Leandro Royer
Rush University Medical Center
Featured researches published by Leandro Royer.
ACS Chemical Biology | 2009
Michael Bannwarth; Ivan R. Corrêa; Monika Sztretye; Sandrine Pouvreau; Cindy Fellay; Annina Aebischer; Leandro Royer; Eduardo Ríos; Kai Johnsson
The role of calcium in signal transduction relies on the precise spatial and temporal control of its concentration. The existing means to detect fluctuations in Ca2+ concentrations with adequate temporal and spatial resolution are limited. We introduce here a method to measure Ca2+ concentrations in defined locations in living cells that is based on linking the Ca2+-sensitive dye Indo-1 to SNAP-tag fusion proteins. Fluorescence spectroscopy of SNAP-Indo-1 conjugates in vitro showed that the conjugates retained the Ca2+-sensing ability of Indo-1. In a proof-of-principle experiment, local Ca2+ sensing was demonstrated in single cells dissociated from muscle of adult mice expressing a nucleus-localized SNAP-tag fusion. Ca2+ concentrations inside nuclei of resting cells were measured by shifted excitation and emission ratioing of confocal microscopic images of fluorescence. After permeabilizing the plasma membrane, changes in the bathing solution induced corresponding changes in nuclear [Ca2+] that were readily detected and used for a preliminary calibration of the technique. This work thus demonstrates the synthesis and application of SNAP-tag-based Ca2+ indicators that combine the spatial specificity of genetically encoded calcium indicators with the advantageous spectroscopic properties of synthetic indicators.
The Journal of Physiology | 2005
Bradley S. Launikonis; Jingsong Zhou; Leandro Royer; Thomas R. Shannon; Gustavo Brum; Eduardo Ríos
Intracellular calcium signals regulate multiple cellular functions. They depend on release of Ca2+ from cellular stores into the cytosol, a process that appears to be tightly controlled by changes in [Ca2+] within the store. A method to image free [Ca2+] within cellular organelles was devised, which provided the first quantitative confocal images of [Ca2+] inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of skeletal muscle. The method exploits, for greater sensitivity, the dual spectral shifts that some fluorescent dyes undergo upon binding Ca2+. It was implemented with mag‐indo‐1 trapped in the intracellular organelles of frog skeletal muscle and validated showing that it largely monitors [Ca2+] in a caffeine‐sensitive compartment with the structure of the SR cisternae. A tentative calibration in situ demonstrated an increase in the dyes dissociation constant, not unlike that observed for other dyes in cellular environments. This increase, together with other characteristics of the ratioing method, placed the half‐signal [Ca2+] near 1 mm, a value suitable for cellular stores. Demonstrated advantages of the technique include accuracy (that of a calibrated ratiometric method), dynamic range and sensitivity (from the combination of two spectral shifts), spatial and temporal resolution, and compatibility with a vast array of visible dyes to monitor diverse aspects of cellular function. SEER (shifted excitation and emission ratioing) also provides a [Ca2+]‐independent measure of dye concentration in the cell. Store and mitochondrial [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]SR and [Ca2+]mito) could be measured separately using the high spatial resolution of SEER. Evolution of [Ca2+]SR was followed upon changes in cytosolic [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]cyto). At [Ca2+]cyto= 100 nm, [Ca2+]mito remained near the lower limit of detection and [Ca2+]SR stabilized at values that were submillimolar according to our tentative calibration. Steady [Ca2+]SR was only slightly higher in 800 nm[Ca2+]cyto, and essentially did not decrease unless [Ca2+]cyto was reduced below 10 nm. While the increase of [Ca2+]SR was limited by loss through Ca2+ release channels, its decrease in low [Ca2+]cyto was largely dependent on leaks through the SR Ca2+ pump.
The Journal of Physiology | 2009
Leandro Royer; Eduardo Ríos
Since its discovery in 1971, calsequestrin has been recognized as the main Ca2+ binding protein inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), the organelle that stores and upon demand mobilizes Ca2+ for contractile activation of muscle. This article reviews the potential roles of calsequestrin in excitation–contraction coupling of skeletal muscle. It first considers the quantitative demands for a structure that binds Ca2+ inside the SR in view of the amounts of the ion that must be mobilized to elicit muscle contraction. It briefly discusses existing evidence, largely gathered in cardiac muscle, of two roles for calsequestrin: as Ca2+ reservoir and as modulator of the activity of Ca2+ release channels, and then considers the results of an incipient body of work that manipulates the cellular endowment of calsequestrin. The observations include evidence that both the Ca2+ buffering capacity of calsequestrin in solution and that of the SR in intact cells decay as the free Ca2+ concentration is lowered. Together with puzzling observations of increase of Ca2+ inside the SR, in cells or vesicular fractions, upon activation of Ca2+ release, this is interpreted as evidence that the Ca2+ buffering in the SR is non‐linear, and is optimized for support of Ca2+ release at the physiological levels of SR Ca2+ concentration. Such non‐linearity of buffering is qualitatively explained by a speculation that puts together ideas first proposed by others. The speculation pictures calsequestrin polymers as ‘wires’ that both bind Ca2+ and efficiently deliver it near the release channels. In spite of the kinetic changes, the functional studies reveal that cells devoid of calsequestrin are still capable of releasing large amounts of Ca2+ into the myoplasm, consistent with the long term viability and apparent good health of mice engineered for calsequestrin ablation. The experiments therefore suggest that other molecules are capable of providing sites for reversible binding of large amounts of Ca2+ inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2007
Sandrine Pouvreau; Leandro Royer; Jianxun Yi; Gustavo Brum; Gerhard Meissner; Eduardo Ríos; Jingsong Zhou
Stimuli are translated to intracellular calcium signals via opening of inositol trisphosphate receptor and ryanodine receptor (RyR) channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum or endoplasmic reticulum. In cardiac and skeletal muscle of amphibians the stimulus is depolarization of the transverse tubular membrane, transduced by voltage sensors at tubular–sarcoplasmic reticulum junctions, and the unit signal is the Ca2+ spark, caused by concerted opening of multiple RyR channels. Mammalian muscles instead lose postnatally the ability to produce sparks, and they also lose RyR3, an isoform abundant in spark-producing skeletal muscles. What does it take for cells to respond to membrane depolarization with Ca2+ sparks? To answer this question we made skeletal muscles of adult mice expressing exogenous RyR3, demonstrated as immunoreactivity at triad junctions. These muscles showed abundant sparks upon depolarization. Sparks produced thusly were found to amplify the response to depolarization in a manner characteristic of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release processes. The amplification was particularly effective in responses to brief depolarizations, as in action potentials. We also induced expression of exogenous RyR1 or yellow fluorescent protein-tagged RyR1 in muscles of adult mice. In these, tag fluorescence was present at triad junctions. RyR1-transfected muscle lacked voltage-operated sparks. Therefore, the voltage-operated sparks phenotype is specific to the RyR3 isoform. Because RyR3 does not contact voltage sensors, their opening was probably activated by Ca2+, secondarily to Ca2+ release through junctional RyR1. Physiologically voltage-controlled Ca2+ sparks thus require a voltage sensor, a master junctional RyR1 channel that provides trigger Ca2+, and a slave parajunctional RyR3 cohort.
The Journal of General Physiology | 2011
Monika Sztretye; Jianxun Yi; Lourdes Figueroa; Jingsong Zhou; Leandro Royer; Paul D. Allen; Gustavo Brum; Eduardo Ríos
The mechanisms that terminate Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum are not fully understood. D4cpv-Casq1 (Sztretye et al. 2011. J. Gen. Physiol. doi:10.1085/jgp.201010591) was used in mouse skeletal muscle cells under voltage clamp to measure free Ca2+ concentration inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), [Ca2+]SR, simultaneously with that in the cytosol, [Ca2+]c, during the response to long-lasting depolarization of the plasma membrane. The ratio of Ca2+ release flux (derived from [Ca2+]c(t)) over the gradient that drives it (essentially equal to [Ca2+]SR) provided directly, for the first time, a dynamic measure of the permeability to Ca2+ of the releasing SR membrane. During maximal depolarization, flux rapidly rises to a peak and then decays. Before 0.5 s, [Ca2+]SR stabilized at ∼35% of its resting level; depletion was therefore incomplete. By 0.4 s of depolarization, the measured permeability decayed to ∼10% of maximum, indicating ryanodine receptor channel closure. Inactivation of the t tubule voltage sensor was immeasurably small by this time and thus not a significant factor in channel closure. In cells of mice null for Casq1, permeability did not decrease in the same way, indicating that calsequestrin (Casq) is essential in the mechanism of channel closure and termination of Ca2+ release. The absence of this mechanism explains why the total amount of calcium releasable by depolarization is not greatly reduced in Casq-null muscle (Royer et al. 2010. J. Gen. Physiol. doi:10.1085/jgp.201010454). When the fast buffer BAPTA was introduced in the cytosol, release flux became more intense, and the SR emptied earlier. The consequent reduction in permeability accelerated as well, reaching comparable decay at earlier times but comparable levels of depletion. This observation indicates that [Ca2+]SR, sensed by Casq and transmitted to the channels presumably via connecting proteins, is determinant to cause the closure that terminates Ca2+ release.
The Journal of Physiology | 2008
Leandro Royer; Sandrine Pouvreau; Eduardo Ríos
Intracellular calcium signals regulate multiple cellular functions. They depend on release of Ca2+ from cellular stores into the cytosol, a process that in many types of cells appears to be tightly controlled by changes in [Ca2+] within the store. In contrast with cardiac muscle, where depletion of Ca2+ in the sarcoplasmic reticulum is a crucial determinant of termination of Ca2+ release, in skeletal muscle there is no agreement regarding the sign, or even the existence of an effect of SR Ca2+ level on Ca2+ release. To address this issue we measured Ca2+ transients in mouse flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) skeletal muscle fibres under voltage clamp, using confocal microscopy and the Ca2+ monitor rhod‐2. The evolution of Ca2+ release flux was quantified during long‐lasting depolarizations that reduced severely the Ca2+ content of the SR. As in all previous determinations in mammals and non‐mammals, release flux consisted of an early peak, relaxing to a lower level from which it continued to decay more slowly. Decay of flux in this second stage, which has been attributed largely to depletion of SR Ca2+, was studied in detail. A simple depletion mechanism without change in release permeability predicts an exponential decay with time. In contrast, flux decreased non‐exponentially, to a finite, measurable level that could be maintained for the longest pulses applied (1.8 s). An algorithm on the flux record allowed us to define a quantitative index, the normalized flux rate of change (NFRC), which was shown to be proportional to the ratio of release permeability P and inversely proportional to Ca2+ buffering power B of the SR, thus quantifying the ‘evacuability’ or ability of the SR to empty its content. When P and B were constant, flux then decayed exponentially, and NFRC was equal to the exponential rate constant. Instead, in most cases NFRC increased during the pulse, from a minimum reached immediately after the early peak in flux, to a time between 200 and 250 ms, when the index was no longer defined. NFRC increased by 111% on average (in 27 images from 18 cells), reaching 300% in some cases. The increase may reflect an increase in P, a decrease in B, or both. On experimental and theoretical grounds, both changes are to be expected upon SR depletion. A variable evacuability helps maintain a constant Ca2+ output under conditions of diminishing store Ca2+ load.
The Journal of General Physiology | 2010
Leandro Royer; Monika Sztretye; Carlo Manno; Sandrine Pouvreau; Jingsong Zhou; Björn C. Knollmann; Feliciano Protasi; Paul D. Allen; Eduardo Ríos
Contractile activation in striated muscles requires a Ca2+ reservoir of large capacity inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), presumably the protein calsequestrin. The buffering power of calsequestrin in vitro has a paradoxical dependence on [Ca2+] that should be valuable for function. Here, we demonstrate that this dependence is present in living cells. Ca2+ signals elicited by membrane depolarization under voltage clamp were compared in single skeletal fibers of wild-type (WT) and double (d) Casq-null mice, which lack both calsequestrin isoforms. In nulls, Ca2+ release started normally, but the store depleted much more rapidly than in the WT. This deficit was reflected in the evolution of SR evacuability, E, which is directly proportional to SR Ca2+ permeability and inversely to its Ca2+ buffering power, B. In WT mice E starts low and increases progressively as the SR is depleted. In dCasq-nulls, E started high and decreased upon Ca2+ depletion. An elevated E in nulls is consistent with the decrease in B expected upon deletion of calsequestrin. The different value and time course of E in cells without calsequestrin indicate that the normal evolution of E reflects loss of B upon SR Ca2+ depletion. Decrement of B upon SR depletion was supported further. When SR calcium was reduced by exposure to low extracellular [Ca2+], release kinetics in the WT became similar to that in the dCasq-null. E became much higher, similar to that of null cells. These results indicate that calsequestrin not only stores Ca2+, but also varies its affinity in ways that progressively increase the ability of the store to deliver Ca2+ as it becomes depleted, a novel feedback mechanism of potentially valuable functional implications. The study revealed a surprisingly modest loss of Ca2+ storage capacity in null cells, which may reflect concurrent changes, rather than detract from the physiological importance of calsequestrin.
The Journal of General Physiology | 2011
Monika Sztretye; Jianxun Yi; Lourdes Figueroa; Jingsong Zhou; Leandro Royer; Eduardo Ríos
Current fluorescent monitors of free [Ca2+] in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of skeletal muscle cells are of limited quantitative value. They provide either a nonratio signal that is difficult to calibrate and is not specific or, in the case of Forster resonant energy transfer (FRET) biosensors, a signal of small dynamic range, which may be degraded further by imperfect targeting and interference from endogenous ligands of calsequestrin. We describe a novel tool that uses the cameleon D4cpv, which has a greater dynamic range and lower susceptibility to endogenous ligands than earlier cameleons. D4cpv was targeted to the SR by fusion with the cDNA of calsequestrin 1 or a variant that binds less Ca2+. “D4cpv-Casq1,” expressed in adult mouse at concentrations up to 22 µmole/liter of muscle cell, displayed the accurate targeting of calsequestrin and stayed inside cells after permeabilization of surface and t system membranes, which confirmed its strict targeting. FRET ratio changes of D4cpv-Casq1 were calibrated inside cells, with an effective KD of 222 µM and a dynamic range [(Rmax − Rmin)/Rmin] of 2.5, which are improvements over comparable sensors. Both the maximal ratio, Rmax, and its resting value were slightly lower in areas of high expression, a variation that was inversely correlated to distance from the sites of protein synthesis. The average [Ca2+]SR in 74 viable cells at rest was 416 µM. The distribution of individual ratio values was Gaussian, but that of the calculated [Ca2+]SR was skewed, with a tail of very large values, up to 6 mM. Model calculations reproduce this skewness as the consequence of quantifiably small variations in biosensor performance. Local variability, a perceived weakness of biosensors, thus becomes quantifiable. It is demonstrably small in D4cpv. D4cpv-Casq1 therefore provides substantial improvements in sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility over existing monitors of SR free Ca2+ concentration.
Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility | 2006
Eduardo Ríos; Bradley S. Launikonis; Leandro Royer; Gustavo Brum; Jingsong Zhou
The contractile cycle of striated muscles, skeletal and cardiac, is controlled by a cytosolic [Ca2+] transient that requires rapid movements of the ion through channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). A functional signature of these channels is their closure after a stereotyped time lapse of Ca2+ release. In cardiac muscle there is abundant evidence that termination of release is mediated by depletion of the Ca2+ store, even if the linkage mechanism remains unknown. By contrast, in skeletal muscle the mechanisms of release termination are not understood. This article reviews measurements of store depletion, the experimental evidence for dependence of Ca2+ release on the [Ca2+] level inside the SR, as well as tests of the molecular nature of putative intra-store Ca2+ sensors. Because Ca2+ sparks exhibit the basic release termination mechanism, much attention is dedicated to the studies of store depletion caused by sparks and its relationship with termination of sparks. The review notes the striking differences in volume, content and buffering power of the stores in cardiac vs. skeletal muscle, differences that explain why functional depletion is much greater for cardiac than skeletal muscle stores. Because in skeletal muscle store depletion is minimal and reduction in store [Ca2+] does not appear to greatly inhibit Ca2+ release, it is concluded that decrease in free SR [Ca2+] does not mediate physiological termination of Ca2+ release in this type of muscle. In spite of the apparent absence of store depletion and its putative channel closing effect, termination of Ca2+ sparks is faster and more robust in skeletal than cardiac muscle. A gating role of a hypothetical “proximate store” constituted by polymers of calsequestrin and associated proteins is invoked in an attempt to preserve a role for store depletion and unify mechanisms in both types of striated muscle.
The Journal of Physiology | 2013
Carlo Manno; Lourdes Figueroa; Leandro Royer; Sandrine Pouvreau; Chang Seok Lee; Pompeo Volpe; Alessandra Nori; Jingsong Zhou; Gerhard Meissner; Susan L. Hamilton; Eduardo Ríos
• Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) affects the Ca2+ movements that control muscle contraction. We measured Ca2+ movements in skeletal muscle of “Y522S” mice, with a tyrosine‐to‐serine mutation in the RyR channel that causes MH in mice and humans. • In YS cells, [Ca2+] inside the Ca2+ store (sarcoplasmic reticulum, SR) was 45% of that in the wild type (WT), but the SR membrane permeability increased 2‐fold, resulting in Ca2+ release of initially normal value. • During Ca2+release, cytosolic [Ca2+] and SR Ca2+ buffering power evolved differently in YS and WT. These variables became similar in WT exposed to BAPTA, an inhibitor of Ca2+‐dependent inactivation (CDI) of the RyR, suggesting that tyrosine 522 is involved in CDI. • Similar paradoxical observations in YS and WT cells with reduced content of the SR protein calsequestrin, revealed the importance of balance between SR Ca permeability (increased in YS) and storage capability (decreased when calsequestrin is low).