
Organic Letters | 2013

Six-Membered Spirocycle Triggered Probe for Visualizing Hg2+ in Living Cells and Bacteria–EPS–Mineral Aggregates

Zheng Yang; Likai Hao; Bing Yin; Mengyao She; Martin Obst; Andreas Kappler; Jianli Li

A novel rhodamine based probe with a unique six-membered spirocycle was rationally designed for detection of Hg(2+) with greatly improved selectivity, sensitivity, and photostability. The probe has been shown to be suitable for Hg(2+) imaging in living cells and mapping Hg(2+) distribution in living cell-EPS-mineral aggregates under anoxic conditions.

FEMS Microbiology Ecology | 2014

Characterization of the physiology and cell-mineral interactions of the marine anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II) oxidizer Rhodovulum iodosum--implications for Precambrian Fe(II) oxidation.

Wenfang Wu; Elizabeth D. Swanner; Likai Hao; Fabian Zeitvogel; Martin Obst; Yongxin Pan; Andreas Kappler

Anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria (photoferrotrophs) are suggested to have contributed to the deposition of banded iron formations (BIFs) from oxygen-poor seawater. However, most studies evaluating the contribution of photoferrotrophs to Precambrian Fe(II) oxidation have used freshwater and not marine strains. Therefore, we investigated the physiology and mineral products of Fe(II) oxidation by the marine photoferrotroph Rhodovulum iodosum. Poorly crystalline Fe(III) minerals formed initially and transformed to more crystalline goethite over time. During Fe(II) oxidation, cell surfaces were largely free of minerals. Instead, the minerals were co-localized with EPS suggesting that EPS plays a critical role in preventing cell encrustation, likely by binding Fe(III) and directing precipitation away from cell surfaces. Fe(II) oxidation rates increased with increasing initial Fe(II) concentration (0.43-4.07 mM) under a light intensity of 12 μmol quanta m(-2) s(-1). Rates also increased as light intensity increased (from 3 to 20 μmol quanta m(-2) s(-1)), while the addition of Si did not significantly change Fe(II) oxidation rates. These results elaborate on how the physical and chemical conditions present in the Precambrian ocean controlled the activity of marine photoferrotrophs and confirm the possibility that such microorganisms could have oxidized Fe(II), generating the primary Fe(III) minerals that were then deposited to some Precambrian BIFs.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2013

Mapping of heavy metal ion sorption to cell-extracellular polymeric substance-mineral aggregates by using metal-selective fluorescent probes and confocal laser scanning microscopy.

Likai Hao; Jianli Li; Andreas Kappler; Martin Obst

ABSTRACT Biofilms, organic matter, iron/aluminum oxides, and clay minerals bind toxic heavy metal ions and control their fate and bioavailability in the environment. The spatial relationship of metal ions to biomacromolecules such as extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in biofilms with microbial cells and biogenic minerals is complex and occurs at the micro- and submicrometer scale. Here, we review the application of highly selective and sensitive metal fluorescent probes for confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) that were originally developed for use in life sciences and propose their suitability as a powerful tool for mapping heavy metals in environmental biofilms and cell-EPS-mineral aggregates (CEMAs). The benefit of using metal fluorescent dyes in combination with CLSM imaging over other techniques such as electron microscopy is that environmental samples can be analyzed in their natural hydrated state, avoiding artifacts such as aggregation from drying that is necessary for analytical electron microscopy. In this minireview, we present data for a group of sensitive fluorescent probes highly specific for Fe3+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Hg2+, illustrating the potential of their application in environmental science. We evaluate their application in combination with other fluorescent probes that label constituents of CEMAs such as DNA or polysaccharides and provide selection guidelines for potential combinations of fluorescent probes. Correlation analysis of spatially resolved heavy metal distributions with EPS and biogenic minerals in their natural, hydrated state will further our understanding of the behavior of metals in environmental systems since it allows for identifying bonding sites in complex, heterogeneous systems.

Journal of Microscopy | 2016

ScatterJ: An ImageJ plugin for the evaluation of analytical microscopy datasets

Fabian Zeitvogel; Gregor Schmid; Likai Hao; Pablo Ingino; Martin Obst

We present ScatterJ, an ImageJ plugin that allows for extracting qualitative as well as quantitative information from analytical microscopy datasets. A large variety of analytical microscopy methods are used to obtain spatially resolved chemical information. The resulting datasets are often large and complex, and can contain information that is not obvious or directly accessible. ScatterJ extends and complements existing methods to extract information on correlation and colocalization from pairs of species‐specific or element‐specific maps. We demonstrate the possibilities to extract information using example datasets from biogeochemical studies, although the plugin is not restricted to this type of research. The information that we could extract from our existing data helped to further our understanding of biogeochemical processes such as mineral formation or heavy metal sorption. ScatterJ can be used for a variety of different two‐dimensional (2D) and three‐dimensional (3D) datasets such as energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy maps, 3D confocal laser scanning microscopy maps, and 2D scanning transmission X‐ray microscopy maps.

Frontiers of Earth Science in China | 2015

Physiology, Fe(II) oxidation, and Fe mineral formation by a marine planktonic cyanobacterium grown under ferruginous conditions

Elizabeth D. Swanner; Wenfang Wu; Likai Hao; Marina Lisa Wüstner; Martin Obst; Dawn M. Moran; Matthew R. McIlvin; Mak A. Saito; Andreas Kappler

Evidence for Fe(II) oxidation and deposition of Fe(III)-bearing minerals from anoxic or redox-stratified Precambrian oceans has received support from decades of sedimentological and geochemical investigation of Banded Iron Formations (BIF). While the exact mechanisms of Fe(II) oxidation remains equivocal, reaction with O2 in the marine water column, produced by cyanobacteria or early oxygenic phototrophs, was likely. In order to understand the role of cyanobacteria in the deposition of Fe(III) minerals to BIF, we must first know how planktonic marine cyanobacteria respond to ferruginous (anoxic and Fe(II)-rich) waters in terms of growth, Fe uptake and homeostasis, and Fe mineral formation. We therefore grew the common marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7002 in closed bottles that began anoxic, and contained Fe(II) concentrations that span the range of possible concentrations in Precambrian seawater. These results, along with cell suspension experiments, indicate that Fe(II) is likely oxidized by this strain via chemical oxidation with oxygen produced during photosynthesis, and not via any direct enzymatic or photosynthetic pathway. Imaging of the cell-mineral aggregates with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) are consistent with extracellular precipitation of Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxide minerals, but that >10% of Fe(III) sorbs to cell surfaces rather than precipitating. Proteomic experiments support the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Fe(II) toxicity to Synechococcus PCC 7002. The proteome expressed under low Fe conditions included multiple siderophore biosynthesis and siderophore and Fe transporter proteins, but most siderophores are not expressed during growth with Fe(II). These results provide a mechanistic and quantitative framework for evaluating the geochemical consequences of perhaps life’s greatest metabolic innovation, i.e. the evolution and activity of oxygenic photosynthesis, in ferruginous Precambrian oceans.

Microscopy and Microanalysis | 2014

Synchrotron-based chemical nano-tomography of microbial cell-mineral aggregates in their natural, hydrated state.

Gregor Schmid; Fabian Zeitvogel; Likai Hao; Pablo Ingino; Wolfgang Kuerner; James J. Dynes; Chithra Karunakaran; Jian Wang; Yingshen Lu; Travis Ayers; Chuck Schietinger; Adam P. Hitchcock; Martin Obst

Chemical nano-tomography of microbial cells in their natural, hydrated state provides direct evidence of metabolic and chemical processes. Cells of the nitrate-reducing Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1 were cultured in the presence of ferrous iron. Bacterial reduction of nitrate causes precipitation of Fe(III)-(oxyhydr)oxides in the periplasm and in direct vicinity of the cells. Nanoliter aliquots of cell-suspension were injected into custom-designed sample holders wherein polyimide membranes collapse around the cells by capillary forces. The immobilized, hydrated cells were analyzed by synchrotron-based scanning transmission X-ray microscopy in combination with angle-scan tomography. This approach provides three-dimensional (3D) maps of the chemical species in the sample by employing their intrinsic near-edge X-ray absorption properties. The cells were scanned through the focus of a monochromatic soft X-ray beam at different, chemically specific X-ray energies to acquire projection images of their corresponding X-ray absorbance. Based on these images, chemical composition maps were then calculated. Acquiring projections at different tilt angles allowed for 3D reconstruction of the chemical composition. Our approach allows for 3D chemical mapping of hydrated samples and thus provides direct evidence for the localization of metabolic and chemical processes in situ.

Scientific Reports | 2016

A novel approach to study the structure-property relationships and applications in living systems of modular Cu2+ fluorescent probes

Mengyao She; Zheng Yang; Likai Hao; Zhaohui Wang; Tianyou Luo; Martin Obst; Ping Liu; Yehua Shen; Shengyong Zhang; Jianli Li

A series of Cu2+ probe which contains 9 probes have been synthesized and established. All the probes were synthesized using Rhodamine B as the fluorophore, conjugated to various differently substituted cinnamyl aldehyde with C=N Schiff base structural motif as their core moiety. The structure-property relationships of these probes have been investigated. The change of optical properties, caused by different electronic effect and steric effect of the recognition group, has been analyzed systematically. DFT calculation simulation of the Ring-Close and Ring-Open form of all the probes have been employed to illuminate, summarize and confirm these correlations between optical properties and molecular structures. In addition, biological experiment demonstrated that all the probes have a high potential for both sensitive and selective detection, mapping of adsorbed Cu2+ both in vivo and environmental microbial systems. This approach provides a significant strategy for studying structure-property relationships and guiding the synthesis of probes with various optical properties.

Analytica Chimica Acta | 2015

Visualizing tributyltin (TBT) in bacterial aggregates by specific rhodamine-based fluorescent probes

Xilang Jin; Likai Hao; Mengyao She; Martin Obst; Andreas Kappler; Bing Yin; Ping Liu; Jianli Li; Lanying Wang; Zhen Shi

Here we present the first examples of fluorescent and colorimetric probes for microscopic TBT imaging. The fluorescent probes are highly selective and sensitive to TBT and have successfully been applied for imaging of TBT in bacterial Rhodobacter ferrooxidans sp. strain SW2 cell-EPS-mineral aggregates and in cell suspensions of the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7002 by using confocal laser scanning microscopy.

Environmental Science & Technology | 2016

Submicron-Scale Heterogeneities in Nickel Sorption of Various Cell–Mineral Aggregates Formed by Fe(II)-Oxidizing Bacteria

Gregor Schmid; Fabian Zeitvogel; Likai Hao; Pablo Ingino; Irini J. Adaktylou; Merle Eickhoff; Martin Obst

Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria form biogenic cell-mineral aggregates (CMAs) composed of microbial cells, extracellular organic compounds, and ferric iron minerals. CMAs are capable of immobilizing large quantities of heavy metals, such as nickel, via sorption processes. CMAs play an important role for the fate of heavy metals in the environment, particularly in systems characterized by elevated concentrations of dissolved metals, such as mine drainage or contaminated sediments. We applied scanning transmission (soft) X-ray microscopy (STXM) spectrotomography for detailed 3D chemical mapping of nickel sorbed to CMAs on the submicron scale. We analyzed different CMAs produced by phototrophic or nitrate-reducing microbial Fe(II) oxidation and, in addition, a twisted stalk structure obtained from an environmental biofilm. Nickel showed a heterogeneous distribution and was found to be preferentially sorbed to biogenically precipitated iron minerals such as Fe(III)-(oxyhydr)oxides and, to a minor extent, associated with organic compounds. Some distinct nickel accumulations were identified on the surfaces of CMAs. Additional information obtained from scatter plots and angular distance maps, showing variations in the nickel-iron and nickel-organic carbon ratios, also revealed a general correlation between nickel and iron. Although a high correlation between nickel and iron was observed in 2D maps, 3D maps revealed this to be partly due to projection artifacts. In summary, by combining different approaches for data analysis, we unambiguously showed the heterogeneous sorption behavior of nickel to CMAs.

Environmental Science & Technology | 2017

Iron Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II) Oxidation Mediated by the Oxygen-Producing Marine Cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7002

Elizabeth D. Swanner; T. Bayer; Wenfang Wu; Likai Hao; Martin Obst; Anneli Sundman; James M. Byrne; F. M. Michel; I. C. Kleinhanns; Andreas Kappler; Ronny Schoenberg

In this study, we couple iron isotope analysis to microscopic and mineralogical investigation of iron speciation during circumneutral Fe(II) oxidation and Fe(III) precipitation with photosynthetically produced oxygen. In the presence of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7002, aqueous Fe(II) (Fe(II)aq) is oxidized and precipitated as amorphous Fe(III) oxyhydroxide minerals (iron precipitates, Feppt), with distinct isotopic fractionation (ε56Fe) values determined from fitting the δ56Fe(II)aq (1.79‰ and 2.15‰) and the δ56Feppt (2.44‰ and 2.98‰) data trends from two replicate experiments. Additional Fe(II) and Fe(III) phases were detected using microscopy and chemical extractions and likely represent Fe(II) and Fe(III) sorbed to minerals and cells. The iron desorbed with sodium acetate (FeNaAc) yielded heavier δ56Fe compositions than Fe(II)aq. Modeling of the fractionation during Fe(III) sorption to cells and Fe(II) sorption to Feppt, combined with equilibration of sorbed iron and with Fe(II)aq using published fractionation factors, is consistent with our resulting δ56FeNaAc. The δ56Feppt data trend is inconsistent with complete equilibrium exchange with Fe(II)aq. Because of this and our detection of microbially excreted organics (e.g., exopolysaccharides) coating Feppt in our microscopic analysis, we suggest that electron and atom exchange is partially suppressed in this system by biologically produced organics. These results indicate that cyanobacteria influence the fate and composition of iron in sunlit environments via their role in Fe(II) oxidation through O2 production, the capacity of their cell surfaces to sorb iron, and the interaction of secreted organics with Fe(III) minerals.

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