
Food Science and Technology International | 2012

Influence of xylanase addition on the characteristics of loaf bread prepared with white flour or whole grain wheat flour

Leandra Zafalon Jaekel; Camila Batista da Silva; Caroline Joy Steel; Yoon Kil Chang

The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the addition of the enzyme xylanase (four concentrations: 0, 4, 8, and 12 g.100 kg-1 flour) on the characteristics of loaf bread made with white wheat flour or whole grain wheat flour. Breads made from white flour and added with xylanase had higher specific volumes than those of the control sample (no enzyme); however, the specific volume did not differ significantly (p < 0.05) among the breads with different enzyme concentrations. All formulations made from whole grain wheat flour and added with xylanase also had specific volumes significantly higher than those of the control sample, and the highest value was found for the 8 g xylanase.100 kg-1 flour formulation. With respect to moisture content, the formulations with different enzyme concentrations showed small significant differences when compared to the control samples. In general, breads made with the addition of 8 g enzyme.100 kg-1 flour had the lowest firmness values, thus presenting the best technological characteristics.

Ciencia Rural | 2013

Massa alimentícia sem glúten com elevado teor proteico obtida por processo convencional

Marcio Schmiele; Leandra Zafalon Jaekel; Patricia Mello Garrido Ishida; Yoon Kil Chang; Caroline Joy Steel

Celiac individuals require a gluten free diet, which includes products such as rice pasta. However, this cereal has lower protein content, when compared with other cereals, and poor cooking and texture technological characteristics for pasta. The aim of this research was the development of rice pasta with high protein content through a Central and Rotational Composite Design with three independent variables, as follows: X1 – isolated soy protein (ISP – 0-20 %); X2 – modifi ed and dehydrated egg albumin (ALB – 0-15 %); and X3 – pre-gelatinized rice fl our (GRF – 0-30%). The pasta samples were analyzed for cooking time (CT), solid loss in cooking water (SL), weight gain (WG), fi rmness and adhesiveness. It was verifi ed that ISP, ALB and GRF signifi cantly infl uenced (P<0.10) CT, SL and fi rmness, with values between 300 and 525s, 2.22 and 9.84% and 4.82 and 11.13N, respectively. The optimum point was obtained with the addition of 17% ISP, 15% ALB and 15% GRF, indicating a product with excellent cooking and texture properties to include in the diet of celiacs.Celiac individuals require a gluten free diet, which includes products such as rice pasta. However, this cereal has lower protein content, when compared with other cereals, and poor cooking and texture technological characteristics for pasta. The aim of this research was the development of rice pasta with high protein content through a Central and Rotational Composite Design with three independent variables, as follows: X1 - isolated soy protein (ISP - 0-20 %); X2 - modified and dehydrated egg albumin (ALB - 0-15 %); and X3 - pre-gelatinized rice flour (GRF - 0-30%). The pasta samples were analyzed for cooking time (CT), solid loss in cooking water (SL), weight gain (WG), firmness and adhesiveness. It was verified that ISP, ALB and GRF significantly influenced (P<0.10) CT, SL and firmness, with values between 300 and 525s, 2.22 and 9.84% and 4.82 and 11.13N, respectively. The optimum point was obtained with the addition of 17% ISP, 15% ALB and 15% GRF, indicating a product with excellent cooking and texture properties to include in the diet of celiacs.

Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2011

Effect of a soybean and rice beverage on the lipid and glycemic metabolisms in hamsters

Leandra Zafalon Jaekel; Rosane da Silva Rodrigues

E crescente o interesse por alimentos que, alem da funcao de nutrir, trazem beneficios a saude, contribuindo para o bem-estar e/ou reduzindo o risco de algumas doencas. Objetivou-se, neste estudo, avaliar o efeito funcional de bebida de soja e arroz nos parâmetros ponderais e nutricionais e no metabolismo lipidico e glicemico de hamsters machos. Foram utilizados 4 grupos de 8 animais: Controle (racao comercial), C (racao comercial acrescida de colesterol), B (racao comercial e bebida) e CB (racao comercial acrescida de colesterol e bebida). O coeficiente de eficiencia alimentar foi equivalente em todos os grupos. O peso do figado dos grupos C e CB apresentou-se em media 28% maior que os demais, indicando deposicao de colesterol nesse orgao. Embora nao havendo diferenca significativa, as concentracoes de colesterol total e suas fracoes (LDL e HDL) e de triacilglicerideos foram menores no grupo CB comparadas ao grupo C, mostrando possivel efeito benefico da bebida. A concentracao de glicose no sangue nao diferiu significativamente (p<0,05).

International Journal of Food Science and Technology | 2012

Rheological properties of wheat flour and quality characteristics of pan bread as modified by partial additions of wheat bran or whole grain wheat flour

Marcio Schmiele; Leandra Zafalon Jaekel; Stella Maris Cardoso Patricio; Caroline Joy Steel; Yoon Kil Chang

International Journal of Food Science and Technology | 2012

Effect of supplementation of wheat flour with resistant starch and monoglycerides in pasta dried at high temperatures

Maria Gabriela Vernaza; Eliza Biasutti; Marcio Schmiele; Leandra Zafalon Jaekel; Andre Bannwart; Yoon Kil Chang

Food Science and Technology International | 2010

Avaliação físico-química e sensorial de bebidas com diferentes proporções de extratos de soja e de arroz

Leandra Zafalon Jaekel; Rosane da Silva Rodrigues; Amanda Pinto da Silva

Journal of Food Science and Technology-mysore | 2015

Influence of the extrusion process on the technological properties of hydroxypropylated cross-linked cassava starch

Leandra Zafalon Jaekel; Marcio Schmiele; Rosane da Silva Rodrigues; Yoon Kil Chang

Archive | 2012

Influence of xylanase addition on the characteristics of loaf bread prepared with white flour or whole grain wheat flour Influência da adição de xilanase nas características de pão de forma preparado com farinha de trigo comum ou farinha de trigo de grão inteiro

Leandra Zafalon Jaekel; Camila Batista da Silva; Caroline Joy Steel; Yoon Kil Chang

Archive | 2012

Original article Rheological properties of wheat flour and quality characteristics of pan bread as modified by partial additions of wheat bran or whole grain wheat flour

Marcio Schmiele; Leandra Zafalon Jaekel; Stella Maris Cardoso Patricio; Caroline Joy Steel; Yoon Kil Chang

Archive | 2011

EFFECT OF A SOYBEAN AND RICE BEVERAGE ON THE LIPID AND GLYCEMIC METABOLISMS IN HAMSTERS Efeito da bebida de soja e arroz no metabolismo lipídico e glicêmico de hamsters

Leandra Zafalon Jaekel; Rosane da Silva Rodrigues

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