Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias
University of São Paulo
Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture | 2012
Lourdes Iarema; Ana Claudia Ferreira da Cruz; Cleber Witt Saldanha; Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias; Roberto F. Vieira; Evelyn Jardim de Oliveira; Wagner Campos Otoni
Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen is a medicinal species of great interest because it produces the phytoecdysteroid 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E). Generally, because of atypical growing conditions, in vitro propagated plants function less efficiently as autotrophs and have poorly developed morphological structures. This study analyzed the autotrophic potential of P. glomerata propagated in vitro and evaluated the influence that this has on 20E biosynthesis. Physiological and structural parameters of plants subjected to heterotrophic, photomixotrophic and photoautotrophic growth conditions were evaluated. Levels of 20E were measured by HPLC. Plants were acclimatized in a mixture of soil, sand and substrate, in a greenhouse. Conditions that provided higher carbon input led to an increase in plant growth, and the presence of sucrose was critical, in closure systems without a gas permeable membrane, for normal anatomical development of the micropropagated plants. The absence of sucrose increased photosynthesis and conditions that enhanced photoautotrophy induced greater levels of 20E. The increase of 20E levels by the photoautotrophic system offers new prospects for increasing the commercial production of this species, and for studies that could elucidate the biosynthetic pathway of phytoecdysteroids in plants.
Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture | 2009
Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias; Claudete Santa-Catarina; Dimas M. Ribeiro; Raimundo Santos Barros; Eny Iochevet Segal Floh; Wagner Campos Otoni
Levels of ethylene and polyamines (PAs) were measured during organogenesis of hypocotyl explants of two species of passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Masters and Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener ‘FB-100’) to better understand the relationships of these regulators and their influence on cell differentiation and morphogenesis. Moreover, histological investigation of shoot ontogenesis was conducted to characterize the different events involved in cell redifferentiation and regulation of PA and ethylene levels. A delay was observed in morphogenic responses of P. edulis f. flavicarpa as compared to P. cincinnata, and these changes coincided with production of elevated levels of polyamine and ethylene levels. During differentiation, cells showed high rates of expansion and elongation, and high ethylene levels were associated with high PA levels, suggesting that the two biosynthesis pathways were highly regulated. Moreover, their interaction might be an important factor for determining cell differentiation. The addition of PAs to the culture medium did not promote organogenesis; however, the incorporation of the PA inhibitor methylglyoxal bisguanylhydrazone in the culture medium reduced shoot bud differentiation, suggesting the need to maintaining a minimum level of PAs for morphogenic events to take place.
Phytochemistry | 2011
Tiago S. Balbuena; Leonardo Jo; Fernanda P. Pieruzzi; Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias; Vanildo Silveira; Claudete Santa-Catarina; Magno Junqueira; Jay J. Thelen; Andrej Shevchenko; Eny Iochevet Segal Floh
Araucaria angustifolia is an endangered Brazilian native conifer tree. The aim of the present work was to identify differentially expressed proteins between mature and germinated embryos of A. angustifolia, using one and two dimensional gel electrophoresis approaches followed by protein identification by tandem mass spectrometry. The identities of 32 differentially expressed protein spots from two dimensional gel maps were successfully determined, including proteins and enzymes involved in storage mobilization such as the vicilin-like storage protein and proteases. A label free approach, based on spectral counts, resulted in detection of 10 and 14 mature and germinated enriched proteins, respectively. Identified proteins were mainly related to energetic metabolism pathways, translational processes, oxidative stress regulation and cellular signaling. The integrated use of both strategies permitted a comprehensive protein expression overview of changes in germinated embryos in relation to matures, providing insights into the this process in a recalcitrant seed species. Applications of the data generated on the monitoring and control of in vitro somatic embryos were discussed.
Annals of Botany | 2011
Fernanda P. Pieruzzi; Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias; Tiago S. Balbuena; Claudete Santa-Catarina; André Luis Wendt dos Santos; Eny Iochevet Segal Floh
BACKGROUND AND AIMS Plant growth regulators play an important role in seed germination. However, much of the current knowledge about their function during seed germination was obtained using orthodox seeds as model systems, and there is a paucity of information about the role of plant growth regulators during germination of recalcitrant seeds. In the present work, two endangered woody species with recalcitrant seeds, Araucaria angustifolia (Gymnosperm) and Ocotea odorifera (Angiosperm), native to the Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil, were used to study the mobilization of polyamines (PAs), indole-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) during seed germination. METHODS Data were sampled from embryos of O. odorifera and embryos and megagametophytes of A. angustifolia throughout the germination process. Biochemical analyses were carried out in HPLC. KEY RESULTS During seed germination, an increase in the (Spd + Spm) : Put ratio was recorded in embryos in both species. An increase in IAA and PA levels was also observed during seed germination in both embryos, while ABA levels showed a decrease in O. odorifera and an increase in A. angustifolia embryos throughout the period studied. CONCLUSIONS The (Spd + Spm) : Put ratio could be used as a marker for germination completion. The increase in IAA levels, prior to germination, could be associated with variations in PA content. The ABA mobilization observed in the embryos could represent a greater resistance to this hormone in recalcitrant seeds, in comparison to orthodox seeds, opening a new perspective for studies on the effects of this regulator in recalcitrant seeds. The gymnosperm seed, though without a connective tissue between megagametophyte and embryo, seems to be able to maintain communication between the tissues, based on the likely transport of plant growth regulators.
Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture | 2012
Cleber Witt Saldanha; Caio G. Otoni; Jéssica Laísca Fernanda de Azevedo; Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias; Mailson Monteiro do Rêgo; Wagner Campos Otoni
In vitro propagated plants under conditions of low gas exchange generally show morphological and physiological anomalies that lead to high mortality rates during ex vitro acclimatization. The use of gas-permeable membranes increases natural ventilation in culture vessels, photosynthesis and growth rates. However, commercial membranes are expensive, which limits their application. In this study, low-cost, simple to manufacture, alternative membranes were developed to promote gas exchange in jars used for in vitro plant tissue culture. The membranes were developed using polytetrafluoroethylene film and two or three layers of microporous tape (Missner & Missner®), and were designed to increase the growth of nodal cultures of Pfaffia glomerata (Brazilian ginseng). Conditions that provided higher gas exchange led to an increase in plant growth and content of photosynthetic pigments compared to a closed system without a gas-permeable membrane. The alternative membranes showed similar results for water vapor loss rate and photosynthetic pigments when compared to a commercial membrane. The alternative membranes were also an efficient barrier against contamination and remained intact after being autoclaved multiple times. Among the membranes tested, the traits of the P. glomerata in vitro-derived plants were similar when propagated using the alternative membrane with three layers of microporous tape or the commercial membrane. However, the alternative membrane has a unit cost that is ten times lower than the commercial membrane.
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology | 2011
Tiago S. Balbuena; Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias; Mariana L. B. Martins; Tatiana Barroso Chiquieri; Claudete Santa-Catarina; Eny Iochevet Segal Floh; Vanildo Silveira
Genome sequencing of various organisms allow global analysis of gene expression, providing numerous clues on the biological function and involvement in the biological processes studied. Proteomics is a branch of molecular biology and biotechnology that has undergone considerable development in the post-genomic era. Despite the recent significant advancements in proteomics techniques, still there is much to be improved. Due to peculiarities to the plant kingdom, proteomics approaches require adaptations, so as to improve efficiency and accuracy of results in plants. Data generated by proteomics can substantially contribute to the understanding and monitoring of plant physiological events and development of biotechnological strategies. Especially for tropical species, challenges are even greater, in the light of the abundance of secondary metabolites, as well as of the lack of complete genome sequences. This review discusses current topics in proteomics concerning challenges and perspectives, with emphasis on the proteomics of tropical plant species.
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology | 2010
Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias; Tiago S. Balbuena; Vanildo Silveira; Claudete Santa-Catarina; Andrej Schevchenko; Eny Iochevet Segal Floh
The aim of the present work was to characterize changes in the protein profile throughout seed development in O. catharinensis, a recalcitrant species, by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Protein extraction was undertaken by using a thiourea/urea buffer, followed by a precipitation step with 10% TCA. Comparative analysis during seed development showed that a large number of proteins were exclusively detected in each developmental stage. The cotyledonary stage, which represents the transition phase between embryogenesis and the beginning of metabolism related to maturation, presents the highest number of stage-specific spots. Protein identification, through MS/MS analysis, resulted in the identification of proteins mainly related to oxidative metabolism and storage synthesis. These findings contribute to a better understanding of protein metabolism during seed development in recalcitrant seeds, besides providing information on established markers that could be useful in defining and improving somatic embryogenesis protocols, besides monitoring the development of somatic embryos in this species.
Plant Growth Regulation | 2010
Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias; Dimas M. Ribeiro; Claudete Santa Catarina; Raimundo Santos Barros; Eny Iochevet Segal Floh; Wagner Campos Otoni
Ethylene is a plant hormone that is of fundamental importance to in vitro morphogenesis, but in many species, it has not been thoroughly studied. Its relationship with polyamines has been studied mainly because the two classes of hormones share a common biosynthetic precursor, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). In order to clarify whether competition between polyamines and ethylene influences in vitro morphogenetic responses of Passiflora cincinnata Mast., a climacteric species, different compounds were used that act on ethylene biosynthesis and action, or as ethylene scavengers. Treatment with the ethylene inhibitor, aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) caused a greater regeneration frequency in P. cincinnata, whereas treatment with the ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic-acid (ACC) lessened regeneration frequencies. The data suggested that levels of polyamines and ethylene are not correlated with morphogenic responses in P. cincinnata. It was ascertained that neither the absolute ethylene and polyamine levels, nor competition between the compounds, correlated to the obtained morphogenic responses. However, sensitivity to, and signaling by, ethylene appears to play an important role in differentiation. This study reinforces previous reports regarding the requirement of critical concentrations and temporal regulation of ethylene levels for morphogenic responses. Temporal regulation also appeared to be a key factor in competition between the two biosynthetic pathways, without having any effects on morphogenesis. Further studies investigating the silencing or overexpression of genes related to ethylene perception, under the influence of polyamines in cell differentiation are extremely important for the complete understanding of this process.
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant | 2013
Diego Silva Batista; Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias; Amanda Ferreira Macedo; Mailson Monteiro do Rêgo; Elizanilda Ramalho do Rêgo; Eny Iochevet Segal Floh; Fernando Luiz Finger; Wagner Campos Otoni
Ethylene and polyamines (PAs) are two phytohormones that play important roles during in vitro morphogenesis of several plant species. The interaction between ethylene and PAs has been of interest because both have S-adenosylmethionine as a precursor. To study the influence of ethylene and PAs on in vitro morphogenesis of an ornamental pepper, we added an ethylene scavenger, PAs, a PA inhibitor, and compounds that affect ethylene biosynthesis and activity to the regeneration medium. Regeneration frequencies increased in response to treatment with ethylene inhibitors (aminoethoxyvinylglycine and silver thiosulfate) and an ethylene scavenger (mercury perchlorate). Treatment with the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid reduced the regeneration frequency, increased callus formation, and increased ethylene levels; similar results were obtained in response to treatment with the PA inhibitor methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone). By contrast, treatment with PAs (particularly spermidine and spermine) decreased ethylene levels, increased the regeneration frequency, and increased shoot bud formation. These results suggest a coordinated regulation of ethylene and polyamines because the suppression of ethylene levels using ethylene inhibitors, polyamines, or mercury perchlorate increased the in vitro regeneration frequency and morphogenic responses of Capsicum annuum L.
Revista Ceres | 2013
Leticia Mascarenhas Pereira Barbosa; Vespasiano Borges de Paiva Neto; Leonardo Lucas Carnevalli Dias; Reginaldo Alves Festucci-Buselli; Rodrigo Sobreira Alexandre; Lourdes Iarema; Fernando Luis Finger; Wagner Campos Otoni
ABSTRACTRESUMOAnalises bioquimicas e morfo-anatomicas em vitr oplantas de morangueir o hiper -hidricasafetadas pelo BA e agentes geleificantes A propagacao in vitro tem se destacado como uma tecnica efetiva na producao em larga escala de plantas sadiasde morangueiro. Neste trabalho estudamos a hiperhidricidade associado a capacidade de multiplicacao in vitro napropagacao de duas variedades de morangueiro ( Fragaria x ananassa Duch. “Dover” e “Burkley”). Plantas mantidasem meio de cultura MS, suplementadas com 1.0 mg L -1 de BA fora individualizadas e transferidas para o mesmo meiocom Agar (6.5 g L -1 ) ou Phytagel ® (2,5 g L -1 ) e BA em diferentes concentracoes (0; 0,5; 1,0; 2,0 e 3,0 mg L -1 ). Foramrealizadas analises bioquimica e anatomicas, alem da caracterizacao morfologica do material hiper -hidrico. A analise Received: 05/03/2012; Accepted: 04/03/2013. 1 Biologist, Master of Science. Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Universidade Federal de icosa, Campus V Avenida Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n, 36570-000, icosa, MinasGerais, Brasil. leticiampb@yahoo.com.br