Ligia B.L. Persoli
State University of Campinas
Human Immunology | 2001
Walkyria Mara Gonçalves Volpini; Giuliana V. Testa; Silvia Barbosa Dutra Marques; Lais I. Alves; Maria Elizabeth Rossi da Silva; Sergio Atala Dib; Gil Guerra; Maria Fernanda Vanti Macedo Paulino; Sofia Helena Valente de Lemos Marini; Ligia B.L. Persoli; Sophie Caillat-Zucman
The association of HLA class II haplotypes with type I diabetes was analyzed in 56 Southeastern Brazilian families using affected family-based controls (AFBAC) method. DRB1-DQA1-DQB1 alleles were determined by polymerase chain reaction/sequence-specific primer genotyping. This study first revealed the great haplotype diversity of Brazilians (65 different haplotypes even with incomplete DRB1 subtyping), probably due to the admixture of Africans genes with European and Amerindian genes in this population. The results revealed increased frequencies of the DRB1*03-DQA1*0501-DQB1*02 and DRB1*0401-DQA1*03-DQB1*0302 haplotypes in the patient group The highest risk for type I diabetes was associated with the heterozygote DRB1*03/*04 genotype as largely reported, and DRB1*03/X and DRB1*04/Y genotypes conferred a significant, but much lower disease risk. Protection from type I diabetes revealed some peculiarities in Southeastern Brazilians: a lack of significant protecting effect of the DRB1*1501-DQA1*0102-DQB1*0602 haplotype, and an apparent protection conferred by the DRB1*13-DQB1*0301, DRB1*11-DQB1*0301, and DRB1*01-DQB1*0501 two-locus haplotypes. The risk to type I diabetes in the highly diversified Southeastern Brazilians evidenced specific information to the prediction of the disease in this region of the country.
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research | 1998
S.B.D. Marques; Walkyria Mara Gonçalves Volpini; Sophie Caillat-Zucman; S.R. Lieber; E.J. Pavin; Ligia B.L. Persoli
HLA class II genes are strongly associated with susceptibility and resistance to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The present study reports the HLA-DRB1 genotyping of 41 IDDM patients and 99 healthy subjects from the Southeast of Brazil (Campinas region). Both groups consisted of an ethnic mixture of Caucasian, African Negro and Amerindian origin. HLA-DRB1*03 and *04 alleles were found at significantly higher frequencies among IDDM patients compared to the controls (DRB1*03: 48.8% vs 18.2%, P < 0.005, RR = 4.27; DRB1*04: 43.9% vs 15.1%, P < 0.008, RR = 4.37) and were associated with a susceptibility to the disease. DRB1*03/*04 heterozygosity conferred a strong IDDM risk (RR = 5.44). In contrast, the HLA-DRB1*11 allele frequency was lower among IDDM patients (7.3% vs 26.3% in controls), but the difference was not significant. These data agree with those described for other populations and allow genetic characterization of IDDM in Brazil.
Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira | 2007
Lúcia Aparecida Barion; Luiza Tamie Tsuneto; Giuliana V. Testa; Sofia Rocha Lieber; Ligia B.L. Persoli; Silvia Barbosa Dutra Marques; Afonso Celso Vigorito; Francisco J.P. Aranha; Katia A.B. Eid; Gislaine Borba Oliveira; Eliana Cristina Martins Miranda; Carmino Antonio de Souza; Jeane Eliete Laguila Visentainer
OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this study was to investigate the class I HLA antigens and class II HLA allele frequencies in 164 patients with leukemia: 35 patients with ALL (acute lymphoid leukemia), 50 with AML (acute myeloid leukemia) and 78 with CML (chronic myeloid leukemia). METHODS: The genotyping of class I HLA was performed by microlymphocytotoxicity and of class II by PCR-SSP (polymerase chain reaction - sequence specific of primers) (One Lambda, Canoga Park, CA, USA). RESULTS: In patients with LLA, frequencies of HLA-B45 and HLA-B56 were higher (P = 0.02; OR = 3.13; 95%IC = 0.94-10.44; P = 0.03; OR = 3.61; 95%IC = 0.47-27.64, respectively), than in controls. In patients with AML, the frequency of HLA-B7 (P = 0.01; OR = 2.41; 95%IC = 1.25-4.67) was higher than in controls. The presence of HLA-B45 (P= 0.01; OR = 3.29; 95%IC = 1.46-7.40), HLA-DRB1*04 (P = 0.002; OR = 2.17; 95%IC = 1.36-3.46) and HLA-DRB1*08 (P = 0.004; OR = 2.36; 95%IC = 1.34-4.16) was associated to increased risk of CML developing. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that variants of HLA confer susceptibility to the same forms of leukemia, and could provide new tools for the investigation of genetics and etiology of this disease.
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research | 2002
Jeane Eliete Laguila Visentainer; Sofia Rocha Lieber; Ligia B.L. Persoli; S.C.B. de Souza Lima; Afonso Celso Vigorito; F.J.P. Aranha; Katia A.B. Eid; Gislaine Borba Oliveira; Eliana Cristina Martins Miranda; C.A. De Souza
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the mixed lymphocyte culture as a predictive assay of acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). We studied 153 patients who received a first bone marrow transplantation from human leukocyte antigen-identical siblings. Acute GVHD was observed in 26 of 128 (20.3%) patients evaluated and chronic GVHD occurred in 60 of 114 (52.6%). One-way mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) assays were performed by the standard method. MLC results are reported as the relative response (RR) from donor against patient cells. The responses ranged from -47.0 to 40.7%, with a median of 0.5%. The Kaplan-Meier probability of developing GVHD was determined for patients with positive and negative MLC. There was no significant difference in incidence of acute GVHD between the groups studied. However, the incidence of chronic GVHD was higher in recipients with RR >4.5% than in those with RR < or =4.5%. The Cox Proportional Hazards model was used to examine the effect of MLC levels on incidence of chronic GVHD, while adjusting for the potential confounding effect of others suspected or observed risk factors. The relative risk of chronic GVHD was 2.5 for patients with positive MLC (RR >4.5%), 2.9 for those who received peripheral blood progenitor cells as a graft, and 2.2 for patients who developed previous acute GVHD. MLC was not useful for predicting acute GVHD, but MLC with RR >4.5% associated with other risk factors could predict the development of chronic GVHD, being of help for the prevention and/or treatment of this late complication.
Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia | 2008
Jeane Eliete Laguila Visentainer; Sofia Rocha Lieber; Ligia B.L. Persoli; Silvia Barbosa Dutra Marques; Afonso Celso Vigorito; Francisco J.P. Aranha; Katia A.B. Eid; Gislaine Borba Oliveira; Eliana Cristina Martins Miranda; Carmino Antonio de Souza
Estudos de varios genes candidatos tem demonstrado que polimorfismos geneticos em genes de citocinas contribuem com variacoes nos niveis de citocinas produzidas e esta variacao pode influenciar a ocorrencia e gravidade de complicacoes apos o transplante de celulas-tronco hematopoeticas (TCTH). Neste trabalho comparamos as concentracoes sericas de TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-10 e TGF-β 1 em 13 receptores seguindo o TCTH com os polimorfismos TNF-308, IFNG+874, IL6-174, IL10-1082,-819,-592 e TGFB1+869,+915. Os niveis sericos de citocinas foram medidos usando-se kits comerciais de ELISA para TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-10 e TGF-β 1 (BioSource®, Nivelles, Belgium, Europe). Os genotipos de doadores/receptores para estes polimorfismos de citocinas foram analisados pela reacao em cadeia da polimerase com sequencias especificas de primer (PCR-SSP) com o kit Cytokine Genotyping Primers (One Lambda, Canoga Park, CA, USA). Encontramos correlacao entre os niveis de IL-6 e IL-10 seguindo o TCTH e os polimorfismos IL6-174 e IL10-1082,-819,-592, mas nao para outras citocinas investigadas neste estudo. Aqueles com genotipos relativos a baixa producao de IL-6 e IL-10 produziram mais baixos niveis destas citocinas que aqueles com genotipos relativos a producao alta e/ou intermediaria destas citocinas (P < 0,05).
Revista da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde | 2016
Edeli Simioni de Abreu; Mariana Batista de Andrade Lima; Alisson Diego Machado; Ligia B.L. Persoli
Cresce a preocupacao da populacao com a qualidade e a seguranca alimentar, na qual a agricultura orgânica surge como alternativa. As hortalicas apresentam importante meio de transmissao de varias doencas infecciosas, destacando-se a alface que e bastante consumida pela populacao brasileira. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a qualidade parasitologica de alfaces orgânicas vendidas em uma rede de supermercados da cidade de Sao Paulo, SP. Durante o periodo de agosto a setembro de 2012, foram analisadas 40 amostras de alfaces americanas orgânicas, pelo metodo de sedimentacao espontânea (Hoffman; Pons; Janer, 1934). O sedimento foi analisado em microscopio optico: Das amostras analisadas, 100% nao apresentaram presenca de cistos de Entamoeba histolyticae nem a presenca de cistos de Giardia intestinalis. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que as amostras de alfaces comercializadas em uma rede de supermercados nao continham formas parasitarias. Assim, o consumo de hortalicas orgânicas torna-se uma boa pratica alimentar.
Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia | 2005
Jeane Eliete Laguila Visentainer; Sofia Rocha Lieber; Ligia B.L. Persoli; Afonso Celso Vigorito; Francisco J.P. Aranha; Katia A.B. Eid; Gislaine Borba Oliveira; Eliana Cristina Martins Miranda; Carmino Antonio de Souza
This study was performed to investigate whether the serum levels of sIL-2R, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-6, IL-10, and TGF-beta1 are associated with the development of acute GVHD. Serum cytokine levels were sequentially measured by sandwich Enzyme Linked-Immuno-Sorbent Assay (Elisa) in 13 patients who had received full match allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Serum sIL-2R and IL-10 levels from the 1st to the 15th week post transplantation were significantly higher in the group who developed acute GVHD than in the group without acute GVHD. Soluble IL-2R levels increased in direct correlation to engraftment and onset of acute GVHD, while IL-10 levels increased transiently following transplantation. The mean TNF-alpha concentration in the first weeks after transplantation was augmented in the group that developed acute GVHD. Furthermore, a drop in TGF-beta1 levels after the engraftment was significantly associated to acute GVHD. No correlation was found between acute GVHD and the other evaluated cytokines. These results support the idea that a balance between cytokines derived from type 1 and type 2 T-helper cells may be important in the development and control of acute GVHD. Although sIL-2R, TNF-alpha, IL-10, and TGF-beta1 levels, correlated with acute GVHD, sIL-2R levels at the engraftment may provide a better parameter for the early detection of acute GVHD after allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
Sao Paulo Medical Journal | 2002
Jeane Eliete Laguila Visentainer; Sofia Rocha Lieber; Ligia B.L. Persoli; Afonso Celso Vigorito; Francisco J.P. Aranha; Carmino Antonio de Souza
CONTEXT Mixed lymphocyte culturing has led to conflicting opinions regarding the selection of donors for bone marrow transplantation. The association between a positive mixed lymphocyte culture and the development of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is unclear. The use of exogenous cytokines in mixed lymphocyte cultures could be an alternative for increasing the sensitivity of culture tests. OBJECTIVE To increase the sensitivity of mixed lymphocyte cultures between donor and recipient human leukocyte antigen (HLA) identical siblings, using exogenous cytokines, in order to predict post-transplantation GVHD and/or rejection. TYPE OF STUDY Prospective study. SETTING Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. PARTICIPANTS Seventeen patients with hematological malignancies and their respective donors selected for bone marrow transplantation procedures. PROCEDURES Standard and modified mixed lymphocyte culturing by cytokine supplementation was carried out using donor and recipient cells typed for HLA. MAIN MEASUREMENTS Autologous and allogenic responses in mixed lymphocyte cultures after the addition of IL-4 or IL-2. RESULTS In comparison with the standard method, average responses in the modified mixed lymphocyte cultures increased by a factor of 2.0 using IL-4 (p < 0.001) and 6.4 using IL-2 (p < 0.001), for autologous donor culture responses. For donor-versus-recipient culture responses, the increase was by a factor of 1.9 using IL-4 (p < 0.001) and 4.1 using IL-2 (p < 0.001). For donor-versus-unrelated culture responses, no significant increase was observed using IL-4, and a mean response inhibition of 20% was observed using IL-2 (p < 0.001). Neither of the cytokines produced a significant difference in the unrelated control versus recipient cell responses. CONCLUSION IL-4 supplementation was the best for increasing the mixed lymphocyte culture sensitivity. However, IL-4 also increased autologous responses, albeit less intensively than IL-2. Thus, with this loss of specificity we believe that it is not worth modifying the traditional mixed lymphocyte culture method, even with IL-4 addition.
Experimental Hematology | 2003
Jeane Eliete Laguila Visentainer; Sofia Rocha Lieber; Ligia B.L. Persoli; Afonso Celso Vigorito; Francisco J.P. Aranha; Katia A.B. Eid; Gislaine Borba Oliveira; Eliana Cristina Martins Miranda; Carmino Antonio de Souza
Cytokine | 2005
Jeane Eliete Laguila Visentainer; Sofia Rocha Lieber; Ligia B.L. Persoli; Silvia Barbosa Dutra Marques; Afonso Celso Vigorito; Francisco J.P. Aranha; Katia A.B. Eid; Gislaine Borba Oliveira; Eliana Cristina Martins Miranda; Luciana Bragotto; Carmino Antonio de Souza