
Pediatrics International | 2016

Interlimb coordination and academic performance in elementary school children.

Sheila Cristina da Silva Pacheco; Carl Gabbard; Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries; Tatiana Godoy Bobbio

The specific mechanisms linking motor ability and cognitive performance, especially academic achievement, are still unclear. Whereas the literature provides an abundance of information on fine and visual–motor skill and cognitive attributes, much less has been reported on gross motor ability. This study examined interlimb coordination and its relationship to academic performance in children aged 8–11 years.

Pediatrics International | 2016

Relationship Between Interlimb Coordination and Academic Performance In Elementary School Children.

Sheila Cristina da Silva Pacheco; Carl Gabbard; Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries; Tatiana Godoy Bobbio

The specific mechanisms linking motor ability and cognitive performance, especially academic achievement, are still unclear. Whereas the literature provides an abundance of information on fine and visual–motor skill and cognitive attributes, much less has been reported on gross motor ability. This study examined interlimb coordination and its relationship to academic performance in children aged 8–11 years.

Research in Developmental Disabilities | 2015

The influence of seat heights and foot placement positions on postural control in children with cerebral palsy during a sit-to-stand task

Daiane Lazzeri de Medeiros; Josilene Souza Conceição; Maylli Daiani Graciosa; Deyse Borges Koch; Marcio José dos Santos; Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries

This paper aimed to analyze, from both a kinetic and kinematic perspective, the postural control of children with cerebral palsy (CP) able to independently perform the sit-to-stand (STS) task (ICP) and children who needed support (SCP) typically developing children during the STS; and also investigate the influence of seats heights and foot placement positions on postural control of these children. Fourteen children with CP and fourteen typically developing controls were recruited. Based on the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) the children with CP were divided into ICP (level I) and SCP (levels II and III). Balance was assessed using the Pediatric Balance Scale. Motor function was rated using the GMFCS. Kinematic and kinetic data were recorded and analyzed during the STS task at two different seat heights and foot placement positions. The SCP exhibited significantly less balance according to the PBS and smaller displacement of their center of pressure (COP) in anteroposterior (COPAP) and mediolateral (COPML) direction relative to the other two groups. ICP demonstrated significant greater in the COPML displacement than the other groups. Children with CP required more time to complete the STS than controls. Those in the SCP group had lower linear displacement of the shoulder and knee than others during the STS task. During the high bench condition, the linear displacements of the shoulder and knee were reduced also. We conclude that the SCP has less COPAP and COPML oscillation, what means the better postural control during STS than the other two groups, which may be related to the support provided. The ICP exhibited greater COPML oscillations than controls, suggesting that they utilized different strategies in the frontal plane during the STS task. The seat height and foot placement did not influence postural control in children with CP, at least in terms of kinetic parameters. Seat height influenced the kinematic variables, with a high bench reducing linear displacement of the shoulder (vertical and horizontal) and knee (vertical) both in children with CP and control children.

Journal of Human Growth and Development | 2013

Efeito do Sedentarismo, Perfil Nutricional e Sexo na Flexibilidade de Escolares

Maylli Daiani Graciosa; Jerusa Jordão Coelho; Letícia Miranda Resende da Costa; Daiane Lazzeri de Medeiros; Micheli Martinello; Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries

Introduction: assart-day life habits have led to a more sedentary lifestyle, contributing to increased obesity. In view of these changes, it is necessary to understand whether the flexibility of the individual has also been influenced. Objective: to investigate the influence of sex, sedentary lifestyle and nutritional status on the flexibility of elementary school children. Methods: 60 cheldren of both sexes aged five to 14 years were divided into a normal flexibility group (n = 21) and a reduced flexibility group (n = 39). Flexibility was evaluated by photogrammetry using the straight leg raise test, considering the leg angle. The physical activity level was evaluated using the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children, and nutritional status was assessed by Body Mass Index for age and sex. Results: the normal flexibility group and the reduced flexibility group presented no significant differences regarding age, weight or height (p > 0.05). No differences were found (p > 0.05) in leg angle between the active and sedentary groups, the obese and nonobese or between males and females. Conclusions: sex, sedentary lifestyle and nutritional status exercized to influence on the flexibility of students.

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2014

Influência da flexibilidade e sexo na postura de escolaresInfluence of flexibility and gender on the posture of school children

Jerusa Jordão Coelho; Maylli Daiani Graciosa; Daiane Lazzeri de Medeiros; Sheila Cristina da Silva Pacheco; Letícia Miranda Resende da Costa; Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries

Objetivo:Verificar se a flexibilidade e o sexo exercem influencia sobre a postura de escolares.Metodo:Foram avaliados 60 escolares de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 5 e 14 anos, divididos em dois grupos: flexibilidade normal (n=21) e flexibilidade reduzida (n=39). A flexibilidade e a postura foram avaliadas, respectivamente, por meio da fotogrametria e do teste de elevacao dos membros inferiores em extensao, considerando o ângulo da perna e a avaliacao postural. Para o tratamento de dados, foi feita a estatistica descritiva (media e desvio padrao). A analise de variância univariada (ANOVA) foi utilizada para verificar a influencia conjunta dos fatores flexibilidade e sexo nas variaveis dependentes posturais. Apos verificar efeito interativo entre esses dois fatores, procederam-se as comparacoes multiplas, utilizando o teste t.Resultados:A variavel flexibilidade exerceu efeito sobre o ângulo de simetria do joelho (p 0,05). Houve interacao entre as variaveis flexibilidade e sexo no ângulo de simetria do joelho (p<0,02). Escolares do sexo masculino e flexibilidade reduzida apresentaram maior assimetria de joelho, comparados aos outros subgrupos.Conclusao:A postura sofreu efeito isolado da variavel flexibilidade e efeito interativo entre o sexo e a flexibilidade.

ConScientiae Saúde | 2012

Apoio manual na cintura escapular aumenta a coativação durante o treino de marcha de crianças com paralisia cerebral

Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries; Elaine Carmelita Piucco; Micheli Martinello

Introduction: No studies were found that examined different therapeutic strategies used as a resource in gait training for children with cerebral palsy. Objectives: To compare the level of activity and muscle coactivation of the tibialis anterior and medial gastrocnemius during two strategies used during gait training: walking with walker use and walking with manual support on the scapular waist. Methods: We evaluated five children with cerebral palsy. The spasticity degree of children was evaluated by the Modified Ashworth Scale. The myoelectrical signals were analyzed by calculating the magnitude of electromyographic activity and the co-contraction index. Results: During the gait training with manual support on the scapular waist was a significant increase (p <0.05) in electromyographic amplitude of the medial gastrocnemius muscle and the index of coactivation, compared to walking with walker. Conclusions: The walker seems to be a good gait training strategy for children with cerebral palsy.

Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional | 2018

Relação entre o tempo de permanência em prono, supino e sentado, e o desenvolvimento motor até seis meses de idade

Maylli Daiani Graciosa; Sheila Cristina da Silva Pacheco; Micheli Martinello; Daiane Lazzeri de Medeiros; Tatiana Godoy Bobbio; Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries

Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional | 2018

Relação entre o tempo de permanência em prono, supino e sentado, e o desenvolvimento motor até seis meses de idade/Relation between prone, supine and sitting positioning time and motor development up to six months old

Maylli Daiani Graciosa; Sheila Cristina da Silva Pacheco; Micheli Martinello; Daiane Lazzeri de Medeiros; Tatiana Godoy Bobbio; Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries

Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal | 2016

Association between typical children's motor development and head alignment and trunk

Micheli Martinello; Maria W. Louzada; Tamiris Beppler Martins; Aline Dandara Rafael; Gilmar Moraes Santos; Cintia Johnston; Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2014

Pediatric neurofunctional intervention in agenesis of the corpus callosum: a case report* *Study conducted at Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Florianópolis, SC, Brazil.

Sheila Cristina da Silva Pacheco; Ana Paula Queiroz; Nathália Tiepo Niza; Letícia Miranda Resende da Costa; Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries

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