Leandro Da Rold
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Physics Letters B | 2006
Kaustubh Agashe; Roberto Contino; Leandro Da Rold; Alex Pomarol
We show that a subgroup of the custodial symmetry O(3) that protects �ρ from radiative corrections can also protect the Zbcoupling. This allows one to build models of electroweak symmetry breaking, such as Higgsless, Little Higgs or 5D composite Higgs models, that are safe from corrections to Z → bb. We show that when this symmetry protects Zbit cannot simultaneously protect Ztand W t ¯. Therefore one can expect to measure sizable deviations from the SM predictions of these couplings at future collider experiments. We also show under what circumstances ZbRR can receive corrections in the right direction to explain the anomaly in the LEP/SLD forward-backward asymmetry A b B.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2006
Leandro Da Rold; Alex Pomarol
We study the scalar and pseudoscalar sector in a five-dimenional model describing chiral symmetry breaking. We calculate the scalar and pseudoscalar two-point correlator, the mass spectrum and interactions. We also obtain the scalar and pseudoscalar contributions to the coefficients of the chiral lagrangian and determine the scalar form factor of the pseudo-Goldstone bosons. Most quantities show a good agreement with QCD.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2013
Leandro Da Rold; Cédric Delaunay; Christophe Grojean; Gilad Perez
A bstractWe present a class of warped extra dimension (composite Higgs) models which conjointly accommodates the
Physical Review D | 2010
Gustavo Burdman; Leandro Da Rold; Ricardo Matheus
Physical Review D | 2004
Leandro Da Rold
forward-backward asymmetry observed at the Tevatron and the direct CP asymmetry in singly Cabibbo suppressed D decays first reported by the LHCb collaboration. We argue that both asymmetries, if arising dominantly from new physics beyond the Standard Model, hint for a flavor paradigm within partial compositeness models in which the right-handed quarks of the first two generations are not elementary fields but rather composite objects. We show that this class of models is consistent with current data on flavor and CP violating physics, electroweak precision observables, dijet and top pair resonance searches at hadron colliders. These models have several predictions which will be tested in forthcoming experiments. The CP asymmetry in D decays is induced through an effective operator of the form
Proceedings of International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics — PoS(HEP2005) | 2007
Leandro Da Rold; Alex Pomarol
{{\left( {\overline{u}c} \right)}_{V+A }}{{\left( {\overline{s}s} \right)}_{V+A }}
Physical Review D | 2017
Ezequiel Alvarez; Javier Mazzitelli; Leandro Da Rold; Alejandro Szynkman
at the charm scale, which implies a larger CP asymmetry in the D0 → K+K− rate relative the D0 → π+π− channel. This prediction is distinctive from other Standard Model or dipole-based new physics interpretation of the LHCb result. CP violation in
Proceedings of European Physical Society Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics — PoS(EPS-HEP 2009) | 2010
Ezequiel Alvarez; Leandro Da Rold; Carlos Schat; Alejandro Szynkman
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2011
Ezequiel Alvarez; Leandro Da Rold; Juan Ignacio Sanchez Vietto; A. Szynkman
mixing as well as an an excess of dijet production of the LHC are also predicted to be observed in a near future. A large top asymmetry originates from the exchange of an axial resonance which dominantly produces left-handed top pairs. As a result a negative contribution to the lepton-based forward-backward asymmetry in
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology | 2016
Ezequiel Alvarez; Javier Mazzitelli; Leandro Da Rold; A. Szynkman