
Diabetologia | 2005

A genetic and physiological study of impaired glucose homeostasis control in C57BL/6J mice

A. A. Toye; Jonathan D. Lippiat; Peter Proks; Kenju Shimomura; Liz Bentley; Alison Hugill; V. Mijat; Michelle Goldsworthy; Lee Moir; Alison Haynes; J. Quarterman; Hc Freeman; Frances M. Ashcroft; Roger D. Cox

Aims/hypothesisC57BL/6J mice exhibit impaired glucose tolerance. The aims of this study were to map the genetic loci underlying this phenotype, to further characterise the physiological defects and to identify candidate genes.MethodsGlucose tolerance was measured in an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test and genetic determinants mapped in an F2 intercross. Insulin sensitivity was measured by injecting insulin and following glucose disposal from the plasma. To measure beta cell function, insulin secretion and electrophysiological studies were carried out on isolated islets. Candidate genes were investigated by sequencing and quantitative RNA analysis.ResultsC57BL/6J mice showed normal insulin sensitivity and impaired insulin secretion. In beta cells, glucose did not stimulate a rise in intracellular calcium and its ability to close KATP channels was impaired. We identified three genetic loci responsible for the impaired glucose tolerance. Nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (Nnt) lies within one locus and is a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proton pump. Expression of Nnt is more than sevenfold and fivefold lower respectively in C57BL/6J liver and islets. There is a missense mutation in exon 1 and a multi-exon deletion in the C57BL/6J gene. Glucokinase lies within the Gluchos2 locus and shows reduced enzyme activity in liver.Conclusions/interpretationThe C57BL/6J mouse strain exhibits plasma glucose intolerance reminiscent of human type 2 diabetes. Our data suggest a defect in beta cell glucose metabolism that results in reduced electrical activity and insulin secretion. We have identified three loci that are responsible for the inherited impaired plasma glucose tolerance and identified a novel candidate gene for contribution to glucose intolerance through reduced beta cell activity.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 2008

Expression of an activating mutation in the gene encoding the KATP channel subunit Kir6.2 in mouse pancreatic beta cells recapitulates neonatal diabetes.

Christophe Girard; F. Thomas Wunderlich; Kenju Shimomura; Stephan C. Collins; Stephan Kaizik; Peter Proks; Fernando Abdulkader; Anne Clark; Vicky Ball; Lejla Zubcevic; Liz Bentley; Rebecca I. Clark; Chris Church; Alison Hugill; Juris Galvanovskis; Roger D. Cox; Patrik Rorsman; Jens C. Brüning; Frances M. Ashcroft

Neonatal diabetes is a rare monogenic form of diabetes that usually presents within the first six months of life. It is commonly caused by gain-of-function mutations in the genes encoding the Kir6.2 and SUR1 subunits of the plasmalemmal ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channel. To better understand this disease, we generated a mouse expressing a Kir6.2 mutation (V59M) that causes neonatal diabetes in humans and we used Cre-lox technology to express the mutation specifically in pancreatic beta cells. These beta-V59M mice developed severe diabetes soon after birth, and by 5 weeks of age, blood glucose levels were markedly increased and insulin was undetectable. Islets isolated from beta-V59M mice secreted substantially less insulin and showed a smaller increase in intracellular calcium in response to glucose. This was due to a reduced sensitivity of KATP channels in pancreatic beta cells to inhibition by ATP or glucose. In contrast, the sulfonylurea tolbutamide, a specific blocker of KATP channels, closed KATP channels, elevated intracellular calcium levels, and stimulated insulin release in beta-V59M beta cells, indicating that events downstream of KATP channel closure remained intact. Expression of the V59M Kir6.2 mutation in pancreatic beta cells alone is thus sufficient to recapitulate the neonatal diabetes observed in humans. beta-V59M islets also displayed a reduced percentage of beta cells, abnormal morphology, lower insulin content, and decreased expression of Kir6.2, SUR1, and insulin mRNA. All these changes are expected to contribute to the diabetes of beta-V59M mice. Their cause requires further investigation.

Laboratory Animals | 2010

Establishing normal plasma and 24-hour urinary biochemistry ranges in C3H, BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice following acclimatization in metabolic cages.

Michael Stechman; Bushra Ahmad; Nellie Y. Loh; Anita Reed; Michelle Stewart; Sara Wells; Tertius Hough; Liz Bentley; Roger D. Cox; Steve D.M. Brown; Rajesh V. Thakker

Physiological studies of mice are facilitated by normal plasma and 24-hour urinary reference ranges, but variability of these parameters may increase due to stress that is induced by housing in metabolic cages. We assessed daily weight, food and water intake, urine volume and final day measurements of the following: plasma sodium, potassium, chloride, urea, creatinine, calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, albumin, cholesterol and glucose; and urinary sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate, glucose and protein in 24- to 30-week-old C3H/HeH, BALB/cAnNCrl and C57BL/6J mice. Between 15 and 20 mice of each sex from all three strains were individually housed in metabolic cages with ad libitum feeding for up to seven days. Acclimatization was evaluated using general linear modelling for repeated measures and comparison of biochemical data was by unpaired t-test and analysis of variance (SPSS version 12.0.1). Following an initial 5–10% fall in body weight, daily dietary intake, urinary output and weight in all three strains reached stable values after 3–4 days of confinement. Significant differences in plasma glucose, cholesterol, urea, chloride, calcium and albumin, and urinary glucose, sodium, phosphate, calcium and protein were observed between strains and genders. Thus, these results provide normal reference values for plasma and urinary biochemistry in three strains housed in metabolic cages and demonstrate that 3–4 days are required to reach equilibrium in metabolic cage studies. These variations due to strain and gender have significant implications for selecting the appropriate strain upon which to breed genetically-altered models of metabolic and renal disease.

Nature Genetics | 2001

A radiation hybrid transcript map of the mouse genome.

Philip Avner; Thomas Brüls; Isabelle Poras; Lorraine Eley; Shahinaz Gas; Patricia Ruiz; Michael V. Wiles; Rita Sousa-Nunes; Ross Kettleborough; Amer Rana; Jean Morissette; Liz Bentley; Michelle Goldsworthy; Alison Haynes; Eifion Herbert; Lorraine Southam; Hans Lehrach; Jean Weissenbach; Giacomo Manenti; Patricia Rodriguez-Tome; Rosa Beddington; Sally L. Dunwoodie; Roger D. Cox

Expressed-sequence tag (EST) maps are an adjunct to sequence-based analytical methods of gene detection and localization for those species for which such data are available, and provide anchors for high-density homology and orthology mapping in species for which large-scale sequencing has yet to be done. Species for which radiation hybrid–based transcript maps have been established include human, rat, mouse, dog, cat and zebrafish. We have established a comprehensive first-generation–placement radiation hybrid map of the mouse consisting of 5,904 mapped markers (3,993 ESTs and 1,911 sequence-tagged sites (STSs)). The mapped ESTs, which often originate from small-EST clusters, are enriched for genes expressed during early mouse embryogenesis and are probably different from those localized in humans. We have confirmed by in situ hybridization that even singleton ESTs, which are usually not retained for mapping studies, may represent bona fide transcribed sequences. Our studies on mouse chromosomes 12 and 14 orthologous to human chromosome 14 show the power of our radiation hybrid map as a predictive tool for orthology mapping in humans.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Autosomal dominant hypercalciuria in a mouse model due to a mutation of the epithelial calcium channel, TRPV5.

Nellie Y. Loh; Liz Bentley; Henrik Dimke; Sjoerd Verkaart; Paolo Tammaro; Caroline M. Gorvin; Michael Stechman; Bushra Ahmad; Fadil M. Hannan; Sian Piret; Holly Evans; Ilaria Bellantuono; Tertius Hough; William D. Fraser; Joost G.J. Hoenderop; Frances M. Ashcroft; Steve D.M. Brown; René J. M. Bindels; Roger D. Cox; Rajesh V. Thakker

Hypercalciuria is a major cause of nephrolithiasis, and is a common and complex disorder involving genetic and environmental factors. Identification of genetic factors for monogenic forms of hypercalciuria is hampered by the limited availability of large families, and to facilitate such studies, we screened for hypercalciuria in mice from an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis programme. We identified a mouse with autosomal dominant hypercalciuria (HCALC1). Linkage studies mapped the Hcalc1 locus to a 11.94 Mb region on chromosome 6 containing the transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, members 5 (Trpv5) and 6 (Trpv6) genes. DNA sequence analysis of coding regions, intron-exon boundaries and promoters of Trpv5 and Trpv6 identified a novel T to C transition in codon 682 of TRPV5, mutating a conserved serine to a proline (S682P). Compared to wild-type littermates, heterozygous (Trpv5 682P/+) and homozygous (Trpv5 682P/682P) mutant mice had hypercalciuria, polyuria, hyperphosphaturia and a more acidic urine, and ∼10% of males developed tubulointerstitial nephritis. Trpv5 682P/682P mice also had normal plasma parathyroid hormone but increased 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 concentrations without increased bone resorption, consistent with a renal defect for the hypercalciuria. Expression of the S682P mutation in human embryonic kidney cells revealed that TRPV5-S682P-expressing cells had a lower baseline intracellular calcium concentration than wild-type TRPV5-expressing cells, suggesting an altered calcium permeability. Immunohistological studies revealed a selective decrease in TRPV5-expression from the renal distal convoluted tubules of Trpv5 682P/+ and Trpv5 682P/682P mice consistent with a trafficking defect. In addition, Trpv5682P/682P mice had a reduction in renal expression of the intracellular calcium-binding protein, calbindin-D28K, consistent with a specific defect in TRPV5-mediated renal calcium reabsorption. Thus, our findings indicate that the TRPV5 S682P mutant is functionally significant and study of HCALC1, a novel model for autosomal dominant hypercalciuria, may help further our understanding of renal calcium reabsorption and hypercalciuria.

Brain | 2014

Novel mutations in human and mouse SCN4A implicate AMPK in myotonia and periodic paralysis

Silvia Corrochano; Roope Männikkö; Peter I. Joyce; Philip McGoldrick; Jessica Wettstein; Glenda Lassi; Dipa Raja Rayan; Gonzalo Blanco; Colin Quinn; Andrianos Liavas; Arimantas Lionikas; Neta Amior; James R.T. Dick; Estelle G. Healy; Michelle Stewart; Sarah Carter; Marie Hutchinson; Liz Bentley; Pietro Fratta; Andrea Cortese; Roger D. Cox; Steve D.M. Brown; Valter Tucci; Henning Wackerhage; Anthony A. Amato; Linda Greensmith; Martin Koltzenburg; Michael G. Hanna; Abraham Acevedo-Arozena

Corrochano Sanchez et al. identify a novel mutation (I588V) in SCN4A, which encodes the Nav1.4 voltage-gated sodium channel, in a patient with myotonia and periodic paralysis. By generating and characterizing a mouse model (‘draggen’) carrying the equivalent point mutation (I582V), they uncover novel pathological and metabolic features of SCN4A channelopathies.

Endocrinology | 2014

An N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea induced corticotropin-releasing hormone promoter mutation provides a mouse model for endogenous glucocorticoid excess

Liz Bentley; Christopher T. Esapa; M. Andrew Nesbit; Rosie Head; Holly Evans; Darren Lath; Cheryl L. Scudamore; Tertius Hough; Christine Podrini; Fadil M. Hannan; William D. Fraser; Peter I. Croucher; Matthew A. Brown; Steve D.M. Brown; Roger D. Cox; Rajesh V. Thakker

Cushings syndrome, which is characterized by excessive circulating glucocorticoid concentrations, may be due to ACTH-dependent or -independent causes that include anterior pituitary and adrenal cortical tumors, respectively. ACTH secretion is stimulated by CRH, and we report a mouse model for Cushings syndrome due to an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) induced Crh mutation at −120 bp of the promoter region, which significantly increased luciferase reporter activity and was thus a gain-of-function mutation. Crh−120/+ mice, when compared with wild-type littermates, had obesity, muscle wasting, thin skin, hair loss, and elevated plasma and urinary concentrations of corticosterone. In addition, Crh−120/+ mice had hyperglycemia, hyperfructosaminemia, hyperinsulinemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperleptinemia but normal adiponectin. Crh−120/+ mice also had low bone mineral density, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, and decreased concentrations of plasma PTH and osteocalcin. Bone histomorphometry revealed Crh−120/+ mice to have significant reductions in mineralizing surface area, mineral apposition, bone formation rates, osteoblast number, and the percentage of corticoendosteal bone covered by osteoblasts, which was accompanied by an increase in adipocytes in the bone marrow. Thus, a mouse model for Cushings syndrome has been established, and this will help in further elucidating the pathophysiological effects of glucocorticoid excess and in evaluating treatments for corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis.

Disease Models & Mechanisms | 2017

A mouse model for inherited renal fibrosis associated with endoplasmic reticulum stress

Sian Piret; Eric Olinger; Anita Reed; M. Andrew Nesbit; Tertius Hough; Liz Bentley; Olivier Devuyst; Roger D. Cox; Rajesh V. Thakker

ABSTRACT Renal fibrosis is a common feature of renal failure resulting from multiple etiologies, including diabetic nephropathy, hypertension and inherited renal disorders. However, the mechanisms of renal fibrosis are incompletely understood and we therefore explored these by establishing a mouse model for a renal tubular disorder, referred to as autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease (ADTKD) due to missense uromodulin (UMOD) mutations (ADTKD-UMOD). ADTKD-UMOD, which is associated with retention of mutant uromodulin in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of renal thick ascending limb cells, is characterized by hyperuricemia, interstitial fibrosis, inflammation and renal failure, and we used targeted homologous recombination to generate a knock-in mouse model with an ADTKD-causing missense cysteine to arginine uromodulin mutation (C125R). Heterozygous and homozygous mutant mice developed reduced uric acid excretion, renal fibrosis, immune cell infiltration and progressive renal failure, with decreased maturation and excretion of uromodulin, due to its retention in the ER. The ER stress marker 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78) was elevated in cells expressing mutant uromodulin in heterozygous and homozygous mutant mice, and this was accompanied, both in vivo and ex vivo, by upregulation of two unfolded protein response pathways in primary thick ascending limb cells from homozygous mutant mice. However, this did not lead to an increase in apoptosis in vivo. Thus, we have developed a novel mouse model for renal fibrosis, which will be a valuable resource to decipher the mechanisms linking uromodulin mutations with ER stress and renal fibrosis. Summary: A mouse model for renal fibrosis caused by uromodulin mutations reveals roles for ER stress and the unfolded protein response.

Endocrinology | 2017

Mutant Mice With Calcium-Sensing Receptor Activation Have Hyperglycemia That Is Rectified by Calcilytic Therapy.

Valerie N. Babinsky; Fadil M. Hannan; Reshma Ramracheya; Quan Zhang; M. Andrew Nesbit; Alison Hugill; Liz Bentley; Tertius Hough; Elizabeth Joynson; Michelle Stewart; Abhishek Aggarwal; Maximilian Prinz-Wohlgenannt; Caroline M. Gorvin; Enikö Kállay; Sara Wells; Roger D. Cox; Duncan Richards; Patrik Rorsman; Rajesh V. Thakker

The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is a family C G-protein–coupled receptor that plays a pivotal role in extracellular calcium homeostasis. The CaSR is also highly expressed in pancreatic islet α- and β-cells that secrete glucagon and insulin, respectively. To determine whether the CaSR may influence systemic glucose homeostasis, we characterized a mouse model with a germline gain-of-function CaSR mutation, Leu723Gln, referred to as Nuclear flecks (Nuf). Heterozygous- (CasrNuf/+) and homozygous-affected (CasrNuf/Nuf) mice were shown to have hypocalcemia in association with impaired glucose tolerance and insulin secretion. Oral administration of a CaSR antagonist compound, known as a calcilytic, rectified the glucose intolerance and hypoinsulinemia of CasrNuf/+ mice and ameliorated glucose intolerance in CasrNuf/Nuf mice. Ex vivo studies showed CasrNuf/+ and CasrNuf/Nuf mice to have reduced pancreatic islet mass and β-cell proliferation. Electrophysiological analysis of isolated CasrNuf/Nuf islets showed CaSR activation to increase the basal electrical activity of β-cells independently of effects on the activity of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)–sensitive K+ (KATP) channel. CasrNuf/Nuf mice also had impaired glucose-mediated suppression of glucagon secretion, which was associated with increased numbers of α-cells and a higher α-cell proliferation rate. Moreover, CasrNuf/Nuf islet electrophysiology demonstrated an impairment of α-cell membrane depolarization in association with attenuated α-cell basal KATP channel activity. These studies indicate that the CaSR activation impairs glucose tolerance by a combination of α- and β-cell defects and also influences pancreatic islet mass. Moreover, our findings highlight a potential application of targeted CaSR compounds for modulating glucose metabolism.

Current protocols in mouse biology | 2016

Comprehensive Energy Balance Measurements in Mice

Lee Moir; Liz Bentley; Roger D. Cox

In mice with altered body composition, establishing whether it is food intake or energy expenditure, or both, that is the major determinant resulting in changed energy balance is important. In order to ascertain where the imbalance is, the acquisition of reproducible data is critical. Therefore, here we provide detailed descriptions of how to determine energy balance in mice. This encompasses protocols for establishing energy intake from home cage measurement of food intake, determining energy lost in feces using bomb calorimetry, and using equations to calculate parameters such as energy intake (EI), digested energy intake (DEI), and metabolisable energy intake (MEI) to determine overall energy balance. We also discuss considerations that should be taken into account when planning these experiments, including diet and sample sizes.

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