Leen Decin
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Featured researches published by Leen Decin.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2010
E. De Beck; Leen Decin; A. de Koter; Kay Justtanont; T. Verhoelst; F. Kemper; K. M. Menten
Context. The evolution of intermediate and low-mass stars on the asymptotic giant branch is dominated by their strong dust-driven winds. More massive stars evolve into red supergiants with a similar envelope structure and strong wind. These stellar winds are a prime source for the chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium. Aims: We aim to (1) set up simple and general analytical expressions to estimate mass-loss rates of evolved stars, and (2) from those calculate estimates for the mass-loss rates of the asymptotic giant branch, red supergiant, and yellow hypergiant stars in our galactic sample. Methods: The rotationally excited lines of carbon monoxide (CO) are a classic and very robust diagnostic in the study of circumstellar envelopes. When sampling different layers of the circumstellar envelope, observations of these molecular lines lead to detailed profiles of kinetic temperature, expansion velocity, and density. A state-of-the-art, nonlocal thermal equilibrium, and co-moving frame radiative transfer code that predicts CO line intensities in the circumstellar envelopes of late-type stars is used in deriving relations between stellar and molecular-line parameters, on the one hand, and mass-loss rate, on the other. These expressions are applied to our extensive CO data set to estimate the mass-loss rates of 47 sample stars. Results: We present analytical expressions for estimating the mass-loss rates of evolved stellar objects for 8 rotational transitions of the CO molecule and thencompare our results to those of previous studies. Our expressions account for line saturation and resolving of the envelope, thereby allowing accurate determination of very high mass-loss rates. We argue that, for estimates based on a single rotational line, the CO(2-1) transition provides the most reliable mass-loss rate. The mass-loss rates calculated for the asympotic giant branch stars range from 4 \times 10^-8 M_E¯ yr^-1 up to 8 \times 10^-5 M_E¯ yr^-1. For red supergiants they reach values between 2 \times 10^-7 M_E¯ yr^-1 and 3 \times 10^-4 M_E¯ yr^-1. The estimates for the set of CO transitions allow time variability to be identified in the mass-loss rate. Possible mass-loss-rate variability is traced for 7 of the sample stars. We find a clear relation between the pulsation periods of the asympotic giant branch stars and their derived mass-loss rates, with a levelling off at ~3 \times 10^-5 M_E¯ yr^-1 for periods exceeding 850 days. Conclusions: Appendices are only available in electronic form at http://www.aanda.org
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
A. C. A. Boogert; Tracy L. Huard; A. M Cook; J. E. Chiar; Claudia Knez; Leen Decin; Geoffrey A. Blake; A. G. G. M. Tielens; E. F. van Dishoeck
The relation between ices in the envelopes and disks surrounding young stellar objects (YSOs) and those in the quiescent interstellar medium (ISM) is investigated. For a sample of 31 stars behind isolated dense cores, ground-based and Spitzer spectra and photometry in the 1-25 μm wavelength range are combined. The baseline for the broad and overlapping ice features is modeled, using calculated spectra of giants, H_2O ice and silicates. The adopted extinction curve is derived empirically. Its high resolution allows for the separation of continuum and feature extinction. The extinction between 13 and 25 μm is ~50% relative to that at 2.2 μm. The strengths of the 6.0 and 6.85 μm absorption bands are in line with those of YSOs. Thus, their carriers, which, besides H_2O and CH_3OH, may include NH^+_4, HCOOH, H_2CO, and NH_3, are readily formed in the dense core phase, before stars form. The 3.53 μm C-H stretching mode of solid CH_3OH was discovered. The CH_3OH/H_2O abundance ratios of 5%-12% are larger than upper limits in the Taurus molecular cloud. The initial ice composition, before star formation occurs, therefore depends on the environment. Signs of thermal and energetic processing that were found toward some YSOs are absent in the ices toward background stars. Finally, the peak optical depth of the 9.7 μm band of silicates relative to the continuum extinction at 2.2 μm is significantly shallower than in the diffuse ISM. This extends the results of Chiar et al. to a larger sample and higher extinctions.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2009
I. McDonald; Jacco Th. van Loon; Leen Decin; Martha L. Boyer; Andrea K. Dupree; A. Evans; Robert D. Gehrz; Charles E. Woodward
We present spectral energy distribution modelling of 6875 stars in ω Centauri, obtaining stellar luminosities and temperatures by fitting literature photometry to state-of-the-art MARCS stellar models. By comparison to four different sets of isochrones, we provide a new distance estimate to the cluster of 4850 ± 200 (random error) ± 120 (systematic error) pc, a reddening of E(B − V) = 0.08 ± 0.02 (random) ± 0.02 (systematic) mag and a differential reddening ofE(B − V) 1.2 ± 0.6 0.5 × 10 −6 Myr −1 . Half of the clusters dust production and 30 per cent of its gas production comes from the two most extreme stars - V6 and V42 - for which we present new Gemini/T-ReCS mid-infrared spectroscopy, possibly showing that V42 has carbon-rich dust. The clusters dust tempera- tures are found to be typically 550 K. Mass-loss apparently does not vary significantly with metallicity within the cluster, but shows some correlation with barium enhancement, which appears to occur in cooler stars, and especially on the anomalous RGB. Limits to outflow velocities, dust-to-gas ratios for the dusty objects and the possibility of short-time-scale mass- loss variability are also discussed in the context of mass-loss from low-metallicity stars. The ubiquity of dust around stars near the RGB tip suggests significant dusty mass-loss on the RGB; we estimate that typically 0.20-0.25 Mof mass-loss occurs on the RGB. From obser- vational limits on intracluster material, we suggest the dust is being cleared on a time-scale of 10 5 yr.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2009
T. Verhoelst; N Van der Zypen; Sacha Hony; Leen Decin; Jan Cami; Kjell Eriksson
Context. Red supergiant (RSG) stars exhibit significant mass loss by means of a slow, dense wind. They are often considered to be the more massive counterparts of Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. While AGB mass loss is related to their strong pulsations, the RSG are often only weakly variable. This raises the question of whether their wind-driving mechanism and the dust composition of the wind are the same. Aims. We study the conditions at the base of the wind by determining the dust composition of a sample of RSG. The dust composition is assumed to be sensitive to the density, temperature, and acceleration at the base of the wind. We compare the derived dust composition with the composition measured in AGB star winds. Methods. We compile a sample of 27 RSG infrared spectra (ISO-SWS) and supplement these with photometric measurements to derive the full spectral energy distribution (SED). These data are modelled using a dust radiative-transfer code, taking into account the optical properties of the relevant candidate materials to search for correlations between mass-loss rate, density at the inner edge of the dust shell, and stellar parameters. Results. We find strong correlations between the dust composition, mass-loss rate, and the stellar luminosity, roughly in agreement with the theoretical dust condensation sequence. We identify the need for a continuous (near-)IR dust opacity and tentatively propose amorphous carbon, and we note significant differences with AGB star winds in terms of the presence of PAHs, absence of “the” 13 μm band, and a lack of strong water bands. Conclusions. Dust condensation in RSG is found to experience a freeze-out process that is similar to that in AGB stars. Together with the positive effect of the stellar luminosity on the mass-loss rate, this suggests that radiation pressure on dust grains is an important ingredient in the driving mechanism. Still, differences with AGB stars are manifold and thus the winds of RSG should be studied individually in further detail.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2015
Mikako Matsuura; E. Dwek; Michael J. Barlow; B. L. Babler; M. Baes; Margaret M. Meixner; J. Cernicharo; Geoff Clayton; Loretta Dunne; Claes Fransson; J. Fritz; Walter Kieran Gear; Haley Louise Gomez; M. A. T. Groenewegen; Remy Indebetouw; R. J. Ivison; A. Jerkstrand; V. Lebouteiller; T. Lim; Peter Lundqvist; C. P. Pearson; Julia Roman-Duval; P. Royer; Lister Staveley-Smith; B. M. Swinyard; P. A. M. van Hoof; J. Th. van Loon; J. Verstappen; R. Wesson; Giovanna Zanardo
We present new Herschel photometric and spectroscopic observations of Supernova 1987A, carried out in 2012. Our dedicated photometric measurements provide new 70 micron data and improved imaging quality at 100 and 160 micron compared to previous observations in 2010. Our Herschel spectra show only weak CO line emission, and provide an upper limit for the 63 micron [O I] line flux, eliminating the possibility that line contaminations distort the previously estimated dust mass. The far-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) is well fitted by thermal emission from cold dust. The newly measured 70 micron flux constrains the dust temperature, limiting it to nearly a single temperature. The far-infrared emission can be fitted by 0.5+-0.1 Msun of amorphous carbon, about a factor of two larger than the current nucleosynthetic mass prediction for carbon. The observation of SiO molecules at early and late phases suggests that silicates may also have formed and we could fit the SED with a combination of 0.3 Msun of amorphous carbon and 0.5 Msun of silicates, totalling 0.8 Msun of dust. Our analysis thus supports the presence of a large dust reservoir in the ejecta of SN 1987A. The inferred dust mass suggests that supernovae can be an important source of dust in the interstellar medium, from local to high-redshift galaxies.
Nature | 2010
Leen Decin; M. Agúndez; M. J. Barlow; F. Daniel; J. Cernicharo; R. Lombaert; E. De Beck; P. Royer; B. Vandenbussche; R. Wesson; E. T. Polehampton; J. A. D. L. Blommaert; W. De Meester; K. Exter; Helmut Feuchtgruber; Walter Kieran Gear; Haley Louise Gomez; M. A. T. Groenewegen; M. Guélin; Peter Charles Hargrave; R. Huygen; P. Imhof; R. J. Ivison; C. Jean; C. Kahane; F. Kerschbaum; S. J. Leeks; T. Lim; Mikako Matsuura; G. Olofsson
The detection of circumstellar water vapour around the ageing carbon star IRC +10216 challenged the current understanding of chemistry in old stars, because water was predicted to be almost absent in carbon-rich stars. Several explanations for the water were postulated, including the vaporization of icy bodies (comets or dwarf planets) in orbit around the star, grain surface reactions, and photochemistry in the outer circumstellar envelope. With a single water line detected so far from this one carbon-rich evolved star, it is difficult to discriminate between the different mechanisms proposed. Here we report the detection of dozens of water vapour lines in the far-infrared and sub-millimetre spectrum of IRC +10216 using the Herschel satellite. This includes some high-excitation lines with energies corresponding to ∼1,000 K, which can be explained only if water is present in the warm inner sooty region of the envelope. A plausible explanation for the warm water appears to be the penetration of ultraviolet photons deep into a clumpy circumstellar envelope. This mechanism also triggers the formation of other molecules, such as ammonia, whose observed abundances are much higher than hitherto predicted.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2010
Leen Decin; E. De Beck; Sandra Brünken; Holger S. P. Müller; K. M. Menten; Hyunjoo Kim; K. Willacy; A. de Koter; F. Wyrowski
Context. The interstellar medium is enriched primarily by matter ejected from evolved low and intermediate mass stars. The outflow from these stars creates a circumstellar envelope in which a rich gas-phase chemistry takes place. Complex shock-induced nonequilibrium chemistry takes place in the inner wind envelope, dust-gas reactions and ion-molecule reactions alter the abundances in the intermediate wind zone, and the penetration of cosmic rays and ultraviolet photons dissociates the molecules in the outer wind region. Aims. Little observational information exists on the circumstellar molecular abundance stratifications of many molecules. Furthermore, our knowledge of oxygen-rich envelopes is not as profound as for the carbon-rich counterparts. The aim of this paper is therefore to study the circumstellar chemical abundance pattern of 11 molecules and isotopologs ( 12 CO, 13 CO, SiS, 28 SiO, 29 SiO, 30 SiO, HCN, CN, CS, SO, SO2) in the oxygen-rich evolved star IK Tau. Methods. We have performed an in-depth analysis of a large number of molecular emission lines excited in the circumstellar envelope around IK Tau. The analysis is done based on a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) radiative transfer analysis, which calculates the temperature and velocity structure in a self-consistent way. The chemical abundance pattern is coupled to theoretical outer wind model predictions including photodestruction and cosmic ray ionization. Not only the integrated line intensities, but also the line shapes are used as diagnostic tool to study the envelope structure. Results. The deduced wind acceleration is much slower than predicted from classical theories. SiO and SiS are depleted in the envelope, possibly due to the adsorption onto dust grains. For HCN and CS a clear difference with respect to inner wind non-equilibrium predictions is found, either indicating uncertainties in the inner wind theoretical modeling or the possibility that HCN and CS (or the radical CN) participate in the dust formation. The low signal-to-noise profiles of SO and CN prohibit an accurate abundance determination; the modeling of high-excitation SO2 lines is cumbersome, possibly related to line misidentifications or problems with the collisional rates. The SiO isotopic ratios ( 29 SiO/ 28 SiO and 30 SiO/ 28 SiO) point toward an enhancement in 28 SiO compared to results of classical stellar evolution codes. Predictions for H2O emission lines in the spectral range of the Herschel/HIFI mission are performed.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2010
J. Cernicharo; L. B. F. M. Waters; Leen Decin; P. Encrenaz; A. G. G. M. Tielens; M. Agúndez; E. De Beck; Holger S. P. Müller; J. R. Goicoechea; M. J. Barlow; Arnold O. Benz; N. Crimier; F. Daniel; A. M. di Giorgio; Michel Fich; T. Gaier; Pedro Garcia-Lario; A. de Koter; T. Khouri; R. Liseau; R. Lombaert; N. Erickson; J. R. Pardo; J. C. Pearson; Russel Shipman; C. Sánchez Contreras; D. Teyssier
We present the first results of a high-spectral-resolution survey of the carbon-rich evolved star IRC+10216 that was carried out with the HIFI spectrometer onboard Herschel. This survey covers all HIFI bands, with a spectral range from 488 to 1901 GHz. In this letter we focus on the band-1b spectrum, in a spectral range 554.5 − 636.5 GHz, where we identified 130 spectral features with intensities above 0.03 K and a signal–to– noise ratio >5. Detected lines arise from HCN, SiO, SiS, CS, CO, metal-bearing species and, surprisingly, silicon dicarbide (SiC2). We identified 55 SiC2 transitions involving energy levels between 300 and 900 K. By analysing these rotational lines, we conclude that SiC2 is produced in the inner dust formation zone, with an abundance of ∼2×10−7 relative to molecular hydrogen. These SiC2 lines have been observed for the first time in space and have been used to derive an SiC2 rotational temperature of ∼204 K and a source-averaged column density of ∼6.4×1015 cm−2. Furthermore, the high quality of the HIFI data set was used to improve the spectroscopic rotational constants of SiC2.We present the first results of a high-spectral-resolution survey of the carbon-rich evolved star IRC+10216 that was carried out with the HIFI spectrometer onboard Herschel. This survey covers all HIFI bands, with a spectral range from 488 to 1901 GHz. In this letter we focus on the band-1b spectrum, in a spectral range 554.5−636.5 GHz, where we identified 130 spectral features with intensities above 0.03 K and a signal-tonoise ratio >5. Detected lines arise from HCN, SiO, SiS, CS, CO, metal-bearing species and, surprisingly, silicon dicarbide (SiC2). We identified 55 SiC2 transitions involving energy levels between 300 and 900 K. By analysing these rotational lines, we conclude that SiC2 is produced in the inner dust formation zone, with an abundance of ∼2 × 10 −7 relative to molecular hydrogen. These SiC2 lines have been observed for the first time in space and have been used to derive an SiC2 rotational temperature of ∼204 K and a source-averaged column density of ∼6.4 × 10 15 cm −2 . Furthermore, the high quality of the HIFI data set was used to improve the spectroscopic rotational constants of SiC2.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
A. J. van Marle; Zakaria Meliani; Rony Keppens; Leen Decin
We study the hydrodynamical behavior occurring in the turbulent interaction zone of a fast-moving red supergiant star, where the circumstellar and interstellar material collide. In this wind-interstellar-medium collision, the familiar bow shock, contact discontinuity, and wind termination shock morphology form, with localized instability development. Our model includes a detailed treatment of dust grains in the stellar wind and takes into account the drag forces between dust and gas. The dust is treated as pressureless gas components binned per grain size, for which we use 10 representative grain size bins. Our simulations allow us to deduce how dust grains of varying sizes become distributed throughout the circumstellar medium. We show that smaller dust grains (radius <0.045 μm) tend to be strongly bound to the gas and therefore follow the gas density distribution closely, with intricate fine structure due to essentially hydrodynamical instabilities at the wind-related contact discontinuity. Larger grains which are more resistant to drag forces are shown to have their own unique dust distribution, with progressive deviations from the gas morphology. Specifically, small dust grains stay entirely within the zone bound by shocked wind material. The large grains are capable of leaving the shocked wind layer and can penetrate into the shocked or even unshocked interstellar medium. Depending on how the number of dust grains varies with grain size, this should leave a clear imprint in infrared observations of bow shocks of red supergiants and other evolved stars.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2010
K. Lefever; J. Puls; Thierry Morel; Conny Aerts; Leen Decin; Maryline Briquet
Aims. We determine the fundamental parameters of a sample of B stars with apparent visual magnitudes brighter than 8 in the fieldof-view of the CoRoT space mission, from high-resolution spectroscopy. Methods. We developed an automatic procedure for the spectroscopic analysis of B-type stars with winds, based on an extensive grid of FASTWIND model atmospheres. We use the equivalent widths and/or the line profile shapes of continuum normalized hydrogen, helium, and silicon line profiles to determine the fundamental properties of these stars in an automated way. Results. After thorough tests, on both synthetic datasets and very high-quality, high-resolution spectra of B stars for which we already had accurate values of physical properties from alternative analyses, we applied our method to 66 B-type stars contained in the ground-based archive of the CoRoT space mission. We discuss the statistical properties of the sample and compare them with those predicted by evolutionary models of B stars. Conclusions. Our spectroscopic results provide a valuable starting point for any future seismic modelling of the stars, should they be observed by CoRoT.