Leellen F. Solter
Illinois Natural History Survey
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Featured researches published by Leellen F. Solter.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011
Sydney A. Cameron; Jeffrey D. Lozier; James P. Strange; Jonathan B. Koch; Nils Cordes; Leellen F. Solter; Terry Griswold
Bumble bees (Bombus) are vitally important pollinators of wild plants and agricultural crops worldwide. Fragmentary observations, however, have suggested population declines in several North American species. Despite rising concern over these observations in the United States, highlighted in a recent National Academy of Sciences report, a national assessment of the geographic scope and possible causal factors of bumble bee decline is lacking. Here, we report results of a 3-y interdisciplinary study of changing distributions, population genetic structure, and levels of pathogen infection in bumble bee populations across the United States. We compare current and historical distributions of eight species, compiling a database of >73,000 museum records for comparison with data from intensive nationwide surveys of >16,000 specimens. We show that the relative abundances of four species have declined by up to 96% and that their surveyed geographic ranges have contracted by 23–87%, some within the last 20 y. We also show that declining populations have significantly higher infection levels of the microsporidian pathogen Nosema bombi and lower genetic diversity compared with co-occurring populations of the stable (nondeclining) species. Higher pathogen prevalence and reduced genetic diversity are, thus, realistic predictors of these alarming patterns of decline in North America, although cause and effect remain uncertain.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2012
Jean François Pombert; Mohammed Selman; Fabien Burki; Floyd T. Bardell; Laurent Farinelli; Leellen F. Solter; Douglas W. Whitman; Louis M. Weiss; Nicolas Corradi; Patrick J. Keeling
Microsporidia of the genus Encephalitozoon are widespread pathogens of animals that harbor the smallest known nuclear genomes. Complete sequences from Encephalitozoon intestinalis (2.3 Mbp) and Encephalitozoon cuniculi (2.9 Mbp) revealed massive gene losses and reduction of intergenic regions as factors leading to their drastically reduced genome size. However, microsporidian genomes also have gained genes through horizontal gene transfers (HGT), a process that could allow the parasites to exploit their hosts more fully. Here, we describe the complete sequences of two intermediate-sized genomes (2.5 Mbp), from Encephalitozoon hellem and Encephalitozoon romaleae. Overall, the E. hellem and E. romaleae genomes are strikingly similar to those of Encephalitozoon cuniculi and Encephalitozoon intestinalis in both form and content. However, in addition to the expected expansions and contractions of known gene families in subtelomeric regions, both species also were found to harbor a number of protein-coding genes that are not found in any other microsporidian. All these genes are functionally related to the metabolism of folate and purines but appear to have originated by several independent HGT events from different eukaryotic and prokaryotic donors. Surprisingly, the genes are all intact in E. hellem, but in E. romaleae those involved in de novo synthesis of folate are all pseudogenes. Overall, these data suggest that a recent common ancestor of E. hellem and E. romaleae assembled a complete metabolic pathway from multiple independent HGT events and that one descendent already is dispensing with much of this new functionality, highlighting the transient nature of transferred genes.
PLOS Pathogens | 2014
Yanping Chen; Jeffery S. Pettis; Miguel Corona; Wei Ping Chen; Cong Jun Li; Marla Spivak; P. Kirk Visscher; Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman; Humberto Boncristiani; Yan Zhao; Dennis vanEngelsdorp; Keith S. Delaplane; Leellen F. Solter; Francis A. Drummond; Matthew Kramer; W. Ian Lipkin; Gustavo Palacios; Michele Hamilton; Barton Smith; Shao Kang Huang; Huo Qing Zheng; Ji Lian Li; Xuan Zhang; Ai Fen Zhou; Li You Wu; Ji Zhong Zhou; Myeong L. Lee; Érica Weinstein Teixeira; Zhi Guo Li; Jay D. Evans
Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) is a widespread RNA virus of honey bees that has been linked with colony losses. Here we describe the transmission, prevalence, and genetic traits of this virus, along with host transcriptional responses to infections. Further, we present RNAi-based strategies for limiting an important mechanism used by IAPV to subvert host defenses. Our study shows that IAPV is established as a persistent infection in honey bee populations, likely enabled by both horizontal and vertical transmission pathways. The phenotypic differences in pathology among different strains of IAPV found globally may be due to high levels of standing genetic variation. Microarray profiles of host responses to IAPV infection revealed that mitochondrial function is the most significantly affected biological process, suggesting that viral infection causes significant disturbance in energy-related host processes. The expression of genes involved in immune pathways in adult bees indicates that IAPV infection triggers active immune responses. The evidence that silencing an IAPV-encoded putative suppressor of RNAi reduces IAPV replication suggests a functional assignment for a particular genomic region of IAPV and closely related viruses from the Family Dicistroviridae, and indicates a novel therapeutic strategy for limiting multiple honey bee viruses simultaneously and reducing colony losses due to viral diseases. We believe that the knowledge and insights gained from this study will provide a new platform for continuing studies of the IAPV–host interactions and have positive implications for disease management that will lead to mitigation of escalating honey bee colony losses worldwide.
Journal of Molecular Evolution | 2000
Leslie K. McNeilrid; Hugh M. Robertson; Leellen F. Solter; Julie E. J. Nixon; Jonathan E. Beever; H. Rex Gaskins; Gary J. Olsen; Shankar Subramaniam; Mitchell L. Sogin; Harris A. Lewin
Abstract. We employed a phylogenomic approach to study the evolution of α subunits of the proteasome gene family from early diverging eukaryotes. BLAST similarity searches of the Giardia lamblia genome identified all seven α proteasome genes characteristic of eukaryotes from the crown group. In addition, a PCR strategy for the amplification of multiple α subunit sequences generated single α proteasome products for representatives of the Kinetoplastida (Leishmania major), the Parabasalia (Trichomonas vaginalis), and the Microsporidia (Vairimorpha sp., Nosema sp., Endoreticulata sp., and Spraguea lophii). The kinetoplastid Trypanosoma cruzi and the eukaryote crown group Acanthamoeba castellanii yielded two distinct α proteasome genes each. The presence of seven distinct α proteasome genes in G. lamblia, one of the earliest-diverging eukaryotes, indicates that the α proteasome gene family evolved rapidly from a minimum of one gene in Archaea to seven or more in Eukarya. Results from the phylogenomic analysis are consistent with the idea that the Diplomonida (as represented by G. lamblia), the Kinetoplastida, the Parabasalia, and the Microsporidia diverged after the duplication events that originated the α proteasome gene family. A model for the early origin and evolution of the proteasome gene family is presented.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology | 1990
Leellen F. Solter; David W. Onstad; Joseph V. Maddox
Abstract The timing of events in the life cycle of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, can be important in the transmission and spread of the chronic disease caused by the microsporidium Nosema pyrausta. We performed two experiments with transovarially infected larvae to investigate the dynamics of the disease. In the first study, mean developmental times of infected and uninfected insects reared at 30°C were not significantly different; however, the disease significantly slowed the development of second- to fifth-instar larvae and pupae reared at 24°C. In the second study, the production of spores in the excrement of larvae increased exponentially from hatch to pupation.
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology | 2006
Jiri Vavra; Miroslav Hyliš; Charles R. Vossbrinck; Andreas Linde; Jaroslav Weiser; Michael L. McManus; Gernot Hoch; Leellen F. Solter
ABSTRACT. Investigation of pathogens of populations of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) in Central and Eastern Europe revealed the existence of a microsporidium (Fungi: Microsporidia) of the genus Vairimorpha. The parasite produced three spore morphotypes. Internally infective spores are formed in the gut and adjacent muscle and connective tissue; single diplokaryotic spores and monokaryotic spores grouped by eight in sporophorous vesicles develop in the fat body tissues. The small subunit rDNA gene sequences of various isolates of the Vairimorpha microsporidia, obtained from L. dispar in various habitats in the investigated region, revealed their mutual identity. In phylogenetic analyses, the organism clustered with other L. dispar microsporidia that form only diplokaryotic spores in the sporogony cycle. The octospores of certain microsporidia infecting Lepidoptera that were previously described as Thelohania spp., have recently been shown to be one of the several spore morphotypes produced by species in the genus Vairimorpha. Because the description and drawings of a parasite described as Thelohania disparis by Timofejeva fit the characteristics of Vairimorpha, and all octospore‐producing microsporidia collected from L. dispar since 1985 are genetically identical Vairimorpha species, it is believed that the parasite characterized here is identical to T. disparis Timofejeva 1956, and is herein redescribed, characterized, and transferred to the genus Vairimorpha as the new combination Vairimorpha disparis n. comb.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology | 2002
Leellen F. Solter; Joel P. Siegel; M.Catherine Higgs
The outcome of mixed infection by three species of microsporidia in the genera Endoreticulatus, Nosema, and Vairimorpha, isolated from different populations of Lymantria dispar in Bulgaria, was evaluated in the laboratory. All possible combinations of two species were administered either simultaneously or sequentially to larvae, and mortality, duration of development, and larval weight at 20 days post-infection (simultaneous inoculation) or 23 days post-infection (sequential inoculation) were chosen as the outcome variables. Larvae were also dissected and the presence of each species of microsporidia and the tissues infected were recorded for each treatment. Effects of infection were dependent on both host sex and the type of exposure. Infected larvae were more likely to die than uninfected larvae, but there were no differences in mortality between single and mixed infections. Addition of Endoreticulatus to infections of Nosema or Vairimorpha significantly increased duration of development to the fourth ecdysis; this effect was additive. Addition of Nosema or Vairimorpha to an existing infection had no such effect. When Nosema was administered simultaneously with Endoreticulatus or Vairimorpha, infected larvae weighed more than larvae that had single infections with either pathogen. Nosema was displaced from the silk glands by Vairimorpha and Nosema suppressed octospore formation by Vairimorpha in fat body. The histological evidence combined with the data on larval weight supports the hypothesis that competition occurred in mixed infections.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology | 2015
Meghan O. Milbrath; Toan van Tran; Wei Fong Huang; Leellen F. Solter; David R. Tarpy; Frank R. Lawrence; Zachary Y. Huang
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are infected by two species of microsporidia: Nosema apis and Nosemaceranae. Epidemiological evidence indicates that N. ceranae may be replacing N. apis globally in A. mellifera populations, suggesting a potential competitive advantage of N. ceranae. Mixed infections of the two species occur, and little is known about the interactions among the host and the two pathogens that have allowed N. ceranae to become dominant in most geographical areas. We demonstrated that mixed Nosema species infections negatively affected honey bee survival (median survival=15-17days) more than single species infections (median survival=21days and 20days for N. apis and N. ceranae, respectively), with median survival of control bees of 27days. We found similar rates of infection (percentage of bees with active infections after inoculation) for both species in mixed infections, with N. apis having a slightly higher rate (91% compared to 86% for N. ceranae). We observed slightly higher spore counts in bees infected with N. ceranae than in bees infected with N. apis in single microsporidia infections, especially at the midpoint of infection (day 10). Bees with mixed infections of both species had higher spore counts than bees with single infections, but spore counts in mixed infections were highly variable. We did not see a competitive advantage for N. ceranae in mixed infections; N. apis spore counts were either higher or counts were similar for both species and more N. apis spores were produced in 62% of bees inoculated with equal dosages of the two microsporidian species. N. ceranae does not, therefore, appear to have a strong within-host advantage for either infectivity or spore growth, suggesting that direct competition in these worker bee mid-guts is not responsible for its apparent replacement of N. apis.
Current Biology | 2011
Mohammed Selman; Jean-François Pombert; Leellen F. Solter; Laurent Farinelli; Louis M. Weiss; Patrick J. Keeling; Nicolas Corradi
Summary Parasites have adapted to their specialised way of life by a number of means, including the acquisition of genes by horizontal gene transfer. These newly acquired genes seem to come from a variety of sources, but seldom from the host, even in the most intimate associations between obligate intracellular parasite and host [1]. Microsporidian intracellular parasites have acquired a handful of genes, mostly from bacteria, that help them take energy from their hosts or protect them from the environment [2,3]. To date, however, no animal genes have been documented in any microsporidian genome. Here, we have surveyed the genome of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon romaleae, which parasitises arthropods for evidence of animal genes. We found one protein-encoding gene that is absent from publicly available sequence data from other microsporidia. The gene encodes a component of the purine salvage pathway, and has been independently acquired by other parasites through horizontal gene transfer from other donors. In this case, however, the gene shows a very strong phylogenetic signal for arthropod origin.
Archive | 2009
Leellen F. Solter; Ann E. Hajek
Gypsy moth is an outbreak species that was introduced to North America from Europe in 1869, with disastrous consequences. This species is a devastating defoliator in northeastern hardwood forests and continues to spread to the west and south. Four different types of pathogens are of interest for gypsy moth control, making this the invasive arthropod with the greatest diversity of pathogens being utilized for control. Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki HD-1 is commercially available and is usually applied for control instead of synthetic chemical insecticides. Btk can provide excellent control of outbreak populations and also gives outstanding results in eradication campaigns when gypsy moth is introduced into new areas. The baculovirus LdMNPV, which is highly specific to gypsy moth, is also mass produced but because of its limited availability is only applied in environmentally sensitive areas. While Btk does not cause epizootics in natural gypsy moth populations, LdMNPV has a history of epizootics that have caused crashes in defoliating (high density) populations since the accidental introduction of the virus some time before 1907. The fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga, originating from Japan, first reported in North America in 1989 and probably accidentally introduced, also causes dramatic epizootics in both low and high density gypsy moth populations; activity of this fungus is determined, at least in part, by environmental conditions. Several species of microsporidia are known from the native range of gypsy moth and programs are in place to introduce these microsporidia to North American gypsy moth populations to augment the natural enemies already present.