Leslie Recio
Research Triangle Park
Critical Reviews in Toxicology | 1997
Matthew W. Himmelstein; John F. Acquavella; Leslie Recio; Michele A. Medinsky; James A. Bond
Abstract1,3-Butadiene is a colorless, volatile gas that has high-volume usage in the synthesis of polybutadiene, styrene-butadiene, and other polymers. Due to its volatile nature, uptake of butadiene occurs almost exclusively by inhalation and absorption through the respiratory system. Sources of exposure include production, transport, and end-use processes in industrial settings or environmental exposures through automotive fuel, fossil fuel combustion, and cigarette smoke. Chronic inhalation studies established that butadiene is carcinogenic in B6C3F1 mice and Sprague-Dawley rats, and that mice are considerably more sensitive than rats. For the most part, epidemiologic studies for butadiene have been equivocal, although a recent retrospective follow-up study of styrene-butadiene rubber workers provides the first internally consistent evidence of a relationship between butadiene exposure and leukemia. The mechanism(s) of butadiene-induced carcinogenicity are not entirely understood but are thought to inv...
Mutation Research-genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis | 2011
Andreas Rothfuss; Masamitu Honma; Andreas Czich; Marilyn J. Aardema; Brian Burlinson; Sheila M. Galloway; Shuichi Hamada; David Kirkland; Robert H. Heflich; Jonathan Howe; Madoka Nakajima; Mike O’Donovan; Ulla Plappert-Helbig; Catherine C. Priestley; Leslie Recio; Maik Schuler; Yoshifumi Uno; Hans-Jörg Martus
A working group convened at the 2009 5th IWGT to discuss possibilities for improving in vivo genotoxicity assessment by investigating possible links to standard toxicity testing. The working group considered: (1) combination of acute micronucleus (MN) and Comet assays into a single study, (2) integration of MN assays into repeated-dose toxicity (RDT) studies, (3) integration of Comet assays into RDT studies, and (4) requirements for the top dose when integrating genotoxicity measurements into RDT studies. The working group reviewed current requirements for in vivo genotoxicity testing of different chemical product classes and identified opportunities for combination and integration of genotoxicity endpoints for each class. The combination of the acute in vivo MN and Comet assays was considered by the working group to represent a technically feasible and scientifically acceptable alternative to conducting independent assays. Two combination protocols, consisting of either a 3- or a 4-treament protocol, were considered equally acceptable. As the integration of MN assays into RDT studies had already been discussed in detail in previous IWGT meetings, the working group focussed on factors that could affect the results of the integrated MN assay, such as the possible effects of repeated bleeding and the need for early harvests. The working group reached the consensus that repeated bleeding at reasonable volumes is not a critical confounding factor for the MN assay in rats older than 9 weeks of age and that rats bled for toxicokinetic investigations or for other routine toxicological purposes can be used for MN analysis. The working group considered the available data as insufficient to conclude that there is a need for an early sampling point for MN analysis in RDT studies, in addition to the routine determination at terminal sacrifice. Specific scenarios were identified where an additional early sampling can have advantages, e.g., for compounds that exert toxic effects on hematopoiesis, including some aneugens. For the integration of Comet assays into RDT studies, the working group reached the consensus that, based upon the limited amount of data available, integration is scientifically acceptable and that the liver Comet assay can complement the MN assay in blood or bone marrow in detecting in vivo genotoxins. Practical issues need to be considered when conducting an integrated Comet assay study. Freezing of tissue samples for later Comet assay analysis could alleviate logistical problems. However, the working group concluded that freezing of tissue samples can presently not be recommended for routine use, although it was noted that results from some laboratories look promising. Another discussion topic centred around the question as to whether tissue toxicity, which is more likely observed in RDT than in acute toxicity studies, would affect the results of the Comet assay. Based on the available data from in vivo studies, the working group concluded that there are no clear examples where cytotoxicity, by itself, generates increases or decreases in DNA migration. The working group identified the need for a refined guidance on the use and interpretation of cytotoxicity methods used in the Comet assay, as the different methods used generally lead to inconsistent conclusions. Since top doses in RDT studies often are limited by toxicity that occurs only after several doses, the working group discussed whether the sensitivity of integrated genotoxicity studies is reduced under these circumstances. For compounds for which in vitro genotoxicity studies yielded negative results, the working group reached the consensus that integration of in vivo genotoxicity endpoints (typically the MN assay) into RDT studies is generally acceptable. If in vitro genotoxicity results are unavailable or positive, consensus was reached that the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) is acceptable as the top dose in RDT studies in many cases, such as when the RDT study MTD or exposure is close (50% or greater) to an acute study MTD or exposure. Finally, the group agreed that exceptions to this general rule might be acceptable, for example when human exposure is lower than the preclinical exposure by a large margin.
Toxicologic Pathology | 2000
Donna Gulezian; David Jacobson-Kram; C. Bruce Mccullough; Harry Olson; Leslie Recio; Denise Robinson; Richard D. Storer; Raymond W. Tennant; Jerrold M. Ward; David A. Neumann
Advances in genetic engineering have created opportunities for improved understanding of the molecular basis of carcinogenesis. Through selective introduction, activation, and inactivation of specific genes, investigators can produce mice of unique genotypes and phenotypes that afford insights into the events and mechanisms responsible for tumor formation. It has been suggested that such animals might be used for routine testing of chemicals to determine their carcinogenic potential because the animals may be mechanistically relevant for understanding and predicting the human response to exposure to the chemical being tested. Before transgenic and knockout mice can be used as an adjunct or alternative to the conventional 2-year rodent bioassay, information related to the animal line to be used, study design, and data analysis and interpretation must be carefully considered. Here, we identify and review such information relative to Tg.AC and rasH2 transgenic mice and p53+/- and XPA -/- knockout mice, all of which have been proposed for use in chemical carcinogenicity testing. In addition, the implications of findings of tumors in transgenic and knockout animals when exposed to chemicals is discussed in the context of human health risk assessment.
Toxicological Sciences | 1994
Thomas L. Goldsworthy; Leslie Recio; Ken M. Brown; Lawrence A. Donehower; Jon C. Mirsalis; Raymond W. Tennant; Iain F.H. Purchase
Recent advances have been made in the characterization of a number of transgenic animal models. These animal models have provided a powerful toxicological tool for studying in vivo chemical effects and have increased our understanding of the role of specific genetic alterations as predisposing factors for chemical carcinogenesis. The goal of this symposium was to introduce the development of transgenic animals and the utilization of transgenics in toxicology research focusing on understanding tissue-specific mutation, chemical effects, and cancer. The production of transgenic animals, including gene insertions and gene knockouts, and the utilization of transgenic technology for studying multistage carcinogenesis and tumor suppressor genes are described. Data on the application and implications of transgenics as a genetic endpoint are also discussed. The use of transgenic animals in toxicology should improve our understanding of the role of specific genetic alterations in the carcinogenic process and lead to improved estimations of human health risks.
Toxicological Sciences | 2009
Errol Zeiger; Leslie Recio; Timothy R. Fennell; Joseph K. Haseman; Rodney W. Snyder; Marvin A. Friedman
Acrylamide is an industrial chemical used in polymer manufacture. It is also formed in foods processed at high temperatures. It induces chromosome aberrations and micronuclei (MN) in somatic cells of mice, but not rats, and mutations in transgenic mice. This study evaluated the low-dose MN response in mouse bone marrow and the shape of the dose-response curve. Mice were treated orally with acrylamide for 28 days using logarithmically spaced doses from 0.125 to 24 mg/kg/day, and MN were assessed in peripheral blood reticulocytes (RETs) and erythrocytes by flow cytometry. Liver glycidamide DNA adducts and acrylamide and glycidamide N-terminal valine hemoglobin adducts were also determined. Acrylamide produced a weak MN response, with statistical significance at 6.0 mg/kg/day, or greater, in MN-RETs and at 4.0 mg/kg/day or greater in MN normochromatic erythrocytes (NCEs). The MN responses at the lower doses were indistinguishable from the concurrent and historical controls. The adducts increased at a much different rate than the MN. When the MN-NCE values were compared to administered dose, the response was consistent with a linear model. However, when hemoglobin or DNA adducts were used as the dose metric, the response was significantly nonlinear, and models that assumed a threshold dose of 1 or 2 mg/kg/day provided a better fit than a linear model. The MN-RET dose-response had greater variability than the MN-NCE response and was consistent with linearity and with a threshold at 1 or 2 mg/kg/day, regardless of the dose metric. These data suggest a threshold for acrylamide in the MN test.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology | 2014
Anna Francina Jackson; Andrew Williams; Leslie Recio; Michael D. Waters; Iain B. Lambert; Carole L. Yauk
Furan is a chemical hepatocarcinogen in mice and rats. Its previously postulated cancer mode of action (MOA) is chronic cytotoxicity followed by sustained regenerative proliferation; however, its molecular basis is unknown. To this end, we conducted toxicogenomic analysis of B3C6F1 mouse livers following three week exposures to non-carcinogenic (0, 1, 2mg/kgbw) or carcinogenic (4 and 8mg/kgbw) doses of furan. We saw enrichment for pathways responsible for cytotoxicity: stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) and death receptor (DR5 and TNF-alpha) signaling, and proliferation: extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) and TNF-alpha. We also noted the involvement of NF-kappaB and c-Jun in response to furan, which are genes that are known to be required for liver regeneration. Furan metabolism by CYP2E1 produces cis-2-butene-1,4-dial (BDA), which is required for ensuing cytotoxicity and oxidative stress. NRF2 is a master regulator of gene expression during oxidative stress and we suggest that chronic NFR2 activity and chronic inflammation may represent critical transition events between the adaptive (regeneration) and adverse (cancer) outcomes. Another objective of this study was to demonstrate the applicability of toxicogenomics data in quantitative risk assessment. We modeled benchmark doses for our transcriptional data and previously published cancer data, and observed consistency between the two. Margin of exposure values for both transcriptional and cancer endpoints were also similar. In conclusion, using furan as a case study we have demonstrated the value of toxicogenomics data in elucidating dose-dependent MOA transitions and in quantitative risk assessment.
Chemico-Biological Interactions | 2001
Leslie Recio; Ann-Marie Steen; Linda Pluta; Kathy G. Meyer; Christopher J Saranko
1,3-Butadiene (BD) is a multisite carcinogen and is mutagenic in multiple tissues of B6C3F1 mice. BD is bioactivated to at least three directly mutagenic metabolites: 1,2-epoxybutene (EB), 1,2-epoxy-3,4-butanediol (EBD), and 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane (DEB). However, the contribution of these individual metabolites to the carcinogenicity and in vivo mutatidnal spectrum of BD is uncertain. To assess the role of two BD metabolites EB and DEB in the in vivo mutagenicity of the parent compound BD, we examined the in vitro mutational spectra of EB and DEB in human and rodent cells. We also examined the in vivo mutagenicity and mutational spectrum of inhaled EB in the lung. In the bone marrow and spleen of B6C3F1 laci transgenic mice, BD-induced an increased frequency of the identical class of point mutations at A:T base pairs: AT-->GC transitions and AT-->TA transversions. BD exposure also induced an increased frequency of GC-->AT transitions in the spleen that was not observed in bone marrow, demonstrating tissue-specific differences in mutation spectrum. Exposure of Rat2 laci transgenic cells and human TK6 lymphoblasts to EB-induced an increased frequency of AT-->TA transversions. DEB exposure induced an increased frequency of AT-->TA transversions and partial deletions at hprt in human cells. In Rat laci transgenic cells, DEB was not mutagenic at laci but induced an increased frequency of micronuclei. In contrast to inhaled BD, inhaled DEB and EB were not mutagenic in the bone marrow or spleen. However, EB was mutagenic in the lungs. In the lung of mice, EB-induced specific increases in GC-->AT transitions, AT-->TA transversions, and deletion events. AT-->TA transversions are the most consistent mutation observed across biological systems following in vivo exposure to BD or in vitro exposures to EB and DEB. Although, BD exposure in mice induces chromosomal alterations and single base substitutions, the specific BD metabolite that induces the genetic events leading to tumors is uncertain. At present, it appears that only DEB can effectively induce this range of mutagenic events at levels of this metabolite that occur in the blood of mice exposed to BD. Detailed investigations to identify relevant biomarkers of BD exposure and response, particularly DNA adducts or lesions, that can be biologically linked to the range of genotoxic events known to occur in mice exposed to BD are needed.
Critical Reviews in Toxicology | 2015
Ivy Moffat; Nikolai L. Chepelev; Sarah Labib; Julie Bourdon-Lacombe; Byron Kuo; Julie K. Buick; Andrew Williams; Sabina Halappanavar; Amal I. Malik; Mirjam Luijten; Daniel R. Hyduke; Albert J. Fornace; Carol D. Swartz; Leslie Recio; Carole L. Yauk
Abstract Toxicogenomics is proposed to be a useful tool in human health risk assessment. However, a systematic comparison of traditional risk assessment approaches with those applying toxicogenomics has never been done. We conducted a case study to evaluate the utility of toxicogenomics in the risk assessment of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), a well-studied carcinogen, for drinking water exposures. Our study was intended to compare methodologies, not to evaluate drinking water safety. We compared traditional (RA1), genomics-informed (RA2) and genomics-only (RA3) approaches. RA2 and RA3 applied toxicogenomics data from human cell cultures and mice exposed to BaP to determine if these data could provide insight into BaPs mode of action (MOA) and derive tissue-specific points of departure (POD). Our global gene expression analysis supported that BaP is genotoxic in mice and allowed the development of a detailed MOA. Toxicogenomics analysis in human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells demonstrated a high degree of consistency in perturbed pathways with animal tissues. Quantitatively, the PODs for traditional and transcriptional approaches were similar (liver 1.2 vs. 1.0 mg/kg-bw/day; lungs 0.8 vs. 3.7 mg/kg-bw/day; forestomach 0.5 vs. 7.4 mg/kg-bw/day). RA3, which applied toxicogenomics in the absence of apical toxicology data, demonstrates that this approach provides useful information in data-poor situations. Overall, our study supports the use of toxicogenomics as a relatively fast and cost-effective tool for hazard identification, preliminary evaluation of potential carcinogens, and carcinogenic potency, in addition to identifying current limitations and practical questions for future work.
Mutation Research-genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis | 1997
Vernon E. Walker; Susan Sisk; Patricia B. Upton; Brian A. Wong; Leslie Recio
Ethylene oxide (EO) is a direct-acting alkylating agent with the potential to induce cytogenetic alterations, mutations, and cancer. In the present study, the in vivo mutagenicity of EO at the hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (hprt) locus of T-lymphocytes was evaluated following inhalation exposure of male B6C3F1 lacI transgenic mice. For this purpose, groups of male Big Blue mice at 6-8 (n = 4/group) and 8-10 (n = 5/group) weeks of age were exposed to 0, 50, 100, or 200 ppm EO for 4 weeks (6 h/day, 5 days/week). At necropsy, T-cells were isolated from thymus and/or spleen and cultured in the presence of concanavalin A, IL-2, and 6-thioguanine [Skopek, T.R., V.E. Walker, J.E. Cochrane et al. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 89, 7866-7870]. The time course for expression of hprt-negative lymphocytes in thymus was determined in mice necropsied 2 h, 2 weeks, and 8 weeks after exposure to 200 ppm EO. The dose-response for hprt mutant T-cells in thymus and spleen was defined in mice necropsied 2 and 8 weeks post-exposure, respectively. The hprt mutant frequency (Mf) in thymus of exposed mice was increased 2 h after exposure and reached a maximum of 7.5 +/- 0.9 x 10(-6) (average Mf +/- SE) at 2 weeks post-exposure, compared with 2.3 +/- 0.8 x 10(-6) in thymus of control mice. Dose-related increases in hprt Mfs were found in thymus from mice exposed to 100 and 200 ppm EO. In addition, a nonlinear dose-dependent increase in hprt Mfs was observed in splenic T-cells, with greater mutagenic efficiency (mutations per unit dose) found at higher concentrations than at lower concentrations of EO. Average induced Mfs (i.e. induced Mf = treatment Mf - background Mf) in splenic T-cells were 1.6, 4.6, and 11.9 x 10(-6) following exposures to 50, 100, or 200 ppm EO, respectively, while the average control Mf value was 2.2 +/- 0.3 x 10(-6). In aliquots of lymphocytes (both B- and T-cells) isolated from spleen for analysis of lacI mutations in the same animals, only two of three EO-exposed mice at the 200 ppm exposure level demonstrated an elevated lacI Mf and these elevations were apparently due to the in vivo replication of preexisting mutants and not due to the induction of new mutations associated with EO exposure [Sisk, S., L.J. Pluta, K.G. Meyer and L. Recio (1996) Mutation Res., submitted]. These data demonstrate that repeated inhalation exposures to high concentrations of EO produce dose-related increases in mutations at the hprt locus of T-lymphocytes in male lacI transgenic mice of B6C3F1 origin.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology | 1992
Leslie Recio; Siv Osterman-Golkar; György A. Csanády; Max J. Turner; Brian Myhr; Owen R. Moss; James A. Bond
1,3-Butadiene (BD) is carcinogenic in the B6C3F1 mouse in multiple organs, including lung and liver. We conducted a study to measure the frequency of BD mutations in mouse tissues using a transgenic mouse (Muta mouse; MM). MM is a BALB/c x DBA/2 (CD2F1) mouse that has a bacteriophage lambda shuttle vector with the target gene lacZ integrated into the mouse genome. Mice were exposed by inhalation to 625 ppm BD (6 hr/day) for 5 days and the lacZ- mutant frequency (mf) was determined in lung, bone marrow, and liver. The lacZ- mf in lung increased twofold above air-exposed control animals, but the bone marrow and liver samples did not exhibit an increase above background. N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (250 mg/kg ip) was mutagenic in all three tissues examined. Studies on the biotransformation of BD using MM liver microsomes showed that the ratio between the rates of BD bioactivation to BD monoepoxide (BMO) and hydrolysis of BMO by epoxide hydrolases was approximately 40% less than this ratio using B6C3F1 mouse liver microsomes. Quantitation of adducts of BMO to N-terminal valine in hemoglobin (Hb) in the MM revealed an adduct level of 3.7 pmol/mg globin. Using this value, the predicted Hb adduct level in MM would be approximately one-half of that measured in the B6C3F1 mouse following similar exposures. These results indicate that BD induces mutations in vivo in a known murine target tissue, but strain differences in the biotransformation of BD should be considered in comparing the susceptibility of transgenic mouse strains to mutation.