
Featured researches published by Linda G. Fick.

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology | 2009

Body temperature, thermoregulatory behaviour and pelt characteristics of three colour morphs of springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis).

Robyn S. Hetem; Brenda A. de Witt; Linda G. Fick; Andrea Fuller; Graham I. H. Kerley; Leith C. R. Meyer; Duncan Mitchell; Shane K. Maloney

Using intra-abdominal miniature data loggers, we measured core body temperature in female springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) of three colour morphs (black, normal and white), free-living in the Karoo, South Africa, for one year. During winter, white springbok displayed lower daily minimum body temperatures (37.4+/-0.5 degrees C), than both black (38.1+/-0.3 degrees C) and normal (38.0+/-0.6 degrees C) springbok. During spring, black springbok displayed higher daily maximum body temperatures (40.7+/-0.1 degrees C) than both white (40.2+/-0.2 degrees C) and normal (40.2+/-0.2 degrees C) springbok. These high maximum body temperatures were associated with larger daily amplitudes of nychthemeral rhythm of body temperature (2.0+/-0.2 degrees C), than that of white (1.6+/-0.1 degrees C) and normal (1.7+/-0.2 degrees C) springbok. Biophysical properties of sample springbok pelts were consistent with these patterns, as the black springbok pelt showed lower reflectance in the visible spectral range, and higher heat load from simulated solar radiation, than did the pelts of the other two springbok. Black springbok had lower diurnal activity in winter, consistent with them having to forage less because their metabolic cost of homeothermy was lower, but were disadvantaged in hot periods. White springbok, by contrast, were more protected from solar heat load, but potentially less able to meet the energy cost of homeothermy in winter. Thus energy considerations may underlie the rarity of the springbok colour morphs.

Journal of Wildlife Diseases | 2008


Leith C. R. Meyer; Linda G. Fick; André Matthee; Duncan Mitchell; Andrea Fuller

To investigate the patterns and mechanisms of capture-induced hyperthermia, we surgically implanted 26 impala (Aepyceros melampus) with miniature thermometric data loggers, which measured body temperatures continuously throughout capture procedures. Four groups of impala, which were habituated to varying levels of handling and boma-housing, were captured by net restraint or by chemical immobilization. The study took place between July 1999 and December 2005. Irrespective of whether impala were chemically captured, net-captured, or disturbed by exposure to a stressor, they developed a precipitous increase in body temperature. This increase in body temperature was not related to activity levels; animals that had low activity levels before immobilization had larger increases in body temperature compared to those that had high activity levels but were not immobilized (t=3.6, P=0.001, n=5). Similarly this increase in body temperature was not related to environmental heat load at the time of darting and immobilization (r=−0.05, P=0.85). Body temperature increase also did not depend on whether the animals were captured using drugs or not. However, we found that those animals that were habituated more to handling and boma-housing had smaller increases in body temperatures (F=37, P<0.001) and smaller stress responses, indicated by lower plasma cortisol concentrations (F=5.5, P<0.05), and less fractious behavior, compared to those animals that were habituated less or not at all. Therefore we believe that capture-induced hyperthermia in impala is caused predominantly by stress, which induces a rapid rise in body temperature.

Zoology | 2012

Activity re-assignment and microclimate selection of free-living Arabian oryx: responses that could minimise the effects of climate change on homeostasis?

Robyn S. Hetem; W. Maartin Strauss; Linda G. Fick; Shane K. Maloney; Leith C. R. Meyer; Mohammed Shobrak; Andrea Fuller; Duncan Mitchell

Predicting whether behaviour could buffer the effects of climate change on long-lived mammals requires a better understanding of the long-term behavioural responses of mammals to environmental stress. Using biologging, we measured locomotor activity and microclimate selection, over eight months, in five Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) living free in a Saudi Arabian desert. The oryx displayed seasonal flexibility in activity patterns, shifting from a continuous 24-h activity pattern with crepuscular peaks in cooler months to a predominantly nocturnal activity pattern during the hottest months, without reducing the total 24-h activity level. The proportion of total 24-h activity that occurred during daylight hours was just 29±8% during the hottest months, versus 53±8% (mean±SD, n=5 oryx) in the other months. The attenuation in diurnal activity levels during the hot months was accompanied by the selection of cooler microclimates, presumably via shade seeking, during the heat of the day. Analysis of miniature black globe (miniglobe) temperature from a remote sensor on the collar of two female animals revealed that oryx selected microclimates cooler than the microclimates in direct sun at higher environmental heat loads across all periods, but with enhanced efficiency during the dry periods. We have quantified activity re-assignment and microclimate selection as responses to hot arid conditions in a free-living artiodactyl. Such flexible behavioural processes may act to buffer the adverse effects of the progressively hotter and drier conditions predicted to occur with climate change.

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology | 2009

The relative roles of the parasol-like tail and burrow shuttling in thermoregulation of free-ranging Cape ground squirrels, Xerus inauris

Linda G. Fick; Tomasz A. Kucio; Andrea Fuller; André Matthee; Duncan Mitchell

As small arid-zone mammals, Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris) are unusual in being diurnally active. It is postulated that they remain active during the day by using their parasol-like tails to shade their bodies whilst foraging. However, no studies have continuously measured body temperature to determine the effect of using the tail as a parasol, relative to other thermoregulatory behaviours, such as burrow retreat. We caught four free-ranging Cape ground squirrels (673+/-36 g) and surgically implanted miniature temperature-sensitive data loggers into their abdomens, to record body temperature every 5 min to an accuracy of 0.04 degrees C, before they were released back into their home range and observed for two weeks. Mean daily peak black globe temperature was 41 degrees C, and daily peak body temperature reached 40 degrees C. Ground squirrels raised their tails significantly more often at globe temperatures above 30 degrees C, but raising the tail did not decrease body temperature, nor prevent body temperature rising. Ground squirrels retreated to burrows, at 18 degrees C, significantly more often at high body temperatures and body temperature dropped 1-2 degrees C before re-emergence. We believe that the tail was raised to provide thermal comfort during high solar radiation exposure, and that burrow retreat was employed to dissipate a heat load and remain active diurnally.

The Journal of Experimental Biology | 2012

Selective brain cooling in Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx): a physiological mechanism for coping with aridity?

Robyn S. Hetem; Willem Maartin Strauss; Linda G. Fick; Shane K. Maloney; Lcr Meyer; Andrea Fuller; Mohammed Shobrak; Duncan Mitchell

SUMMARY Selective brain cooling is a thermoregulatory effector proposed to conserve body water and, as such, may help artiodactyls cope with aridity. We measured brain and carotid blood temperature, using implanted data loggers, in five Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) in the desert of Saudi Arabia. On average, brain temperature was 0.24±0.05°C lower than carotid blood temperature for four oryx in April. Selective brain cooling was enhanced in our Arabian oryx compared with another species from the same genus (gemsbok Oryx gazella gazella) exposed to similar ambient temperatures but less aridity. Arabian oryx displayed a lower threshold (37.8±0.1°C vs 39.8±0.4°C), a higher frequency (87±6% vs 15±15%) and a higher maximum magnitude (1.2±0.2°C vs 0.5±0.3°C) of selective brain cooling than did gemsbok. The dominant male oryx displayed less selective brain cooling than did any of the other oryx, but selective brain cooling was enhanced in this oryx as conditions became hotter and drier. Enhanced selective brain cooling in Arabian oryx supports the hypothesis that selective brain cooling would bestow survival advantages for artiodactyl species inhabiting hot hyper-arid environments.

Biology Letters | 2013

Cheetah do not abandon hunts because they overheat

Robyn S. Hetem; Duncan Mitchell; Brenda A. de Witt; Linda G. Fick; Leith C. R. Meyer; Shane K. Maloney; Andrea Fuller

Hunting cheetah reportedly store metabolic heat during the chase and abandon chases because they overheat. Using biologging to remotely measure the body temperature (every minute) and locomotor activity (every 5 min) of four free-living cheetah, hunting spontaneously, we found that cheetah abandoned hunts, but not because they overheated. Body temperature averaged 38.4°C when the chase was terminated. Storage of metabolic heat did not compromise hunts. The increase in body temperature following a successful hunt was double that of an unsuccessful hunt (1.3°C ± 0.2°C versus 0.5°C ± 0.1°C), even though the level of activity during the hunts was similar. We propose that the increase in body temperature following a successful hunt is a stress hyperthermia, rather than an exercise-induced hyperthermia.

Journal of Wildlife Diseases | 2010


Leith C. R. Meyer; Robyn S. Hetem; Linda G. Fick; Duncan Mitchell; Andrea Fuller

Respiratory depression is a common side effect when opioids are used to immobilize wildlife. Serotonergic ligands have the potential to reverse opioid-induced respiratory depression. We examined whether any of three serotonergic ligands could reverse this depression in etorphine-immobilized (0.07 mg/kg) impala (Aepyceros melampus). The study took place in September–December 2007. Impala received intravenous injections of metoclopramide (10 mg/ kg, n=6), buspirone (0.05 mg/kg, n=8), pimozide (1 mg/kg, n=8), doxapram (1 mg/kg, n=6), and control solutions on separate occasions. During the immobilization, partial pressures of oxygen (PaO2, mmHg) and carbon dioxide (PaCO2, mmHg), respiratory rate (breaths/min), ventilation (l/ min), peripheral O2 saturation (%), tidal volume (l), and respiratory exchange ratio were measured before and after injection of the experimental drugs. Etorphine immobilization caused respiratory depression and hypoxia (mean±SD, PaCO2=51±2 mmHg, PaO2=40±3 mmHg). Metoclopra-mide and buspirone, but not pimozide, attenuated the hypoxic effects of etorphine; 3 min after injection, metoclopramide increased the PaO2 by 7.=66.3 mmHg and buspirone by 666.6 mmHg (F=3.9, P=0.02). These effects were similar to those of doxapram (8±7 mmHg, F=3.9; P>0.05). Neither metoclopramide nor buspirone significantly increased ventilation, but they increased PaO2 by significantly improving the alveolar-arterial oxygen partial pressure gradient (A-a gradient, F=1.4, P<0.05), indicating improved oxygen diffusion. Metoclopramide and buspirone transiently improved blood oxygenation of opioid-immobilized impala, probably by improving ventilation-perfusion ratios, without reversing catatonic immobilization.

Veterinary Record | 2011

Assessment of the use of temperature-sensitive microchips to determine core body temperature in goats

N. A. Torrao; Robyn S. Hetem; Leith C. R. Meyer; Linda G. Fick

Body temperature was measured at five different body sites (retroperitoneum, groin, semimembranosus muscle, flank and shoulder) using temperature-sensitive microchips implanted in five female goats, and compared with the core body and rectal temperatures. Body temperature was measured while the goats were kept in different ambient temperatures, with and without radiant heat, as well as during a fever induced experimentally by injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Bland-Altman limit of agreement analysis was used to compare the temperature measurements at the different body sites during the different interventions. Temperatures measured by the microchip implanted in the retroperitoneum showed the closest agreement (mean 0.2°C lower) with core and rectal temperatures during all interventions, whereas temperatures measured by the microchips implanted in the groin, muscle, flank and shoulder differed from core body temperature by up to 3.5°C during the various interventions.

Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 2006

Exposure of the rat tail to ultraviolet A light produces sustained hyperalgesia to noxious thermal and mechanical challenges

Andreas Themistocleous; Linda G. Fick; Irné du Plessis; Bridget Mitchell; Duncan Mitchell

We aimed to establish whether exposing the tails of rats to ultraviolet A (UVA) light generated sustained hyperalgesia to noxious thermal and mechanical challenges. The tails of 21 rats underwent eight 40s exposures of UVA light, with 260s between each exposure. As a control procedure, during UVA-light exposure the tails of 11 of those rats were shielded with aluminium foil. Thermal hyperalgesia was assessed by immersing the rat tail in 49 degrees C water (modified tail flick test). Mechanical hyperalgesia was assessed by applying a bar algometer onto the tail and timing the escape response. Exposure to direct UVA light produced hyperalgesia for 8 days to the noxious thermal challenge (P<0.05, two-way ANOVA, Tukey post hoc tests) and at least 16 days to the noxious mechanical challenge (P<0.05, two-way ANOVA, Tukey post hoc tests). They gained mass throughout the study at the same rate as the control rats. The control rats did not develop thermal nor mechanical hyperalgesia. The tails of a further 20 rats were exposed similarly, and tail tissue examined histologically. Both exposed and control rats developed mild chronic inflammation unrelated to the hyperalgesia.

Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology | 2007


Peter R. Kamerman; Nicole Becker; Linda G. Fick

1 Opioid analgesics and anti‐emetics are often used concomitantly to treat pain and nausea and vomiting in people with malignant disease. We investigated interactions between the opioid analgesic morphine and the anti‐emetic metoclopramide, a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist, on nociception and gross motor function. 2 To assess for antinociceptive interactions, 11 Sprague‐Dawley rats were injected intraperitoneally with morphine (5.0 mg/kg) or saline in combination with metoclopramide (0.5, 1.5 and 5.0 mg/kg) or saline and, 30 min later, the tail‐flick latencies to a noxious thermal stimulus (49°C water) were measured. Immediately thereafter we induced reperfusion hyperalgesia in the rats’ tails using a tourniquet cuff and tested nociception again. Because, in addition to its ability to block D2 receptors, metoclopramide is also a weak 5‐HT3 receptor antagonist, we assessed in a further 11 rats whether any antinociceptive interactions occurred between morphine (5.0 mg/kg) and ondansetron (0.2 and 2.0 mg/kg), an anti‐emetic that selectively antagonizes 5‐HT3 receptors. To assess for motor interactions, we injected another group of nine rats with morphine (5.0 mg/kg) or saline in combination with metoclopramide (0.5 and 5.0 mg/kg) or saline and tested the ability of the animals to run on an 80 mm diameter rod rotating at 25 r.p.m. for 30 min. 3 Metoclopramide was not inherently analgesic or antihyperalgesic, but the highest dose of metoclopramide (5.0 mg/kg) enhanced the analgesic and antihyperalgesic effects of morphine. Neither dose of ondansetron was analgesic or antihyperalgesic or enhanced the antinociceptive actions of morphine. 4 Only the high dose of metoclopramide compromised running performance when administered with saline. However, coadministering morphine with metoclopramide (both doses) decreased motor performance. 5 Therefore, metoclopramide, possibly through its actions on D2 receptors and not 5‐HT3 receptors, enhances the analgesic and antihyperalgesic effects of morphine, but morphine exacerbates metoclopramide‐induced motor dysfunction in rats.

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