrence Buja; Randy Bullock; Tressa L. Fowler; Eric Gilleland; John Halley Gotway
AbstractThis study analyzes spatial and temporal characteristics of multiyear droughts and pluvials over the southwestern United States with a focus on the upper Colorado River basin. The study uses two multiscalar moisture indices: standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and standardized precipitation index (SPI) on a 36-month scale (SPEI36 and SPI36, respectively). The indices are calculated from monthly average precipitation and maximum and minimum temperatures from the Parameter-Elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model dataset for the period 1950–2012. The study examines the relationship between individual climate variables as well as large-scale atmospheric circulation features found in reanalysis output during drought and pluvial periods. The results indicate that SPEI36 and SPI36 show similar temporal and spatial patterns, but that the inclusion of temperatures in SPEI36 leads to more extreme magnitudes in SPEI36 than in SPI36. Analysis of large-scale atmospheric fields ...