Featured researches published by Liam Paninski.
Archive | 2014
Wulfram Gerstner; Werner M. Kistler; Richard Naud; Liam Paninski
The primary aim of this chapter is to introduce several elementary notions of neuroscience, in particular the concepts of action potentials, postsynaptic potentials, firing thresholds, refractoriness, and adaptation. Based on these notions a preliminary model of neuronal dynamics is built and this simple model (the leaky integrate-and-fire model) will be used as a starting point and reference for the generalized integrate-and-fire models, which are the main topic of the book, to be discussed in Parts II and III. Since the mathematics used for the simple model is essentially that of a one-dimensional linear differential equation, we take this first chapter as an opportunity to introduce some of the mathematical notation that will be used throughout the rest of the book. Owing to the limitations of space, we cannot – and do not want to – give a comprehensive introduction to such a complex field as neurobiology. The presentation of the biological background in this chapter is therefore highly selective and focuses on those aspects needed to appreciate the biological background of the theoretical work presented in this book. For an in-depth discussion of neurobiology we refer the reader to the literature mentioned at the end of this chapter. After the review of neuronal properties in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 we will turn, in Section 1.3, to our first mathematical neuron model. The last two sections are devoted to a discussion of the strengths and limitations of simplified models.
Archive | 2014
Wulfram Gerstner; Werner M. Kistler; Richard Naud; Liam Paninski
Detailed conductance-based neuron models can reproduce electrophysiological measurements to a high degree of accuracy, but because of their intrinsic complexity these models are difficult to analyze. For this reason, simple phenomenological spiking neuron models are highly popular for studies of neural coding, memory, and network dynamics. In this chapter we discuss formal threshold models of neuronal firing, also called integrate-andfire models. The shape of the action potential of a given neuron is rather stereotyped with very little change between one spike and the next. Thus, the shape of the action potential which travels along the axon to a postsynaptic neuron cannot be used to transmit information; rather, from the point of view of the receiving neuron, action potentials are “events” which are fully characterized by the arrival time of the spike at the synapse. Note that spikes from different neuron types can have different shapes and the duration and shape of the spike does influence neurotransmitter release; but the spikes that arrive at a given synapse all come from the same presynaptic neuron and – if we neglect effects of fatigue of ionic channels in the axon – we can assume that its time course is always the same. Therefore we make no effort to model the exact shape of an action potential. Rather, spikes are treated as events characterized by their firing time – and the task consists in finding a model so as to reliably predict spike timings.
Archive | 2014
Wulfram Gerstner; Werner M. Kistler; Richard Naud; Liam Paninski
From a biophysical point of view, action potentials are the result of currents that pass through ion channels in the cell membrane. In an extensive series of experiments on the giant axon of the squid, Hodgkin and Huxley succeeded in measuring these currents and described their dynamics in terms of differential equations. Their paper published in 1952, which presents beautiful experiments combined with an elegant mathematical theory (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952), was rapidly recognized as groundbreaking work and eventually led to the Nobel Prize for Hodgkin and Huxley in 1963. In this chapter, the Hodgkin–Huxley model is reviewed and its behavior illustrated by several examples. The Hodgkin–Huxley model in its original form describes only three types of ion channel. However, as we shall see in Section 2.3 it can be extended to include many other ion channel types. The Hodgkin–Huxley equations are the basis for detailed neuron models which account for different types of synapse, and the spatial geometry of an individual neuron. Synaptic dynamics and the spatial structure of dendrites are the topics of Chapter 3. The Hodgkin–Huxley model is also the starting point for the derivation of simplified neuron models in Chapter 4 and will serve as a reference throughout the discussion of generalized integrate-and-fire models in Part II of the book. Before we can turn to the Hodgkin–Huxley equations, we need to give some additional information on the equilibrium potential of ion channels.
Archive | 2014
Wulfram Gerstner; Werner M. Kistler; Richard Naud; Liam Paninski
Archive | 2014
Wulfram Gerstner; Werner M. Kistler; Richard Naud; Liam Paninski
Archive | 2014
Wulfram Gerstner; Werner M. Kistler; Richard Naud; Liam Paninski
Archive | 2014
Wulfram Gerstner; Werner M. Kistler; Richard Naud; Liam Paninski
Archive | 2014
Wulfram Gerstner; Werner M. Kistler; Richard Naud; Liam Paninski
Archive | 2014
Wulfram Gerstner; Werner M. Kistler; Richard Naud; Liam Paninski
Archive | 2014
Wulfram Gerstner; Werner M. Kistler; Richard Naud; Liam Paninski