Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano
Federal University of Uberlandia
Featured researches published by Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano.
Anatomical Record-advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology | 2011
Fabiano Campos Lima; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos; Lucélia Gonçalves Vieira; Luiz Martins Da Silva-Junior; Mariluce Ferreira Romão; Simone Borges Salgueiro De Simone; Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano; Juliana Macedo Magnino Silva; Kennedy Mota Montelo; Adriana Malvasio
The aim of the present study was to investigate the sequence of shell bone formation in the embryos of the Pleurodira, Podocnemis unifilis. Their bones and cartilage were collected and cleared before staining. The shell was also examined by obtaining a series of histological slices. All the bony elements of the plastron have independent ossification centers, which subsequently join together and retain two fontanelles until the period of hatching. This turtle has a mesoplastra, which is characteristic of the Podocnemididae. The carapace begins to form concurrently with the ossification of the ribs at the beginning of stage 20. All the plates, except the suprapygal, initiate ossification during the embryonic period. The main purpose of the histological investigation was to highlight the relationship between the formation of the carapace and ribs with that of the neural plates. The costal and neural plates were found not to independent ossification centers, but to be closely related to components of the endoskeleton, originating as expansions of the perichondral collar of the ribs and the neural arches, respectively. Considering the ribs as an endoskeletal element of the carapace, the carapace and plastron begin ossification at the same stage in P. unifilis. This pattern reveals similarities with other Pleurodira, as well as evident variations, such as the presence of the seven neural bones and the presence of only one ossification center in the nuchal plate. Anat Rec, 2011.
International Journal of Morphology | 2011
Mariluce Ferreira Romão; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos; Fabiano Campos Lima; Simone Borges Salgueiro De Simone; Juliana Macedo Magnino Silva; Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano; Lucélia Gonçalves Vieira; José Guilherme Souza Pinto
Mediante comparaciones anatomicas y topograficas describimos el sistema digestivo de C. crocodillus, M. nigeri y P. palpebrosus. Se utilizaron dos sistemas digestivos de C. crocodillus, uno de M. nigeri y uno de P. palpebrosus, fijados en formalina al 10% y pertenecientes al laboratorio de ensenanza e investigacion de fauna silvestre (LAPAS) de la Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. En primera instancia se realizo la descripcion del sistema digestivo de las mencionadas especies, seguido de comparaciones topograficas. Luego, fueron tomados registros fotograficos con camara DSC H20 SONY. Adicional a esto, nos apoyamos con radiografias del tracto gastrointestinal y fotografias del sistema digestivo de C. crocodillus antes de ser fijados en formalina. Los resultados demuestraron que el sistema digestivo de estas tres especies de caimanes esta constituido por una boca grande, faringe corta, esofago alargado y rectilineo, estomago dilatado con relacion a las otras partes del tracto digestivo, pancreas alojado entre las dos primeras curvaturas duodenales ventrales, intestino delgado plegado, intestino grueso con un diametro mayor en relacion a los segmentos anteriores y una cloaca donde tambien terminan los sistemas urinarios y reproductor. La descripcion anatomica y topografica del sistema digestivo de C. crocodillus, M. niger y P. palpebrosus puede ser extrapolada para otros cocodrilos por la semejanza comportamental interespecies e intraespecificas.
Anatomical Record-advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology | 2018
Lucélia Gonçalves Vieira; Fabiano Campos Lima; Sônia Helena Santesso Teixeira Mendonôa; Lorena Tannús Menezes; Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos
This study proposes the description of the development of the postcranial axial skeleton, including vertebrae, gastralium, ribs, sternum, and interclavicle, in Melanosuchus niger. Six nests were marked and two eggs removed from each nest at 24‐hr intervals until hatching. For posthatching evaluation, 30 hatchlings were kept in captivity and one exemplar was euthanized at three‐day intervals. Samples were diaphanized using potassium hydroxide (KOH), alizarin red S, and Alcian blue. A routinely generally used method was applied for histological evaluation. It was difficult to define in which vertebrae the development of cartilaginous centers began, but it was possible to observe that this condensation advanced in the craniocaudal direction. The condensation started in the vertebral arches and was visibly stronger in the cervical and dorsal regions, advancing to the lumbar, sacral and, last, to the caudal region. The atlas showed a highly different morphology compared with the other cervical vertebrae, with a short intercenter, two neural arches, and a proatlas. The ossification process began in the body of cervical vertebrae III to VIII and alizarin retention decreased in the last vertebrae, indicating a craniocaudal direction in bone development, similar to cartilage formation. In the histological sections of gastralium and interclavicles of M. niger at several development stages, it was possible to observe that these elements showed intramembranous development. Anat Rec, 301:607–623, 2018.
Acta Veterinaria Brno | 2017
Heloísa Castro Pereira; Dayane Olímpia Gomes; Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos; Anna Monteiro Correia Lima
The purpose of this study was to isolate bacteria found in the oral cavity of healthy Bothrops atrox and in snakes with stomatitis. The area around the snake fang sheaths were swabbed and the samples were placed in Stuart transport medium, and then seeded on blood agar and XLD agar. Gram staining and catalase and mannitol tests were performed to identify Gram positive bacteria, while biochemical screening with Rugai-lysine medium was used to identify Gram negative bacteria. Proteus spp. (37.5%), Escherichia coli (25%), Citrobacter spp. (18.76%), Serratia spp. (9.37%) and Enterobacter spp. (9.37%) were isolated from healthy snakes, while Escherichia coli (26.31%), Citrobacter spp. (21.05%), Proteus spp. (15.78%), Salmonella (10.52%), and Staphylococcus spp. (26.31 %) were isolated from snakes with stomatitis. Staphylococcus spp. in healthy snakes and in animals with stomatitis differed significantly, suggesting that this microorganism is associated with cases of stomatitis in Bothrops atrox.
Pubvet | 2013
André Luiz Quagliatto Santos; Lucélia Gonçalves Vieira; Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano; Árthur Paulino Sanzo Kaminishi; Santos Mendonça; T. C. S. Rodrigues; Sthéfani Evangelista Siqueira
Related searches to wild animals are growing more each day, yielding important information related to anatomy, physiology and behavior, essential for the survival of the animals. The spleen is an organ with multiple functions being responsible for the formation of blood cells, blood filtration and immune response. Although there are many studies on this organ segmentation in wild animals, there is not much information about this vascularization in Sus scrofa scrofa. The aim of this study was to describe the arteries distribution of the in the spleens of wild boars. To conduct the work we used 20 organs of animals from breeding. The carotid artery was isolated and injected with Neoprene Latex solution. The animals were fixed and spleens were dissected exposing the branches from the splenic artery. Analyzing the results we found similarities spleens characteristics of pigs, carnivores (dogs and cats) and opossums. However there were differences in the branches of the lienais arteries between the gender of the specie.
Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences | 2010
Fabiano Campos Lima; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos; Betania Carvalho Lima; Lucélia Gonçalves Vieira; Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano
Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences | 2009
André Luiz Quagliatto Santos; Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano; Patrícia Calixto Pereira; Juliana Macedo Magnino Silva; Árthur Paulino Sanzo Kaminishi; A. C. S. Bosso
Veterinária Notícias | 2014
André Luiz Quagliatto Santos; Juliana Macedo Magnino Silva; Árthur Paulino Sanzo Kaminishi; Dayane Olímpia Gomes; Lucélia Gonçalves Vieira; Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano; P. C. Pereira; R. V. Cintra; F. M. M. Brito; A. C. S. Bosso; Carlos Gomes Ferreira
Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária | 2012
Juliana Macedo Magnino Silva; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos; Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano; Heloísa Castro Pereira; Árthur Paulino Sanzo Kaminishi
Veterinária em Foco | 2017
Árthur Paulino Sanzo Kaminishi; Líria Queiroz Luz Hirano