Chemical & Engineering News | 1994
Linda Ross
The University of California, Los Angeles; Cornell University; and the University of California, Berkeley, were, in that order, the largest producers of new bachelors, masters, and Ph.D. chemists in the 1992-93 academic year. The total number of new bachelors degree chemists was up 4.3% to 8,800. This trend is now three years old, but numbers are still off from the high reached in 1984-85, when there were 9,679 such graduates. The number of Ph.D.s dropped for the second year in a row, down nearly 3%. These are some of the notable points in the latest report of ACSs Committee on Professional Training (CPT). CPT gathers graduation data annually from chemistry departments with undergraduate programs it has approved. These departments account for about 90% of all new bachelors degree chemists and for essentially all advanced chemistry degrees. In 1992-93, UCLA moved up from third position to edge out the 1991—92 leader, Indiana University, Bloomington, for the ...
Chemical & Engineering News | 1994
Linda Ross
The ACS Board of Directors took a break from its meeting earlier this month to dedicate the societys renovated headquarters building in Washington, D.C. At the ceremony in the still-unfinished lobby, board chairman Paul H. L. Walter (from left) and Joan E. Shields, chairman of the Society Committee on Budget & Finance, show the new cornerstone, observed by executive director John K Crum and president Ned D. Heindel. The ceremony included display of a time capsule bearing samples of ACS publications, informational items, and software— reflecting advances in many chemical fields—to be inserted behind the cornerstone. Also displayed were the contents of a time capsule put into the building when it was constructed in 1959. The 1959 capsule will be placed behind the new capsule. The
Chemical & Engineering News | 1992
Linda Ross
11 million revamping (including renovation and relocation costs), which began last May, is more than two weeks ahead of schedule, Crum says, and ACS staff members will return from ...
Chemical & Engineering News | 1994
Linda Ross
Ernest H. Volwiler, 99, president of the American Chemical Society in 1950, chairman of the ACS Board of Directors from 1954 to 1956, and retired chairman of the board of Abbott Laboratories, died Oct. 3, in Lake Forest, III. Volwilers career was marked by his creative research on synthetic drugs. During World War I, he made possible the commercial production of anesthetics that were formerly only obtainable from Germany. Among these were anesthesin, benzocaine, and novocaine. Later, he developed manufacturing techniques for butyn, a painkiller; nembutal, a hypnotic sedative; and sodium pentothal, a general anesthetic; as well as processes for other anesthetics and sleep-producing drugs. During World War II, he directed the production of sulfa drugs and penicillin. He also contributed to the development of antihistamines and drugs for treating epilepsy. Immediately following the war, Volwiler, at the request of the U.S. Surgeon General and the Chemical Warfare Service, headed a team of scientists that ...
Chemical & Engineering News | 1994
Linda Ross
Chemical & Engineering News | 1994
Linda Ross
Chemical & Engineering News | 1994
Linda Ross
Chemical & Engineering News | 1994
Linda Ross
Chemical & Engineering News | 1994
Linda Ross
Chemical & Engineering News | 1993
Linda Ross