Leo Rufato
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
Featured researches published by Leo Rufato.
Ciencia Rural | 2014
Janaína Muniz; Aike Anneliese Kretzschmar; Leo Rufato; Tânia Regina Pelizza; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Tiago Afonso de Macedo
The Physalis peruviana L. is an exotic fruit that belongs to the Solanaceae family with recent production in Brazil. This is presented as an alternative production with nutritional potential and economic value. The cape gooseberry plant has a high added value that can be used from its root to the fruit itself. The roots and leaves are rich in medicinal properties that are used in pharmacology. The fruit is sweet and have good content of vitamins A, C, iron, phosphorus and fiber, often used in making jellies, jams, juices and ice creams. To improve the plant canopy, but also contribute to the quality and appearance of the fruit produced some cultural practices such as staking, training systems, pruning and thinning are used. The aim of this review is to provide technical and scientific data about the culture of physalis.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011
Rodrigo Formolo; Leo Rufato; Marcos Botton; Ruben Machota Junior
The area grown with table grapes (Vitis vinifera) under protected cultivation, pests associated with the crop and control strategies were surveyed using interviews with growers in Caxias do Sul, RS. During 2008/2009 season, it was identified 43 growers producing table grapes in an area of 30,36 ha. Italia cultivar responds for 70,31% of the area grown in the municipality. The major insect pests associated with Italia cultivar in the region was thrips Frankliniella rodeos Moulton and the South American Fruit Fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied). Pest management in based mainly on chemical control sprayed in a calendar based schedule. Major difficulties found to implement an integrated pest management in the protect grape cultivation in the region are the reduced technical assistance, confidence on tools for pest monitoring and reduced number of active ingredients authorized for insect control on grapes.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2012
Cláudia Simone Madruga Lima; Simone Padilha Galarça; Débora Leitzke Betemps; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Leo Rufato
Physalis peruviana L. e uma especie que vem sendo incorporada em plantios de pequenas frutas. Esta frutifera e tratada como anual, e o principal metodo de propagacao e por sementes. Seu cultivo apresenta uma dinâmica de colheita diferenciada, com duracao do periodo de colheita superior a tres meses. Acredita-se que, devido ao extenso periodo de colheita, associado a diferentes epocas de semeadura, irao ocorrer variacoes nas caracteristicas dos frutos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as caracteristicas fisicas, quimicas e fitoquimicas de frutos de Physalis peruviana ao longo do periodo de colheita, em funcao de duas epocas de plantio. O experimento foi realizado no periodo de 2007/2008. A semeadura foi realizada em duas epocas (04-09-2007 e 26-11-2007), e o transplante foi realizado quando as plantas estavam no estadio de duas folhas verdadeiras. Os frutos foram colhidos aos 120; 150; 180; 210 e 240 dias apos o transplante e avaliados quanto a massa total e a coloracao da epiderme, assim como quanto aos seus teores de solidos soluveis (SS), acidez titulavel (AT), fenois e de carotenoides totais, razao SS/AT e atividade antioxidante. Os frutos de Physalis apresentaram variacoes fisicas, quimicas e fitoquimicas ao longo do periodo de colheita, para as duas datas de semeadura. O desenvolvimento das plantas, apos o transplantio, levou a acrescimo nos valores de massa, nos teores de solidos soluveis, fenois e carotenoides, assim como na razao SS/AT. Na coloracao e na atividade antioxidante, os maiores valores foram obtidos na primeira colheita (120 dias). A semeadura realizada em setembro proporcionou a obtencao de frutos com melhor qualidade.
Scientia Agricola | 2008
Casiane Salete Tibola; José Carlos Fachinello; Cesar Valmor Rombaldi; Leonardo Nora; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Leo Rufato
A rastreabilidade esta se tornando o metodo mais efetivo para assegurar uma cadeia alimentar mais segura e conectar produtores e consumidores. Nesse trabalho relatamos a aplicacao e validacao de um sistema de rastreabilidade na cadeia produtiva do pessego, de acordo com as Normas Brasileiras para Producao Integrada de Pessego (PIP) e Analises de Perigos e Pontos Criticos de Controle (APPCC). As parcelas de colheita foram discriminadas utilizando-se um aparelho de GPS (Global Positioning System). As praticas horticulturais foram registradas no caderno de campo, de acordo com as normas da PIP. As caixas para transportar as frutas, desde a lavoura, foram etiquetadas com codigo de barra para identificar as frutas em termos de origem (pomar e parcela de colheita), cultivar, qualidade, data e hora de colheita. Na industria, utilizando-se um leitor otico de codigo de barras, as frutas de cada caixa foram alocadas para um determinado lote homogeneo para fins de processamento. As latas de pessego foram etiquetadas com o numero do lote homogeneo correspondente, foi monitorado com base em analise fisicas e quimicas, de acordo com as regras da PIP e da APPCC. Uma base d e dados eletronica foi construida e disponibilizada atraves da Internet. Utilizando-se o numero do lote, foi possivel obter todas as informacoes desde a(s) parcela(s) de colheita correspondente(s) a uma determinada lata de pessego.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2015
Ivonete Fatima Tazzo; Antonio Felippe Fagherazzi; Sabrina Lerin; Aike Anneliese Kretzschmar; Leo Rufato
The objective of this study was to estimate the thermal accumulation and phyllochron of four cultivars and two selections of strawberry in theSouthern Brazil. The research was carried out in theexperimental field at the Centro de CienciasAgroveterinarias, in the University of Santa Catarina, Lages, SC. It was used two advanced knowledge selection ofstrawberry, called ‘SEL1’ and ‘SEL2’, with plants from a public breeding program in Italy and four cultivars:Camino Real and Camarosa, with plants from Chile; San Andreas and Albion from Argentina. The transplantoccurred in 06-26-2012. The experimental design was randomized blocks with three repetitions, where theexperimental unit was composed of eight plants, using the four central plants. The phyllochron was estimated as the inverse of the angular coefficient of the linear regression between the number of stem leaf and the thermal time after transplantation. It was observed linearity between plant development and the average air temperature in the conditions of the study. Among the selections and cultivars studied the San Andreas features the earliest cycle requiring less accumulation temperature (774.70 degree-day) and the cultivar Camarosa the latest cycle with greater accumulation of thermal sum (1137.75 degree-day). The selection SEL1 had the shortest phyllochron, 69.96 oC day1 leaf-1 and the cultivar Albion higher value, 135.61 oC day1 leaf-1. During the study period the cultivar San Andreas showed higher fruit production.
Ciencia Rural | 2014
Janaína Muniz; Aike Anneliese Kretzschmar; Leo Rufato; Tânia Regina Pelizza; Andrea De Rossi Rufato; Tiago Afonso de Macedo
The Physalis peruviana L. is an exotic fruit that belongs to the Solanaceae family with recent production in Brazil. This is presented as an alternative production with nutritional potential and economic value. The cape gooseberry plant has a high added value that can be used from its root to the fruit itself. The roots and leaves are rich in medicinal properties that are used in pharmacology. The fruit is sweet and have good content of vitamins A, C, iron, phosphorus and fiber, often used in making jellies, jams, juices and ice creams. To improve the plant canopy, but also contribute to the quality and appearance of the fruit produced some cultural practices such as staking, training systems, pruning and thinning are used. The aim of this review is to provide technical and scientific data about the culture of physalis.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2001
Leo Rufato; Geraldine de Andrade Meyer; Valmor João Bianchi; José Carlos Fachinello
The quince belongs from the family Rosaceae. Now, it has been used as rootstock tree door-graft because it induce dwarf plants. The floroglucinol is a phenolic compost, which effects is by increased the auxine and that tends to induce and to increase hardwoody cuttings. The present work was carried out in a greenhouse with intermittent mist writh the objective to determine the best quince cultivars in relation to its capacity of rooting hardwoody cuttings, and the best floroglucinol concentration for the root induction. The cultivars Pineapple, Meliform, Prolonged, Radaelli, Portugal, Inta and MC were used. They were submitted to three treatments of different floroglucinol concentrations (zero, 1500 and 3000 mg.L-1). The cuttings with 12 cm and ½ leaf in the superior part were conditioned in plastic boxes contends medium vermiculita. The experimental design used random blocks in the factorial arrangement (3 x 7), with 3 repetition and 5 cuttings for replication (15 cuttings for treatments). The analyzed variables were determination of the percentage of rooting, number of roots and percentage of cuttings shottings. It was observed that, independently of the tested concentration, the floroglucinol, did not induce the rooting of hardwoody cuttings of the cultivars tested. Cultivar MC presented better percentage of rooting, number of roots and percentage of shottings.
Tropical Plant Pathology | 2016
Betina Pereira de Bem; Amauri Bogo; Sydney E. Everhart; Ricardo Trezzi Casa; Mayra Juline Gonçalves; José Luiz Marcon Filho; Leo Rufato; Fabio Nascimento da Silva; Ricardo Allebrandt; Isabel Cristina da Cunha
The aim of this study was to evaluate the temporal dynamics of downy mildew epidemics under four training systems: vertical shoot positioning (VSP), Geneva Double Curtain (GDC), Simple Curtain (SC) and Tendone in two cultivars (‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ and ‘Merlot’). Experiments were conducted at commercial vineyards in southern Brazil, during the 2012–2013 and 2013–2014 growing seasons. Downy mildew incidence and severity were quantified on a weekly basis from the first symptoms appearance until harvest. Training systems and cultivars were compared based on the following variables of downy mildew progress curves: a) beginning of symptoms appearance (BSA); b) maximum disease incidence and severity (Imax, Smax); c) time to reach maximum disease incidence/severity (TRMDI and TRMDS); and d) area under incidence and severity disease progress curve (AUIDPC and AUSDPC). The training systems significantly affected AUSDPC and Smax. AUSDPC was lowest in the VSP system in all cultivars and growing seasons. In addition, ‘Merlot’ showed significantly lower AUIDPC and AUSDPC than ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ in both growing seasons. The Tendone and GDC systems showed significantly higher AUSDPC in all cultivars and growing seasons. Our results suggested that the use of the VSP system contributes to reduce downy mildew severity on ‘Merlot’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ in southern Brazil.
Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias | 2016
Fernanda Grimaldi; Aline Meneguzzi; Gabriela Candido Weber; Daiane Corrêa; Mayra Juline Gonçalves; Leo Rufato; Aike Anneliese Kretzschmar
Micropropagation is a technique widely known for its ability to produce large numbers of plants in a short period of time. It is essential for breeding programs and to establish micropropagation protocols for economically important species. The aim of this study was to establish a micropropagation protocol for quince BA29, aiming at mass production of plantlets. The explants of quince BA29 were cultured on MS and WPM media (original and 1/2) in combination with BAP (0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 mg L-1) for the in vitro multiplication and cultured in MS medium with sucrose (15 and 30 mg.L-1) combined with IBA (0, 0.12, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0 and 2.0 mg L-1) for in vitro rooting. After 45 days, the culture media which provided the best results for growth and multiplication of BA29 explants was the MS original with 2.68 mg L-1 of BAP and the culture media which provided the best results for rooting of BA29 explants was MS with 15 g L-1 of sucrose and 1.25 mg L-1 of IBA.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2010
Ricardo Trezzi Casa; Paulo Roberto Kuhnem Junior; Jonatha Marcel Bolzan; Amauri Bogo; Aike Anneliese Kretzschmar; Leo Rufato; Tiago Afonso de Macedo
Folhas e frutos de framboesa (Rubus idaeus L.) da cultivar Batum coletados de plantas do pomar do Centro de Ciencias Agroveterinarias, CAV, municipio de Lages-SC, apresentando pustulas de ferrugem, foram encaminhados para analise no Laboratorio de Fitopatologia do CAV. A diagnose indireta indicou a presenca de pustulas com uma massa de esporos de cor amarela na face abaxial das folhas e superficie dos frutos. No exame ao microscopio, observou-se uredia e urediniosporos pequenos, obovados ou elipsoides, medindo 12,5-17,5 x 15,0-30,0 µm sobre a epiderme da folha e frutos, sem a presenca de telias. Suspensao de urediniosporos (50.000 esporos mL-1) em agua esterilizada foi pulverizada em folhas destacadas da mesma cultivar, mantidas por 24 h no escuro e 12 h de fotoperiodo em câmara umida a 20oC. Folhas-controle foram pulverizadas com agua esterilizada. Apos 10 dias detectaram-se uredias contendo urediniosporos na face abaxial das folhas, cujas caracteristicas morfologicas e mensuracao dos urediniosporos, sintomas e patogenicidade permitiram a identificacao do agente causal como sendo Pucciniastrum americanum (Farl.) Arthur pela primeira vez no Estado de Santa Catarina.RESUMO - Folhas e frutos de framboesa (Rubus idaeus L.) da cultivar Batum coletados de plantas do pomar do Centro de Ciencias Agroveterinarias, CAV, municipio de Lages-SC, apresentando pustulas de ferrugem, foram encaminhados para analise no Laboratorio de Fitopatologia do CAV. A diagnose indireta indicou a presenca de pustulas com uma massa de esporos de cor amarela na face abaxial das folhas e superficie dos frutos. No exame ao microscopio, observou-se uredia e urediniosporos pequenos, obovados ou elipsoides, medindo 12,5-17,5 x 15,0-30,0 µm sobre a epiderme da folha e frutos, sem a presenca de telias. Suspensao de urediniosporos (50.000 esporos mL -1 ) em agua esterilizada foi pulverizada em folhas destacadas da mesma cultivar, mantidas por 24 h no escuro e 12 h de fotoperiodo em câmara umida a 20oC. Folhas-controle foram pulverizadas com agua esterilizada. Apos 10 dias, detectaram-se uredias contendo urediniosporos na face abaxial das folhas, cujas caracteristicas morfologicas e mensuracao dos urediniosporos, sintomas e patogenicidade permitiram a identificacao do agente causal como sendo Pucciniastrum americanum (Farl.) Arthur pela primeira vez no Estado de Santa Catarina. Termos para Indexacao: diagnose, fungo, ocorrencia, Pucciniastrum americanum, Rubus idaeus.Leaves and fruits of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) of the cultivar Batum collected from the Agriculture and Life Science College - CAV orchard in Lages, SC, presenting rust pustules were analyzed in the CAV Plant Pathology Laboratory. Indirect diagnosis indicated in the abaxial side of the infected leaves and fruits surface pustules filled with masses of yellow spores. Under microscope exam, uredia and small, obovate or elliptical and averaged 12,5-17,5 x 15,0-30,0 µm urediniospores become evident in leaves and fruit surface. Telia were not observed. Urediniopores (50.000 esporos mL-1) were suspended in sterile water and sprayed onto same cultivar leaves that were maintained in a darkened mist chamber at 20oC for 24 h and transferred to a 20oC and 12 h light cycle chamber. Control leaves received sterile water only. After 10 days, sporulating uredia with urediniospores were produced on abaxial leaves and according to morphological characteristic of urediniopores, symptoms and pathogenicity, this is the first report of Pucciniastrum americanum (Farl.) Arthur in Santa Catarina State, Brazil.