
Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2010

Condições de trabalho, características sociodemográficas e distúrbios musculoesqueléticos em trabalhadores de enfermagem

Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza Magnago; Marcia Tereza Luz Lisboa; Rosane Harter Griep; Ana Lúcia Cardoso Kirchhof; Silviamar Camponogara; Carolina de Quadros Nonnenmacher; Letícia Becker Vieira

Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza Magnago, Marcia Tereza Luz Lisboa, Rosane Harter Griep, Ana Lucia Cardoso Kirchhof, Silviamar Camponogara, Carolina de Quadros Nonnenmacher, Leticia Becker Vieira ABSTRACT Objectives: To verify the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, and to identify socio-demographic and labor variables associated with those symptoms. Methods: Transversal study involving 491 nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. It was used the Brazilian version of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire to identify the musculoskeletal. Results: Among participants, 96.3% reported pain in some part of the body in the last year, 73.1 % in the last seven days and 65.8% difficulties in daily activities; pain in the spinal column was the most frequent mentioned by workers; socio-demographic characteristics (being a woman, extremes of age, minor children, little education, obesity, tabaccoism) and labor characteristics (technician or auxiliary nurse, night shift work, strenuous physical labor) were associated with pain in various regions. Conclusion: The results indicated for participatory proposals for promoting health and well-being in nursing work environment; hospital managers and workers should participate. keywords: Work; Cumulative trauma disorders; Occupational healthObjectives: To verify the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, and to identify socio-demographic and labor variables associated with those symptoms. Methods: Transversal study involving 491 nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. It was used the Brazilian version of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire to identify the musculoskeletal. Results: Among participants, 96.3% reported pain in some part of the body in the last year, 73.1 % in the last seven days and 65.8% difficulties in daily activities; pain in the spinal column was the most frequent mentioned by workers; socio-demographic characteristics (being a woman, extremes of age, minor children, little education, obesity, tabaccoism) and labor characteristics (technician or auxiliary nurse, night shift work, strenuous physical labor) were associated with pain in various regions. Conclusion: The results indicated for participatory proposals for promoting health and well-being in nursing work environment; hospital managers and workers should participate.

Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2010

Nursing workers: work conditions, social-demographic characteristics and skeletal muscle disturbances

Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza Magnago; Marcia Tereza Luz Lisboa; Rosane Harter Griep; Ana Lúcia Cardoso Kirchhof; Silviamar Camponogara; Carolina de Quadros Nonnenmacher; Letícia Becker Vieira

Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza Magnago, Marcia Tereza Luz Lisboa, Rosane Harter Griep, Ana Lucia Cardoso Kirchhof, Silviamar Camponogara, Carolina de Quadros Nonnenmacher, Leticia Becker Vieira ABSTRACT Objectives: To verify the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, and to identify socio-demographic and labor variables associated with those symptoms. Methods: Transversal study involving 491 nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. It was used the Brazilian version of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire to identify the musculoskeletal. Results: Among participants, 96.3% reported pain in some part of the body in the last year, 73.1 % in the last seven days and 65.8% difficulties in daily activities; pain in the spinal column was the most frequent mentioned by workers; socio-demographic characteristics (being a woman, extremes of age, minor children, little education, obesity, tabaccoism) and labor characteristics (technician or auxiliary nurse, night shift work, strenuous physical labor) were associated with pain in various regions. Conclusion: The results indicated for participatory proposals for promoting health and well-being in nursing work environment; hospital managers and workers should participate. keywords: Work; Cumulative trauma disorders; Occupational healthObjectives: To verify the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, and to identify socio-demographic and labor variables associated with those symptoms. Methods: Transversal study involving 491 nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. It was used the Brazilian version of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire to identify the musculoskeletal. Results: Among participants, 96.3% reported pain in some part of the body in the last year, 73.1 % in the last seven days and 65.8% difficulties in daily activities; pain in the spinal column was the most frequent mentioned by workers; socio-demographic characteristics (being a woman, extremes of age, minor children, little education, obesity, tabaccoism) and labor characteristics (technician or auxiliary nurse, night shift work, strenuous physical labor) were associated with pain in various regions. Conclusion: The results indicated for participatory proposals for promoting health and well-being in nursing work environment; hospital managers and workers should participate.

Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2009

A percepção de profissionais da saúde de um hospital sobre a violência contra as mulheres

Letícia Becker Vieira; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin; Maria Celeste Landerdahl

This qualitative study aimed at finding out the perceptions of health professionals about the assistance to women living in a violent situation. The scenery was a teaching hospital of southern Brazil. The participants were 12 health professionals from the obstetric and emergency units. The data were collected by semi structured interviews started by a short story in April to May of 2008. The information was organized and categorized and subject to thematic analysis. The results showed two categories: the dialogue as a facilitator instrument to identify the violence and their referrals and the complexity of the phenomena and their implications to the assistance. We pointed out the necessity of to create spaces of the responsibility of agencies devoted to training human resources in health and health services. It is in order to form multiprofessional team that discuss and implements the policy care to women living in a violent situation.Estudo descritivo qualitativo que objetivou conhecer percepcoes de profissionais de saude acerca da violencia contra a mulher. O cenario foi um hospital de ensino no sul do Brasil. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 16 profissionais de saude do Centro Obstetrico e Pronto Socorro. A coleta dos dados realizou-se em abril/maio de 2008, a partir de vinheta e entrevista semi-estruturada. As informacoes foram organizadas e estruturadas por meio da analise tematica. Nos resultados emergiram duas categorias: a necessidade de dialogo para identificar a violencia e encaminhar a situacao e a gravidade do fenomeno da violencia e suas limitacoes. Aponta-se a necessidade de criacao de espacos de co-responsabilizacao dos servicos de saude e de qualificacao profissional. Recomenda-se investimentos na educacao para desconstruir a cultura machista que reforca as desigualdades de genero, existentes em nossa sociedade que naturaliza e, de certa forma, autoriza comportamentos violentos.

Revista gaúcha de enfermagem | 2009

The perceptions of the health professionals at a hospital about the violence against women

Letícia Becker Vieira; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin; Maria Celeste Landerdahl

This qualitative study aimed at finding out the perceptions of health professionals about the assistance to women living in a violent situation. The scenery was a teaching hospital of southern Brazil. The participants were 12 health professionals from the obstetric and emergency units. The data were collected by semi structured interviews started by a short story in April to May of 2008. The information was organized and categorized and subject to thematic analysis. The results showed two categories: the dialogue as a facilitator instrument to identify the violence and their referrals and the complexity of the phenomena and their implications to the assistance. We pointed out the necessity of to create spaces of the responsibility of agencies devoted to training human resources in health and health services. It is in order to form multiprofessional team that discuss and implements the policy care to women living in a violent situation.Estudo descritivo qualitativo que objetivou conhecer percepcoes de profissionais de saude acerca da violencia contra a mulher. O cenario foi um hospital de ensino no sul do Brasil. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 16 profissionais de saude do Centro Obstetrico e Pronto Socorro. A coleta dos dados realizou-se em abril/maio de 2008, a partir de vinheta e entrevista semi-estruturada. As informacoes foram organizadas e estruturadas por meio da analise tematica. Nos resultados emergiram duas categorias: a necessidade de dialogo para identificar a violencia e encaminhar a situacao e a gravidade do fenomeno da violencia e suas limitacoes. Aponta-se a necessidade de criacao de espacos de co-responsabilizacao dos servicos de saude e de qualificacao profissional. Recomenda-se investimentos na educacao para desconstruir a cultura machista que reforca as desigualdades de genero, existentes em nossa sociedade que naturaliza e, de certa forma, autoriza comportamentos violentos.

Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM | 2011

Contribuições de um núcleo de estudos na consolidação de políticas públicas para as mulheres

Maria Celeste Landerdahl; Letícia Becker Vieira; Lizandra Flores Pimenta; Rosana Vargas Fraga; Karine Jacques Hentges; Mariana Resener de Morais

Objective: To report the experience of the origin and development of a core of womens health studies, relating references to discussions and reflections on gender and citizenship because of the urgency of consolidating these approaches in caring for the female audience. Method: from the experiences in developing research and extension activities of the Core of Studies on Women, Gender and Public Policy, Department of Nursing, Federal University of Santa Maria. Results: stand out extent relevant actions and studies have been conducted on gender issues, violence against women and women in construction. Conclusion: The study highlights the need of the educational institutions and groups of studies and research to align themselves to the assumptions of public policies as a way to prepare professionals attentive and sensitive to the inequalities reducing, respect for cultural diversity, social inclusion and configuring as possible mediators of processes of empowerment of women.

Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online | 2010

Women who reports violence: perspectives for nursing from social phenomenology

Letícia Becker Vieira; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin; Cristiane Cardoso de Paula

ABSTRACT Objective : to understand the perspective of the woman who reports violence. Methodology : a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, utilizing the theoretical and methodological background by Alfred Schutz. This allows us to understand the meanings and reasons of the report by women in situation of violence, through their motivations. The scenario will be the Police Station for Women (DPPM) in an inland city of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study participants will be women aged from 18 to 59 years old seeking the specialized service of the DPPM in order to report violence and register the occurrence. Results expected : the objective is an approximation between women in situations of violence and nursing aiming at the production of knowledge, as well as contributing to the intervention practices. These, mediated by actions of care, focused on promoting health and citizenship. Descriptors : nursing; women’s health; violence against women; conflict; emotions; quality of life; violence .xa0 RESUMO Objetivo : compreender a perspectiva da mulher que denuncia o vivido da violencia. Metodologia : pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem fenomenologica, sendo utilizado o referencial teorico metodologico de Alfred Schutz. Esse possibilita compreender as significacoes e os sentidos da acao da denuncia pela mulher em situacao de violencia, pelas suas motivacoes . O cenario sera a Delegacia de Policia para Mulher (DPPM) de um municipio do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. As participantes dos estudos serao mulheres da faixa etaria dos 18 a 59 anos que procuram o servico especializado da DPPM para realizacao da denuncia da violencia e registro da ocorrencia. Resultados esperados : vislumbra-se a a proximacao da mulher em situacao de violencia e a enfermagem, com vistas a producao do conhecimento e contribuicoes nas praticas de intervencao. Essas mediadas por acoes de cuidado, centradas na promocao da saude e cidadania. Descritores : enfermagem; saude da mulher; violencia contra a mulher; conflito ; emocoes ; qualidade de vida; violencia. RESUMEN Objetivo : comprender la perspectiva de la mujer que denuncia la experiencia de la violencia. Metodologia : investigacion cualitativa con abordaje fenomenologico, siendo utilizado el referencial teorico metodologico de Alfred Schutz. Ese posibilita comprender las significaciones y los sentidos de accion de la denuncia por la mujer en situacion de violencia, a traves de sus motivaciones. El escenario sera la Comisaria de Policia para la Mujer (DPPM, sigla en portugues) de un municipio en el interior del RS, Brasil. Las participantes de los estudios seran mujeres con 18 a 59 anos de edad que procuran el servicio especializado de la DPPM para denunciar la violencia y registrar la ocurrencia. Resultados esperados : se vislumbra el acercamiento de la mujer en situacion de violencia y la enfermeria, con vistas a la produccion del conocimiento y contribuciones en practicas de intervencion. Esas mediadas por acciones de cuidado, centradas en la promocion de la salud y ciudadania. Descriptores : enfermeria; salud de la mujer; violencia contra la mujer; conflicto; emociones; calidad de vida; violencia.

Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online | 2010

Identification and referrals given to situations of violence against woman by health professionals those work in a teaching hospital

Letícia Becker Vieira; Maria Celeste Landerdahl; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin

ABSTRACT Objective : to find out the perceptions of the health professionals who work in the obstetrician Center and in the emergency room of a teaching hospital in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul–RS, Brazil. Method : the qualitative investigation had 16 professionals as participants, under the approval of the Committee of Ethics in Research of the Federal University of Santa Maria, number protocol 0020.0.243.000-08. The data were obtained by a semi-structured interview associated with short stories. The findings were categorized according to the thematic analyses. Results : the results highlighted the difficulties of some professionals in identifying the feminine complaints as being the result of violence. On the other hand, when identified, the majority does not know and does not consider the possible solutions for these problems. Conclusion : considering this, the necessity of professional qualification is perceived. It is mandatory that the principles mediating this professional qualification is according to ethic and committed attitudes, as well as the building of working nets of intersectional actions in the search of an overall attention to the woman who suffers violence. Descriptors : nursing; health of the woman; violence against the woman; delivery of health care; healthy profissional; obstetrics ; public health; quality of life . RESUMO Objetivo : conhecer as percepcoes dos profissionais de saude que atuam no centro obstetrico e pronto socorro de um hospital de ensino do interior do Rio Grande do Sul–RS, Brasil. Metodo : investigacao qualitativa com 16 profissionais de saude, apos aprovacao do projeto de pesquisa pelo Comite de Etica em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, com numero de protocolo 0020.0.243.000-08. Os dados foram obtidos por entrevista semi-estruturada e os achados foram categorizados segundo analise tematica. Resultados : os resultados evidenciaram dificuldades de alguns profissionais em identificar queixas femininas como sendo resultado de violencia. Por outro lado, quando identificada, a maioria dos desconhece ou desconsidera os possiveis encaminhamentos para casos dessa natureza. Conclusao : percebe-se a necessidade de qualificacao profissional cujos principios balizadores sejam consoantes com posturas eticas e comprometidas com as reais necessidades de usuarios dos servicos de saude, bem como a construcao de redes de acao intersetorial na busca por atencao integral a mulher que sofre violencia. Descritores : enfermagem; saude da mulher; violencia contra a mulher; assistencia a saude; profissional de saude; obstetricia; saude publica; qualidade de vida. RESUMEN Objetivo : conocer las percepciones de los profesionales de salud que actuan en el centro obstetrico y en el hospital de urgencias de una institucion hospitalaria de ensenanza en el interior del Rio Grande del Sur–RS, Brasil. Metodo : investigacion cualitativa, tuvo como sujetos 16 profesionales, bajo aprobacion por el Comite de Etica en Investigacion de la Universidad Federal de Santa Maria , con numero de protocolo 0020.0.243.000-08. Los datos fueron obtenidos a traves de entrevista semiestructurada aliada a la vineta; y las informaciones recibidas fueron categorizadas segun el analisis tematico. Resultados : los resultados evidenciaron dificultades de algunos profesionales en identificar quejas femeninas como siendo resultado de violencia. Por otro lado, cuando identificada, la mayoria desconoce o desconsidera los posibles encaminamientos para casos de esa naturaleza. Conclusion : se percibe la necesidad de cualificacion profesional cuyos principios balizadores sean consonantes con posturas eticas y comprometidas con las reales necesidades de usuarios de los servicios de salud, asi como la construccion de redes de accion intersectorial en busqueda por atencion integral a la mujer que sufre la violencia. Descriptores : enfermeria; salud de la mujer; violencia contra la mujer; asistencia a la salud; personal de salud; obstetricia; salud publica; calidad de vida.

Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2010

Condiciones de trabajo, características sociodemográficas y disturbios músculo-esqueléticos en trabajadores de enfermería

Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza Magnago; Marcia Tereza Luz Lisboa; Rosane Harter Griep; Ana Lúcia Cardoso Kirchhof; Silviamar Camponogara; Carolina de Quadros Nonnenmacher; Letícia Becker Vieira

Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza Magnago, Marcia Tereza Luz Lisboa, Rosane Harter Griep, Ana Lucia Cardoso Kirchhof, Silviamar Camponogara, Carolina de Quadros Nonnenmacher, Leticia Becker Vieira ABSTRACT Objectives: To verify the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, and to identify socio-demographic and labor variables associated with those symptoms. Methods: Transversal study involving 491 nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. It was used the Brazilian version of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire to identify the musculoskeletal. Results: Among participants, 96.3% reported pain in some part of the body in the last year, 73.1 % in the last seven days and 65.8% difficulties in daily activities; pain in the spinal column was the most frequent mentioned by workers; socio-demographic characteristics (being a woman, extremes of age, minor children, little education, obesity, tabaccoism) and labor characteristics (technician or auxiliary nurse, night shift work, strenuous physical labor) were associated with pain in various regions. Conclusion: The results indicated for participatory proposals for promoting health and well-being in nursing work environment; hospital managers and workers should participate. keywords: Work; Cumulative trauma disorders; Occupational healthObjectives: To verify the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, and to identify socio-demographic and labor variables associated with those symptoms. Methods: Transversal study involving 491 nursing workers at a teaching university hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. It was used the Brazilian version of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire to identify the musculoskeletal. Results: Among participants, 96.3% reported pain in some part of the body in the last year, 73.1 % in the last seven days and 65.8% difficulties in daily activities; pain in the spinal column was the most frequent mentioned by workers; socio-demographic characteristics (being a woman, extremes of age, minor children, little education, obesity, tabaccoism) and labor characteristics (technician or auxiliary nurse, night shift work, strenuous physical labor) were associated with pain in various regions. Conclusion: The results indicated for participatory proposals for promoting health and well-being in nursing work environment; hospital managers and workers should participate.

Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2009

La percepción de profesionales de salud de un hospital sobre la violencia contra la mujer

Letícia Becker Vieira; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin; Maria Celeste Landerdahl

This qualitative study aimed at finding out the perceptions of health professionals about the assistance to women living in a violent situation. The scenery was a teaching hospital of southern Brazil. The participants were 12 health professionals from the obstetric and emergency units. The data were collected by semi structured interviews started by a short story in April to May of 2008. The information was organized and categorized and subject to thematic analysis. The results showed two categories: the dialogue as a facilitator instrument to identify the violence and their referrals and the complexity of the phenomena and their implications to the assistance. We pointed out the necessity of to create spaces of the responsibility of agencies devoted to training human resources in health and health services. It is in order to form multiprofessional team that discuss and implements the policy care to women living in a violent situation.Estudo descritivo qualitativo que objetivou conhecer percepcoes de profissionais de saude acerca da violencia contra a mulher. O cenario foi um hospital de ensino no sul do Brasil. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 16 profissionais de saude do Centro Obstetrico e Pronto Socorro. A coleta dos dados realizou-se em abril/maio de 2008, a partir de vinheta e entrevista semi-estruturada. As informacoes foram organizadas e estruturadas por meio da analise tematica. Nos resultados emergiram duas categorias: a necessidade de dialogo para identificar a violencia e encaminhar a situacao e a gravidade do fenomeno da violencia e suas limitacoes. Aponta-se a necessidade de criacao de espacos de co-responsabilizacao dos servicos de saude e de qualificacao profissional. Recomenda-se investimentos na educacao para desconstruir a cultura machista que reforca as desigualdades de genero, existentes em nossa sociedade que naturaliza e, de certa forma, autoriza comportamentos violentos.

Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde | 2010

Cotidiano e implicações da violência contra as mulheres: revisão narrativa da produção científica de enfermagem. Brasil, 1994-2008 - doi: 10.4025/cienccuidsaude.v9i2.9173

Letícia Becker Vieira; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin; Cristiane Cardoso de Paula

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