
Featured researches published by Linda L. Stephenson.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 1997

Ischemia-reperfusion injury in skeletal muscle: CD 18-dependent neutrophil-endothelial adhesion and arteriolar vasoconstriction.

William A. Zamboni; Linda L. Stephenson; Allan C. Roth; Hans Suchy; Robert C. Russell

&NA; The purpose of this study was to evaluate if the venular neutrophil‐endothelial adhesion associated with ischemia‐reperfusion of skeletal muscle is dependent on leukocyte adhesion glycoprotein CD18 function and to determine if this interaction influences the vasoactive response in nearby arterioles. An in vivo microscopy preparation of transilluminated gracilis muscle in 13 male Wistar rats was used for this experiment. Observations of nonischemic muscle (sham) demonstrated this preparation to be stable for 8 hours with negligible change in neutrophil adherence or arteriole diameter. Three groups were evaluated in this study: (1) sham, no ischemia, no treatment (n = 5, 20 arterioles, 20 venules), (2) 4 hours of global ischemia only (n = 4, 19 venules, 22 arterioles), and (3) 4 hours of ischemia plus monoclonal antibody against CD18 (n = 4, 12 venules, 9 arterioles). The murine monoclonal antibody (WT.3, Seikagaku America, Inc.), which binds the rat leukocyte function antigen 1 CD18 chain, was infused into the contralateral femoral vein 30 minutes prior to reperfusion. The number of leukocytes rolling and adherent to endothelium (15 seconds of observation) was counted in 100‐&mgr;m venular segments, and arteriole diameters were measured at various times during reperfusion. All counts and measurements were normalized to baseline preischemic readings for each animal. Mean changes from baseline were compared between groups. The increase in ischemia‐reperfusion—induced neutrophil‐endothelial adherence in venules was blocked by monoclonal antibody, but rolling behavior was not changed. The ischemia‐reperfusion—induced progressive vasoconstriction in arterioles was blocked by monoclonal antibody. These results suggest that (1) neutrophil‐endothelial adherence function associated with ischemia‐reperfusion in this model is CD18‐dependent, (2) neutrophil rolling function does not appear to be dependent on CD18, and (3) neutrophil CD18 function is a prerequisite for ischemia‐reperfusion‐induced arteriolar vasoconstriction. These findings provide important mechanistic information that may help explain the deleterious microcirculatory events associated with ischemia‐reperfusion injury of skeletal muscle. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 99: 2002, 1997.)

Journal of Pineal Research | 2006

Melatonin reduces ischemia/reperfusion-induced superoxide generation in arterial wall and cell death in skeletal muscle

Wei Z. Wang; Xin-Hua Fang; Linda L. Stephenson; Kayvan T. Khiabani; William A. Zamboni

Abstract:  The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of melatonin on superoxide generation in arterial wall at an early phase of reperfusion and on endothelial dysfunction of microvasculature and cell viability of cremaster muscle at late phase of reperfusion (24 hr) after prolonged ischemia. Bilateral vascular pedicles which supply blood flow to the cremaster muscle were exposed. After surgical preparation, microvascular clamps were applied on the right iliac, femoral and spermatic arteries to create 4 hr of ischemia in both feeding vessels and the unexposed cremaster muscle. The vascular clamping was omitted on the left iliac, femoral and spermatic arteries and served as an internal control. Melatonin or Vehicle was via by intravenous injection at 10 min prior to reperfusion and 10 min after reperfusion. In the first experiment, the vascular pedicle was harvested after reperfusion to measure superoxide generation in real time by lucigenin‐derived chemiluminescence. In the second experiment, endothelial‐dependent and ‐independent vasodilatation was examined in the terminal arteriole of cremaster muscle which was then harvested to examine cell viability by WST‐1 assay on day 2. Superoxide generation in arterial wall peaked at first 5‐min of reperfusion and declined to near baseline after 60 min of reperfusion. Melatonin treatment significantly reduced superoxide generation in arterial walls and improved cell viability in cremaster muscles. Melatonin treatment also significantly reduced microvascular endothelial dysfunction which was still observable in the microcirculation of cremaster muscle after 24 hr of reperfusion. Melatonin reduces superoxide generation in the early phase of reperfusion resulting in attenuating endothelial dysfunction and muscle cell death in the late phase of reperfusion.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 1999

Effects of L-NAME and L-arginine on ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat skeletal muscle.

David G. Meldrum; Linda L. Stephenson; William A. Zamboni

The involvement of nitric oxide in ischemia-reperfusion injury remains controversial and has been reported to be both beneficial and deleterious, depending on the tissue and model used. This study evaluated the effects of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N(G)-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester (L-NAME) and the substrate for nitric oxide synthase, L-arginine on skeletal muscle necrosis in a rat model of ischemia-reperfusion injury. The rectus femoris muscle in male Wistar rats (250 to 500 g) was isolated on its vascular pedicle and subjected to 4 hours of complete arteriovenous occlusion. The animals were divided into five groups: (1) sham-raised control, no ischemia, no treatment (n = 6); (2) 4 hours of ischemia (n = 6); (3) vehicle control, 4 hours of ischemia + saline (n = 6); (4) 4 hours of ischemia + L-arginine infusion (n = 6); and (5) 4 hours of ischemia + L-NAME infusion (n = 6). The infusions (10 mg/kg) were administered into the contralateral femoral vein beginning 5 minutes before reperfusion and during the following 30 to 45 minutes. Upon reperfusion, the muscle was sutured in its anatomic position and all wounds were closed. The percentage of muscle necrosis was assessed after 24 hours of reperfusion by serial transections, nitroblue tetrazolium staining, digital photography, and computerized planimetry. Sham (group 1) animals sustained baseline necrosis of 11.9 +/- 3.0 (percentage necrosis +/- SEM). Four hours of ischemia (group 2) significantly increased necrosis to 79.2 +/- 1.4 (p < 0.01). Vehicle control (group 3) had no significant difference in necrosis (81.17 +/- 5.0) versus untreated animals subjected to 4 hours of ischemia (group 2). Animals treated with L-arginine (group 4) had significantly reduced necrosis to 34.6 +/- 7.5 versus untreated (group 2) animals (p < 0.01). Animals infused with L-NAME (group 5) had no significant difference in necrosis (68.2 +/- 6.7) versus untreated (group 2) animals. L-Arginine (nitric oxide donor) significantly decreased the severity of muscle necrosis in this rat model of ischemia-reperfusion injury. L-arginine is known to increase the amount of nitric oxide through the action of nitric oxide synthase, whereas L-NAME, known to inhibit nitric oxide synthase and decrease nitric oxide production, had comparable results to the untreated 4-hour ischemia group. These results suggest that L-arginine, presumably through nitric oxide mediation, appears beneficial to rat skeletal muscle subjected to ischemia-reperfusion injury.

Journal of Surgical Research | 2011

Melatonin attenuates I/R-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle.

Wei Z. Wang; Xin-Hua Fang; Linda L. Stephenson; Xinlan Zhang; Kayvan T. Khiabani; William A. Zamboni

BACKGROUND Our recent studies have shown that ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) produces significant necrosis and apoptosis in the cells of skeletal muscle. Our previous studies also demonstrated that melatonin provides significant protection against superoxide generation, endothelial dysfunction, and cell death in the skeletal muscle after I/R. Mitochondria are essential for cell survival, because of their roles as ATP producers as well as regulators of cell death. However, the efficacy of melatonin on I/R-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in the skeletal muscle in vivo has not been demonstrated in the literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS Vascular pedicle isolated rat gracilis muscle model was used. After 4 h of ischemia followed by 24 h of reperfusion, gracilis muscle was harvested, and mitochondrial as well as cytosolic fractions were isolated. Mitochondrial dysfunction was determined by the alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential and the release of the proapoptotic protein, cytochrome c. Three groups were designed; sham I/R, I/R-V (I/R with vehicle), and I/R-Mel (I/R with melatonin). Melatonin or vehicle was given intravenously 10 min prior to reperfusion and 10 min after reperfusion. RESULTS We found that the capability of uptake of fluorescent JC-1 dye in skeletal muscle cells was substantially improved in I/R-Mel group compared with I/R-V group. Melatonin significantly inhibited the outflow of cytochrome c from mitochondria to cytoplasm, which was demonstrated in the I/R-V group. CONCLUSIONS Melatonin significantly attenuates I/R-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, such as the depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential and the release of the proapoptotic protein, cytochrome c, from the mitochondria.

Journal of Pineal Research | 2005

Microcirculatory effects of melatonin in rat skeletal muscle after prolonged ischemia.

Wei Z. Wang; Xin-Hua Fang; Linda L. Stephenson; Richard C. Baynosa; Kayvan T. Khiabani; William A. Zamboni

Abstract:  The purpose of this study was to determine microcirculatory effects and response of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) to melatonin in skeletal muscle after prolonged ischemia. A vascular pedicle isolated rat cremaster muscle model was used. Each muscle underwent 4 hr of zero‐flow warm ischemia followed by 2 hr of reperfusion. Melatonin (10 mg/kg) or saline as a vehicle was given by intraperitoneal injection at 30 min prior to reperfusion and the same dose was given immediately after reperfusion. After reperfusion, microcirculation measurements including arteriole diameter, capillary perfusion and endothelial‐dependent and ‐independent vasodilatation were performed. The cremaster muscle was then harvested to measure endothelial NOS (eNOS) and inducible NOS (iNOS) gene expression and enzyme activity. Three groups of rats were used: sham‐ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), vehicle + I/R and melatonin + I/R. As compared with vehicle + I/R group, administration of melatonin significantly enhanced arteriole diameter, improved capillary perfusion, and attenuated endothelial dysfunction in the microcirculation of skeletal muscle after 4 hr warm ischemia. Prolonged warm ischemia followed by reperfusion significantly depressed eNOS gene expression and constitutive NOS activity and enhanced iNOS gene expression. Administration of melatonin did not significantly alter NOS gene expression or activity in skeletal muscle after prolonged ischemia and reperfusion. Melatonin provided a significant microvascular protection from reperfusion injury in skeletal muscle. This protection is probably attributable to the free radical scavenging effect of melatonin, but not to its anti‐inflammatory effect.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 2010

Hyperbaric Oxygen Inhibits Ischemia-reperfusion–induced Neutrophil Cd18 Polarization by a Nitric Oxide Mechanism

Seth R. Jones; Kimberly M. Carpin; Stephanie M. Woodward; Kayvan T. Khiabani; Linda L. Stephenson; Wei Z. Wang; William A. Zamboni

Background: Hyperbaric oxygen decreases ischemia-reperfusion–induced neutrophil/intercellular adhesion molecule-1 adhesion by blocking CD18 polarization. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether this hyperbaric oxygen effect is nitric oxide dependent and to determine whether nitric oxide synthase is required. Methods: A gracilis muscle flap was raised in nine groups of male Wistar rats. Global ischemic injury was induced by clamping the gracilis muscle pedicle artery and vein for 4 hours. The hyperbaric oxygen treatment consisted of 100% oxygen at 2.5 atm absolute during the last 90 minutes of ischemia. Groups were repeated with and without various nitric oxide synthase inhibitors and carboxy-2-phenyl-4,4,5,5,-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (C-PTIO), a nitric oxide scavenger. Normal neutrophils were exposed to activated plasma on intercellular adhesion molecule-1–coated coverslips (percentage adherent) and labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate/antirat-CD11b for confocal microscopy (percentage polarized). The percentage of adherent and polarized cells was reported as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was by analysis of variance. A value of p ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Results: C-PTIO–treated ischemia-reperfusion/hyperbaric oxygen plasma showed a significant increase in the percentage polarization of CD18 compared with ischemia-reperfusion/hyperbaric oxygen–untreated plasma from 4.1 ± 2.5 percent to 33.7 ± 7.7 percent (p ≤ 0.05). The nitric oxide scavenger C-PTIO also increased the percentage of adherent cells from 1.6 ± 0.4 percent to 20.3 ± 5.9 percent (p ≤ 0.05). Administration of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester and other nitric oxide synthase inhibitors before hyperbaric oxygen treatment restored neutrophil adhesion and CD18 polarization to ischemia-reperfusion control values, significantly greater than ischemia-reperfusion/hyperbaric oxygen alone. Conclusion: These results suggest that the hyperbaric oxygen reduction of ischemia-reperfusion–induced neutrophil polarization of CD18 and adherence to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 is mediated through a nitric oxide mechanism that requires nitric oxide synthase.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 2001

Timing of microcirculatory injury from ischemia reperfusion.

Terry P. Olivas; Thomas F. Saylor; Howard P. Wong; Linda L. Stephenson; William A. Zamboni

The low flow state that results from ischemia and reperfusion injury is a potentially reversible process that is important in numerous clinical situations. However, the point in time during the course of reperfusion where tissue injury becomes irreversible is unknown. This experiment evaluated the continuum of tissue damage in skeletal muscle after ischemic insult by quantifying the number of flowing capillaries and percentage muscle necrosis in a male Wistar rat skeletal muscle model. A gracilis muscle flap was raised on the vascular pedicle of 39 male Wistar rats and examined at 832x using intravital videomicroscopy. The numbers of flowing capillaries in five consecutive high-power fields were counted for baseline values. The flap was then subjected to 4 hours of global ischemia (except in sham animals, n = 7) by placing a microvascular clamp on the pedicle artery and vein. Upon reperfusion, flowing capillaries were counted in the same five high-power fields at intervals of 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes, then at 2 to 8 (1-hour intervals), 24, and 48 hours. The gracilis muscle was then harvested at these intervals during reperfusion and assessed for viability. Compared with baseline, flowing capillaries from the ischemia and reperfusion group (mean +/- SEM) decreased significantly in the first 8 hours of reperfusion (7.7 +/- 0.2 to 3.2 +/- 0.3, p < 0.001) with minimal change noted from 8 to 48 hours. Percentage muscle necrosis increased progressively in ischemia and reperfusion preparations from 1 to 7 hours of reperfusion (16.5 +/- 2.6 percent to 38.9 +/- 1.2 percent, p < 0.001). No significant change in muscle necrosis in the ischemia and reperfusion group was noted between 7 and 48 hours. Sham preparations showed no change in the number of flowing capillaries through 3 hours of reperfusion, with a slight decrease at 24 hours. This rat gracilis microcirculation skeletal muscle model demonstrates a heterogeneous reperfusion injury. The decrease in flowing capillaries correlated with the increase in percentage necrosis and appeared to stabilize at the 7- to 8-hour interval. This finding may have important implications for the timing of interventions aimed at minimizing tissue damage from ischemia-reperfusion.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 1999

Effect of hyperbaric oxygen and medicinal leeching on survival of axial skin flaps subjected to total venous occlusion.

Daniel D. Lozano; Linda L. Stephenson; William A. Zamboni

This study evaluates the effect of hyperbaric oxygen and medicinal leeching on axial skin flaps subjected to total venous occlusion. Axial epigastric skin flaps (3 x 6 cm) were elevated on their vascular pedicles in 40 male Wistar rats. Total venous occlusion was achieved by division of all veins draining the skin flap. Arterial inflow was left intact. Animals were randomly assigned to one of five groups: sham (n = 8); control, total venous occlusion only (n = 8); occlusion with hyperbaric oxygen (n = 8); occlusion with leeching (n = 8); occlusion with leeching and hyperbaric oxygen (n = 8). The hyperbaric oxygen protocol consisted of 90-minute treatments, twice daily, with 100% O2 at 2.5 atmospheres absolute for 4 days. The leeching protocol consisted of placing medicinal leeches on the congested flaps for 15 minutes, once daily, for 4 days. Laser Doppler measurements of flap perfusion were recorded preoperatively, postoperatively, and on postoperative days 1 and 3. The percentage of flap necrosis was evaluated on postoperative day 3. Mean percentage necrosis and mean laser Doppler readings were compared between both groups. The flaps in the sham group demonstrated 99 percent survival, whereas the flaps in the occlusion-only group demonstrated 100 percent necrosis. The flaps in the occlusion with oxygen, the occlusion with leeching, and the occlusion with oxygen and leeching groups demonstrated 1, 25, and 67 percent survival, respectively. Sham laser Doppler readings remained within normal limits. Laser Doppler readings in the occlusion-only and the occlusion with oxygen groups decreased to negligible levels on postoperative day 1, and on postoperative day 3 no perfusion was demonstrated. In both the occlusion with leeching and the occlusion with leeching and oxygen groups, there was also a significant decrease in laser Doppler measurements after surgery, but perfusion remained stable throughout the remainder of the study. This study demonstrates that hyperbaric oxygen alone is not an effective treatment for skin flaps compromised by total venous occlusion. The combination of leeching and hyperbaric oxygen treatment of total venous occlusion results in a significant increase in flap survival above that found with leeching alone. It appears that hyperbaric oxygen is effective because of the venous outflow provided by leeching as demonstrated by laser Doppler flow readings.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 2004

A Quantitative Method for Determining Polarization of Neutrophil Adhesion Molecules Associated with Ischemia Reperfusion

Kayvan T. Khiabani; Linda L. Stephenson; Allen Gabriel; Chandra Nataraj; Wei Z. Wang; William A. Zamboni

Ischemia-reperfusion–induced neutrophil adhesion to endothelium is CD18-dependent, but information regarding polarity of CD18 adhesion molecules remains speculative. This study evaluated neutrophil adhesion using an in vitro cell adhesion assay and introduces a quantitative method of measuring CD18 membrane distribution using confocal microscopy. Neutrophils from normal animals were isolated from whole blood and incubated with plasma from rat gracilis muscle flaps with no ischemia and reperfusion (nonischemic control, n = 10) or 4 hours of ischemia and 90 minutes of reperfusion (ischemia/reperfusion, n = 10), on coverslips pretreated with and without (phosphate-buffered saline) soluble intercellular adhesion molecules. Coverslips without intercellular adhesion molecules represented a negative control (intercellular adhesion molecules were required for adhesion). Percent adherence to intercellular adhesion molecules was expressed as a ratio of adherent cells/total cells. CD18 polarization was assessed by staining neutrophils with fluorescein isothiocyanate–labeled anti-CD11b, followed by confocal microscopy and Z-stack analysis. Membrane-associated CD18 was expressed as fluorescence intensity units in three equal areas of the cell membrane. Capping was defined as twice as much fluorescence in 33 percent of the cell membrane as in the remaining 67 percent. Neutrophils exposed to ischemia and reperfusion plasma showed a significant increase in adhesion (0.8 ± 0.1 percent versus 16.7 ± 2.2 percent, p < 0.001) and CD18 polarization (6.2 ± 1.7 percent versus 43.9 ± 12.2 percent, p = 0.0206) compared with controls. This article describes an in vitro assay that reliably reproduces the neutrophil adhesion phenomenon associated with ischemia-reperfusion injury. Results from confocal microscopy allowed for quantitative estimation of membrane-associated receptor polarization.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 2002

Effect of liposuction on skin perfusion

Subhas C. Gupta; Kayvan T. Khiabani; Linda L. Stephenson; William A. Zamboni

Clinical reports of full-thickness skin necrosis have raised concern about the thermal and dermal ischemic effects of ultrasound-assisted liposuction. The purpose of this study was to evaluate skin perfusion in patients treated with ultrasound-assisted liposuction or suction-assisted liposuction. Patients (n = 75) were studied prospectively in the perioperative period surrounding their suction-assisted liposuction (31 patients) or ultrasound-assisted liposuction (64 patients). The laser Doppler flowmeter was used to monitor skin perfusion in the treated regions preoperatively, intraoperatively, and postoperatively at a series of time intervals. The effects of the anesthetic, wetting solution, and type of liposuction (suction-assisted liposuction or ultrasound-assisted liposuction) on skin perfusion were measured. Anesthetic induction significantly increased measured skin perfusion. Wetting solution infusion significantly decreased skin perfusion (-57.4 percent +/- 2.0) by 15 minutes postinfusion. Skin perfusion in the ultrasound-assisted liposuction group was significantly greater than that of the suction-assisted liposuction patients at 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 week postoperatively; however, by 2 to 5 weeks, no difference in skin perfusion was noted and skin perfusion had returned to preoperative levels in both groups. Although skin perfusion in the suction-assisted liposuction group was significantly lower than in the ultrasound-assisted liposuction group in the early postoperative period, no differences in skin perfusion between the groups were noted beyond 1 week postoperatively, suggesting that neither technique impairs perfusion.

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